arsenal gets villa in exchange
Villa is too old for Wenger
arsenal gets villa in exchange
I think Breaking Bad is the best thing I've ever seen on TV... It's not my all time favorite (24, Lost and Friends are up there), but it's definitely the one with the most quality.
I need to watch The Wire. :<
The last season particularly saw a huge drop in plausibility, for me. It really felt off compared to the rest. 1-4 is superb stuff though, and unlike nearly all good shows the whole thing wraps up in a beautiful way.
Has Van Persie been discussing his move to Man City tonight?
BTW, I don't think the two look that similar...but they do kinda...
Update - The man on the left is apparently part of RVP's management/agent staff.
In that case, dc89 WHERE YOU AT BUDDY.
Seriously though, if they are the is Van Persie doing, and why the hell would he tweet this picture?
Someone said that guy has a box at the Emirates.
He wouldn't agree to having his pic taken seeing as tapping up is illegal.
I would agree, although imho the quality of the show pretty much goes in order of airing, first is best etc. Season two in particular is incredibly underrated.
Has anyone here upgraded to ESPN on Sky? How long does it take? I need to upgrade my nan's subscription and we want to do it through the red button. This whole thing has caught us all by surprise, we all thought the game was on ITV.
Sadly I've not! It should be instant though, If you ask for Sky Movies through Sky for example they can just flick a switch and it comes through.
So sad the FA Cup isn't exclusive to ITV/BBC now.
Backheel into overhead kick:
long island representing! word, homie.Backheel into overhead kick:
You do, seasons 1 & 2 are brilliant. Then we get into some serious divisive territory as to whether the other seasons stand up quality wise to the first two.
they dont and the last season is garbage, go ahead call The Wire fanboys in, I dont give a fuck.
Honestly, RVP can't be that stupid and neither can that man in the middle if he has some ties to City.
Done, it's set up, gave them a ring. Now to get a couple hours kip before things get serious.
Spent far too long talking my Nan through the Grand National. She always puts a bet on number 7 and number 13, strange custom.
Haha, ever get lucky with it?
I feel obliged to put a bet on Mon Mome since it won me over £300 @ 100/1 a couple years ago. got a fiver on it @ 61/1
I'm actually £28 up from Ladies Day, got lucky with a 16/1 and a 12/1. Will no doubt lose it all today with footy and the national.
She said she's won a fair bit over the years, that was as a reaction to me laughing at her betting methodology.
You on the coach now? Did you use that ticket in the end? Might bob down the shop and by a Times to read the Carra interview before the game. Oh and revel in the Bebe fraud story.
Fuck that Three Stooges movie. Some things are sacred.
Everton wins, Kenny sacked tonight?
interesting that the US owners have chosen opening game of Red Sox over this massive game for Liverpool
Come on Everton. Make the whole world smile.
Everton wins, Kenny sacked tonight?
Allegri: "Muntari's ghost goal is weighing in a devastating manner"
Kill me now.
"This issue has become deathly dull,” replied Conte in this morning’s press conference. “After our reaction at Parma we were told to shut up, which is what we did. The others talk every three days and continually repeat the same things.
“In all honesty, this bores me. But then that’s football, let’s move on. Would we deserve the Scudetto? A week ago you said if Juve win then it’s deserved, now seven days later you’ve already changed your minds.”
Win or lose, Kenny's job is safe. At least until the end of the season, and I'd wager further than that.
Words of wisdom fall on deaf ears.
interesting that the US owners have chosen opening game of Red Sox over this massive game for Liverpool
Fenways (the stadium) 100th anniversary this year. The opening game seems like a pretty huge deal; maybe if it was the final.
ok thats a pretty big deal, agreed.
tough call
anyone see the story where Luis wanker said he would cheat again (ala world cup 2010) to put Liverpool into the FA Cup final (handball on line to stop goal, red card) etc
I'm actually going to shock you all and say that in a way this is a LEGITIMATE move by a player. I have seen it many times as a referee in finals where a player 'takes one for the team'. Yes to an extent its exploting the laws of the game, but you foul and you are sent off and the rules allow for this to happen because there is no 'penalty goals' like in rugby for example
calling that cheating, is a bit extreme. Yes its very, very bad sportsmanship, but its not cheating under the LOTG.
He made the decision that a player who loves and supports his team should have done.