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Football Thread 2012/13 |OT7| Wilde things happen afer dark

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I don't have any current pictures of our dog, but here she is at about 9 weeks old:



Final chapter was weak.

Admit it.

Nah, really liked it.
loved the subversion of attacking Bond's house instead of going to the villain's lair, Bardem was still chilling as fuck, you got the DB5, Craig kicking that guy in the face, Albert Finney was a hoot. Really loved it.


The Ronaldo "calm down" celebration is so awesome. I wish he did that when he was playing for us. He used to point to his champions badge on his sleeve, that was good too.

Skyfall wasn't that good guys. Good but not THAT good. Way too much hype.
Agree on both things :D

Skyfall/bond movies are overrated

Javier Bardem was the only thing that kept me interested.


Dr GAF help, my eye has been twitching for the past few hours and it's annoying me. What's wrong :(

too much masturbation? Have I gained super powers?
Happened to me a while back after not getting enough sleep/staring at computers screens too much.

Take breaks, get enough sleep :)


Pet pictures, awesome.

Me and the missus have a cat. He was 6 months when we rescued him and had already lost his eye by that point. Not sure how but I think he had a rough start in life by all accounts.

He's called Ringo.



Pet pictures, awesome.

Me and the missus have a cat. He was 6 months when we rescued him and had already lost his eye by that point. Not sure how but I think he had a rough start in life by all accounts.

He's called Ringo.

As if you didn't call him cyclops.


How does as a cat cope with one eye?
I only have one (working) eye

Surprisingly well actually. It doesn't affect his every day life in any way. He's incredibly responsive with his toys like feathers on a stick, and he'll always spot stuff like spiders if we get any in the house. He's like a ninja.

Wooden, your dog has made my heart explode. What breed is that? We used to have a Beagle and he looks similar but the head looks a little different. Is she a cross?

As if you didn't call him cyclops.

One of many names rejected by the missus.



Wish they would do away with that animus shite in Assassin's Creed. Why can't you just be an ancient assassin going around and fucking up shit.


I was never a cat person, but I started seeing a women who had a cat, who behaved more like a dog and was won over.


The cats that suck are the ones who look like they're up to something and want no part of interacting with people. Fraidy cats indeed suck. And outdoors cats are just dirtballs.
Wooden, your dog has made my heart explode. What breed is that? We used to have a Beagle and he looks similar but the head looks a little different. Is she a cross?

Nah, it's just a beagle.

Allo fantastic cat, it always makes me happy to see people picking up rescues and would have love to have done that myself, but the beagle is actually my moms and she had pretty bad experiences with rescues before and guess was afraid she couldn't control one.

I wrote this up last month in the thread about pets pooping bad places

My dog never actually shit on me. But once my families dog had its period and we made it wear period pants, it was clearly not happy about it and constantly tried to get them off, but no success was had even though it rubbed itself against anything it could in the living room. But then while it was standing there in the living room it looked, with its back to us who were all kind of laughing at its poor attempts at getting off the pants, its legs started vibrating. You could see all the muscles tightening in its body and then it happened, it was shitting with its pants on. To demonstrate :


It was possible the nastiest thing my dog has ever done and it has done some nasty things, but the dogs plan worked and we had to take the pants of it which at this point was like a full diaper, it was already starting to come off the dog cause the pants were that full of shit, even though a good portion had already gone out of the sides and onto the ground.


il capo silenzioso
Pulga, that was technically a foursome right?


So yeah it's confirmed, I won't be able to watch our game with Inter. Someone should take over for me here. It's pretty easy, if we concede a goal, blame Bonucci. If we miss a shot, blame Matri and/or Vucinic.

Optional: Orgasm over everything Giovinco does.

Attending a conference in Dubai (FADYYY), I'm taking my girlfriend with me and we'll pretend it's not a business trip.


I assumed Sculli got banned for continuously taking the Star Wars threads off topic to talk about Avatar.
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