Relax, H. You know I'm one of the biggest Sterling fans out there. What a player. What a guy. <3
Getting genuinely anxious about his new contract. The reports surfaced like 2 weeks ago now, and nothing's happened. Why do footballer's do this to us? Just sign it you cunt. Become one with Henderbeast, Django and B-Rod. Make us great again. Make England great again*. Don't move to Madrid. pls. They'll ruin you, Raheezus. You'll go from playing too much, to never playing.
Was reading a long article about him the other day, seems he used to be a right little twat growing up in Wembley, surrounded by dangerous characters. Also suggested, that he recognised this, and wanted to leave London, aware that he was on a path to becoming Ravel Morrison, which would have been disastrous. Imagine having the potential to be world class, but not having the mentality to get there, or even realise that you need to change to get there.
3 things can block his path to being one of the best players in the world
1) Injuries, something we are hugely responsible for, especially if we keep overplayng him
2) Moving to a club which will block his progress, something he is responsible for in the end, but we can prevent by offering him the terms he'd be satisfied with
3) Going back to being a twat. That's 99% on him, though we can do our best to keep reminding him how much better off he is without that life
There's no real limit to how good he can become if he escapes and avoids all of that. Boss player, boss hair, boss running style.
The England furore was infuriating. He needs to be trusted to know his own limits, and he could do without the media machine, which has a vested interest in him becoming as good as possible, attacking him through shitty opinion-pieces, moronic ex-players and illogical NHS-workers equating their job to that of a professional footballer.
That kind of hysterical insanity will only fuck things up, if it has any impact at all.