Simeone is the only manager in the world who can make him comeback. I believe!
I dont
I already finished Metro Redux. Great, great game. I started last light which I´ll be destroying late at night after a movie and some fun with the missus.
What a time to be alive.
give me Metro m8
I bought it on the PSN sale. 25 for both games is not bad. I bet is much cheaper on Steam if you´re onto PC Gaming.
I'm into US PSN
Create an EU account and get it from there, you can play it on your main account with no problems!
Sell ur phoneit's cheaper in the US PSN Store m8
I need money, not a change of store pls
one of the cat's has an Elizabethan collar on because she's had an outbreak to fleas and is allergic to them, meaning scabs and sores galore. She has to stay in which means litter tray.
Just dropped her body-weight of shit in the thing :lol
it's cheaper in the US PSN Store m8
I need money, not a change of store pls
What do you guys think about Dragon Age Inquisition? I´m tempted to get it.
What do you guys think about Dragon Age Inquisition? I´m tempted to get it.
I think I'm also dropping a cat out of my anus right now. And its got its claws out.
It's alright.
Perilously close to Ubisoft levels of shit filler, though.
It's alright.
Edit : hixx pls
I knew Wooden was just Hixx putting a voice on!
Oh god yes, getting rid of Torres on Christmas is like the best thing in the world.
Cerci pls
Cerci, what a player. #givecercithebaloon
I need a good RPG. Now that I have time in my hands is the perfect timing to sink in a game like that. But it is got to be very good or otherwise I will abandon it.
Soon, prinny senpai, soon.
Which game is this?! Looks rad.
Pls. An elder gamer such as yourself should know all about Pillars of Eternity, the closest we're ever going to get to Baldur's Gate 3.
Cerci, what a player. #givecercithebaloon
He's good enough for us tho.
Oh god yes, getting rid of Torres on Christmas is like the best thing in the world.
Cerci pls
Soon, prinny senpai, soon.
I hope he is. To be fair, Simeone didn't gave him enough chances in Atleti even tough I think he is shit.
I hope he is. To be fair, Simeone didn't gave him enough chances in Atleti even tough I think he is shit.
Pls. An elder gamer such as yourself should know all about Pillars of Eternity, the closest we're ever going to get to Baldur's Gate 3.
You mean planescape 2? Cuz we already had BG3. It's called Throne of Bhaal. ;P