Broder Salsa
What a glorious time to be a crpg lover. Fuck jrpgs / Bethesda / Bioware. Fuck Kyoufu.
I agree with 3/4 of the fucks in this.

bravely default and persona is good shit
What a glorious time to be a crpg lover. Fuck jrpgs / Bethesda / Bioware. Fuck Kyoufu.
But I love BioWare games...
You're part of the problem.Some of their stuff is alright, I guess.
zabo how can you possibly say no to this
Not enough moe
Far Cry 4 was my first Ubisoft game in years and I'm ready to not play another for a couple more.
Core gameplay is very enjoyable, but my god, that endless open world filler.
Yes, it's optional, but I need to collect 40 letters and destroy 150 propaganda posters and liberate every outpost and do every race and defuse every bomb and complete Shangri-la ....[/IMG
Soon, prinny senpai, soon.[/QUOTE]
Obsidian should can that and start working on Alpha Protocol 2
And speaking of kickstarter projects, what the hell is happening at Double Fine, I want my Broken Age Act II!
I don't understand
why did they take down the psn and xbl? what's the point?
I need a good RPG. Now that I have time in my hands is the perfect timing to sink in a game like that. But it is got to be very good or otherwise I will abandon it.
Divinity: Original Sin m87
I don't understand
why did they take down the psn and xbl? what's the point?
PC exclusive. Don't have a PC.
Far Cry 4 was my first Ubisoft game in years and I'm ready to not play another for a couple more.
Core gameplay is very enjoyable, but my god, that endless open world filler.
Yes, it's optional, but I need to collect 40 letters and destroy 150 propaganda posters and liberate every outpost and do every race and defuse every bomb and complete Shangri-la ....
are you allergic?
I loved it. I did the filler I wanted, got all 1k achievements and only had about 60% complete.
The Shangri-La/Reggie + Yogi missions were fucking terrible and I didn't need to do all them all to get the achievements iirc so I skipped them.
It was fucking great though, probably second to Sunset Overdrive for GOTY, although its not really close.
Steve why the fuck aren't Achievements working. I'm going to be missing loads at this rate.
Fuck Xbox. Fuck PlayStation. Give me a refund Steve.
They will sync back once the service is back, don't worry M8.
They aren't even popping up, prinny. Are my numbers going to grow still? Or are they forever lost like sperm in a tissue?
They aren't even popping up, prinny. Are my numbers going to grow still? Or are they forever lost like sperm in a tissue?
They aren't even popping up, prinny. Are my numbers going to grow still? Or are they forever lost like sperm in a tissue?
Any of you cunts played Attack of the Friday Monsters?
there are like seven people in the world who own a 3ds
there are like seven people in the world who own a 3ds
Three in my house alone
An intriguing statistical anomaly.
Who the fuck is Goober
Can't wait to play it.Far Cry 4 is really pretty
That is all
I'm picturing you sitting behind your computer just in the same way as your avatar saying this out loud.
I quite like the games on 3ds but jesus, why is downloads tied to the hardware and not a user, why is everything still measured in blocks or whatever instead of just mb's, why does nintendo not just fucking release mother 3 already and why does the games barely ever fucking drop in price.
I will just buy some hd remasters on vita instead.![]()
This Miami - Cleveland game is fantastic.
I think you're in the wrong thread. But welcome junior, who do you support?
I'm a born Mandrilista.
Far Cry 4 is really pretty
That is all
I don't like Real Madrid.
I quite like the games on 3ds but jesus, why is downloads tied to the hardware and not a user, why is everything still measured in blocks or whatever instead of just mb's, why does nintendo not just fucking release mother 3 already and why does the games barely ever fucking drop in price.
I will just buy some hd remasters on vita instead.![]()
The bukake guy from efukt. You know, the guy who failed to ejactulate his like first 5 attempts.
You know who should get with the times? OOBISOFT
Fucking uPlay can fucking fuck fuck right fucking off, fuck. It is the sole reason I am never going to play Assassin's Creed or Far Cry ever again.
Why is uPlay so bad? Well, take a seat and listen carefully. In a world where digital distribution software like Steam exists, with an easy to navigate store, community and personal video game library, you do not need an additional program on top of that. When I'd like to play Assassin's Creed from my Steam account, I have to launch it through Steam. It will then direct you to the uPlay client which will always, always, completely freeze my PC for what feels like an eternity. After the God knows how many'th time my computer locked up I dropkicked that piece of shit bloatware from my PC.