Please, Dortmund fans are going to fall to their knees the moment Götze steps on the pitch for them. Everything will be forgiven and forgotten.
"Milan or Madrid, just not Dortmund. Piss off Götze".English?
"Milan or Madrid, just not Dortmund. Piss off Götze".
It's a play on a famous German quote, "Mailand oder Madrid, Hauptsache Italien" -- "Milan or Madrid, the main point is it's Italy", quipped by Andreas Möller when asked about his next destination. Has played in Dortmund, too.
Lol, you're so wrong. Why would we miss him anyway? It's not like the teams is dysfunctional without him and it's not like there's a guarantee he'd improve it.He ditched them and they're pretending that they don't want him anymore, when deep down they're desperate for him. As I wrote, once he plays for them they'll forgive and forget everything.
Not really. Dat injusticia.
What a cracker by Ronaldo there.
Well damn we won!!!
Wow, just wow. Wasn't expecting this at all.
And Ronaldo is a beast.
I know right?
Just going by how amazing Barca has been this season, I was expecting another embarrassing loss to them.
I hope Zidane can keep building the team he wants and that player confidence continues to grow.
Real Madrid is probably the hottest team in Europe right now.
Real Madrid is probably the hottest team in Europe right now.
They and Dortmund. What are we even doing in CL?Real Madrid is probably the hottest team in Europe right now.
They and Dortmund. What are we even doing in CL?
Black dude at the left is priceless.
Remontanda!getting embarassed in the semi finals
first madrid
then barca
this year paris
So do I want my team to win (Saints) to win or Leicester so they can get closer to winning the Prem...
So do I want my team to win (Saints) to win or Leicester so they can get closer to winning the Prem...
Leicester at it again. Also no way was that a red card/penalty for handball unless players are expected to remove their limbs.
Captain Morgan in with the spicy header. Also, rum.
So do I want my team (Saints) to win or Leicester so they can get closer to winning the Prem...