Football Thread |OT12| Kicked the Ballboy Like Stan Hit Ulrika


Its still a 2012 movie though! In 30 years, everyone who liked it will be putting Django on best films of 2012 lists, not 2013.

Life of Pi was quite good. Looked stunning, the tiger was great. Bit repetitive though. Technically and directorially it was a masterpiece innit.

also fuck u, Skyfall was awesome
fuck looper
django should be on the best films ever list and not just 2012

and skyfall was awesome you crazy, hairless brit <3


il capo silenzioso
It was alright.

The book is much better though.

I don't read books. Unless Wooden offers to read it for me.

I loved it, but I am also one of the few people who enjoyed both V for Vendetta and Speed Racer, so my opinion is probably useless :lol:


I enjoyed both, for what they are.


django should be on the best films ever list and not just 2012

and skyfall was awesome you crazy, hairless brit <3

You are right on all counts. Fuck I wish I could rip off your Toni Kroos 2011/12 kit and kiss your sweet pecs until you cried tears of ejaculate



I wouldn't bother going to see it in the cinema if I were you.

Read the book instead. Don't be Yurt.
Haven't read the book yet, read the first few chapters and put it down. I should stop doing that.

Though I remember the hype thread for it compared it to 2001 and Tree of Life.


Skyfall was the best movie of the year. #fact

I was somewhat underwhelmed by it. About 20-25 minutes too long IMO.

I need to go back and determine what my favorite of 2012 was. 2011 was easy for me.. Midnight in Paris. One of my all time favorites I'd say and I'm not even a Woody Allen fan traditionally (maybe I am and just don't know it? I haven't seen many of his films).


Just got off the phone from my friends in Asia.

Turns out, United to win the Premier League, Bradford win the league cup, Madrid win the CL and Villa, QPR and Southampton go down.




Look who we have here.

Cueeenca! Hope he stays injury free.

And so it begins. Ni no Kuni. Here we go.



Just got done reading the PED article, and now I'm a firm believer that all the growth hormones Messi has been fed over the years is the cause of the little despot's unnatural consistency.

Come tell me I'm jealous, FootballFan, you know it to be true.

Your jealousy, it's leaking again. Gotta sort it out bro.

I'm more concerned about the 'Spanish WC winners'.

It can't be the Madrid players because one of them is a keeper and the other two are slow as fuck.

It is the Madrid players, the only way they can keep up with Godiesta, Godvi, Godsquets, Godyul, Godque, Cuntdes, Godba, Godro, Godregas and God..Villa.


Hey, don't shoot the messenger. I had to get some cash from to make sure Ferdinand plays against Madrid. Fixing matches isn't as easy as it sounds.
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