What time (pacific) is the Man U vs. Real Madrid match?
not entirely sure but should be 11:45 am
What time (pacific) is the Man U vs. Real Madrid match?
Hooper should just deck him.
It'd be worth it.
Goddammit Lichsteiner.
Lichen could be sent off if he doesn't pack this shit in.
Hahaha Lichsteiner what are you doing.
Lichsteiner is a piece of shit.
Lichsteiner lool
Lichst is the biggest cunt in Serie A.
Jesus Hooper and Lichenstesineteiner. Grow up lol.
Hooper should be sent off, give Lichsteiner a punch
Twice, actually. Don't get me wrong, Licht is an idiot and deserves the yellow, but Hooper made sure to tap his face on both corners. Cuntish shit.He sorta did already
7:45 to be pacific
Valencia keeper makes Valdes look like Casillas
What is this referee's problem.
11:45pm to be exact.
shouldn't it be am?
Valencia 0-2 PSG
Seconded.why didnt we get an easy draw ?
Forster stepped out of his box there
Valencia keeper makes Valdes look like Casillas
Valencia 0-2 PSG
Valencia 0-2 PSG