Fuck the flu, Hummels will be missed tonight 
Still, we can do this, we just need to score more lol
Still, we can do this, we just need to score more lol
We're gonna smash them.
Fuck the flu, Hummels will be missed tonight
Still, we can do this, we just need to score more lol
It's being reported that Bale is at Old Trafford tonight.
The role he was given in Madrid was a piss-take. Fair enough somebody had to do it but I'm not sure what else he expected from Rooney. Thankless task chasing after Ronaldo and Contreao all game long.The last time Ferguson benched him like this for a major match was back in 2011 when Rooney got drunk out in town and Ferguson wanted to teach him a lesson
No such reports this time, but to be honest he was not very good in Madrid, ran a lot but mostly in vain
I jest.
Sure he is.
He's probably there just to watch the match as strange as that idea is.
We're gonna smash them.
Even Rooney would be a better presence than a starting Giggs in midfield. When he comes on with half an hour left and uses his intelligence, he's great.
He's probably there just to watch the match as strange as that idea is.
Football died when Cannavaro was given the Ballon d'Or.manchester united tactics
there are no tactics
there is only one rule
there is no rule
whatever happens
football dies
I jest.
Football died when Cannavaro was given the Ballon d'Or.jk Yurt just jk
I'm hoping you do. Still a great squad although Hummels would have been great.Fuck the flu, Hummels will be missed tonight
Still, we can do this, we just need to score more lol
Replace Real Madrid with Tottenham and Cristiano Ronaldo with Bale.
Bild says he'll leave if a new striker is signed (Lewa?).
As in Bayern is willing to let him go for 20m. Meh.
A fucking Giggs is gonna beat us
please Özil, Ronnie and Higuain don't fuck this up please score at least SIX FUCKING TIMES ASDADS RASRAS RFAS CAN'T TAKE THE PRESSURE
I don't know how often Real fans sing about him but United fans sing about him pretty much every single week.
we're not going to buy a new striker. at least not this summer
You'd think ITV could ditch Emmerdale for one night. 15 minutes build-up for the game where they will shoe-horn in two ad breaks...
is rooney injured?
is rooney injured?
My anger is over. Now I'm just awaiting the loss. C'est la vie.
Is anyone from here streaming the big match? Namely the person who last season used to broadcast games to gaffers, sorry I'm forgetting your name! I hate the commentators that will be on the Portuguese channel broadcasting the game.
I was also looking to watch the pre-match show right now and see Ronaldo's reception :')
Man up, cunt
I'd rather watch Emmerdale than 30 extra minutes of build up with Adrian Chiles.You'd think ITV could ditch Emmerdale for one night. 15 minutes build-up for the game where they will shoe-horn in two ad breaks...