can I just start out saying that, althought we may share different thoughts on clubs, I respect and value you as a fellow lover of football and I join you happily in being crazy about this sport. I do not connect my thoughts on a club with its fans.
Of course and I have the same feelings for you and all football lovers
Not really, but I still follow football closerly ofc~
No soft spot for Bayern that is dormant currently but can potentially reawaken if the club start doing and saying all the things you like at some point in the future?
You can look less popular leagues there might be a club there that will get your support.
To be clear you don't need a club to love and follow the sport at all and you are fine the way you are but I just feel it is more fun if you had one.
that's not why I hate Real

I don't hold Kroos being there against Real, I hold it against Bayern for letting him go. I thought Kroos was the future of Bayern, a youth team member who became a world beater - like Muller - then they sold him and bought in guys from other leagues/big teams. They sold their soul! Real Madrid gave him the wage he deserved, but Bayern, yeah, can never forgive it~
I think Bayern big mistake there was them underestimating him, I think they thought he reached his maximum potential and was over-achieving and about to get a little less to offer than what he had and what he had was not enough for them if he couldn't get his level much higher. Real Madrid thought he had much more and the rest is history.
Mistakes evaluating players ability and potential happens to all clubs really so even if you didn't forgive them for this mistake surely you shouldn't banish them forever from your heart? forever is a long time mate.
I don't reeeally think about them. Except for the obvious slugs like Ashely and the Man City financial dopers~ Roman A of Chelsea seemed to back off a bit in recent years, so he's fallen off my hate radar a bit
Ashely might be replaced but we don't know yet and Roman only scaled back after getting punished for FFP violations, now that FFP rules are being temporarily relaxed he's going on a roll again, Chelsea will go on big money signings this year and maybe next year too
I can see that you've got Real Madrid rooted deep in your heart, so I'm not gonna change your mind. I think Sergio Ramos should be in prison.
Well yes regarding Real Madrid but I'm not a blind fan, I always listen to reason and truth so I'm fine discussing all things about Real Madrid yes even the negative things in a reasonable manner.
About Ramos, he's the type that love the club from all his heart and the type of player that is highly motivated that will do anything on the pitch for the club to win. Of course that will lead to a lot of incidents that will make people hate him and I understand that but he's a leader on the pitch and many clubs would LOVE to have him if they could.
In prison though? don't you think that is a bit much?
I think my problem with Barca is that it hasn't been 'mas que un club' for 6 or 7 years. They haven't been sponsored by Unicef for ever - nobody seems to call them out on that - and they changed their objectives at La Masia, they don't train the same Cruyff-inspired football they used to there. They've totally jettisoned their spirit - and it's a shame that they've done it to try and force more ECL titles for Messi, because Messi is the greatest exponent of La Masia of all time~ And yet they've just totally ditched it~ Fuck them. They should bring back Unicef on their shirts.
It is always easier to fain grace when you're at the top of the mountain than when you are at the bottom. It was easier to project that image when they had a golden generation coming out of their academy but that occurrence is rare, Barcelona milked it to the last drop pretending that their academy produces golden generations constantly and many bought it. Look at the club legends and you will find out how many were bought players and not a product of the academy.
Don't get me wrong Bareclona academy do produce top talent but so other big clubs academies the thing is they don't have a higher talent rate than the top other clubs like they want you to believe. Like other top clubs they enjoy that every young talent in the world dreams to play for them and thus the pool to choose from at the academy level is huge and again it is the same for the other top clubs. They did not change any objectives at their academy they just had a rare occurrence and they milked it in PR form to high heavens which is understandable to bring in more international recognition and more money in. to play Cruyff style you need players that can play that style at the top level, Cruyff himself got inspired from others for the style and I don't see it a bad to deviate from it as long as what you're doing is top level football, being a one style of play club is bad long term. Messi is one of of not the best player Barcelona ever had but let's be honest Messi need other players around him to achieve what he achieved and losing those players will effect the end result there's nothing you can do about it unless you get lucky again with your talent.
About Unicef, it was a trojan horse anyway Barcelona wanted sponsorship money but having no sponsor on their shirt was one of their advertised "we are above this" traits so wanted to soften people into it without admitting to if so Unicef was perfect to pretend. Unicef will not pay more than the other sponsors that they had ever since so Unicef will not be back on their shirts.
Saying all of that I want to make it clear that all of the things Barcelona did for PR reasons are understandable.
Again, I don't think I'm gonna change your mind. When an entire team sprints to the ref, puts their hands behind their back and start screaming at him, I think they all deserve to have giant serrated objects inserted in their <whatevers> right there on the pitch.
So it is about crowding the ref, I agree it is annoying and unsportsmanlike to do but it is an advantage that the players can get so they will always get it and that goes to all clubs. I'l fine if new rules or regulations come into play to try to minimize it like only the captain can talk to the ref about any incident or the player getting the decision but I feel someone should be able to talk to the ref in a respectful manner of course. Until then the players will take advantage and I will always try to ignore it.
They're all also-rans, aren't they? So you know they're not so interesting for me, I watch the EPL much more. Also, Spanish football in general - including Futsal, which is 'my' sport - is full of the same kind of ref intimidation and shitty play that I hold against Real, Barca and all those other teams. You don't see Liverpool doing that, and as far as I'm concerned that should mean the end of it for all time
What do you also-rans?
Players will always try to milk every advantage they can muster so I'm not surprised by any of it. Tactically La Liga is way ahead of the BPL which play in a brute force style more than anything which is entertaining too, it is really about what type of entertainment a fan like to see and for me tactics and strategy is more entertaining then brute force but to each their own of course. And you will see the BPL clubs doing it sooner or later to gain any advantage they can get so unless new rules get made get used to it, you still get the brute force type of play though because I don't see the BPL clubs caring about tactics anytime soon.
I kind of knew from the start, when Pep moved Lahm to midfield, that he was going to pervert my favourite club and take away everything that made it great. Bayern under Heynckes was like Liverpool today but with a bit more elegance. Robbery is my favourite wing pairing of all time.
I'm sorry I think Bayern was better than current Liverpool. Bayern had solid tactics on the pitch and had the talent and the players to push forward, current Liverpool have very basic tactics and brute force forward push, for me Bayern was much better.
He's a decent manager. I think he's more like Morinho than people think. Outdated and getting more and more nasty.
I think they both will be around for a long while to be honest and they will still be able to get good results

Anytime mate