Any fans of Hero system out there?
For those RPGamers who don't know the system, I feel this quote sums it up. Remember to read it aloud for the full effect:
For those RPGamers who don't know the system, I feel this quote sums it up. Remember to read it aloud for the full effect:
To determine the Damage Class of an NND Energy Blast, start with the base Power - Energy Blast, which has 1d6 per DC. NND is a +1 Power Advantage, so each d6 costs (5 x (1 + 1)) = 10 Active Points. Dividing 10 Active Points by 5 Active Points yields a 2. Therefore it takes 2 DCs to get 1d6 EB NND, so each DC of an EB NND is 1/2d6 damage.
Now something trickier.