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For those who have FF7 OG in your top 3 of all time, thoughts on Rebirth?

For those who have FF7 OG in your top 3 of all time, thoughts on Rebirth?

  • OG FF7 is in my top 3, I liked Rebirth

    Votes: 79 58.5%
  • OG FF7 is in my top 3, I didn't mind Rebirth

    Votes: 11 8.1%
  • OG FF7 is in my top 3, I disliked Rebirth

    Votes: 31 23.0%
  • OG FF7 is in my top 3, haven't played/not interested in Rebirth

    Votes: 14 10.4%

  • Total voters


FF7 OG is my GOAT, and Rebirth.. I think I hate it. I just forced myself to play a few more hours today (chapter 9 and some of chapter 10), and I just can't get with it at all. The pointless additions, deviations from OG plot, characters (you know who) popping up constantly for NO REASON just to give us an 'epic' kill or trailer shot.

So I was doing some googling, and found a bunch of posts on various sites of people who consider the OG as their fav of all time, but dislike Rebirth.

Just wondered if this was common.
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Ff7 probably is top 3 all time.

I enjoyed rebirth for what it was. Has fun with the game but it's not well balanced. Some bosses were hard I guess but the game encourages you to do all the side shit and it makes you too powerful except for the special bosses.

Also the way they handled clouds identity crisis just isn't as good and comes across as weird. Also kinda they spoil it for later when seph would fuck with cloud and tell him he wasnt there by having tifa tell the player (us) so early on. Maybe it doesn't matter because anyone playing rebirth would have more than likely played the original.

Also I have no idea if the sephiroth in the game is the actual one or one from the future? I no idea what all the timeline nonsense was, other than to shoe horn Zack in for fan service. It just seemed stupid as fuck. Especially as it literally have no impact on anything.
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I appreciate what Rebirth is. It’s a faithful reimagining that takes its own liberties to provide something worthwhile and deserving of the FF7 name.

That said, we are still in the honeymoon phase and once it passes, the bloat and eventual technological increases will certainly mar its impact. But I’m very glad we got this as opposed to a terrible effort along the lines of Dirge or Advent Children.


OG FF7 is in my top 5. Rebirth is in my top 20. Remake wasn't great but it's grown on me over time but still doesn't touch Rebirth.

Fantastic effort by Square Enix.
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I loved Remake, for me it was 10/10 and was everything in every regard I pictured in my wildest dreams...

Rebirth... I don't dislike it, I've spent 300 hours on it. But honestly? I thought it was a letdown coming from Remake, for a wide variety of reasons, most of which are nitpicky, but all add up to me feeling like they prioritized the wrong things.

First, the game, to me, feels overall less polished than Remake. Visuals are a huge downgrade overall, open world looks flat, linear sections look better, but the game's HDR looks worse than Remake, leading to a vasiline look. Remake had more fine tune adjustments for HDR. (Hoping PC version fixes this, either officially or mods) The menus are really ugly compared to the sleek 2D look that Remake had, and why the hell was the lifestream inspired upgrade screen replaced with boring, flat 2D nodes? And the new 3D menu feels slower to navigate compared to Remake. All of this isn't really all that important, but really disappointing nonetheless.

Second, people complained about Remake feeling padded, besides chapters 9-11 I thought it moved pretty well, but holy hell...Rebirth feels so slow, plot barely moves at all till after costa del sol. The game also has a weird hyper focus on a more lighthearted tone for the first half of the game, I don't mind that, but it leads to tonal whiplash later on, (i won't spoil it for people holding out on PC) Part 3 really needs to balance pace and tone better. Remake was only silly where it made sense, and the tone shifts were more gradual.

Third, I actually like the fact it's content rich with all the mini-games, challenges etc... but I find the difficulty of all this stuff absurd for getting 100% completion, imo the mini-games should not require such precision to get the highest score, and the combat challenges felt really off balance, expecting players to play 100% flawlessly, challenge is great, but the tuning here just felt...too much. Now do note, I am physically disabled, so I probably struggled more with the combat challenges and mini games more so than the average player, so my experience is a little skewed. But I was able to Plat remake without too much hassle, and I've given up on platting this. (Also the mini games' heavy use of triggers was a huge deterrent to my enjoyment, that's a me issue though, but wish they had remapping like yakuza)

Fourth, I am not bothered by the plot, would rather have a new experience than a totally butchered copy of the OG. But...the execution in a few areas could have been much, much better. But I don't wanna go into all those specifics right now.

So yeah, didn't hate it, but coming from Remake was let down, I'm weird though and one of very few people who thinks Remake is superior.


Both are not even in my third. Although,
OG is still better for me. I might buy Rebirth when i got spare money someday. That dementor still left sours to me : /

Maybe if there is any collections for three games, someday.


I liked Rebirth and I think it’s because it is less obsessed than Remake with the idea of constantly changing the story compared to the original. What it adds feels meaningful and an addition to the original instead of just « subverting your expectations ».

It’s also the very first time imo that real-time combat maintains a good balance between feedback and depth, there is a lot of variety in the skills and playstyles of different characters.

I skipped a good 70% of all the side quests, open world and mini games - only doing it to reach the recommended level and I have zero regrets.

Only part they really fucked up is Cosmo Canyon, and the last two chapters but that’s only because by then you’ve figured out everything about the combat.


I love FFVII and Rebirth is my goty.

The open world side quests were boring to me, but since they're optional they didn't affect my enjoyment.

I really enjoyed the story changes and additions and I would be disappointed if they hadn't added new stuff.

Even if I don't end up enjoying the story as much as the original after the third part, I will still be fine with it.


It's good but the side quests were generally ass and the minigames over tuned.

oh and multiverse bollocks. As bad as "and then I woke up" storytelling.
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Stopped about 8 hours into FF7 Intergrade. Terrible dialogue and boring gameplay. It soured me on the OG as well. Don't think I'll ever return to the world of FF7 now. I just hope they don't fuck up 9 remake.


OG is in my top 3 for sure, I liked Rebirth from the nostalgia standpoint. Battle system, music and world were all done amazingly well.

That being said, fuck the changes to the story. It does the game no favors and would have been better if it stayed a 1:1 remake rather than try to be this weird remake/sequel hybrid.


FF7 is top 5 material for me, and the remakes are.. well, as games they're ok. But they have nothing on the original.
7/10 games, both of them for me.


Gold Member
FFVII is in my list of probably top 10 favorite games. I liked both Remake and Rebirth quite a bit. Yes, Remake was somewhat limited, but I thought they did a good job within those limitations.

Rebirth I thought was great. Yes, there was bloat, but you don’t have to mess with most of it unless you really need to Platinum / 100% the game.

As it is, I really enjoyed the expanded world and liked the narrative choices minus a bit too much of Seph and the ending was kind of mid.

I take the new Trilogy as “Alternate History” basically, more “What If” scenario of the first game and not 1 to 1 for obvious reasons.


I hated Remake, i feel bettrayed with all this cutscene filer added and Sephiroth everywhere, also all this bad dialogue and anime cutscene kill me. Some cutscene feel worse than the original. (sector 7 plate)
It's like Original FF7 merged with the worse Disney/Marvel shit with Kingdom Hearts.

I never claimed a remake like most 'tard on the Internet wanted bc they never touched the OG. I've always wanted Square pushed their creativity with new FF with new character and universe.

My through for Rebirth? I don't give a shit and i'm glad it flopped.
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Rebirth is incredible and I still can't believe how detailed and huge they made the world of FF7, whilst having hours of better than Advent Children cinematics and graphics with god tier music and one of the best combat systems ever. It's in my top 5 JRPGs of all time which makes it in my top 5 games of all time. :messenger_tongue:
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Response to people in here:

Anyway, I don't have any certain feeling towards Remake and Rebirth. I like the re-imagining and will see it through until Part 3 is over.


Remake is in my top 20.
Rebirth is in the top 10.

It might be nostalgia and certainly that contributes, but they’re all fantastic games. I can’t believe they got the combat so right. It is such a deep system. Hard mode makes the game completely different again and is a real challenge at points. And then the end game quests and battles are so satisfying. They might have overdone it a little on some side quests, but they couldn’t have done it better in my opinion.


Gold Member
Never played the original, but rebirth is very mid. Overall Story seems decent, but there’s some very questionable writing, including very modern gen Z eque language that is just wildly out of place. Some very annoying characters, everything feels like a Disney world ride than a high drama game. Some of the extremely annoying voices/characters play on repeat, such as whenever performing the battle scan fights, or whatever they’re called…regardless of it it’s your first attempt. Lot is just badly written over the top stuff that is assume are meant to be funny/comic relief but are just over the top and not funny.

The game is pretty with a massive and detailed world, that is mostly….empty. It’s like the worst of Ubisoft. Every “region” has like 5 “towers”, mostly all the same, fight a few monsters at the bottom, activate it, it’ll reveal some bits on the map. Every region has one moogle are. Every area you need to find a chocobo to unlock chocobo travel. Every has a couple treasure digs, which is ride chocobo, smell to find 3 places to dig. Every area has 3 ancient crystals, always in a cave to find that trigger a memory mini game, find 3 to make the regions summon easier.

Speaking of summons, there’s no interesting quest or mystery, each regions summon is just automatically added to chadleys (mega annoying) “battle simulator” as you reach each region.

Everything is so cookie cutter uninspired and boring. There’s also no reason to explore, there’s these massive areas and they hardly ever place anything to find in them, like treasure chest. And usually when you do find one, the contents are meh.

Whoever did the activity and quest design should be sacked.

The weapon variety and upgrade paths are very underwhelming. Even stuff like the enemy intel section, which is almost but not a bestiary is badly done.

There’s a lot of great stuff in the game, but they’ve royally fucked it from ever being great by making the safest most uninspired droll content to fill it with.

I’ll never understand why and how these companies keep spending such enormous budgets and making such slop, and such basic mistakes.


Love em all. Brilliant games. A few too many annoying mini games in rebirth but still adore them.

The original modded using 7th Heaven is very very playable and quite the looker even today. Coupled with upgraded SFX and improved music it's glorious.

The new games have absolutely wonderful combat once you master it and is a constant nostalgia fest.

Can't wait for the next one.
Final Fantasy 7 is one of the most important games in terms of how it has impacted my life and shaped my taste.

I really REALLY disliked Rebirth. The first few chapters were pretty great. I started feeling discomfort around Chapter 5, and then it was just downhill from there.

I don't think it does really anything better story-wise than the original game did. The world is beautiful, sure. But I'm fine playing through the original's visuals.

The main party's personalities were well done (except maybe Cid). However, every non-party character felt off, especially Shinra and Sephiroth.

The ending was bullshit. I don't have much hope for Part 3, though I'll still play it.

After that, I probably won't touch the Remake series again. If I wanted to experience FF7's story, I'll just replay the PSX version.
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Gold Member
As someone just starting Rebirth, i’ve learnt to avoid the side content by reading this thread.
They are very poor. I had such high hopes, after since a kid hearing how great ff7 was, for some reason I never got around to playing it when it first released. Then now with everyone seemingly praising it as the game of the year. Like, it’s…fine? Like an above average game, but that’s about it. I’ll be very disappointed if it walks away with game of the year. 🤷‍♂️


Idk about top 3, but I do love FF7. I also love both Remake and Rebirth.

You have to look at them for what they are - completely new games and not meant to replace FF7. Technically, they aren't even remakes, but sequels that take place during the same timeline as the original game.


Only Played Remake and didn't like it at all.

OG FF7 had great pacing, character development, subtly and foreshadowing.
Remake has no of it.
It was far too busy spunking it's load for Sephiroth.

OG Sephiroth was slowly unveiled and it played really well into his grandeur.


This single scene played into his character far more than any or the remake did.

Having said that. I did enjoy seeing the city in 3D.


It’s complicated. I think there are some things the remake does better, such as the characters and their dynamic with each other. The gameplay is the blend of action and turn based that they’ve been trying to figure out for years, and finally got right with these games. The soundtrack is God Tier, the content is great, and it’s the best Final Fantasy game (besides XIV) since the Golden years.

However, whenever the story goes off script from the original and tries to do its own thing, that’s when the game really suffers. I don’t wanna get into it too much, but how they handled Aerith’s death in Rebirth was fucking terrible. It was the most obnoxious, overly complicated, loud, nonsensical thing they could’ve done, when it really should’ve just been about the loss of a loved one and how the characters dealt with that.

If Part 3 revisits her death, and shows what really happened by replaying the scene as it really happened, and then actually show her funeral, that might take the sting off. However it won’t fix how badly they blew it in Part 2 with all that build up.
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I hate all the unnecesary filler and deviation from the original story in both Remake and Rebirth.

They especially fucked up Aerith's death scene, by also making it the final boss all emotional impact was gone

The narrative structure is just way WAY better in the OG game and nobody will change my mind on that, the moment it turns into a murder mystery after the events at Shinra it becomes one of the best stories in JRPGs, but the incessant padding and bunch of side stories in the Remakes kill all that IMO.

From a marketing perspective it's actually genius what they've done though, since there are many of us OG fans that hate how the narrative has been handled but there's also those that defend the remakes, they have esentially made both the remakes and the OG game must plays which leads to more sales of all versions.


Has rebirth turn based combat? Actually, does any FF since X has turned based combat?
If not, then I'm not gonna like it.


OG is one of my favourite games of all time. I did remake but am only 3 quarters through rebirth. For me personally, I dont like the remakes. I said when they first announced this, just take the time and make the entire game as one. We will end up with the complete saga across ps4, ps5 and prob ps6. I wish they had done a remake like the recent dragon quest game.

For anyone on pc, i just reinstalled the original ff7 and have mods running via seventh heaven and wow! This is what the remake could have been and for me I am going to stick to that instead.


What time is it?
I loved FF7 back in the day and I spent most of my non-work waking hours playing it for about two weeks after it released. I hate finished Remake earlier this year. The changes they made to the story ruin it for me and I just don't enjoy the revamped combat system. I quit Rebirth around chapter 4 for similar reasons. I've never revisited the original and I kind of want to, but Remake/Rebirth have me afraid to test my nostalgia.
Only Played Remake and didn't like it at all.

OG FF7 had great pacing, character development, subtly and foreshadowing.
Remake has no of it.
It was far too busy spunking it's load for Sephiroth.

OG Sephiroth was slowly unveiled and it played really well into his grandeur.


This single scene played into his character far more than any or the remake did.

Having said that. I did enjoy seeing the city in 3D.
I'm assuming you haven't seen this scene in Rebirth? It's embarrassing. Turns out Sephiroth had an epic underwater anime battle with the Midgar Zolom.

The current writers have no understanding of the CONCEPT of subtlety.

However, as I said earlier, when the game sticks to the script it's really great. Loved seeing all the FF7 locations in such high quality, as well as the combat system and soundtrack. I think the good outweighs the bad, overall.
Not in my top 3 of all time, but FF7 def the best FF game. I loved Remake and Rebirth and they're both worth playing. As most of you can see from reading all the responses, everyone has a different take so you need to decide for yourself. The only things that annoyed me about Remake were the sidequests/padding and insistence on the whole whisper plotline. Rebirth was an improvement on just about everything except for visual quality (balanced by how HUGE it is) and the battle system (I strongly prefer Remake's, there is just too much going on and too many systems in Rebirth).

On the story notes, we will need to wait for the conclusion of the trilogy in order really make any final determination if things truly jumped the shark or if it's a masterpiece that respects and expands on the original. Very hard to say now, by design.

Miyazaki’s Slave

Gold Member
I posted this when FF7R came out.

As someone who has several hundred hours into FF7 when it first released and a dozen or so additional playthroughs since then, I would recommend Make and Birth over playing FF7 OG.

Doubly so if the person has not played any of the original Final Fantasy games. If they started with *shudder* FF10 or (even worse) the FF13 games then I would steer them toward the new ones. While I can appreciate the OG FF7, I would sound like a crazy person if I told a 20 something to play FF7 on a emulator or however else they would choose to play it.


Rebirth is probably my favorite game this year and I think Remake and Rebirth are better than the originals.

It's controversial to say that, but I don't care....that's how I feel.

I can't fucking wait for Part 3.


FF7 isn't in my top 3, but it is in my top 10.

Rebirth is the best game I've played in almost 20 years.


Spoilers below for rebirth

Honestly rebirth was grand. The multiverse stuff is pissing me off slightly though and I hadn't a clue wtf was going on.

And then the shit with the ending...the whole emotion from loosing Aerith was lost and they didn't even show cloud leaving her body in the water....then she's standing there talking to cloud. Sure this could be Cloud going nuts OR more multiverse shit since he could see the sky being different.

Fucking multiverses


FF7 isn't honestly even in my top 10 of all time, as I think the game is severely overrated, but it is a good game nonetheless. I enjoyed Remake, or at least I should say I enjoyed "playing" Remake. I hated hearing, seeing, and experiencing Remake, but it had somewhat fun gameplay. Rebirth, I honestly haven't played yet, but I honestly don't intend to. For some reason, nothing about it appeals whatsoever. It just isn't what I want from the game. I just don't know why they lean into the Kingdom Hearts writing so much. I've already looked into the story and what not, and it's insultingly stupid. Just seems like anime level writing for weebs, and though I'm sure it's at least somewhat fun to play, there are other games that are more fun to play and also don't make me want to stab my ear drums with forks.

This direction for the remake(s) of the classic is not what I wanted, and I wager it's not what many people who appreciated the original wanted, thus the poor sales of Rebirth. Just the fact that my wife, who is a mega fan of the original, has no interest whatsoever in playing the new ones really speaks volumes.
I called it years ago though, I knew carving the remake into multiple titles would confuse the market place and ultimately hurt sales potential, and here we are. They should have stowed the greed and just made one fantastic remake, but they figured they could triple their potential revenue l, so I'm quite happy to see the decision come back and slap em in the balls. Feels just.


They need to make a proper remake of FF7 (Turn Based), FF7R is not a bad game, but doesn’t have the soul of FF7OG at all… They changed the gameplay to reach more audience and failed hard.


I'm not quite done with Rebirth yet - about a third through chapter 13 - but I like it and don't have many complaints. I enjoyed the optional content. If anything I was pissed at the Queens Blood difficulty spike with the last game there. I did all the side quests that popped up except the one at the Gold Saucer with the Ultimate Party Animal. I just didn't have it in me to master those mini games more.

That said I do prefer Remake. I didn't find it to be as padded as some do.

I am probably more likely to replay the original FF7 than the remakes though. Mostly because I am kind of getting burned out on modern game design.
Only Played Remake and didn't like it at all.

OG FF7 had great pacing, character development, subtly and foreshadowing.
Remake has no of it.
It was far too busy spunking it's load for Sephiroth.

OG Sephiroth was slowly unveiled and it played really well into his grandeur.


This single scene played into his character far more than any or the remake did.

Having said that. I did enjoy seeing the city in 3D.
They fucked up this scene in Rebirth.
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