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Forbes - 'Ghostbusters' Box Office: Is A $50 Million Weekend A Big Enough Debut?

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To be fair, that was a dream.

It's presented as a dream but that's only because they shot the entire sequence of them sleeping in a fort but it was too long so they chopped it up and added it to the montage. The Tobin's Spirit Guide that just came out actually treats it as an event that really happened, not a dream, and has an entry on the ghost, saying that Ray goes back to the fort often for *ahem* further research.



$50 million wouldn't be a disaster, but you have to wonder whether sadly they would have done more with a male cast.

Interesting to think about the implications when it comes to merchandising too. Rightly or wrongly, little boys are probably less likely to want female action figures - I guess the question is whether little girls will take to Ghostbusters in a way that meets that deficit.

Anyway, hope it's good and does well.
I like how people keep bringing up one quick scene in a montage and how that makes the ending of the reboot somehow acceptable? There's a very big difference between a quick lewd joke in a montage and the big finale of your big action set piece.

Bold One

If Hemsworth is really the only good thing about this movie then I'll just wait for the youtube clips.

If Hemsworth is really the only good thing about this movie, it has failed on every conceivable level in this universe and all alternate realities.
Yes, because Ernie Hudson, Bill Murray, Rick Moranis, Sigourney Weaver, Dan Aykroyd, Annie Potts, and the corpse of Harold Ramis all want to make another Ghostbusters movie. What is it with nerds being so super defensive of their interests?

Actually, I'm pretty sure everyone you just mentioned did express interest in a Ghostbusters sequel at one point or another, save for Bill Murray. Rick Moranis retired from acting but said he could be convinced to return with the right script.

Basically a Ghostbusters 3 could have been made well
over a decade ago had Murray not been such a prick. Yes, there were other factors, but from what I've read of the history GB3, it seems like more than anyone else it was Murray who was holding everyone else back.

They were only able to make this reboot because Harold Ramis died. Otherwise, I doubt Murray would have ever played a part in a new Ghostbusters, cameo or otherwise.


I predict that the first week will be MASSIVE.

Everyone who disliked the trailer will be there on the first week.
Actually, I'm pretty sure everyone you just mentioned did express interest in a Ghostbusters sequel at one point or another, save for Bill Murray. Rick Moranis retired from acting but said he could be convinced to return with the right script.

Basically a Ghostbusters 3 could have been made well
over a decade ago had Murray not been such a prick. Yes, there were other factors, but from what I've read of the history GB3, it seems like more than anyone else it was Murray who was holding everyone else back.

They were only able to make this reboot because Harold Ramis died. Otherwise, I doubt Murray would have ever played a part in a new Ghostbusters, cameo or otherwise.

Yup. Bill Murray has been a giant turd for almost 30 years. Guess he couldn't get over the fact that Ramis had a hand in most all his best film work.
Actually, I'm pretty sure everyone you just mentioned did express interest in a Ghostbusters sequel at one point or another, save for Bill Murray. Rick Moranis retired from acting but said he could be convinced to return with the right script.

Basically a Ghostbusters 3 could have been made well
over a decade ago had Murray not been such a prick. Yes, there were other factors, but from what I've read of the history GB3, it seems like more than anyone else it was Murray who was holding everyone else back.

They were only able to make this reboot because Harold Ramis died. Otherwise, I doubt Murray would have ever played a part in a new Ghostbusters, cameo or otherwise.

Yeah but almost every idea and script suggestion I've heard sounded awful.

It's almost a blessing that they never did another one with the old crew.

The second already had a stark drop in quality.
Yeah but almost every idea and script suggestion I've heard sounded awful.

It's almost a blessing that they never did another one with the old crew.

The second already had a stark drop in quality.

2 was fantastic. It's not on 1's level, but few films are.

3 should have been an expansion of Knock Knock. I think Akroyd was looking at something like that at one point.
2 was fantastic. It's not on 1's level, but few films are.

3 should have been an expansion of Knock Knock. I think Akroyd was looking at something like that at one point.

2 was alright, an average film, that was reviewed as such.

New one will probably be on par with it maybe a bit worse, maybe a bit better.

And still all of the ideas I ever heard coming out of Aykroyd for III were blatantly not good.

Put it this way a bad sequel with the OG cast hurts worse than a bad reboot (and I don't think this one is going to be that bad)
2 was alright, an average film, that was reviewed as such.

New one will probably be on par with it maybe a bit worse, maybe a bit better.

And still all of the ideas I ever heard coming out of Aykroyd for III were blatantly not good.

Put it this way a bad sequel with the OG cast hurts worse than a bad reboot (and I don't think this one is going to be that bad)

If the reboot is as good as G2 I would be overjoyed beyond measure. I continue to think G2 gets a bad rap. The only thing really against it is the similarity in structure to G1.

Knock Knock, as in, the movie where Keanu Reeves is home-invaded by two young girls?!


One of the candidates for best episode of The Real Ghostbusters. Which is quite a feat given how good the writing of that show was in the early seasons.

Blue Lou

I watched Ghostbusters 1984 and Ghostbusters II 1989 yesterday.

I enjoyed both. I really don't understand the dislike for II. So many jokes/scenarios landed, even the forgotten ones comparing Vigo to Thomas Gainsborough's Blue Boy or Louis Tully saying he'll find Venkman's address from his tax forms and Janosz's sheer audacity at asking Vigo if he could have Dana for a wife. :)


Didn't see this review posted


Strong cast marred by weak writing and bad slapstick humor tl;dr

Early Bird Critic ‏@EarlyBirdCritic 11h11 hours ago
#Ghostbusters attempts to create equality within Hollywood, and it ends up shaming men and making women look awful. So I guess it succeeded.

Doesn't look good...

On a related note, this reviewer has also already seen Suicide Squad? I didn't know it was shown for critics already.
Or maybe all the scripts had been giant turds

GIven that Murray refused to talk to Ramis all those years, I don't think a script twice as good as G1 would have gotten him back. Hell, it might just have increased his jealousy of Ramis.

I watched Ghostbusters 1984 and Ghostbusters II 1989 yesterday.

I enjoyed both. I really don't understand the dislike for II. So many jokes/scenarios landed, even the forgotten ones comparing Vigo to Thomas Gainsborough's Blue Boy or Louis Tully saying he'll find Venkman's address from his tax forms and Janosz's sheer audacity at asking Vigo if he could have Dana for a wife. :)

Yep. The entire courtroom scene was flawless. Without G2 there's no doh ray egon, and that just doesn't bear thinking about


Yep. The entire courtroom scene was flawless. Without G2 there's no doh ray egon, and that just doesn't bear thinking about

Yeah there are some pretty great parts and jokes in Ghostbusters 2. The court room scene is one of my favorite catching ghosts scenes.
It does have some big flaws compared to the first, like the stupid changes to make it more like the cartoon and the plot that follows the first one way too closely.
Overall I don't think it's nearly as bad as most people say it is but it isn't close to the greatness of the first either.
If the reboot is as good as G2 I would be overjoyed beyond measure. I continue to think G2 gets a bad rap. The only thing really against it is the similarity in structure to G1.


One of the candidates for best episode of The Real Ghostbusters. Which is quite a feat given how good the writing of that show was in the early seasons.
Ah, right, I was wondering if maybe it was an RGB episode.

When I got the Firehouse Box Set of RGB a couple years ago and started rewatching them again it blew my fucking mind that JMS was a writer, and his episodes tended to be the really extravagant, dark, plot/mythology heavy ones. RGB was such a good show. Shame on anyone who has the gall to say Ghostbusters as a concept can't sustain a film franchise when there was so much good work put into the show.

I know a lot of people like to shit on the idea of "oh ugh hell takes over New York yawn" but honestly, if you're shooting for a Ghostbusters Trilogy I can't really think of a bigger finale than the boys fighting the fucking devil himself. And it's also the story Dan Aykroyd himself was the most passionate about I think, based on how long he stuck with it, doing rewrite after rewrite to try and coax Murray back into the fold so he could finally make it. There were a lot of GB3 concepts (GB Inc, GB International, etc) but Ghostbusters Go To Hell was the one I think he wanted to do the most.


Just no.

"Woman returning from death for the purpose of... sucking a tubby manbaby's dick in his sleep" was the stupidest part of Ghostbusters, tho

Actually, Dan Akroyd wasn't really Tubby in GB1. I just watched it last night and was surprised how lean he was compared to my memories.


Murray is a shitlord so idunno where the reverence for him comes from

He's pretty funny... But I think he's probably like the worst person ever to be friends with. He doesn't come across as particularly likable in interviews, and it seems like he's kind of a whiner in general.

Also he made 2 Garfield movies. Personally, I think his biggest reasons for not doing GB3 is he didn't want to carry around a Proton pack again. I've read a few things that make it seem like he crazy put out by having to wear it.
Has anyone called this a "Sheboot" yet? If not, I'm taking credit.

Grinchy, stop trying to make 'sheboot' happen. It's not going to happen. :p

Gonna be seeing this on Saturday. I'm a huge fan of the 'Ghostbusters' world, had the firehouse toy & the cars & figures as a kid, loved the animated show, even played the shit out of the Commodore 64 game. Going in with an open mind and as a fan of the four main cast members & director.


This movie will be like Indiana Jones 4. Same name but a cheap joke. Not going to watch, for those who do, hope they enjoy.
Christ, I can't wait to see how this all plays out.

Whether the scumbags will be proven right or if instead it will actually turn out to be a bad movie.

Has anyone called this a "Sheboot" yet? If not, I'm taking credit.

I've been calling it a shemake since forever.
Interestingly enough, Early Bird Critic has seen Suicide Squad. Ranks it behind Avengers 1, Cap 2, GOTG, Iron Man, CW, SM2 and TDK.

Bodes well, I think we're looking at a 80+ RT.


Why is Bill Murray a 'shitlord' for not wanting to do a sequel? If anything, his reluctance to do any script thrown at him for a quick buck or needless sequels to some of his classics is something I admire about him. I too thought Ghostbusters 2 was fun enough as a kid, but let's not start implying that it was particularly inspired.

These days, I would say Bill Murray is more famous for his 'second' career, with his Wes Anderson movies, and Lost in Translation and the like. He moved on, frankly to something much better. Something, if we're being totally honest here, none of his Ghostbusters co-stars managed to do. If he didn't believe any of the Ghostbusters scripts were anything more than needless nostalgia and he didn't feel good about doing it just to appease some fanboys, I'm totally fine with that. He doesn't owe us anything.

And to be fair, he did sign on for the last script option before Ramis died, which had him dying early on and appearing as a ghost here and there. And he still has a cameo in the new movie, I think. A Ghostbusters 3 with the old cast would just be awkward. Dan Aykroyd got super weird in his later years, and I don't think he has it in him to act that role anymore.


Interestingly enough, Early Bird Critic has seen Suicide Squad. Ranks it behind Avengers 1, Cap 2, GOTG, Iron Man, CW, SM2 and TDK.

Bodes well, I think we're looking at a 80+ RT.

Who is this Early Bird though? Dude just showed up on twitter about a month ago, has less than 200 followers, doesn't even write professional reviews, but yet he has access to movie screenings well in advance of their actual release with no embargo restrictions?

Also, he claims to have been getting a barrage of hate mail from GB fans who didn't like his review, one of which saying "Fuck u cuck". I can buy people getting mad at his review, but can you honestly tell me that a person that's excited for the GB reboot is also the type of person that uses "cuck" as an insult? And again, this dude has less than 200 followers (probably far less at the time he posted the review) but within a few hours he claims to have been hit with a tsunami of negative comments.

Early Bird Critic smells like bullshit to me, but maybe I'm just biased because I want the movie to do well. But, just looking at everything seems abnormal.
lol don't put my shit in finger quotes you dumdum

Murray is a shitlord for many reasons, most of which have nothing to do with Ghostbusters. Dude is super aloof and just doesn't give a damn

Who is this Early Bird though? Dude just showed up on twitter about a month ago, has less than 200 followers, doesn't even write professional reviews, but yet he has access to movie screenings well in advance of their actual release with no embargo restrictions?

I have similar access. Most people that aren't press can see movies super early if they want to.


lol don't put my shit in finger quotes you dumdum

Murray is a shitlord for many reasons, most of which have nothing to do with Ghostbusters. Dude is super aloof and just doesn't give a damn

I have similar access. Most people that aren't press can see movies super early if they want to.

Why is he a shitlord?


lol don't put my shit in finger quotes you dumdum

Murray is a shitlord for many reasons, most of which have nothing to do with Ghostbusters. Dude is super aloof and just doesn't give a damn

That's what makes him cool! I don't see those as shitlord-characteristics, the guy is a rockstar. He chooses super interesting movies over big million dollar-movies, works way below his salary for starting directors to help them out (often paying expenses out of his own pockets), chooses projects based on them being interesting instead of them having to reach a large audience, he doesn't mind admitting his own shortcomings and has put out several amazing performances over the last years. It's a very refreshing thing for a big Hollywood star.

If doing that (as opposed to continually and shamelessly cashing in on old franchises and fanbases) makes you a shitlord, I want to be a shitlord when I grow up.

(Of course, I also know it's fun to shower some over-the-top hate on something or someone that's popular. Not liking his acting or movies is totally fine, but the guy has definitely shown a lot of integrity towards his work and he's almost always praised for being this kind guy towards others (apart from his SNL/early comedies-years, which he himself has repeatedly mentioned as being filled with too many big ego's and too much drugs - which is nothing surprising for people involved in those SNL-groups. That was years ago though, and he proved he grew past that).




An actual, written review

Haven't read it yet, though. Doesn't sound positive

This is the first half-decent review. Disappointing to read, but the writer at least makes a coherent critical argument.

I have similar access. Most people that aren't press can see movies super early if they want to.

Wow, really? I had no clue. Pretty interesting to imagine all these people who've already seen SSquad. I hope it's actually good and Leto steals it.


Wow Sony even screwed up the critic showing.

Movie seems like it tries to reference the originals too much and not focus on being its own satisfying movie.


You need to separate the funny actor from the person. You can enjoy his work and still find him to be a jackass

Please don't make me look up articles about it, I'd rather die

What ways is he a jackass though? Everyone I know who has met him on the street said he was very nice and didn't mind posing for pictures. The one person I know who worked with him said he was professional and didn't have the level of drama expected.
Wow, really? I had no clue. Pretty interesting to imagine all these people who've already seen SSquad. I hope it's actually good and Leto steals it.

I'd imagine Squad is done and some people have seen it. There haven't been any press or fan screenings yet to the best of my knowledge, though.

For Murray, ya'll are on your own with that. I'm not interested in just bilking out Variety articles for you to ignore, as per usual with this sort of thing


For Murray, ya'll are on your own with that. I'm not interested in just bilking out Variety articles for you to ignore, as per usual with this sort of thing

So now you're accusing us of ignoring your evidence without actually supplying any evidence for us to ignore.

Got it.
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