The game is literally dropping 100s of thousands of players daily

its only been out for 3 weeks.
Your whataboutisms are silly because nothing compares to the meteoric rise and devastating drop off the game is having.
I'd hate to break it to you but if you were the head of MS and someone came up to you and said "let's buy this studio" they've had 1 breakout title which is essentially ip plagiarism and not only did it have success but gamers are dropping off at an equal rate, you'd be an idiot to think that's a smart investment
Look I get it, grrr pokemon, grr Nintendo, we all got fed the same tiktok story, everyone and their uncle played the game cause the internet told them too. But you show me another game that had 2mil ccu after a week of release and then after 3 weeks lost up to 60% of their player base
Losing 1.4 millions players 7 days after they bought your game with the number continuing to trend downwards at an exponential rate is essentially record breaking. It would be a moronic investment by any company.