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Former FBI Director Mueller appointed special counsel for Trump-Russia investigation


Via tweet I'm sure.

One step better, it'll be like this

I think that'd just open him up to the criminal charges he's being investigated for though. They'd just have to skip the impeachment part.
If he resigns it will undoubtedly be part of a deal where he gets pardoned like Nixon. Of course, if Pence is implicated thoroughly as well and the Dems take the house in the midterms... things get a lot more interesting.


I have a feeling that, if there's evidence to do so, they're going to try to get Trump, Pence, and Ryan all out simultaneously so that none of them can pardon the others.
I'm comfortable betting that if he resigned he would believe it would end any investigations into him.

Mother fucker kicked the hornets nest. All his dirt is going to come out.

If he resigned then it would be smart to let that be the end of it. If the democrats tried to push it beyond that you would risk a) making trump a martyr, b) ensure the Republicans circle the wagons and fortify around President Pence and c) turn of the moderates that look at kicking Trump when he is already down as petty partisan politics. The optics wouldn't look good. And in a centre right nation like the US you likely end up halting any momentum heading into the mid terms and likely end up keeping the Republicans in power only with a more competent two term president Pence in the White House.


Unconfirmed Member
"I did it. In just 6 1/2 months I drained the swamp, gave voice back to the forgotten men and women, and made America Great Again. They said it couldn't be done, they were wrong. And I did it all in the face of the biggest witch hunt in political history. This is the greatest victory America has seen since World War II and I did it big league. Now since my work is done I hereby resign the presidency so I can get back to my previous life." *Extreme thumbs up*

*note: trump was arrested by the FBI on the way to his home planet*

If he resigned then it would be smart to let that be the end of it. If the democrats tried to push it beyond that you would risk a) making trump a martyr, b) ensure the Republicans circle the wagons and fortify around President Pence and c) turn of the moderates that look at kicking Trump when he is already down as petty partisan politics. The optics wouldn't look good. And in a centre right nation like the US you likely end up halting any momentum heading into the mid terms and likely end up keeping the Republicans in power only with a more competent two term president Pence in the White House.
What? Fuck that. A full account must be made of what happened and the consequences of those actions followed through on.


He usually gets away from a labelled loss or incrimination by settling out of court, legal bills, bullying, and probably harassment by mafia goons with people fighting him once he screwed them over and took him to court etc. but none of that will fly with the FBI and the IC. If they don't bottle it to save embarrassment of the establishment, Trump and friends are screwed big time. I hope they leave no rock unturned and go after his business dealings as well. It would be a damn shame if they got away lightly and continued on with a business. I hope it spreads to incriminating Kushner as well.


If he resigned then it would be smart to let that be the end of it. If the democrats tried to push it beyond that you would risk a) making trump a martyr, b) ensure the Republicans circle the wagons and fortify around President Pence and c) turn of the moderates that look at kicking Trump when he is already down as petty partisan politics. The optics wouldn't look good. And in a centre right nation like the US you likely end up halting any momentum heading into the mid terms and likely end up keeping the Republicans in power only with a more competent two term president Pence in the White House.

I'm pretty sure it's beyond that now though? I think Mueller can prosecute without the need for any other branch right? I've read before too that they might try and get him on the state level too so he can't be pardoned. What ever happens, it'll be historical.
Trump would resign if he thought there was a way he could spin it to avoid looking like a spineless loser. If a leprechaun popped up on the 6th hole at Mar-a-Lago and offered Trump the chance to resign, have everyone love him and then start his own media company, he'd take it in a heartbeat.


If he resigned then it would be smart to let that be the end of it. If the democrats tried to push it beyond that you would risk a) making trump a martyr, b) ensure the Republicans circle the wagons and fortify around President Pence and c) turn of the moderates that look at kicking Trump when he is already down as petty partisan politics. The optics wouldn't look good. And in a centre right nation like the US you likely end up halting any momentum heading into the mid terms and likely end up keeping the Republicans in power only with a more competent two term president Pence in the White House.

At this point, the Senate and the house are out of it. They don't, nor should they, have any influence on the investigation or the subsequent judgements. If Trump is guilty of what we think he is, he should be stripped of all his ill-gotten gains and jailed.
I wouldn't be surprised to see a trade embargo on Russia in retaliation.


Unconfirmed Member
Trump would resign if he thought there was a way he could spin it to avoid looking like a spineless loser. If a leprechaun popped up on the 6th hole at Mar-a-Lago and offered Trump the chance to resign, have everyone love him and then start his own media company, he'd take it in a heartbeat.

He'd resign, thinking the presidency is like a company, and try to appoint Donald Trump, Jr. as the next president.

"I am stepping down from this highly successful presidency and appointing my son, Donald Trump, Jr., as the next president. Thank you."
At this point, the Senate and the house are out of it. They don't, nor should they, have any influence on the investigation or the subsequent judgements. If Trump is guilty of what we think he is, he should be stripped of all his ill-gotten gains and jailed.
I wouldn't be surprised to see a trade embargo on Russia in retaliation.

Not how politics work. Yes, guys like Manafort or Flynn are probably legally screwed but the smart bet is if Trump were to resign, everything would stop there. If it doesn't, the political consequences could create massive blowback down the road.


By the way, what's the legal procedure for members of congress? I know apparenly the president can only be tried by congress, but are there any special rules for members of congress?


By the way, what's the legal procedure for members of congress? I know apparenly the president can only be tried by congress, but are there any special rules for members of congress?

I'm pretty sure congressmen can straight up be arrested and tried.
I wouldn't be happy with it, but if a resignation meant letting Donald Trump off of federal crimes related to the campaign and obstruction I'd deal, it may be the politically wise move. HOWEVER, that wouldn't extend to anyone else, including Eric, Donald Jr., Jared, or Ivanka. Also, he'd have to still be fully accountable for the RICO stuff NY is pursuing -- that'll be the thing that puts him in jail, strips the family of assets, etc. anyhow.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
If he resigned then it would be smart to let that be the end of it. If the democrats tried to push it beyond that you would risk a) making trump a martyr, b) ensure the Republicans circle the wagons and fortify around President Pence and c) turn of the moderates that look at kicking Trump when he is already down as petty partisan politics. The optics wouldn't look good. And in a centre right nation like the US you likely end up halting any momentum heading into the mid terms and likely end up keeping the Republicans in power only with a more competent two term president Pence in the White House.

No. Sunlight is the best disinfectant. We have some soul searching to do in this country and letting crooks walk blithely away is not introspection and will only make things worse.

If he's innocent, he'll be vindicated. Doesn't have to be a martyr or a witch.


Sure it does. Trump lied and said that the memo is the reason he was firing Comey. The memo was created AFTER Rosenstein heard about Comey being fired.

Sure, Trump lies all the time, don't mean much TBH. Trump can easily point to the information from Rosenstein as part of his justification. He can just say yes those same things were going thru my head when I decided to fire Comey, Rosenstein just validated my own thoughts.


Sure it does. Trump lied and said that the memo is the reason he was firing Comey. The memo was created AFTER Rosenstein heard about Comey being fired.

Right. He also says it's not a statement of reasons to justice a for-cause termination. In other words, not a recommendation to fire someone.


Absolutely insane the GOP is now using Hillary's innocence as proof that Trump did the right thing by firing Comey. I would be amazed if I hadn't been brought so slowly up to boiling, like a frog.

Is the GOP being a den of snakes really that amazing anymore
Assuming that evidence is found that implicates Trump and Flynn (I'd say Flynn is quite likely), I'd put the probability at:

- 80% chance Flynn is charged with something.
- 50% chance Trump resigns
-10% chance Trump is charged with anything

There is very little likelihood of the President being charged with a crime. We have the Nixon debacle to thank for that.
There's also a 0% chance any of them are charged with treason.

If all the accusations are true the only one seriously facing treason is Flynn with what he did regarding Turkey and Isis. All of the others if charges are filed will get things like bribery, racketeering, obstruction of justice. Treason is very defined as aiding and abetting an enemy during wartime, which Flynn potentially did by postponing an attack on Isis because Turkey, who were paying him at the time as a foreign agent, wanted him to.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
Does anyone have a link to the interview where he threw his Campaign under the bus with that weird but typically Trumpian slip?

It was something like:

"I respect the decision but there's no collusion, no collusion between my campaign and Russia, well definitely not me and Russia, nothing. Zero"
Assuming that evidence is found that implicates Trump and Flynn (I'd say Flynn is quite likely), I'd put the probability at:

- 80% chance Flynn is charged with something.
- 50% chance Trump resigns
-10% chance Trump is charged with anything

There is very little likelihood of the President being charged with a crime. We have the Nixon debacle to thank for that.

I love random percentages pulled out of one's ass on the internet. There's a greater than 0% and less than 100% chance the above post is accurate.

Sure, Trump lies all the time, don't mean much TBH. Trump can easily point to the information from Rosenstein as part of his justification. He can just say yes those same things were going thru my head when I decided to fire Comey, Rosenstein just validated my own thoughts.

If the were accurate it would have already worked. They've been trying to do this shit since he fired comey. We're here today because you're post is that out of touch.
If all the accusations are true the only one seriously facing treason is Flynn with what he did regarding Turkey and Isis. All of the others if charges are filed will get things like bribery, racketeering, obstruction of justice. Treason is very defined as aiding and abetting an enemy during wartime, which Flynn potentially did by postponing an attack on Isis because Turkey, who were paying him at the time as a foreign agent, wanted him to.

And that is assuming they even classify Turkey as an enemy. It is officially an ally of the US, and a member of NATO.
And that is assuming they even classify Turkey as an enemy. It is officially an ally of the US, and a member of NATO.

post poning an attack due to those reasons could still be argued as it's technically aiding isis, even as turkey as an ally. the enemy doesn't necessarily need to be a country iirc but someone correct me if not

WASHINGTON (AP) — Donald Trump’s attorneys originally wanted him to submit an updated financial disclosure without certifying the information as true, according to correspondence with the Office of Government Ethics.

Attorney Sheri Dillon said she saw no need for Trump to sign his 2016 personal financial disclosure because he is filing voluntarily this year. But OGE director Walter Shaub said his office would only work with Dillon if she agreed to follow the typical process of having Trump make the certification. That is standard practice for the thousands of financial disclosure forms OGE processes each year.

So Trump's lawyers(Russia Law Firm year of the year) didn't want Trump to sign standard financial disclosure forms unless they omit a standard clause that states that the information is true.


His statements basically say the following:

Comey mishandled the Clinton case by making an issue in an election and that it was unfair to Clinton. He builds the case that Comey was wrong for the July press conference and the Oct reveal.

But he smartly revealed Trump wanted Comey gone and his own memo had nothing to do with it. Was just cover. And that the SC was needed which in the grand scheme helps the investigation.

He also signals to all future FBI directors on what not to do. So even if Trump appoints someone who tries to be a Trump loyalist, the case for firing a director for similar action is already made.


Does anyone have a link to the interview where he threw his Campaign under the bus with that weird but typically Trumpian slip?

It was something like:

"I respect the decision but there's no collusion, no collusion between my campaign and Russia, well definitely not me and Russia, nothing. Zero"

There was that and the "I can only speak for myself" line too.


"I did it. In just 6 1/2 months I drained the swamp, gave voice back to the forgotten men and women, and made America Great Again. They said it couldn't be done, they were wrong. And I did it all in the face of the biggest witch hunt in political history. This is the greatest victory America has seen since World War II and I did it big league. Now since my work is done I hereby resign the presidency so I can get back to my previous life." *Extreme thumbs up*

*note: trump was arrested by the FBI on the way to his home planet*

What? Fuck that. A full account must be made of what happened and the consequences of those actions followed through on.

This is why I don't think he will resign (assuming he is at all rational). No matter what, the American people need to understand exactly what happened with respect to the election, whether or not anyone goes to jail or is completely pardoned.

Resigning will just make it so that he has no real platform or protection from the investigation.
forfty percent of people know that


No, I think the point is that the hunters are the true witches.

That's not what the term Witch Hunt even kinda means.

It all hinges on the victims being the "witches", which of course, don't exist and is merely an excuse to hunt down people with opinions they don't like.

Actually making their opposition the witches in this metaphor, they're implicitly doing a witch hunt of their own. They didn't get the idea of a Witch Hunt so hard they created their own Witch Hunt.
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