Formula 1 2016 Season |OT| This thread is unavailable due to a copyright claim by FOM

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I wanted to dominate the living room. Then I took an ESRAM in the knee.
Does Hamilton have to give that place back now? Clearly cut the chicane.


Or it's because he is driving on the most challenging F1 track in the world under incredibly difficult weather conditions.

Hm. Not sure what the reason could be. Seriously guys: You don't have to be an amateur, idiot or asshole to crash in Monaco, even though that seems to be the reaction with every crash here. Pretty much everyone did it at some point.

That said - Helmut Marko's face was amazing. Anyone got a screengrab? :D

I'm not being bitchy, he's a confident son of a bitch like all 18 year olds. Plus he has no fear, that's part of why he's so fast. But you are gonna crash at times too.
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