Formula One Season 2022 | OT | Moving On From Abu Dhabi


Wow, he is crazy. Checo spent 3 quarters of the season in a budget testing car so Max could have the best, for this?. What kind of a bipolar megalomaniac you need to be?, and even if it was some kind of revenge for Monaco, what happened to that little Sky sports speach about leaving things in the past and move on?. Man, he is pretty pathetic.

Also the ex Minardi engineer at the Spanish broadcast was saying that Checo forcefully had to stop for new tires to protect himself when Sainz did it was right all along, Checo got screwed by RB and the douchebag big time.
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Wow, he is crazy. Checo spent 3 quarters of the season in a budget testing car so Max could have the best, for this?. What kind of a bipolar megalomaniac you need to be?, and even if it was some kind of revenge for Monaco, what happened to that little Sky sports speach about leaving things in the past and move on?. Man, he is pretty pathetic.

Also the ex Minardi engineer at the Spanish broadcast was saying that Checo forcefully had to stop for new tires to protect himself when Sainz did it was right all along, Checo got screwed by RB and the douchebag big time.
Didn't he say 'I told you already last summer' over the radio. Implying last year.

Doesn't change the fact he's a selfish prick, but I don't think it's due to anything at Monaco.

Next year I have visions of Checo letting Hamilton right past at the first opportunity, maybe even wave him by lol


This weekend was great display of different team dynamics. Alpine ruining each others race on Saturday but somehow pull it together on Sunday, like a long-suffering couple just staying together until the kids are in college (i.e. Alonso is at AM). Ferrari making sure that neither driver is in any condition to win the race with fantastic strategy calls. Red Bull once more demonstrating it's the Max Verstappen show and if the God-Emperor Max is having a bad day his teammate is not allowed a spot in the sun. Mercedes racing hard but fair and Lewis being magnanimous in defeat, after a fantastic drive that without Max's divine intervention might have lead to a different order in which the silver arrows crossed the finish line. McLaren once again in a mess, with Danny completely forgetting how to drive in his penultimate race.
Extremely happy to see a Mercedes 1-2
Looking forward to putting Redbull back in their place in 2023. I really want Hamilton to get that 8th championship
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RB would never replace Checo with Norris, they need someone that knows how to develope racing cars, like Sainz, Perez, or Alonso, so they better be careful. Shame on that chanel by regurgigating what they know is a dutch media smoke screen.


Checo was position begging, but so was Leclerc who was lobbying to have his team instruct Sainz to give up his *podium*. I get the concept of taking one for the team, or paying back a team mate for helping you out, but position begging in general just feels all kinds of lame as a spectator. If your team mate behind you has pace, don't fight him off of course. If your headmasters say "let him go" then you let him go. But to hear drivers begging over the radio just really... is something


Checo was position begging, but so was Leclerc who was lobbying to have his team instruct Sainz to give up his *podium*. I get the concept of taking one for the team, or paying back a team mate for helping you out, but position begging in general just feels all kinds of lame as a spectator. If your team mate behind you has pace, don't fight him off of course. If your headmasters say "let him go" then you let him go. But to hear drivers begging over the radio just really... is something

Checo is demanding and calling out his team, he has sacrificed so much for it and is getting tired of the ingratitude and the double and triple faces over at RB. Totally different situation from Leclerc's, who is as selfish as Max.
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If your team mate comes back from the back of the grid and passes you at the end of the race because you still haven't made up places then go fuck yourself instead of begging for a place.


If your team mate comes back from the back of the grid and passes you at the end of the race because you still haven't made up places then go fuck yourself instead of begging for a place.

What an absurdity, Max achieved nothing by disobeying team orders but allowing everybody to see how much of a douchebag he is.

Ps._ you are making Him look more ridicule with that meme, He already said that he will help him next race, his word has no value.
What an absurdity, Max achieved nothing by disobeying team orders but allowing everybody to see how much of a douchebag he is.

Ps._ you are making Him look more ridicule with that meme, He already said that he will help him next race, his word has no value.
You achieve nothing by being kind in Formula 1 so let this be a reminder to all those second rate drivers.


You achieve nothing by being kind in Formula 1 so let this be a reminder to all those second rate drivers.
A second rate driver that helped him win a championship last year? No way the fia could manufacture the championship if perez didn't hold up Hamilton by weaving all over the road.

Or this year when he was clearly doing development work in races so red bull could pull so far ahead of ferrari they were as much if not more dominant than Mercedes ever were before the fia stepped in to slow them down, multiple times.


You achieve nothing by being kind in Formula 1 so let this be a reminder to all those second rate drivers.

An F1 champion with no word and no class... a champion that the moment you take the best car away from him, does nothing but going crashing and claiming personal vendetta's not only on rivals like Hamilton, but his own teammate to which he owes at least one championship, on his own words. Maybe he has learnt some of the racism from his "second father" Helmut.
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An F1 champion with no word and no class... a champion that the moment you take the best car away from him, does nothing but going crashing and claiming personal vendetta's not only on rivals like Hamilton, but his own teammate to which he owes at least one championship, on his own words. Maybe he has learnt some of the racism from his "second father" Helmut.

While I agree everything about Checo, you do realize that in the rest of your post, you perfectly described Hamilton? From him not being in the best car anymore, to crashing into drivers ahead of him (Albon 2020 TWICE) because he can't stand not being first, to pretending when he was 10th place at the beginning of this season and asked his team "do we even get points for 10th?" I mean lol cmon. How many times did Hamilton bow down to Bottas....they didn't even let the man keep his fastest lap, made him slow down just so he wouldn't take a point from Hamilton.

The Checo situation I am annoyed about because Max had nothing to gain so it was childish. But on the note of Champions....people forget how big of a dick Schumi was in his reign. To the point that he said he witnessed a completely different situation to the crash even though they showed him video footage of him ramming the driver from behind. Just saying, Max is not the only one and I won't hold it against him because well...they are competitive assholes.

Everybody loves Sebastian Vettel right? Wrong, he was one of the hated drivers while he was a champ. Cocky and self centered. Now he mellowed out, has all these animal/human rights activities going on etc. But while in RB, he too thought he was bigger than the team. Then he got ass raped by Ferrari and look at him now, a decent human being that is worried about global warming.
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Hamilton crashing into people is the exception rather than the rule, Verstapen crashing into people, when he's not miles in front is the rule not the exception.

It appears hes got better for sure, but that's more than likely due to proximity of others who's he's racing with rather than any noticeable change at this point.

The man himself said he expected the car in front to back out when as usual he just goes round the corner without slowing down suffiently hoping the other car backs off.

Not got the meme name of Crashtapen for nothing, he's earned that badge.

Regarding Vettel, at this point I think it's evident Horner/Marko/Red Bull create this toxic environment that breeds that level of arrogance. Literally the second Vettle left he became a decent guy.


While I agree everything about Checo, you do realize that in the rest of your post, you perfectly described Hamilton? From him not being in the best car anymore, to crashing into drivers ahead of him (Albon 2020 TWICE) because he can't stand not being first, to pretending when he was 10th place at the beginning of this season and asked his team "do we even get points for 10th?" I mean lol cmon. How many times did Hamilton bow down to Bottas....they didn't even let the man keep his fastest lap, made him slow down just so he wouldn't take a point from Hamilton.

The Checo situation I am annoyed about because Max had nothing to gain so it was childish. But on the note of Champions....people forget how big of a dick Schumi was in his reign. To the point that he said he witnessed a completely different situation to the crash even though they showed him video footage of him ramming the driver from behind. Just saying, Max is not the only one and I won't hold it against him because well...they are competitive assholes.

Everybody loves Sebastian Vettel right? Wrong, he was one of the hated drivers while he was a champ. Cocky and self centered. Now he mellowed out, has all these animal/human rights activities going on etc. But while in RB, he too thought he was bigger than the team. Then he got ass raped by Ferrari and look at him now, a decent human being that is worried about global warming.

What is your point?. Should we stop watching F1?. Because that is what many of Us did when some of those dicks were having it their way.



Regarding FTX and crypto-sponsors: the FTX logo disappeared quite quickly from the Mercedes once the money stopped rolling in. I don't think Merc will struggle to find another sponsor, more worrying for the smaller teams on the grid that aren't having to fire people to stay within the cost cap. And regarding Hulk, the least inspiring move in this silliest of seasons. I don't think we'll see him suddenly ending up on a podium next season.


No wonder why you have that attitude bro, you are consuming Liberty's media propagandistic shill product.

These are much better and fair:

Abu Dhabi coming soon:

This one also at least for Matt and the host:

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Wow, he is crazy. Checo spent 3 quarters of the season in a budget testing car so Max could have the best, for this?. What kind of a bipolar megalomaniac you need to be?, and even if it was some kind of revenge for Monaco, what happened to that little Sky sports speach about leaving things in the past and move on?. Man, he is pretty pathetic.

Also the ex Minardi engineer at the Spanish broadcast was saying that Checo forcefully had to stop for new tires to protect himself when Sainz did it was right all along, Checo got screwed by RB and the douchebag big time.
Checo is a mid driver. He drives the same car but is just slower. He should have easily gotten P2 in this car without any gifts. Don't understand the whining either. It's not like Max crashed him out. Just didn't gift him a position because he was fucked over earlier in the season by Checo.


Checo is a mid driver. He drives the same car but is just slower. He should have easily gotten P2 in this car without any gifts. Don't understand the whining either. It's not like Max crashed him out. Just didn't gift him a position because he was fucked over earlier in the season by Checo.

That is not true, Checo spent half of the season on a development floor which was forced upon him a couple races after he got 15 points short of Max, the "budget" reason was pure BS as it is a part that is not much more expensive than a front wing, also he was getting the evolutions several races after Max, (at some point his car was 15 kg heavier than Max´s -I think was around Spain), and he never got the new hybrid parts Max got around Belgium. Checo did great for the B level car he had, almost beating the driver that lots of people considered had the championship in the bag at some point, he achieved quite a feat. Also, to clarify that Monaco smoke screen thing, it was first spewed by Verstappen family close friend Tom Coronel (the same that was defending Max in Toro Rosso after he demanded Sainz's position because "he could not pass him" -check pics below), and amplified by pseudo journalist (also dutch and close to the Verstappens) Van Haren who had no problem in lying that such information was handled by Martin Brundle, so it was a bunch of paid dicks trying to save the Sun kid Reputation.





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I understand that you may want to think that... but at least present some basis for that claim.
why should I, considering you have not provided any basis for your claim that the other linked videos above are "Liberty's media propagandistic shill product"


why should I, considering you have not provided any basis for your claim that the other linked videos above are "Liberty's media propagandistic shill product"

You could ask for it instead of going full ad hominem troll... how do I know?, they push the same narratives of sky sports and get free trasatlantic trips to F1 races in USA and other events, just like Aldas, Wtf1 and others... do I have proof of direct payments?, no, but everyone in the media knows that top influencers get paid by corporations. For example I hated when they were all pushing hard against Monaco at the same time that Liberty media was trying to align the track to the other circuits in terms of cash. Did we hear the same generalized shill pushback against the other "boring race", "hard to pass", circuits like Mexico, Singapur, or Hungary?, of course not, it was just Monaco.
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Can't wait for crypto to disappear from F1 cars. Tobacco sponsors, while absolutely terrible for health, at least produced very memorable liveries. Crypto sponsors are competing for either a dumber sounding name or an uglier logo.



What happens when Pèrez and Max are given the same car :messenger_grinning_squinting::

Ps2.- Poor Yuki did a Verstappen/Leclerc spin trying to catch Checo :messenger_grinning_sweat:
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Fox Mulder

I think it’s another Ferrari blunder. They needed stability and a modern f1 culture to succeed. They nailed the new regulations pretty well when even Mercedes struggled hard. The season slipped away with strategy errors which should be learned from like Mercedes and Redbull do.
You know Mattia Binotto maybe on the surface didn't look like a confident leader but damn good on him for literally starting from the very bottom to the ultimate role. Most of the grid just brings in established people from other sports and put them right away as the top dog. I don't think its Binottos fault with all those jacked strategies, after all that is not even his job. The fact that Ferrari was falling apart in 2019 and then came back in 2021 says a lot. I guess he was pushed out but in the end he should be proud of how far he got.


In all seriousness I'm really curious how he'll handle the pressure of being a Ferrari principal and how much actual power he'll have to make changes within the team (because the team needs them like yesterday).
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Oh boy there's more moving around between team principals than drivers. I think McLaren has drawn the worst card by getting Stella to take over Seidl's spot, but we'll see.


I recently started watching formula 1 again, the last time i actively watched was when Michael Schumacher was driving, so yeah ages ago. Im slowly starting to enjoy it again


I recently started watching formula 1 again, the last time i actively watched was when Michael Schumacher was driving, so yeah ages ago. Im slowly starting to enjoy it again
You've missed years of boring Mercedes dominance so that's a positive. Plus you can join the bandwagon of people waiting for another Ferrari champion. ;)
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