So once we buy this on PC, and link our PS4 account how exactly can I download it on PS4? Just search for game in store and download?
I think it's incredibly awesome that crossplay, cross-save is a thing, and cross-buy is a thing for this title.
Wish more devs would go this way.
Game looks great
The whole thing just feels straight out of the gate like a free to play title. Two different types of RNG boxes (actual boxes and pinatas). UI in menus isn't even remotely intuitive (lmao at the resolution settings being 480p, 720p, 1080p, and epic, what fucking year is it?). The actual gameplay isn't challenging, and the tutorial did a poor job of explaining any of the game mechanics. I don't understand the importance of building this base, or what rules the zombies actually follow in terms of approaching the thing I'm defending. Am I leaving an opening, and, like with most tower defense games, providing them with a route to attack it by? Just poking around through the menus, looking at all the different types of currency and things that require those types of currency to be leveled up, I feel like this was originally conceived as a mobile game or something?how bout some actual impressions though?
Oh wow, this game is horrible. Glad it looks like I might be able to request a refund of some sort. I'm actually impressed with how bad the UI and gameplay are.
Just a tip, but if the game looks bad to you after watching Twitch streamers play it, don't buy the game like I did.
Oh wow, this game is horrible. Glad it looks like I might be able to request a refund of some sort. I'm actually impressed with how bad the UI and gameplay are.
Just a tip, but if the game looks bad to you after watching Twitch streamers play it, don't buy the game like I did.
The whole thing just feels straight out of the gate like a free to play title. Two different types of RNG boxes (actual boxes and pinatas). UI in menus isn't even remotely intuitive (lmao at the resolution settings being 480p, 720p, 1080p, and epic, what fucking year is it?). The actual gameplay isn't challenging, and the tutorial did a poor job of explaining any of the game mechanics. I don't understand the importance of building this base, or what rules the zombies actually follow in terms of approaching the thing I'm defending. Am I leaving an opening, and, like with most tower defense games, providing them with a route to attack it by? Just poking around through the menus, looking at all the different types of currency and things that require those types of currency to be leveled up, I feel like this was originally conceived as a mobile game or something?
I just did a mission with three randoms where we were reaching the objectives faster than the narrator could narrate us having reached them, so by the time we hit the point where we were defending, she was talking about breaking some crates blocking the entrance to a building like 5 minutes ago. We built a base without realizing we would receive a bonus reward for building beneath a certain threshold, and built one more object than that threshold, despite no zombies ever coming within 50 feet of the actual base. The base essentially did nothing. So to go back to the point I made above, I have no idea what the purpose of base building in this game is. Unlike with Orcs Must Die! and Dungeon Defenders, it doesn't seem like there's a predetermined route that the zombies take. I constantly have a chat box in the bottom left taking up a decent chunk of the screen. There's just a whole lot of unnecessary information constantly displayed on the screen.
My son is asking me to get this but will i need to buy 2 founders packs for us to play together? I think Paladins or something made us buy seperate packs.
Omg what a moronic decision to bury gift keys behind a long-ass tutorial. I have a fucking job, EPIC... wtf.
Now my friends have to wait another day... and that damn tutorial was 30+ mins, I had to quit to leave for work.
What the hell was the thought process there? Jesus.
Edit: Btw GAF, the fps on PSPro I would rate as "quite assy".
Oh wow, this game is horrible. Glad it looks like I might be able to request a refund of some sort. I'm actually impressed with how bad the UI and gameplay are.
Just a tip, but if the game looks bad to you after watching Twitch streamers play it, don't buy the game like I did.
The whole thing just feels straight out of the gate like a free to play title. Two different types of RNG boxes (actual boxes and pinatas). UI in menus isn't even remotely intuitive (lmao at the resolution settings being 480p, 720p, 1080p, and epic, what fucking year is it?). The actual gameplay isn't challenging, and the tutorial did a poor job of explaining any of the game mechanics. I don't understand the importance of building this base, or what rules the zombies actually follow in terms of approaching the thing I'm defending. Am I leaving an opening, and, like with most tower defense games, providing them with a route to attack it by? Just poking around through the menus, looking at all the different types of currency and things that require those types of currency to be leveled up, I feel like this was originally conceived as a mobile game or something?
I just did a mission with three randoms where we were reaching the objectives faster than the narrator could narrate us having reached them, so by the time we hit the point where we were defending, she was talking about breaking some crates blocking the entrance to a building like 5 minutes ago. We built a base without realizing we would receive a bonus reward for building beneath a certain threshold, and built one more object than that threshold, despite no zombies ever coming within 50 feet of the actual base. The base essentially did nothing. So to go back to the point I made above, I have no idea what the purpose of base building in this game is. Unlike with Orcs Must Die! and Dungeon Defenders, it doesn't seem like there's a predetermined route that the zombies take. I constantly have a chat box in the bottom left taking up a decent chunk of the screen. There's just a whole lot of unnecessary information constantly displayed on the screen.
Some of you guys realize this release is considered "early access" right?
How's it been running for you Gowans?On Xbox parting with mates seems to be bust
I'm on xbox and I can't get past the tutorial I'm stuck at the page where I'm supposed to open loot chests but I think the store is down.
How do the loot boxes and heroes work exactly? I'm looking at the prices and was wondering can everything be earned in game, are the heroes cosmetic?
I restarted the game and it was there.
I'm finding the game itself fun to play. The menus though...the menus seriously look as if they were vomited onto the screen and someone said "good enough".
As long as they dont reset progress again I will be happy with this Early Access. I am going to be a little pissed if I lose everything in a 4-6 months.
They're not cosmetic different hero looks are generally indicative of their rarity and subclass.
Loot boxes just give a random smattering of card that are whatever type of box they are: heroes, people, guns, melee, weapons, general, etc. Everything has a rarity level white->green->blue->purple->gold->red (I think this last color may have changed since alpha).
Generally, the higher the rarity the more perks that particular thing has and high stats. Perks themselves are all RNG based except for heroes that have a specific skill progression.
There are ways to get around loot boxes to try to get things. A Recycler that you unlock in phases in the skill tree let's you take a bunch of old cards to make a new one of a certain rarity. They also trickle in various weapons and heroes as you progress through the missions.
Note the currency you use to buy loot boxes does get awarded as daily log ons, daily missions, and the story mission progression.
So I got some cool weapons thru pinatas but for the life of me can't find where to change weapon loadouts. The menus have a lot going on!
Looks fun and I want to jump in, but $40 seems step this is going to be FTP before the end of the year. I mean I could get EA access for that money and play tons of games and then jump on this when it releases for the same cash. Do they give you your $40 back credit to buy items in game when this goes FTP?
You just bring up the menu during a mission to access your backpack and swap weapons.
That's really my only complaint so far with this, the menus are an absolute mess. I couldn't even find an option to mute individual players so one dude was ruining my match with his loud ass mic. Which then led me to digging around to find the option to toggle to private match.
Where is that, I was looking for it but could not find itYou just bring up the menu during a mission to access your backpack and swap weapons.
That's really my only complaint so far with this, the menus are an absolute mess. I couldn't even find an option to mute individual players so one dude was ruining my match with his loud ass mic. Which then led me to digging around to find the option to toggle to private match.
At least in Alpha, anytime they reset progression, any V-Buck credit you had from purchases was returned. Anything earned in-game wasn't though (like those bucks earned via a mission)
I'm not sure how they'll approach any kind of reset going forward though.
We will have no resets going forward unless some catastrophic happens (i.e. no plans for a reset... we're live!).
Looks fun and I want to jump in, but $40 seems step this is going to be FTP before the end of the year. I mean I could get EA access for that money and play tons of games and then jump on this when it releases for the same cash. Do they give you your $40 back credit to buy items in game when this goes FTP?
Really liking this so far - as long as it doesn't take a bad turn in the late game and it stays well supported I could see it being one of those 'evergreen' games for me that I'm always going back to, sort of like Minecraft or Skyrim.
As an aside, I got Fortnite on PS4, and when I had a look on the Epic Games Launcher on my PC I noticed that I also own it on there too. Was that something they advertised? Because I had no idea it was cross-buy.