Thanks Jzero.
Anyone mind making the background on this transparent for me?
Could I get this face on a transparent background please? Any of the space hairs will do.
Can someone please av this for me?
edit: nevermind, figured out how to do it myself!
damn im good - duke nukem voice.
Can someone cut out the background and make transparent please?
Can someone please Kaz Hirai-ify this image and make it sizeable for an avatar?
Thanks in advance!
Need an avatar of this pic:
Could someone please avatar this? I've tried resizing it myself, but it comes out a pixelated mess. A kazified version would be nice too, but I can just ask that in the other thread
Edit- This might be a of use https://www.google.com/search?q=murder,+she+wrote&um=1&ie=UTF-8&hl=en&tbm=isch&source=og&sa=N&tab=wi&authuser=0&ei=b-EiUcKLBISfiALY8oGoDw&biw=1440&bih=735&sei=ceEiUeadAYL2igLCrYH4Cw#q=murder%2C%20she%20wrote&um=1&hl=en&sa=N&authuser=0&tbm=isch&tbs=simg%3ACAQSHwkaQc2SBLdmChoLCxCo1NgEGgIIFwwh6E281Dcg2_1s&ei=0uEiUcumEMnAigL51oCIAw&ved=0CAYQhxw&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_cp.r_qf.&fp=ae794b7919049eb9&biw=1440&bih=735
Hopefully I'm not over-stepping or bothering but would it be possible for someone to just make my current avy transparent? I'll love you long time![]()
Can i have these resized?
Toppot is it possible to have this pic but rectangular like the last two?
Sure is =] But without a taller image it looks a little 'blank' at the top.
can anybody give this a try?
wanted to see how it could look as an avatar
Something like this?Someone told me i'm a bad person because i only have one Neo in my avatar, can somebody please help me become a goodfella?
Your current avatar is better but use whatever you want =]can anybody give this a try?
wanted to see how it could look as an avatar
More than i whished, may the karma be with you, kind sir.Something like this?
Can anyone get me an avatar of this:
Can someone please avatar the head area of these pictures. thanks!
Bah, apparently I can't even upload properly.Can someone please avatar the head area of these pictures. thanks!
can you include the blue bg?
Yes, sorry, assumed it just needed cutting out xD bad habit.
Any help on my request? I hope it's not too much to ask for. Thanks
I've given it a go, not as good as your Christmas one though xD Any changes you would like just let me know =]
Can someone please make this an avatar for me with a transparent background?
why did all avatars disappear?