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Forum Avatar Request Thread

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So I could have sworn this had a transparent background but when I put it in and looked at my post it doesn't look to be.

Anyone wanna help?

I'll <3 you forever.

Oh it might be because of the size or something I don't know anymore.

Nevermind, I got this.

Wait oh god maybe I don't, what happened. It's not showing up and pages take years to load now with it on there.

Yeah I broke something no clue what, it shows up fine in the edit avatar page.

Is this not right?



Anyone? I think I broke gaf.

GAF just seems to be having some server-problems. Been getting a ton of time-outs and DB errors the last couple of days.

Also I don't see any problems with your avatar (assuming it's the same as the image in your post) when it comes to size/transparency. Just be patient. It will show up eventually.
GAF just seems to be having some server-problems. Been getting a ton of time-outs and DB errors the last couple of days.

Also I don't see any problems with your avatar (assuming it's the same as the image in your post) when it comes to size/transparency. Just be patient. It will show up eventually.

Ah okay. Thanks.


This avatar won't show up for me for some reason? Help? (Also if you could make the background transparent, that'd be greeeeeaat)
Avatars are currently acting a bit weird, it's not just you or anything you have done, don't worry =]


Second one is a bit off if you use DarkGAF. If you have a bigger version of the image that would be great =]
Hopefully one of you wonderful folks can help me (again) D:


I've been messing around with this image of Tornado from Onepunch-Man for maybe 30+ minutes now and I just can't get it to look good. Can someone work their magic and help?


Hopefully one of you wonderful folks can help me (again) D:

I've been messing around with this image of Tornado from Onepunch-Man for maybe 30+ minutes now and I just can't get it to look good. Can someone work their magic and help?







Just seen that the cup is supposed to have a green magicc around the cup xD My apologies. If there is a size/type you like I can add the green glow back in, or take away the cup if you prefer.
*Too many avatars/magic here*

Just seen that the cup is supposed to have a green magicc around the cup xD My apologies. If there is a size/type you like I can add the green glow back in, or take away the cup if you prefer.
I tell you, all of you guys here work too hard on most of these.

They're great! If it isn't too much trouble, could you add the green aura/magic to the cup in this one?



I tell you, all of you guys here work too hard on most of these.

They're great! If it isn't too much trouble, could you add the green aura/magic to the cup in this one?

Eh, once something is cutout (Usually takes the longest), then resizing, borders etc is minimal work to get lots of variations =]

It's no problem and here is the green aura



I have no idea what the hell you people are talking about.

Also Toppot is still the Boss in this joint, I'm more the obviously evil Grand Vizier.


NinjaBoiX is our adorkable mascot


best avatar maker
Toppot am cry.

I love you both equally, I can't pick.


haha =P

We both do a great job in this thread, along with everyone else that makes avatars for people =]

I have no idea what the hell you people are talking about.

Also Toppot is still the Boss in this joint, I'm more the obviously evil Grand Vizier.

NinjaBoiX is our adorkable mascot

Oh I wouldn't say I'm that high =P I just have a high output volume =P Something like 425 requests completed according to the thread stats. Because I have a tenancy to do too many variations per avatar, according to the files on my computer, that is roughly 2600 individual avatars.

I have been very busy with Uni work recently and will be for about another 3 weeks so I haven't been able to do requests as often as I'd like, but I know Filler and others are here to pick up my slack ;) =P

NinjaBoiX is definitely our mascot :3


If some would avatarize this majestic bastard for me I would really appreciate it.

Crude, may make additional versions, if you want the body visible or something?

EDIT nevermind, it is acceptable size. 100x113 is acceptable right? 100x120 was the max size, no?


Crude, may make additional versions, if you want the body visible or something?

EDIT nevermind, it is acceptable size. 100x113 is acceptable right? 100x120 was the max size, no?

Thank you very much. That is what I was hoping for. Though if it is not too much to ask could you make one with the body visible? So I can see how that would look.


EDIT nevermind, it is acceptable size. 100x113 is acceptable right? 100x120 was the max size, no?

Anything under 100 x 120 is fine =] The only problem is if you do it bigger, then GAF's sever will scale it down to fit to be equal/or less than 100x120 (Plus lose quality usually) and it will remove any transparency the image has, giving it a white background.


I'm having the dumbest time trying to make a facebook cover of a picture and figured I'd try here for luck.

The issue is even with cropping and resizing I can't get it to capture the woman and the little girl at once. As you know facebook covers are some kind of 851 x 315 for w/l ratio, and while I can somewhat get it close to capture most of the image, I am unable to slide it to the right enough so that when it displays on facebook it shows both of them not covered by the facebook display pic which is generally covering up the little girl.

Can anyone please help? :(



Thank you very much. That is what I was hoping for. Though if it is not too much to ask could you make one with the body visible? So I can see how that would look.

OK, i'll make something quickly. The gun's going to get cut in two though, unless you want the city visible...

EDIT very crude and quick:


The dimensions of the pic and the damn text in the bottom mean there is no really good way to make full body avatar of this, i think.


OK, i'll make something quickly. The gun's going to get cut in two though, unless you want the city visible...

EDIT very crude and quick:


The dimensions of the pic and the damn text in the bottom mean there is no really good way to make full body avatar of this, i think.

Yeah it looks like you are right. I think I will stick to this one. Thanks again though.


I'm having the dumbest time trying to make a facebook cover of a picture and figured I'd try here for luck.

The issue is even with cropping and resizing I can't get it to capture the woman and the little girl at once. As you know facebook covers are some kind of 851 x 315 for w/l ratio, and while I can somewhat get it close to capture most of the image, I am unable to slide it to the right enough so that when it displays on facebook it shows both of them not covered by the facebook display pic which is generally covering up the little girl.

Can anyone please help? :(
Nope that's pretty hard. Not even content aware scale will help with this. You could always try to put two images together or some text on the side.


Wow I didn't even stop to think about that duh. Yeah if you want go for it. Let me see what you can muster up. :D

Haha it's ok =] We can all get so involved in something that we miss the simple solutions.

It's nothing amazing, especially if you zoom in xD but it might be ok enough for Facebook, just giving you some more room on the left to play with. TBH the reversed image might work better, but its all up to you =]



Can someone resize and crop out Dexter, remove the mirror lines and make the background transparent?

[IMG ]http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m8yq5fP5RY1r8xab2o1_500.png[/IMG]


Just a note that I will not be here to do any avatars the coming days as I have a metric shit ton of boxes to sort.

edit: beaten/need moar ram
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