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Forum Avatar Request Thread

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Well, looks like that's taken care of.
And a lot better than what i can do.
Seriously, i'm really just an amateur.
Doing this stuff just because, sometimes.

EDIT how do people do that perfect transparency? Remember someone making something for me that perfectly, after i failed at it.
I reckon i should read tutorial for Paint.NET instead of doing things by trying.
Can someone make this 100x120, with just the red panda and transparent, pretty please :)
You're welcome, Courage!

Perfect transparency.
Thanks. I've been practicing and I even said to myself earlier that I've gotten better. :lol

Well, looks like that's taken care of.
And a lot better than what i can do.
Seriously, i'm really just an amateur.
Doing this stuff just because, sometimes.
Just keep at it! It'll start coming natural. I had a lot of trouble the first dozen+ times I tried it.


Lol, I still appreciate it man. I'll use the one with the background sometime too.

Don't worry 'bout it. Use what you wish, or don't, doesn't hurt me either way.
And it says so in the OP, "Don't be mad if someone doesn't use the avatar you made" (paraphrasing).


Can someone help me remove the white background of my avatar, please.


Edit: I don't know why when I post it here it doesn't appear but when I apply it as my avatar it does.
Menelaus created my current avatar and did a great job for the most part but given he's banned at the moment I can't ask for a fix.
Can someone undo the cropping at the top of m y avatar if possible? There's enough room to fit the rest so I'm not sure why it was cut.


^ Is that the original picture? Because if it is, it doesn't look like you'd be able to improve on the cropping.

Wow that was fast.
Thank you!

You're welcome! :D

I have a request now!

I'm wondering if some wonderful person could make this transparent, please (the background makes it too difficult for someone with my lack of skill) :

Preferably one version with the umbrella included, and one without. Thanks!
It is the orignal photo but at the very top there is a bit remaining, as it stands the cut off is a bit sudden while in the orignal there's a more gradual one. Suppose upon taking a second glance it is a very minuscule amount, shame there isn't a version of the photo with the the top of the head. Thanks Menelaus for the avatar again <3


It is the orignal photo but at the very top there is a bit remaining, as it stands the cut off is a bit sudden while in the orignal there's a more gradual one. Suppose upon taking a second glance it is a very minuscule amount, shame there isn't a version of the photo with the the top of the head. Thanks Menelaus for the avatar again <3

I thought it looked odd (the original picture), so I had a quick look for you and found well, a better version!

I wouldn't be surprised to find an even better one lying around somewhere, it looks unusual to frame the image like that and have it squared off in that way. I would check, but I don't really have time, sorry! ;_;
I thought it looked odd (the original picture), so I had a quick look for you and found well, a better version!

I wouldn't be surprised to find an even better one lying around somewhere, it looks unusual to frame the image like that and have it squared off in that way. I would check, but I don't really have time, sorry! ;_;

No worries about the time, and I feel really inadequate for not finding it. But thank you so much!
Edit: Now that I think about it that might have been the version I first saw, but not the one I based my avatar off of. As I remembered the cropping being more extreme; which it was with the photo I gave :D


That's what we got all those nifty paint brushes for.

(I just drew a bit of hair so original credit to Menelaus for the transparency. Coddamn that's a nice job)

And thank you too! That will do well for now, the cropping of before becomes so much more noticeable in comparison.

Really do appericiate the help everyone, this is a wonderful thread <3


No worries about the time, and I feel really inadequate for not finding it. But thank you so much!
Edit: Now that I think about it that might have been the version I first saw, but not the one I based my avatar off of. As I remembered the cropping being more extreme; which it was with the photo I gave :D

Well, FillerB did a nice job, so it worked out in the end. :3


I wasn't able to get one without the umbrella since this one took so long, so hopefully someone else gets to that. :lol It looks sorta choppy in some areas, sadly, but I don't think it looks too bad, does it?

That looks pretty good! Thanks. That's two in one week, Heaps..

PK Gaming

Hey guys, back again with a request :)


I was wondering if you could turn this image into an avatar (whenever I try to shrink it, the quality dies)


Neo Member
Hey guys,

so i wanted to create my own avatar but failed miserable. I came here to ask for help, but after flying through some pages i noticed, that most of the request are just crop and cut-out jobs. I hope that my request is not to much work for you, i'll just post and hope someone with lots of free time and a good heart will help me with this one.

I wanted something like this:


A stone with some eyes. Funny looking (theres a dent in the stone that looks like a mouth to me :eek: ) I'm using this one currently as my steam avatar. I found it somewhere on the internet but i wanted something unique.

I looked for royalty free photos of stones and boulders and couldn't find any good ones with a white / transparent background. This one is the closest to what i would like, to give you an example:

It would be great if someone could create an avatar for me with a transparent background, a stone or a boulder with some kind of eyes. Nothing to fancy. You don't have to use the above picture if you got a better one to work with. I'm just to bad to cut-out an object from a photo myself so i looked for some royalty free that have a white background already.

I've googled for the last hour and found exactly what i would like:

Like this, but cleaner looking with a transparent background. Maybe a small shadow to show that it's not a completly flat object? I don't know.

I just want something royalty free that i can use everywhere. Forums, Steam, Youtube, etc.
Can you make it bigger than usual so i can resize it myself for those different sites?

Thanks a lot guys. You are great!
Hey guys,

so i wanted to create my own avatar but failed miserable. I came here to ask for help, but after flying through some pages i noticed, that most of the request are just crop and cut-out jobs. I hope that my request is not to much work for you, i'll just post and hope someone with lots of free time and a good heart will help me with this one.

I wanted something like this:

A stone with some eyes. Funny looking (theres a dent in the stone that looks like a mouth to me :eek: ) I'm using this one currently as my steam avatar. I found it somewhere on the internet but i wanted something unique.

I looked for royalty free photos of stones and boulders and couldn't find any good ones with a white / transparent background. This one is the closest to what i would like, to give you an example:

It would be great if someone could create an avatar for me with a transparent background, a stone or a boulder with some kind of eyes. Nothing to fancy. You don't have to use the above picture if you got a better one to work with. I'm just to bad to cut-out an object from a photo myself so i looked for some royalty free that have a white background already.

I've googled for the last hour and found exactly what i would like:


Like this, but cleaner looking with a transparent background. Maybe a small shadow to show that it's not a completly flat object? I don't know.

I just want something royalty free that i can use everywhere. Forums, Steam, Youtube, etc.
Can you make it bigger than usual so i can resize it myself for those different sites?

Thanks a lot guys. You are great!

PM me if it's not to your liking.
I take the easier way and use the marquee tool directly. It doesn't produce as accurate a result like the pen tool, but it works for something like avatars.

Wait, I thought you made avatars for people here?!

I had been doing max zoom and slowly erasing every thing else, then flood filling the white.
took hours even with my drawing pad LOL.


Wait, I thought you made avatars for people here?!

Paint.NET (with some plugins) always sufficed for my needs. Sure it is terrible for lightning, shadows and text but who really needs those in avatars.

Can some one make full avatar. I mean the maximum allowance of pixel size of French films Only taken from this picture

[img ]http://sphotos-b.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/s720x720/392787_10151601063969750_1522652535_n.jpg[/img]

Such a strange request. Is this what you wanted?

Hey guys, back again with a request :)

[img ]http://i.imgur.com/cKE3bHo.jpg?1?3708[/img]

I was wondering if you could turn this image into an avatar (whenever I try to shrink it, the quality dies)

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