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Forum Avatar Request Thread

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weekend_warrior said:

Added a drop shadow. Someone else can do the snow.
Thanks mate, the snow's not important, this looks boss.


Could I get an avatar of this gif please? Also, if you haven't visited the funny animals thread you should.

And thanks guys that are making these. Very awesome of ya.

BladeoftheImmortal said:

I was wondering if this was ok for GAF and if it isn't, could someone change it for me so it is. I don't own photoshop. :(


the one you had would have been fine, it would automatically scale down to 90x90. But I just cropped out the weird edges it had.
AvidNobody said:
Could someone make a GIF of lovely Emma http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xgFE04m3yhY
from 3:05-3:06 and have it repeating? It'd be great if you could put it in two sizes, one for gaf, and another for my last.fm account (126p wide x 252p height)

Thank you sooo much!

I don't really know what you wanted from this. She's not really doing anything during that span, the quality of gifs isn't high enough to show her laughing. But I did my best for you.

I meant for the part where she is sitting up just chuckling with her eyes partially closed to be in a solid loop. But this still works, will be my new avatar for the year:D


... I hate to keep bothering you but could you also do the same for this one? I am in debt weekend_warrior, I will repay you with whatevs you want (besides actual cash).
Tiger uppercut said:
thanks warrior, you are the keeper of thy thread.

EDIT: it doesn't seem very smooth though.

Really? looks pretty smooth to me. Maybe it's just the browser?

here's a faster version I made, that might make it look smoother.

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