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Forza 3 vs Gran Turismo 5 Comparison Thread of John, Chapter 11, Verse 35


belvedere said:
No one was really expecting a bad review from Eurogamer, right? Right?

It is an excellent game. I wasn't expecting a bad review from anyone!

But Eurogamer gave us an awesome review. :) It is truly a great read.


not an idiot
belvedere said:
No one was really expecting a bad review from Eurogamer, right? Right?

And "Real Driving Simulator" was used more for separation against an overpopulated arcade racing genre last generation, not to imply it's dominance against it's competitors (there weren't any).
Just to be clear here, it was labeled on the box: "The Real Driving Simulator" not just "real driving simulator". I noticed the last guy kept doing that as well, leaving the word "The" off. I don't know if this is a subconscious attempt to belittle what it really said or if you're doing it on purpose. But I don't buy what you say about it anymore than his lame excuse. For you got it the same place as he got his, out of your ass. (I dare you to prove what you're saying as anything more than your opinion). The fact is, it says what it says, and even if what you're saying was true (it isn't, the word The is definitive) they had to at least understand what the understanding of most consumers of such a boast would be, therefore their claim would be the same to them (in other words, they at least knew how it would be understood ie: intent), despite some supposed alternate meaning.


all of my posts are my avatar
belvedere said:
No one was really expecting a bad review from Eurogamer, right? Right?

more like hoping and praying, honestly it's pretty sad there's only 2 console sims left(exclusive @ that) something tells me there's enough room\sales for both.

shpankey said:
Just to be clear here, it was labeled on the box: "The Real Driving Simulator" not just "real driving simulator". I noticed the last guy kept doing that as well, leaving the word "The" off. I don't know if this is a subconscious attempt to belittle what it really said or if you're doing it on purpose. But I don't buy what you say about it anymore than his lame excuse. For you got it the same place as he got his, out of your ass. (I dare you to prove what you're saying as anything more than your opinion). The fact is, it says what it says, and even if what you're saying was true (it isn't, the word The is definitive) they had to at least understand what the understanding of most consumers of such a boast would be, therefore their claim would be the same to them (in other words, they at least knew how it would be understood ie: intent), despite some supposed alternate meaning.

Someone please tell me this is a joke post?


Junior Butler
shpankey said:
Just to be clear here, it was labeled on the box: "The Real Driving Simulator" not just "real driving simulator". I noticed the last guy kept doing that as well, leaving the word "The" off. I don't know if this is a subconscious attempt to belittle what it really said or if you're doing it on purpose. But I don't buy what you say about it anymore than his lame excuse. For you got it the same place as he got his, out of your ass. (I dare you to prove what you're saying as anything more than your opinion). The fact is, it says what it says, and even if what you're saying was true (it isn't, the word The is definitive) they had to at least understand what the understanding of most consumers of such a boast would be, therefore there claim would be the same to them, despite some supposed alternate meaning.

You're not really comparing a vague at best product slogan to a blatant, detailed, unprofessional, self-proclamation of gods gift to gaming, verbal statement are you? I can't imagine you have even really convinced yourself of such nonsense. In the same breath where you state it's foolish of me to assume the meaning of the GT4 slogan, you assume the meaning of the GT4 slogan.



not an idiot
tinfoilhatman said:
more like hoping and praying, honestly it's pretty sad there's only 2 console sims left(exclusive @ that) something tells me there's enough room\sales for both.

Someone please tell me this is a joke post?
wtf? absolutely not. but i love this response, which is all too common on a forum nowadays as a way to belittle a response without actually saying shit. bravo good sir.


all of my posts are my avatar
shpankey said:
wtf? absolutely not. but i love this response, which is all too common on a forum nowadays as a way to belittle a response without actually saying shit. bravo good sir.

seriously take a step back and listen to yourself, you can't possibly be that deluded.


not an idiot
belvedere said:
You're not really comparing a vague at best product slogan to a blatant, detailed, unprofessional, self-proclamation of gods gift to gaming, verbal statement are you? I can't imagine you have even really convinced yourself of such nonsense. In the same breath where you state it's foolish of me to assume the meaning of the GT4 slogan, you assume the meaning of the GT4 slogan.

you can lol all you want. First I would argue that putting "The Real Driving Simulator" is in noway "vague at best". In fact, there really isn't anything vague about it. I find it humorous that you would use that term though in an obvious attempt to downplay it. But to your question, I would in fact argue that putting it on the box, such a bold claim as "The Real Driving Simulator" is in many ways worse than some PR guy saying the word "definitive" as it would of course have a much farther reach in terms of audience.


not an idiot
tinfoilhatman said:
seriously take a step back and listen to yourself, you can't possibly be that deluded.
How about you stop attacking me and start making a real post? It was claimed earlier in this thread that people were making personal attacks against GT fans (some were) and how frustrating this was. I agreed with them.

I in no way at all think I'm delusional at all. I think it's very simple and not even arguable (which would explain your argument of personal attacks instead of argument).

Now you can go on and keep calling me delusional and saying "joke post?" all you want, but it's not going to change what I think, because you're not making any argument really at all. If it's so plain to see, then surely you could simply "correct me". But I suspect more of the same.
belvedere said:
You're not really comparing a vague at best product slogan to a blatant, detailed, unprofessional, self-proclamation of gods gift to gaming, verbal statement are you? I can't imagine you have even really convinced yourself of such nonsense. In the same breath where you state it's foolish of me to assume the meaning of the GT4 slogan, you assume the meaning of the GT4 slogan.


Honestly, it strikes me as way more "deluded" to claim that the PR blather of one person, heard only by the couple hundred thousand hardcore gamers who follow such things is somehow more "blatant" than the actual tagline of the game printed on millions of boxes seen by even the littlest tyke in FuncoLand.

There's no inference or assumption in "The Real Driving Simulator" as there is no word within it that is open to degree or interpretation. "Definitive" at least relies, semantically, on one's individual interpretation of what exactly the (or even their) "definition" of a sim racer is. "Real" is a binary statement.


Comics, serious business!
belvedere said:
No one was really expecting a bad review from Eurogamer, right? Right?

I see we're still on the old "if exclusive game XYZ gets a good score then I must discredit review with implications about bias" strategy. FYI, Eurogamer's 9 is less than Forza 3's current metacritic/gameranking aggregate.
belvedere said:
a vague at best product slogan

Wow! Just Wow!

I love it how you just KNOW what PDs intent with their slogan was, and it is of course harmless. T10s statement of "definitive" is of course the worse thing that could have been spoken by a company person everrrrrr.. :lol


not an idiot
SpacLock said:
Someone has finally lost it. This thread is just horrible.

I've in no way "lost it" or anything. But it's interesting to me these are the typical responses going on. Earlier in the thread, I sided with GT fans who were getting these kinds of responses as well. I don't feel there is really a place for them. But please add something more to the thread other than this.

joke post

someone lost it

your deluded

...these don't really add anything and are simply a means to vehemently disagree with someone without actually making an argument of any kind.


Junior Butler
shpankey said:
you can lol all you want. First I would argue that putting "The Real Driving Simulator" is in noway "vague at best". In fact, there really isn't anything vague about it. I find it humorous that you would use that term though in an obvious attempt to downplay it. But to your question, I would in fact argue that putting it on the box, such a bold claim as "The Real Driving Simulator" is in many ways worse than some PR guy saying the word "definitive" as it would of course have a much farther reach in terms of audience.

No. There's no other way to put it.


You can't assume the context of a product slogan and then turn around and criticize someone for summarizing a persons actual documented comments. In numerous interviews Kaz was asked why he kept producing GT games. His common answer is that his game is set apart because it allows everyday people to get as close to driving not so everyday cars as possible. Simulation helps articulate this point.

Without a doubt, it's more suitable to assume the context/implications of someone's comments than a single sentence product slogan-- not only because such comments are made up of more than one sentence, but also because they couldn't have been more blatant. "Our game is better, we are the best, our competition (cough cough PD) are no longer viable etc. There is no need for assumption here, the tone and intentions couldn't be clearer.

No one in their right mind can honestly say the two things are identical.


Comics, serious business!
TheBirdie said:
There's no inference or assumption in "The Real Driving Simulator" as there is no word within it that is open to degree or interpretation.
Well, it's even worse when you consider that it is impossible to fully understand reality. Our understanding of reality or "real" is by definition imperfect (even ignoring the reflexivity between the cognitive function and the participating function). By saying it's the "real" simulator, Polyphony is saying that it's not falsifiable so therefore it's an infinitely more stupid claim than definitive, which is explicitly open to interpretation.

belvedere said:
No. There's no other way to put it.


You can't assume the context of a product slogan and then turn around and criticize someone for summarizing a persons actual documented comments. In numerous interviews Kaz was asked why he kept producing GT games. His common answer is that his game is set apart because it allows everyday people to get as close to driving not so everyday cars as possible. Simulation helps articulate this point.

Without a doubt, it's more suitable to assume the context/implications of someone's comments than a single sentence product slogan-- not only because such comments are made up of more than one sentence, but also because they couldn't have been more blatant. "Our game is better, we are the best, our competition (cough cough PD) are no longer viable etc. There is no need for assumption here, the tone and intentions couldn't be clearer.

No one in their right mind can honestly say the two things are identical.

Or even comparable, which is why I don't even understand how you can claim PR blather as being in the same league as a global product tagline. It's like putting Chuck Scarborough up against Brian Williams.


Junior Butler
BenjaminBirdie said:
Or even comparable, which is why I don't even understand how you can claim PR blather as being in the same league as a global product tagline. It's like putting Chuck Scarborough up against Brian Williams.

Let me introduce you to shpankey, he was the one justifying T10's comments with PD's GT4 slogan.


Junior Member
SuperEnemyCrab said:
Infectedrectum got banned? Damn, that leaves some serious slack for the rest of you Sony/GT trolls to take up.

Not really he obviously had a lot of pupils. If it weren't for these pupils I'd say this thread wouldn't have gotten the reputation it got.

skulpt said:
I think a just as important question is...

Have people / reviewers playing Forza 3 compared their lap times to actual races with the same cars? I know some of the tracks are fictional. But for the ones that are 100% the same, are people getting the same track times?

I personally could care less about how many calculations are happening per second if the cars aren't making the same kind of lap times. It's obvious then that those calculations don't mean as much as Turn10 would want them to be.

It's not how much something is calculating... It's WHAT they are calculating, and HOW that turns the movement and feedback into reality.

No no no no.

Changing the properties of a car to make sure it has similar track times was the old fashioned way of making a sim when consoles were not powerful enough to factor in all the variables required. With consoles and PCs being much more powerful and their simulations taking much more into account there is no reason to do this anymore.


Hey, you weren't banned until New Years! How'd you work that?

Then again, neither was Keikoku come to think of it. :lol


not an idiot
belvedere said:
No. There's no other way to put it.


You can't assume the context of a product slogan and then turn around and criticize someone for summarizing a persons actual documented comments. In numerous interviews Kaz was asked why he kept producing GT games. His common answer is that his game is set apart because it allows everyday people to get as close to driving not so everyday cars as possible. Simulation helps articulate this point.

Without a doubt, it's more suitable to assume the context/implications of someone's comments than a single sentence product slogan-- not only because such comments are made up of more than one sentence, but also because they couldn't have been more blatant. "Our game is better, we are the best, our competition (cough cough PD) are no longer viable etc. There is no need for assumption here, the tone and intentions couldn't be clearer.

No one in their right mind can honestly say the two things are identical.

What does Kaz have to do with it? Che is no more a developer of Forza than Kaz is a PR guy. I doubt he had anything to do with the "slogan" on the box. What I mean is, Che speaks for the actual developers about as much as the PR people at PD speak for Kaz. You surely can't expect consumers to research Kaz and previous comments he makes in order to put a slogan into context (?).

And again, there is not much room for any assumptions left from using the line: "The Real Driving Simulator" on the box cover. I would also go back to my earlier comment about intent. Whoever put that slogan on the box knew exactly how it would be interpreted by most, as like I said, it doesn't exactly leave a lot of room for interpretation in the first place. If it's as you say, that could very much be better described on the box by something like: A real driving simulator. Do you see how much that changed, just by changing the word from "The" to "A"? No, I daresay the intent of what they wanted to say was conveyed exactly as they wanted. For I would at the very least make one assumption for sure, that PD is not ignorant to how consumers would understand that box cover line.

No, I very well think they knew exactly what they were putting on the box.
belvedere said:
And "Real Driving Simulator" was used more for separation against an overpopulated arcade racing genre last generation, not to imply it's dominance against it's competitors (there weren't any).
That's not relevant when you're claiming PD's box art demonstrates the same level of arrogance as Dan "the emperor's naked" Greenawalt.


not an idiot
belvedere said:
Let me introduce you to shpankey, he was the one justifying T10's comments with PD's GT4 slogan.

Edit: I did make 1 post earlier where I justified it. I do apologize for that. But I will stand by my original posts before that where I was just amused by the irony of GT fans taking umbrage with a PR mouth saying their game was definitive when PD did the same thing.

But I didn't make too much of a fuss either when GT4 came out with its "tagline".

But as for my justification, it wasn't so much as justifying them saying that (I've said before that I don't think either company should make such boasts), more that in reality, so far this gen, it probably is the definitive racer so far (on consoles). Either way, I'm not the one that was getting all bent out of shape about it. I took it for what it was, PR speak. But the glowing reviews seem to be backing up his claim to some degree. Just like the reviews of GT4 backed up PD's slogan to some degree.


accathoidprotoss said:
There's no way to make it through this whole thread, so I hope I'm not being repetitive in asking this question.

Could somebody do a quick, somewhat objective comparison of forza 3 and what we know about gt5 (some of it from gt5p)? Like literally the bulletpoints? For example, I've gathered that forza 3 has replay and gt5 won't. That would be one thing. And gt5 will have more (and I mean more in strictly the numerical sense) cars and tracks (I think).

I don't own an xbox... so it doesn't really matter to me which is better--I'm getting gt5 or nothing. But I'd like to see a bulletpoint comparison without editorializing if anybody would be able.
You're in the wrong thread for any sort of legitimate comparison chart. :lol

That said, the ISR guys said Forza 3 is worth buying a 360 for, which is a pretty strong statement from confessed PC elitists.


Junior Member
accathoidprotoss said:
There's no way to make it through this whole thread, so I hope I'm not being repetitive in asking this question.

Could somebody do a quick, somewhat objective comparison of forza 3 and what we know about gt5 (some of it from gt5p)? Like literally the bulletpoints? For example, I've gathered that forza 3 has replay and gt5 won't. That would be one thing. And gt5 will have more (and I mean more in strictly the numerical sense) cars and tracks (I think).

I don't own an xbox... so it doesn't really matter to me which is better--I'm getting gt5 or nothing. But I'd like to see a bulletpoint comparison without editorializing if anybody would be able.

Most of the serious comparisons will occur when both games are out.

At least I will do some comparing. I will redeem this thread I guarantee it. It has served a purpose in getting the trolls out of the FM3 and GT5 threads...and people all over the web have been pointing at this and laughing. But soon people all over the web will be pointing at this thread in admiration and adoration.

Soon meaning when both games are out and we can actually compare.
shpankey said:
What? Seriously, stop doing this. I in no way EVER justified anything of the sort. I said I found it humorous that GT fans are taking umbrage with the word 'definitive' spoken by a PR mouth.

Hell, I'd refer you back to earlier posts in this very thread where we were talking about this. Wherein I said that I didn't like that either company did it, but was amused by the hypocritical nature of GT fans getting all bent out of shape about it, when they were ignoring it from their own game.

I say this one last time in hopes that you will actually listen. Stop making ad hominem attacks. Please.
Talk about selective interpretation.
'Definitive' is just a smaller part of Dan Greenawalt's PR campaign.
Here's a small sampling

"The emperor's naked, and I don't want to, you know, I don't want to slap him around, but no game competes [with] us right now."

he (Yamauchi) hasn’t done anything for me in years. So in many ways he’s handing the baton to me. He probably doesn’t see it that way, but I do, because I believe that I’m now taking what he ignited in me as a passion, and taking it to a much, much, much broader level. I’m not saying it’s necessarily larger yet, but definitely broader, younger, older, men, women...”

:lol :lol :lol
(So how many units has GT moved again? and how do we know the sexual/age demographics of GT's consumers??)

But I guess PD's box art is worse though, since more people get to read it.:lol :lol


Iknos said:
Most of the serious comparisons will occur when both games are out.

At least I will do some comparing. I will redeem this thread I guarantee it. It has served a purpose in getting the trolls out of the FM3 and GT5 threads...and people all over the web have been pointing at this and laughing. But soon people all over the web will be pointing at this thread in admiration and adoration.

Soon meaning when both games are out and we can actually compare.
I really hope GT5 tops Forza's clutch implementation. It sounds like the only thing missing from Forza's model is stalling out the engine, it would be really cool if GT goes all the way in that regard.

Do Logitech's G25/G27 wheels also have progressive clutches or are they just on/off?


not an idiot
theignoramus said:
Talk about selective interpretation.
'Definitive' is just a smaller part of Dan Greenawalt's PR campaign.
Here's a small sampling

"The emperor's naked, and I don't want to, you know, I don't want to slap him around, but no game competes [with] us right now."

he (Yamauchi) hasn’t done anything for me in years. So in many ways he’s handing the baton to me. He probably doesn’t see it that way, but I do, because I believe that I’m now taking what he ignited in me as a passion, and taking it to a much, much, much broader level. I’m not saying it’s necessarily larger yet, but definitely broader, younger, older, men, women...”

:lol :lol :lol
(So how many units has GT moved again? and how do we know the sexual/age demographics of GT's consumers??)

But I guess PD's box art is worse though, since more people get to read it.:lol :lol
I was talking about the argument of Che using the word "definitive" in some PR speak. It raged on in this thread for pages. I've never even read what you just posted and wasn't speaking to it at all, whatever it is. I don't read everything that every developer says. As someone who was watching the argument from afar, I just laughed at GT fans pitching such a fit over the word definitive while at the same time having no problem with GT4's tagline.


Junior Butler
shpankey said:
Edit: I did make 1 post earlier where I justified it. I do apologize for that. But I will stand by my original posts before that where I was just amused by the irony of GT fans taking umbrage with a PR mouth saying their game was definitive when PD did the same thing.

But I didn't make too much of a fuss either when GT4 came out with its "tagline".

But as for my justification, it wasn't so much as justifying them saying that (I've said before that I don't think either company should make such boasts), more that in reality, so far this gen, it probably is the definitive racer so far (on consoles).

Ah, there we go. Sorry if I wasn't clear, but I think we're on the same page now. I only responded because it seemed like you felt it was insane to point out the unprofessional self-proclamations made by T10, as they were merely insignificant when compared to the GT4 slogan.

Whatever was meant by the slogan, I still don't think it comes close to the negative connotations reached by the Greenawalt e3 rant.


aka andydumi
accathoidprotoss said:
There's no way to make it through this whole thread, so I hope I'm not being repetitive in asking this question.

Could somebody do a quick, somewhat objective comparison of forza 3 and what we know about gt5 (some of it from gt5p)? Like literally the bulletpoints? For example, I've gathered that forza 3 has replay and gt5 won't. That would be one thing. And gt5 will have more (and I mean more in strictly the numerical sense) cars and tracks (I think).

I don't own an xbox... so it doesn't really matter to me which is better--I'm getting gt5 or nothing. But I'd like to see a bulletpoint comparison without editorializing if anybody would be able.

Youll have to wait til the game is actually out for legitimate comparisons. And GT5 will have replay mode. Or do you mean something else? Not sure what you mean by that comment.
LCfiner said:
honestly, I was surprised that the GT5 physics refresh rate wasn't listed as 720 Hz just so it could be fully double that of FM3.

I guess that would've given it away too easily
You do know that it's not a joke, right? Physics refresh rates have to be really high, or else you'll miss their effects. In fact, I'm astonished that Live for Speed is so low--at 100Hz, a car going 100mph travels about 1.5 feet between refreshes. I'm not sure where Wax Free Vanilla got his numbers, but they're all quite plausible.

accathoidprotoss said:
For example, I've gathered that forza 3 has replay and gt5 won't. That would be one thing. And gt5 will have more (and I mean more in strictly the numerical sense) cars and tracks (I think).
Both games have replay. GT 5 will have many, many more cars. It seems that it will have quite fewer tracks, however; if I recall correctly, 20 locales to Forza 3's 30 (with both games having multiple routes through each locale, so more tracks than these base numbers).

As for the folks detecting overweening arrogance in Gran Turismo's slogan, I think they're linking the adjective wrong. I've never taken it to mean "the (only) real simulator of driving", I've always thought it meant "the simulator of real driving".


belvedere said:
No one was really expecting a bad review from Eurogamer, right? Right?

And "Real Driving Simulator" was used more for separation against an overpopulated arcade racing genre last generation, not to imply it's dominance against it's competitors (there weren't any).

Your not one of those kooks that believes that EG are 'pro' MS are you?
theignoramus said:
Talk about selective interpretation.
'Definitive' is just a smaller part of Dan Greenawalt's PR campaign.
Here's a small sampling

"The emperor's naked, and I don't want to, you know, I don't want to slap him around, but no game competes [with] us right now."

he (Yamauchi) hasn’t done anything for me in years. So in many ways he’s handing the baton to me. He probably doesn’t see it that way, but I do, because I believe that I’m now taking what he ignited in me as a passion, and taking it to a much, much, much broader level. I’m not saying it’s necessarily larger yet, but definitely broader, younger, older, men, women...”

:lol :lol :lol
(So how many units has GT moved again? and how do we know the sexual/age demographics of GT's consumers??)

But I guess PD's box art is worse though, since more people get to read it.:lol :lol

I like how you LOL at the only part with any significance.

You can bray all you want about DG's completely ridiculous statements, but at the end of the day, his baldfaced posturing is but a grain of sand compared to the desert of attention and significance that the tagline of any merchandise has, much less this particular game.

Which is why it's puzzling that so much LOLs and attention is given to what is so fundamentally meaningless.


aka andydumi
Liabe Brave said:
As for the folks detecting overweening arrogance in Gran Turismo's slogan, I think they're linking the adjective wrong. I've never taken it to mean "the (only) real simulator of driving", I've always thought it meant "the simulator of real driving".

Same here. I read it as the "real driving" simulator, not "the real" driving simulator.

But that's neither here nor there. Back when it launched it was both on consoles. And its now an iconic logo and subtitle, not something to change on a whim.

Its like saying Nike's "Just do it" can be read to implicate all sorts of nefarious things and thus they should change it. :lol
Liabe Brave said:
As for the folks detecting overweening arrogance in Gran Turismo's slogan, I think they're linking the adjective wrong. I've never taken it to mean "the (only) real simulator of driving", I've always thought it meant "the simulator of real driving".
Was it ever really considered an arrogant connotation before E3 2009?
Serious question.


Junior Butler
Dabanton said:
Your not one of those kooks that believes that EG are 'pro' MS are you?

No actually, my comment had more to do with the fact that Eurogamer seemed more than thrilled with even older preview copies of FM3. They were excited to play it, excited to test it out months back. GT5 however, seemed more like a hassle to them and it is put under a microscope every time they touch it. That b word you're fishing for has nothing to do with it, the tone seemed to imply that FM3 was on the right track (no pun intended).


not an idiot
belvedere said:
Ah, there we go. Sorry if I wasn't clear, but I think we're on the same page now. I only responded because it seemed like you felt it was insane to point out the unprofessional self-proclamations made by T10, as they were merely insignificant when compared to the GT4 slogan.

Whatever was meant by the slogan, I still don't think it comes close to the negative connotations reached by the Greenawalt e3 rant.

Yes, I agree we are on the same page now. Thank you.

But I would still argue that whatever ridiculous claims a PR guy made, while self serving and should have never been said, that he most likely doesn't speak for the actual developers of the game itself.

Also that having a slogan so blatant as PD's on GT4 would be actual worse since the audience it reaches it 100% of their consumers, versus whoever has read some PR guys comments (I'm a sim racer and don't even follow it, which is why I didn't know of all these other statements he's made you pointed out to me). And while people like you who do read them, on the internet you're a vocal majority, I'd bet that in reality, are a minority in actual consumer percentages (I don't know this, just guessing, but it seems likely).

Either way, both are wrong imo but as I said, I know that both are PR speak. (I actually think most consumers are more cautious towards boastful claims nowadays anyhow, well except for the people who keep buying from infomercials).


not an idiot
theignoramus said:
Was it ever really considered an arrogant connotation before E3 2009?
Serious question.
By anybody? Yes, the PC sim crowd didn't take to well to it back in the day, especially Usenet sim forums, even though a large percentage of them (like me) bought it and enjoyed it very much.

AndyD said:
Same here. I read it as the "real driving" simulator, not "the real" driving simulator.

So you didn't take it for what it actually said? I find that humorous, since the way you put it in the second part of your sentence is the exact way it is said. I'm not trying to argue or belittle your post in any way, just pointing out you chose to reword it in your head yourself. Which goes to my earlier argument, it would be so easy for the PR at PD to actually word it in the way some are claiming it's meant. They could have just said "real driving simulator" or "a real driving simulator" or any numerous other ways. But they did say "The Real" and it could be argued that the PR people would have to be completely incompetent to not understand how that would be understood by the majority of consumers, which is why I say it was said exactly how they wanted to say it.


shpankey said:
Yes, I agree we are on the same page now. Thank you.

But I would still argue that whatever ridiculous claims a PR guy made, while self serving and should have never been said, that he most likely doesn't speak for the actual developers of the game itself.
Just so you know the guy that made the comments, is the game director for Forza 3.


not an idiot
torontoml said:
Just so you know the guy that made the comments, is the game director for Forza 3.
Director? Not sure what that is, but if he's a dev, then I apologize and retract that part of my comment. Maybe they did. Oh well. Shouldn't have been said, but it honestly doesn't bother me more than any other company that blathers on how awesome their game is. Reviews and my own feeling based on the demo's are what I use to guide me in purchases, certainly not company PR or "taglines" on boxes.

Anywhoo, I've said my part for the day. Work day is over, off to home. I hope I didn't offend anyone. It seems like I've finally made my point clear enough that I couldn't say any more on the matter anyhow.
AMUSIX said:
How bad has this thread gotten? I can't even tell which posts are trolling which game. THAT'S how bad.

Holy shit. I was just trying to figure that out. I feel like Costello in the "Who's on first?" routine. Or maybe I feel like Abbott. I'm not sure. OH MY GOD. I DON'T KNOW WHO I AM ANYMORE.


shpankey said:
So you didn't take it for what it actually said? I find that humorous, since the way you put it in the second part of your sentence is the exact way it is said. I'm not trying to argue or belittle your post in any way, just pointing out you chose to reword it in your head yourself. Which goes to my earlier argument, it would be so easy for the PR at PD to actually word it in the way some are claiming it's meant. They could have just said "real driving simulator" or "a real driving simulator" or any numerous other ways. But they did say "The Real" and it could be argued that the PR people would have to be completely incompetent to not understand how that would be understood by the majority of consumers, which is why I say it was said exactly how they wanted to say it.
So how do you feel about the title "Ghostbusters: The Video Game"?

Is it too arrogant? Should it have been "A Video Game"?

This argument is ridiculous...
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