les papillons sexuels
skyfinch said:Lets not get too carried away.
it's a bit too late for him...
skyfinch said:Lets not get too carried away.
iceatcs said:Cool, seen you know what to do. I'll be waiting.
I agree with that.kevm3 said:Because they're not being graded to the same standard.
Baby Milo said::lol it was never an option
You are the most ignorant and blind PD fanboy I've ever seen holy shit. Your using a blurred picture compared to a crisp shot of C6 ZR1 in the first place. You don't know the meaning of comparison, at all. Going by your logic we should put up the Audi R8 model in Forza up against those shitty standard cars in GT5 to show which game is better.Insertia said:wait..wtf, isn't this Covette as detailed?
What does posting all those numbers and statistics give for you? I'm sure typing weather instead of giving Snow and Rain two different lines would've been okay but it clearly isn't.16 cars.
Night and Day transition
1 Premium car has more detail than 7 Forza 3 vehicles
Better Physics
Play both games. GT5 is the graphics king. No one will ever make that statement about Forza. Oh, it's a better driving experience too...
If there is going to be a Forza 4, Turn-10 has their work cut out for them. I'll be honest, I don't think they can do it. They are no Polyphony Digital.
Insertia said:No, actually it says nothing at all..
This debate is nothing new(this happens with every GT release) and it is actually the most civil of any Gran Tourismo title. Yes, civil.
GT as a series has always been scrutinized by online communities. It's kind of tradition, and seeing the tradition evolve is very cool. GT2 faced the most backlash of them all.
Test Drive Le Mans:
Those were compared a lot more heavily to GT2 than Shift and Forza are to GT5. EVeryone wants there fave sim racer to compare to the largest and most popular of them all. Each release of GT proves that.
Everyone loves to go for GT's spot. It's a unusually high quality title, exclusive to Playstation, that sells to more than the idiot casual base
amazing shot.CozMick said:Is this just real life? Is this just fantasy?.........................
Insertia said:16 cars.
Night and Day transition
1 Premium car has more detail than 7 Forza 3 vehicles
Better Physics
Play both games. GT5 is the graphics king. No one will ever make that statement about Forza. Oh, it's a better driving experience too...
Insertia said:16 cars.
Night and Day transition
1 Premium car has more detail than 7 Forza 3 vehicles
Better Physics
Play both games. GT5 is the graphics king. No one will ever make that statement about Forza. Oh, it's a better driving experience too...
If there is going to be a Forza 4, Turn-10 has their work cut out for them. I'll be honest, I don't think they can do it. They are no Polyphony Digital.
RSTEIN said:My point is this: it's quite clear there is no clear winner! If we use review scores and the opinions of experts, Forza 3 is the better game. But the reality is that GT5 and FM3 are very close.
Perhaps you answered your own question. To make a more blatant example: Why GT3 had higher reviews on average compared to GT4, when it was objectively worse game in every way imaginable when compared head to head with GT4 at the time of GT4s release? Because things don't exist in vacuum and standards change with time. We have no way of knowing what FM3 would score on average if it was released today.WrikaWrek said:Why does Forza 3 have better reviews?
And it came out like 30 years ago.
I'll say it once and I'll say it again. GT5's highs are much higher, and it's lows are much lower. Forza 3 is the balanced and consistent product. Featureset? Goes to preference. GT5 has much more on paper, but shit like a decent in-game community, marketplace and livery editor are huge components of the Forza community that a lot of people with no prior exposure to GT would find odd that "the one Forza copied" doesn't have said features. Even after a 3x longer dev cycle.RSTEIN said:I agree 100% that GT5 has an edge when it comes to certain graphical things like lighting and car detail. However, achieving excellence in these areas doesn't mean that it's "the graphics king." In fact, that's quite subjective! Forza 3 has great backgrounds but cartoony lighting. GT5's backgrounds are questionable in many areas (e.g. Laguna Seca). GT5 has more cars on screen but has framerate issues and tearing. There's no way to come to some sort of clear bottom line conclusion to all of this! Why do you feel the need to use such hyperbole?
My point is this: it's quite clear there is no clear winner! If we use review scores and the opinions of experts, Forza 3 is the better game. But the reality is that GT5 and FM3 are very close.
I'll continue to assemble the collection of reviews, head-to-head reviews, and technical pieces.
Baby Milo said:Nowgamer and 4player are expert opinions now?
I dunno. They review games for a living. That's all I got.Baby Milo said:Nowgamer and 4player are expert opinions now?
Stripper13 said:Wow what the fuck? I hardly think turn 10 should be aiming for what PD managed to achieve with far more resources and nearly 3 times the development time. I would expect turn 10 would have delivered a far more solid, consistent product with no standard/premium bullshit and atrocious tirewalls/textures if given the same opportunity and freedom PD were granted.
hey are no Polyphony Digital.
We have no way of knowing what FM3 would score on average if it was released today.
Lord Error said:We have no way of knowing what FM3 would score on average if it was released today.
Yoboman said:I love how GT5's development time extends every day.
6 years now? It was in development before PS3 dev kits were ready and before GT4 was out?:lol
This x100000.enzo_gt said:I'll say it once and I'll say it again. GT5's highs are much higher, and it's lows are much lower. Forza 3 is the balanced and consistent product. Featureset? Goes to preference. GT5 has much more on paper, but shit like a decent in-game community, marketplace and livery editor are huge components of the Forza community that a lot of people with no prior exposure to GT would find odd that "the one Forza copied" doesn't have said features. Even after a 3x longer dev cycle.
PopcornMegaphone said:Time and resources should be irrelevant to this discussion.
les papillons sexuels said:say whaaaaaaaaat?
Lion Heart said:No shit :lol. And Forza 3 isn't the result of 1.5 years. The have been working on Forzas engine since 2 (2005?). Reused models/tracks, livery was there to be built upon, online codes, etc, unless you think they Shift-Del all their progress from the past. GT5 has realistically been in development for 4 years, maybe closer to 5. And lastly, games with very long dev times have probably had some big issues along the way. No one sets out to make a game in 5 years, I wouldn't be surprised if they did a big change in development somewhere along the way.
IT doesn't matter how long a game took to make though, you just judge it based on its time of release and compared. You dont (shouldn't) give games free passes because they "only" took 2 years to make it. $59 is $59.
PopcornMegaphone said:Its about the games. Everything else is irrelevant.
belvedere said:All of that and it's still graphically light years ahead of it's competition.
That says a lot about it's competition.
PopcornMegaphone said:Time and resources should be irrelevant to this discussion.
Stripper13 said:Oh I'm fully aware that forza had it's own share of technical issues and tricks to cover them up. The major issue I have with it all is that forza would make me go out of my way to find them. Whether it be the level of detail issues or some low res textures etc. You would have to go deliberately looking for them and point them out.
When I play GT5 I have to more or less limit my car selection to 200ish cars else I'm faced with awful photo/replay opportunities. On top of this. If I race in the rain I am forced out of the cockpit view otherwise it's like I'm playing a PS1 game with the windshield rain effect. And worst of all - if I slide off the track on select corners (an unfortunate reality of a sim racer) I'm faced with N64 level textures and polygons that are meant to represent tirewalls/grass in PS3's premier racing game. It's ridiculous and an indicator (at least for me) that turn 10 are better developers given the results.
Stripper13 said:Why exactly? When someone is trumpeting the detail of the 200 premium car models compared to forza's car selection - and their respective graphical engines - time/resources seems paramount. The fact is you can't say turn 10 are no PD given that turn 10 have not been given anywhere near the same opportunity for technical achievements that PD have. And when you look at what PD did compared to T10 - I hardly think PD should be seen as a superior developer - possibly more ambitious but that's it
AZ Greg said:Seriously? :lol
And that isn't in response to your "graphically light years ahead" comment. Are you seriously suggesting that drops to 45FPS, tearing, and whatever else that article mentioned, is no big deal because "Hey, it looks far better than Forza!" I'm still waiting for an explanation as to why everyone is fine with these issues. Is the only defense really that it looks better than the competition? Or look what it's pushing? Really? From PD? I guess all the hype/hyperbole from the fans and developers was nothing but that.
Someone needs to tell T10 that a locked 60FPS (and avoiding other visual inconsistencies) no longer matters as long as you can make your game look better than the competition!
Really? GTHD was what, two cars (with GT4ish handling) and one track? It may have been conceived as a full fledged game, but the final product was the sort of thing you'd get from a demo disc in a gaming mag.les papillons sexuels said:and if you honestly believe that GTHD was the culmination of like 6 months of work, you're kidding yourself.
les papillons sexuels said:so the time and money spent to make a game is irrelevant when comparing games? That makes sense, no wonder we compare indie games to full games, and flash games to full on console releases.
Stripper13 said:Why exactly? When someone is trumpeting the detail of the 200 premium car models compared to forza's car selection - and their respective graphical engines - time/resources seems paramount. The fact is you can't say turn 10 are no PD given that turn 10 have not been given anywhere near the same opportunity for technical achievements that PD have. And when you look at what PD did compared to T10 - I hardly think PD should be seen as a superior developer - possibly more ambitious but that's it
CozMick said:Well this has been the argument for the past 100 pages, so i'm guessing graphics mean ALOT more to the average gamer than consistent framerates and tearing.
Calm down son. He was just showing that in F3 not all models are of the same quality and some were ported from F2. Blurry pic or not that is true.enzo_gt said:You are the most ignorant and blind PD fanboy I've ever seen holy shit. Your using a blurred picture compared to a crisp shot of C6 ZR1 in the first place. You don't know the meaning of comparison, at all. Going by your logic we should put up the Audi R8 model in Forza up against those shitty standard cars in GT5 to show which game is better.
DCharlie said:after my first 30 minutes with GT5 it looks like the current Polyphony Digital are no Polyphony Digital either.
Insertia said:GT5 Standards:
I understand it hurts GT5 haters.
Now that images of standards are being released what will we move on to?
I say lets compare video instead of screens!!
PopcornMegaphone said:Because it's stupid fanboy bullshit that is totally irrelevant to the overall quality of the game.
You know, I might be able to mock up a shity driving game after a few months of work, but that doesn't mean my game should get a free pass. The dev time or budget shouldn't impact your enjoyment of a game. All you can do is judge a game at face value.
CozMick said:Is this just real life? Is this just fantasy?.........................Props to RankoSD
Don't waste your time guys, you will never find a better looking screenshot of Forza 3.
metareferential said:It means so much more that they are ready to forget a good slice of the game is definitely not so good looking.
I'm not talking about standard cars. Those while racing are fine, after all. I'm talking about the ugly tracks gamers are forced into.
And mind you, I'm really enjoying the game (see profile for ID if you're skeptical), I even bought the signature edition.
les papillons sexuels said:Sorry, but you're completely wrong here. Time and money means: more features, more content, more talent, and more testing. These things directly relate to how a person relates to a game, whether positive or not.
les papillons sexuels said:I agree that the dev time and budget shouldn't play a role in how much you enjoy a game, but to say that a game doesn't benefit from increases in time and budget is just laughable. Given an unlimited amount of time and money that mock of a shitty driving game would be the best driving game ever made.
les papillons sexuels said:Sorry, but you're completely wrong here. Time and money means: more features, more content, more talent, and more testing. These things directly relate to how a person relates to a game, whether positive or not.
I agree that the dev time and budget shouldn't play a role in how much you enjoy a game, but to say that a game doesn't benefit from increases in time and budget is just laughable. Given an unlimited amount of time and money that mock of a shitty driving game would be the best driving game ever made.
RSTEIN said:If it was a tighter, more focused game it would be getting 9+ scores easily. Imagine if there were no horrible looking tracks? Imagine if they swapped out some of the rally/nascar stuff and instead doubled the number of premium cars?
RSTEIN said:They just bit off more than they could chew. And if you believe the beyond3d stuff, apparently kaz had a lot of issues with the PS3 and believed it had severe technical limitations from the beginning. But that's just speculation.
Wow, you can go straight to hell. Rally is my favorite part of GT. And the Nascar is actually fun, which surprised me considering I was just going to ignore it entirely.RSTEIN said:Imagine if they swapped out some of the rally/nascar stuff and instead doubled the number of premium cars?
Lion Heart said:Fuck it this is my last post in this thread.
Anyway, ofcourse it benefits but once again all this hypothetical talk is irrelevant, people need to stop talking about what could or couldn't, this is a comparison thread of two games, compare them for content on the disc and everything else is IRRELEVANT /jordan schlansky
les papillons sexuels said:Look, all i was doing was responding to a potential reason as to why GT5 has been tracking worse then Forza 3. If you want to assume that standards do not shift over time then so be it. If you think that a games development time and budget is irrelevant to the final product released, then ignorance really must be bliss.
chubigans said:Wow, you can go straight to hell. Rally is my favorite part of GT. And the Nascar is actually fun, which surprised me considering I was just going to ignore it entirely.
chubigans said:Wow, you can go straight to hell. Rally is my favorite part of GT. And the Nascar is actually fun, which surprised me considering I was just going to ignore it entirely.
RSTEIN said:Absolutely. It's insane that they even tried to attempt it. My point is that they probably bit off more than they could chew. Even with all the resources at their disposal things had to be cut and sacrificed. Review scores are irrelevant, just saying if they focused on making the core game flawless then they wouldn't have put out the lowest scoring GT yet. Why run when you can't walk?
Indeed. Would you want Turn 10 to jettison the livery editor if it meant getting 100 more cars? I think many would answer that "hell freaking no!" Much like the livery editor defines Forza, so does the new events for GT5.nib95 said:Tbh, I care more about the gameplay and features than the vehicles. Fuck the standard cars. Nascar, go-karting, rally etc. THESE are the things that are making this game one of the most enjoyable racing sims I've ever played. The game is a gift that keeps on giving, and for once the vehicles are only a small part of the reason why.