CadetMahoney said:
"Tearing, sub 60 fps gameplay, and last gen models for most of the cars in the game". . . can the same be said of FM3?
Both games have been compared to already on all levels i'm sure. The highs in GT5 are high but the lows are low, this is inconsistent. So you have to reach an overall judgement and the games are fairly compared if you ask me. This leaves us with FM3 being better reviewed than GT5 and FM4 looking even better.
"Sub 60fps", its near 60, so 55+ most of the time and 50+ 99% of the time, except the cases when You have rain particles or 10+ premium cars in a corner [and even in this situation framerate really rarely goes below 48].
Tearing isnt that bad in 720p, it was worse in Prologue, but i'm not that sensitive to tearing so its not a problem for me, so i cant judge it.
Last gen models - yep, except that most of them [like 90%] looks great and from a gameplay distance they look better than cars ingame in Forza 3. I'm not trolling, I've played both games and GT shaders do the magic.
Shadows are bad in both games, just in Forza not all geometry cast shadows, that's why its not that noticeable, most shadows in Forza are also baked, not dynamic.
Particles almost dont exist in Forza, if You compare them to GT, they also dont interact with lights and wind.
You also dont have dynamic lights in Forza.
Forza dont have anisotropic filtering and has lower quality multisampling antialiasing.
I can agree that GT has lows, but Forza have lows, just mostly they are reduces because they dont render smth or dont include smth and also Forza has 'lower highs' thats why inconsistency is that noticable.
And there are many things that GT do that affect framerate that Forza dont have.