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Forza 3 vs Gran Turismo 5 Comparison Thread of John, Chapter 11, Verse 35

CozMick said:

Sorry, I just had to.

I admit it, I was fooled until I scrolled up. The way the video was encoded added just enough motion blur to fool the eye when it was scaled down to a GIF.
test_account said:
Probably because it isnt high speed enough, or not the right conditions are met. Sometimes even serious drifting hardly leaves any slide marks or smoke, in real life.

or mabye the track is a bit damp or cool.
Shaneus said:
Damnit, I knew there was something I couldn't put my finger on that didn't look right. Now it's all I'll be able to see.

Track is wet (although it shows water 0) but the texture is from the wet track, wheels are not locking, he is not skidding that much.


cutmeamango said:
Track is wet (althought it shows water 0) but the texture is from the wet track, wheels are not locking, he is not skidding that much.
Ah, okie dokie. Still doesn't look right, but of course due to the low res of the vid it's natural to assume it's just overcast.


Played the Forza 4 demo. The game may "only" be 720p, it doesn´t look as sharp as GT5. But my god, i think it looks so much better than GT5, because compared to to Forza GT looks simply dead. Yeah the cars look amazing, but it still looks lifeless to me.
You're gonna have to be more specific. What does 'looking better' mean, and how did you reach that conclusion when you're pointing out resolution and car quality in GT's favour? And what does lifeless mean? In the same way that Mafia II's city is lifeless compared to GTAIV's? I don't understand how that relates to a racing game.


Pazuzu9 said:
You're gonna have to be more specific. What does 'looking better' mean, and how did you reach that conclusion when you're pointing out resolution and car quality in GT's favour? And what does lifeless mean? In the same way that Mafia II's city is lifeless compared to GTAIV's? I don't understand how that relates to a racing game.

Clinical is what I always felt GT5 looked like. The cars are its best eyecandy, but everything else looks stale and mixture of photorealistic textures and PS2 assets. It's a weird sight depending on the tracks.


Licorice-flavoured booze?
I like GT5's clinical look, it gives it a 'PC' feel if you know what I mean, high res and clean, I do prefer some of the environmental modelling in Forza but overall still prefer the look of GT5.


I can understand that some people like the look of Forza better. In Gran Turimso the colours are more subdued, just look at the Spa video, giving it a more realistic look, but can look boring/lifeless to others. Forza on the other hand has more popping colours, much more colourful, thus livelier to others and less boring.
gogogow said:
I can understand that some people like the look of Forza better. In Gran Turimso the colours are more subdued, just look at the Spa video, giving it a more realistic look, but can look boring/lifeless to others. Forza on the other hand has more popping colours, much more colourful, thus livelier to others and less boring.
So you're saying that PnCIa thinks unrealistic lighting and colours are more full of life, and therefore it looks better...

Well I guess that would be fine... if these games were supposed to have an art direction. But they don't. They're trying to look as realistic as possible. So I dunno how that argument comes into it.


Pazuzu9 said:
So you're saying that PnCIa thinks unrealistic lighting and colours are more full of life, and therefore it looks better...

Well I guess that would be fine... if these games were supposed to have an art direction. But they don't. They're trying to look as realistic as possible. So I dunno how that argument comes into it.
Possible, but I dunno what he thinks. Realistic looking or not, people still have their preferences. Just because GT has more realistic looks than other simulators, people can't prefer the look of Forza, Shift etc.?


I haven't even bothered yet to download the DLC for GT5, as I'm having too much fun in Forza 4.

BTW, Autovista mode is just :O :O :O


For look as for most of other aspects there is a substantial difference in the 2 games for me.

GT has not a style of its own to me: PD is trying to replicate the look and the feel of the real models they are simulating as far as they can achieve them with the tech they have.
It's in my humble opinion is a very japanese way to do it.
In the same sense we can't have free expression with the liveries of cars, we are stuck to re-paint cars with other cars colours, the driving model they have gives satisfaction in the long run, the game gives to you the more you give to the game.

Forza instead is an interpretation and a traslation of the models, Forza has is own style in everything from sound to colors it's an expression of a vision.
Forza is a western game with great accesibility, ease of use, immediate satisfaction, freedom to do what and when.

They are to love both, missing one is missing a little world.

Dead Man

Pazuzu9 said:
So you're saying that PnCIa thinks unrealistic lighting and colours are more full of life, and therefore it looks better...

Well I guess that would be fine... if these games were supposed to have an art direction. But they don't. They're trying to look as realistic as possible. So I dunno how that argument comes into it.
Every game has an art direction.
Dead Man said:
Every game has an art direction.
For the presentation, menus, hud, etc, sure. But when it boils down to the actual rendering of cars on track, there is no art direction. They are simply trying to make it look photorealistic.


Pazuzu9 said:
For the presentation, menus, hud, etc, sure. But when it boils down to the actual rendering of cars on track, there is no art direction. They are simply trying to make it look photorealistic.

But with the tech at hand, there is still A LOT of stuff that needs to be created from snuff and filler to be placed in between the spots where PD can afford to approach photograph levels of detail and believability. GT5 is going for the "real" look, but we are so far from photorealistic presentation, all games definately have art direction.
Pazuzu9 said:
For the presentation, menus, hud, etc, sure. But when it boils down to the actual rendering of cars on track, there is no art direction. They are simply trying to make it look photorealistic.
Of course there's art direction when it comes to that. Look at the Codemasters games and their piss filter. There were many complains about it, when they released the first screenshots of F1 2010. It was toned down later on and then completely removed in the sequel.

Here are some quotes from the Codemasters community manager Helios.
As for the lighting effects not many of you are keen on, I'm certainly passing this feedback on to the team.

Just so you know, the team are aware of the current opinion regarding this aspect of the graphics, and I can tell you that we're going to investigate making some adjustments to the lighting for the final game. Obviously this takes time so it might not be evident in screens/videos for a little while, but your voices have been heard.

Our Chief Game Designer has spoke out about the lighting and the images with the lighting effect reduced on our forums:

"Seen it. Like it. We've talked a lot recently about our colour use. I think the Art Director is expecting tracks to become more realistic as they get nearer completion. Monza looks very good, because it's been around for a while."

Dead Man

zoukka said:
But with the tech at hand, there is still A LOT of stuff that needs to be created from snuff and filler to be placed in between the spots where PD can afford to approach photograph levels of detail and believability. GT5 is going for the "real" look, but we are so far from photorealistic presentation, all games definately have art direction.
Why Codemasters thought the piss filter was a good idea for F1 I don't know, but it think it came from whenever it was they first introduced it (Dirt 1?). No doubt an artistic choice for that very unrealistic, arcadey game. Grid was the same.

Arcade games always go for an unrealistic or superrealistic look, almost as an acknowledgement of the 'fantasy' element.

But for GT5, I see no attempt at anything but photorealism when it comes to the rendering of cars on track. For me, that means there is no art direction. Nothing is stylised. Of course, they have to fudge all the effects in order to achieve that look. We're years away from raytracing in realtime. So obviously there are artists making it all happen. I'm not disputing that. Perhaps your definition of art direction differs from mine, but if the aim is for photorealism, to me that means there is none.


I see what you mean: the thought of replicating realism does not bring forth creativity. Others will argue that programming shaders in the most realistic way possible and doing all the texture work is an art in itself. Everybody's right in their own respects.


Pazuzu9 said:
For the presentation, menus, hud, etc, sure. But when it boils down to the actual rendering of cars on track, there is no art direction. They are simply trying to make it look photorealistic.

That's not quite true.

Kaz mentioned that they are going after hyper-photorealism, showing the photorealism under the best lighting condition. Reallife lighting can be too harsh for good photography.

While the visual may be nice, it's the handling together with the realism that make GT5 special for me. Driving over assorted road conditions feels uncanny.
patsu said:
That's not quite true.

Kaz mentioned that they are going after hyper-photorealism, showing the photorealism under the best lighting condition. Reallife lighting can be too harsh for good photography
I'd still say that is not art direction in the way I interpret the term. There would be no need for artists at PD to sketch out what they want the majority of cars to look like for instance. Some sketching is probably done for the fantasy tracks, but those are still grounded in reality. And obviously they have some unique cars and bodykits made specially for the game, but that is not art direction, that is pure automotive design - creating objects that are supposed to sit comfortably in a real-world driving scenario.

They may say they're going after hyper-photorealism, but ultimately it is real photographs that are their reference material.


phosphor112 said:
Looks like GT5's frame rate has really increased and now it's only hiccups are when the highest LOD's get swapped in when you're riding someones ass.
I was in a race the other day with the tearing/frame rate being the worst it has ever been for me. It was on an old track with standard cars (Formula GT).

In general however it seems to have improved (albeit slightly), but I just found it strange.
I guess DF will have another one of there oh so informative comparisons.

I am kind of curious how GT5's performance has been updated through the year so I hope they have a GT5 1.0 vs 2.0 comparison video in there somewhere in between the 360 vs ps3 hit grabbing bullshit.
ShapeGSX said:
It's still atrocious.
Atrocious? It was almost a constant 60fps the whole time, and the only exceptions where when the really high LOD (which is much higher than FM4's in game) were swapped in.

Maybe you suggest they (PD) do a 30fps rear view mirror like Turn 10? They can probably increase the fps to a constant that way.


phosphor112 said:
Atrocious? It was almost a constant 60fps the whole time, and the only exceptions where when the really high LOD (which is much higher than FM4's in game) were swapped in.

Maybe you suggest they (PD) do a 30fps rear view mirror like Turn 10? They can probably increase the fps to a constant that way.

Maybe you should play FM4, you could probably form an opinion then.


I do not avoid women, GAF, but I do deny them my essence.
Pazuzu9 said:
So you're saying that PnCIa thinks unrealistic lighting and colours are more full of life, and therefore it looks better...

Well I guess that would be fine... if these games were supposed to have an art direction. But they don't. They're trying to look as realistic as possible. So I dunno how that argument comes into it.
Photorealism is an art direction...

What else would it be?


Yoritomo said:
Maybe you should play FM4, you could probably form an opinion then.
I doubt you could form an opinion about either game's framerates if you didn't have these FPS meter videos.


benzy said:
I wonder how each game would look and run if the consoles had switched.
GT5's alpha would probably have looked a lot better. The disc space argument is bogus, as GT2 came on two discs and it was, and still is really, an amazing game. The Arcade/Simulation disc split was a non-issue. And anyway, it's not like the 360 isn't capable of installing games.

In the end though, I think we can agree that PS4 is likely to be a much better designed machine, and hopefully we'll see what Polyphony can really do on hardware that isn't totally and utterly crippled like the PS3. If all the hardware was equal, you'd put your money on Polyphony Digital over Turn 10 every single time.

Or at least I would.
Yoritomo said:
Maybe you should play FM4, you could probably form an opinion then.

How else he's going to be able to make up shit about FM4 if he actually plays the game.

Anyway, that framerate comparison is pretty telling of how bad the frame drop in GT5. There are so many instances where the frame drop below 40! I know there was a lot of tearing and slow down in GT5 but I never realize how bad those frames drop are until I saw that video. It's no wonder all the races are rolling start in GT5....they need to keep those cars apart or you would never get off the starting line.

They both still good games but this thread is always entertaining and help keep most of the trolls out of both official threads.


Mizzou Gaming said:
Went back to check on GT5's 2.0 update. Is there really no way to enable damage in the A-Spec career races? Second, as solid as the driving is in GT5 it can't help but get boring extremely quick. Other than that GT5 still feels like a rushed, unfinished game especially after playing the extremely polished FORZA 4. Just one person's opinion though.
This made me laugh. Do you even know how GT is calculating damage? Yeah with all the snow, rain and night races it's rushed. Forza 4 weath...oh wait.


phosphor112 said:
Atrocious? It was almost a constant 60fps the whole time, and the only exceptions where when the really high LOD (which is much higher than FM4's in game) were swapped in.

Maybe you suggest they (PD) do a 30fps rear view mirror like Turn 10? They can probably increase the fps to a constant that way.

Yes, I feel they should definitely do something to improve the frame rate and tearing. The frame rate is especially bad when you need to react quickly to cars that are near you, which is the worst possible time to have frame rate hiccups.

Turn 10 made the right tradeoffs, in my opinion. They did what they had to in order to create a rock solid frame rate in all circumstances, which is an incredible accomplishment.

The mirror frame rate in FM4 is variable, btw. But it seems to either be 30fps or 60fps per race, it doesn't seem to go up and down.
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