Thanks. I see it there indeed.Apex said:
Thanks. I see it there indeed.Apex said:
This is what the topic is for.cajunator said:Are people seriously arguing over reflection maps? Just play the fucking games. They are basically the same.
cajunator said:And yet GT5 cut corners by using last gen models for some cars. Neither game is perfect or even close to it. At this point it's just preferences.
Hey, you're unbanned! Good to have you back.Dibbz said:So basically it goes:
"Forza doesn't have real time reflections on cars other than the players"
"No it does have real time reflections on everything"
Prove that only reflections work on players car
"Why are you complaining about reflections? Just play the game!"
lol you guys crack me up.
Dibbz said:So basically it goes:
"Forza doesn't have real time reflections on cars other than the players"
"No it does have real time reflections on everything"
Prove that only reflections work on players car
"Why are you complaining about reflections? Just play the game!"
lol you guys crack me up.
Considering reflection tricks would help keep a framerate steady, it definitely has everything to do with it.Apex said:If T10 use that effects in the player car and not in the rest it has nothing to do with reflection tricks but degrading the graphic quality to keep a fixed famerate.
Apparently you have a reputation, but I'll bite anyways. All the cars have reflections. The AI cars just use simpler ones to keep the framerate steady. Got it? Shouldn't be too hard to understand. Let me know if you're still confused, that way I can space out every line to make it easier on you.Dibbz said:So basically it goes:
"Forza doesn't have real time reflections on cars other than the players"
"No it does have real time reflections on everything"
Prove that only reflections work on players car
"Why are you complaining about reflections? Just play the game!"
lol you guys crack me up.
He knows that already, hence the "real time".TUROK said:Considering reflection tricks would help keep a framerate steady, it definitely has everything to do with it.
Apparently you have a reputation, but I'll bite anyways. All the cars have reflections. The AI cars just use simpler ones to keep the framerate steady. Got it? Shouldn't be too hard to understand. Let me know if you're still confused, that way I can space out every line to make it easier on you.
Was I asking a question?TUROK said:Considering reflection tricks would help keep a framerate steady, it definitely has everything to do with it.
Apparently you have a reputation, but I'll bite anyways. All the cars have reflections. The AI cars just use simpler ones to keep the framerate steady. Got it? Shouldn't be too hard to understand. Let me know if you're still confused, that way I can space out every line to make it easier on you.
Apex said:To me that seems a simpler environment texture not a simplified real-time cube map.
Yeah surprised GT5 didn't adopt this, what with so many racing games using that same trick. Blew my mind seeing other cars being reflected on the hood for the first time in PGR4eso76 said:Forza trick allows T10 to use the framebuffer trick for hood view though.
Metalmurphy said:That's not cutting corners, that's choosing not to cut an entire museum of legacy cars...w
eso76 said:GT5 uses a different trick, though. There's only one cube env map, which is generated according to your car's position and used on every car, so when you pass under a bridge, the same bridge is shown, at the same time, on all other cars, regardless of where they are.
nib95 said:Just glad I held out before putting down my hard earned on the GT2 and Club Sport Pedals.
You'd have something if all that was from one person.Dibbz said:So basically it goes:
"Forza doesn't have real time reflections on cars other than the players"
"No it does have real time reflections on everything"
Prove that only reflections work on players car
"Why are you complaining about reflections? Just play the game!"
lol you guys crack me up.
nib95 =! iknosflyinpiranha said:So cutting corners is keeping a constistent framerate with nonplayer car reflections taking a hit but including last generation cars in your game that look terrible compared to others is NOT cutting corners and "preserving a legacy"?
That's not cutting corners, that's just preserving the legacy of bridges.
Those would make your precious GT5 more enjoyable too. But I know you really have no interest in F4, in fact you only posted in the thread once Iknos with a total of 2 races on a freezing 360 started bitching about assists.
Was it the 'your precious GT5' bit that gave it away?Angst said:I sense much bitterness in your post.
I don't know how familiar you are with internet sarcasm (I for one am an expert)...SmokyDave said:Was it the 'your precious GT5' bit that gave it away?
flyinpiranha said:So cutting corners is keeping a constistent framerate with nonplayer car reflections taking a hit but including last generation cars in your game that look terrible compared to others is NOT cutting corners and "preserving a legacy"?
That's not cutting corners, that's just preserving the legacy of bridges.
90% of the standard cars look great. I'm not surprised Forza fans keep going back to mentioning standards. Apart from customization in Forza there is nothing of value to sim racers that would make them choose it over GT.flyinpiranha said:So cutting corners is keeping a constistent framerate with nonplayer car reflections taking a hit but including last generation cars in your game that look terrible compared to others is NOT cutting corners and "preserving a legacy"?
Don't forget:Gafapastismo said:Wow, seems Forza is the real pre baked simulator
- Lighting
- Shadows
- Reflections
- Damage
Well... I'd like the rivals system from F4 in GT, it sounds like a really good feature. And lots of the cars in F4 I'd like to see in GT too.Dibbz said:90% of the standard cars look great. I'm not surprised Forza fans keep going back to mentioning standards. Apart from customization in Forza there is nothing of value to sim racers that would make them choose it over GT.
Metalmurphy said:Did I mention Forza in my post? No, I did not. Stop seeing every fucking post as an attack to your sweet sweet Forza. Jesus...
And yes, that's a joke about your "precious GT5" comment.
flyinpiranha said:"Sweet, Sweet Forza Jesus." I like that.
aka Dan?flyinpiranha said:"Sweet, Sweet Forza Jesus." I like that.
nib95 said:Do you know how many PM's I've exchanged with people to buy a second hand GT2 and pedals? Why would anyone invest so much money on kit for a game they weren't interested in, especially when I already have a G25 and Microsoft wheel? Pure and simply it was because of F4, but not with forced assists. Just not worth it then.
nib95 said:I will still eventually buy F4 (after a slew of other games I'm now more interested in), but I don't think it justifies such an expensive steering wheel set up personally (unless you play a lot of PC sim racers too or don't already have a G25/G27). You're not getting close to full use for it, and it's not like my G25 is lacking for everything else non 360 related.
And yes, it does annoy me greatly that there are noticeable forced assists in play. It's not even about making driving easier or harder. I just want the game to do exactly what I tell it to do dammit. Having a Fantec wheel with forced assists imo is the equivalent of having a Logitech G9 mouse and G19 keyboard with auto aim.
Bear in mind, the Fanatec set up can set you back anywhere from 250 to 500 Euro's (depending on whether you get the club sport package). And for that kind of money, you ought to be expecting full accurate control. Especially when Fanatec have their own top of the line Forza 4 branded line. Smh.
And yes, I am bitter about it. I want to have full steering control with F4 so I have a proper excuse to go out and buy a Fanatec wheel/pedals. Just like I want the iPhone 4S to have a bigger screen or the Nexus Galaxy to not have such a crappy GPU, again, so I can buy one or the other instead of having to wait longer for a new worthy phone. Le sigh...
So everything that isn't too good in GT5 like framerate/tearing is apparantly OK, because it only happens occasionally? But a steering foible that is largely hidden and only occurs in a specific situation when driving lairily is a show stopper?nib95 said:A very interesting comparison. Also proves to me at least that Spec 2 definitely has a better or more consistent frame rate than on initial launch. pretty much always 60fps now except in close up jams or collisions, even then the drops are momentary.
Also, whilst GT5 looks more realistic overall, with a more muted colour palette and more accurate grading/lighting, I do think F4 takes it on track textures (most of the time). They seem to be a bit more detailed than GT5, though GT5 takes it on vehicle detailing and accuracy.
One thing I do disagree with DF on is the comment on handling. Imo handling and driving physics are still notably more realistic in GT5, namely because of the more advanced traction, suspension and road feedback.
KKRT00 said:Really fair AI comparison between GT 5 Spec II and Forza 4.
Same car, same corner, same car position and three tests.
KKRT00 said:Really fair AI comparison between GT 5 Spec II and Forza 4.
Same car, same corner, same car position and three tests.
KKRT00 said:Really fair AI comparison between GT 5 Spec II and Forza 4.
Same car, same corner, same car position and three tests.
KKRT00 said:Really fair AI comparison between GT 5 Spec II and Forza 4.
Same car, same corner, same car position and three tests.
KKRT00 said:Really fair AI comparison between GT 5 Spec II and Forza 4.
Same car, same corner, same car position and three tests.
looking over this thread you are the biggest forza fanboy ever lolflyinpiranha said:Actually me and nib go back a ways for nerdy internet arguments over superfluous things, so that "precious" was just a friendly jab.
As for this:
"Sweet, Sweet Forza Jesus." I like that.
Snubbers said:So everything that isn't too good in GT5 like framerate/tearing is apparantly OK, because it only happens occasionally? But a steering foible that is largely hidden and only occurs in a specific situation when driving lairily is a show stopper?
Your logic sucks dude (Meant in jest, I do agree with you in a very small way, that any assist is unwelcome on a technical level)..
By your logic, we should hold off buying that nice new 60Hz TV, because GT5 occasionally drops to 50Hz, making it worthless?? (Crap analogy, but what the hell, the thread was getting boring..)
KKRT00 said:Really fair AI comparison between GT 5 Spec II and Forza 4.
Same car, same corner, same car position and three tests.
did you see a different vid? oh wait its just your fanboy eyesflyinpiranha said:Also, surprised how bad GT5 looks visually there compared to Forza 4.
AHUAHUAHUAKKRT00 said:Really fair AI comparison between GT 5 Spec II and Forza 4.
Same car, same corner, same car position and three tests.
Tough call really. I mean, at first glance it seems that the Forza AI is blind but perhaps the other cars were all jealous of the F40 driver and his beautiful car? Perhaps the AI is really, really good and factors in envy.KKRT00 said:Really fair AI comparison between GT 5 Spec II and Forza 4.
Same car, same corner, same car position and three tests.