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Forza 3 vs Gran Turismo 5 Comparison Thread of John, Chapter 11, Verse 35

Metalmurphy said:
This post is a perfect example of why this thread is hilarious... The irony... so good.

See, you assume since I have criticisms of GT5 that I did not enjoy my tons of hours with it. This is not true. I bought a setup for it. I just prefer the racing and community aspect of Forza.

What I find hilarious is that people like you haven't even played Forza 4 much yet comment on 'handling'. There was no "irony" in my post. When I come to a VS thread I'd assume the people talking about the games have you know ... played both.

And dude, you really shouldn't take this thread too seriously. I'm sure many of the dissenters enjoy and play both games. "Meltdown' .. lol.


Wazzim said:
Hey maybe T10 will finally start releasing 780mb patches every month and get Forza 4 2.0 done in October 2012 with all the fixes and some account exclusive DLC.


Nah Turn10 releases full retail games that add features that should have been in the previous rushed version. In addition, I think they will have to wait a little longer to see what GT add's to the sim world, so they can follow suit. Since they apparently had no idea what IBL/TopGear/Light Cycles/16 cars, etc.. until after gt5 shipped.


Wazzim said:
A while still isn't 6 years lol.

So about 7 years, forza5 might have turned off the perm assists, and add Spa.


Sorry, forgetting Turn10's dev/cutcorner cycle.. 6.3 years.
did anybody ever do this shot in forza 4?


i want to see how bad the f40/nur combo looks compared to gt5.


Respawn said:
You do know they worked on and released other stuff during that time right?
Of course you dont know since you didnt want to find out.
Hahahahahahaha :')

You really couldn't tell I was joking? Go look up all the GT5/Forza threads, chances are you'll find me in both hyping the releases.


I really enjoyed GT5 but it was the framerate and screen tearing that ruined it for me.
As much as you bash forza4, at least it keeps it's 60FPS all the time.
That's why I prefer T10 and forza, they never let that 60FPS drop.
GT5 is a beautiful game but it comes with a price.
Respawn said:
You do know they worked on and released other stuff during that time right?
Of course you dont know since you didnt want to find out.
They worked on a WIP demo and crap nobody cared about (GT PSP, TT), compared to GT5. After they released GT5, it took them another year to actually finish the game.


brotkasten said:
They worked on a WIP demo and crap nobody cared about (GT PSP, TT), compared to GT5. After they released GT5, it took them another year to actually finish the game.

More people bought GT5's demo than Forza3. & Dev time is still dev time, isn't it?


Marco1 said:
I really enjoyed GT5 but it was the framerate and screen tearing that ruined it for me.
As much as you bash forza4, at least it keeps it's 60FPS all the time.
That's why I prefer T10 and forza, they never let that 60FPS drop.
GT5 is a beautiful game but it comes with a price.
How can You notice drops from 60 to 50 fps?

brotkasten said:
They worked on a WIP demo and crap nobody cared about (GT PSP, TT), compared to GT5. After they released GT5, it took them another year to actually finish the game.
Was it better with Turn10? With every game, they needed to remodel their cars, with every game they needed to remodel their tracks - call that efficient development.


Marco1 said:
I really enjoyed GT5 but it was the framerate and screen tearing that ruined it for me.
As much as you bash forza4, at least it keeps it's 60FPS all the time.
That's why I prefer T10 and forza, they never let that 60FPS drop.
GT5 is a beautiful game but it comes with a price.

Have you tried it since the Spec 2 update? Frame rate (and tearing) has been improving ever since it was released. It's pretty much solid now with few drops, and even then, most are not really more than 5-10fps and barely last for a few seconds at a time. Near enough un-noticeable in gameplay, at least they were to me.

The night/rain races still fare slightly worse than the rest, but it still feels like a big upgrade to what it used to be and drops aren't really impeding or even noticeable (except in extreme scenario's).



Gynoug79 said:
No there is no workaround the wheel/xbox just internally scales down the 900° to 270°. The so called Fix just allows the wheel to connect to the xbox/FM4 with the Sen set to 900°.

Can you explain more? I have a fanatec wheel, and I can set it to 900, and when I turn my wheel through 900 degrees, it affects the steering input in the game throughout it's travel (bar a bit of non-linearity)..

I was actually doing the workaround from Day 1..

The real issue was more that when you had the car sideways and countersteered, it suddenly seems to almost drop to a 270 degree wheel, so what was say 15 degrees of countersteer was suddenly 90 degrees of counter steer, which is bad, and tends to over-correct and in those situations feels unnatural..

And the AI..

I also think in some ways FM4 has taken a step backwards as much as it's taken a step forward in how it behaves whilst around you.
For example, when racing in the pack, the cars generally leave you room when they should and they feel quite 'fluid' and almost human when they make mistakes like moving over to give you room, but that causes the car to drift and they lose control..
Then on the other hand, they still have the same annoying habit of hitting you up the backside blindly if you are an early braker (I'm a slow-in, fast-out driver)..
And that video shows (at least in that 1 probably carefully selected instance) that the AI doesn't react as well as I remember FM3 to stationary vehicles.. With only a small positive that you can see them moving over much earlier when they approach slow moving traffic ahead..


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Marco1 said:
I really enjoyed GT5 but it was the framerate and screen tearing that ruined it for me.
As much as you bash forza4, at least it keeps it's 60FPS all the time.
That's why I prefer T10 and forza, they never let that 60FPS drop.
GT5 is a beautiful game but it comes with a price.
I agree with you on the framerate. The main issue with GT5 is the rear view mirror. The roof cam without the rear view mirror, for instance, holds 60 fps the vast majority of the time while the first person view WITH the rear view mirror. Forza 4 draws the rear view at a lower framerate and possibly a lower resolution. GT5 tries to keep those mirrors at 60 fps like the rest of the game and it is clearly hurting performance.

I was hoping I could either lower the detail of the mirrors or disable them completely (as helpful as they might be).


dark10x said:
I agree with you on the framerate. The main issue with GT5 is the rear view mirror. The roof cam without the rear view mirror, for instance, holds 60 fps the vast majority of the time while the first person view WITH the rear view mirror. Forza 4 draws the rear view at a lower framerate and possibly a lower resolution. GT5 tries to keep those mirrors at 60 fps like the rest of the game and it is clearly hurting performance.

I was hoping I could either lower the detail of the mirrors or disable them completely (as helpful as they might be).

I have turned off the rear mirror in bumper cam in FM4, I actually don't like the times it drops to 30fps, I'd prefer it did as GT, and lowered the detail level..

It is variable though, I'm sure on some tracks/races, the mirrors are 60fps.. Same as the AA I guess, it drops to 2x for most races, 4x for hotlapping.. on some circuits it's more obvious.. I'd almost take a hit on something else to keep 4x everywhere..

But this is the age we live in, people poor over the static graphics to the extreme that I'm sure this is a consideration developers consider when decided which compromises to make.

Personally, I'm on the fence between the two games, the low res reflections in roof/bonnet/whatever it's called these days, with the low detail pop-up tastic mirror rendering in GT5, versus the 30fps mirrors and drop in AA in FM4..

Luckily most of my racing is done online, so I tend not to care in either game..

I will say that I didn't like the cockpit view in FM3 by and large, too many terribly shaded cockpits where a bit jarring, but FM4 has made this view really viable, and I love the texture detail and clarity in a lot of cars, the Mitsubishi Starion as a prime example..


brotkasten said:
They worked on a WIP demo and crap nobody cared about (GT PSP, TT), compared to GT5. After they released GT5, it took them another year to actually finish the game.
I care about GT: PSP :(

I'd care about a handheld Forza too.
flyinpiranha said:
See, you assume since I have criticisms of GT5 that I did not enjoy my tons of hours with it. This is not true. I bought a setup for it. I just prefer the racing and community aspect of Forza.

What I find hilarious is that people like you haven't even played Forza 4 much yet comment on 'handling'. There was no "irony" in my post. When I come to a VS thread I'd assume the people talking about the games have you know ... played both.

And dude, you really shouldn't take this thread too seriously. I'm sure many of the dissenters enjoy and play both games. "Meltdown' .. lol.

There's nothing to assume in the fact that there's irony when someone says he comes here just for the laughs when moments before he just jumped one someone to defend Forza, when Forza wasn't even mentioned (you see kinda like what you did just now in that post when you say I have commented on Forza handling, when I haven't, nasty habbit you seem to have), claim that one game looks "bad" on a video where anyone that isn't blind can see the opposite, and is nearing a meltdown.

So yeah, I assumed nothing.

Wazzim said:
Hey maybe T10 will finally start releasing 780mb patches every month and get Forza 4 2.0 done in October 2012 with all the fixes and some account exclusive DLC.

You say it like it's a bad thing. Even if the exaggerated 780mb patches every month were true.

Wax Free Vanilla said:
did anybody ever do this shot in forza 4?


i want to see how bad the f40/nur combo looks compared to gt5.

Why bother? That F40 looks like a cartoon.


Dibbz said:
Oh shit lol.

No excuses for AI this bad. Not when the competition is doing a lot more and still manages to pull of better more smarter ai.

Lets not get ahead of ourselves, that is but one small bit of AI behaviour, but none the less, it can certainly be improved upon..

There are some nice improvements to some aspects of AI, some are as bad as FM3, and I have already said, I think possibly some have taken a step backwards, as a whole, I think it's still an improvement, but to be honest, I think you need to do a load of tests to characterise things with more certainty, if that poster did a whole host of things whilst racing in a pack, I'd be interested to see how each game behaves..

For example, in FM4 multi-class races, the AI are very proficient at avoiding the slower cars, although they do have the odd brain-fart at times..

I need to go and play some more Spec II GT5, I only had 1 evening on it before the FM4 demo arrived, and I've not had any spare time since..


hide your water-based mammals
Snubbers said:
Yes, bravo they will sacrifice such things to guarantee 60fps.. Bravo indeed.. ;)

I see why people say this thread is a honey pot.. shame really, be nice to discuss things sensibly..
Some things are more legit than others but it makes sense to make them sacrifices, I do agree. GT5 doesn't do that to that extent though so that's where we can bring it into this circus :p
There you go with "meltdown" again murph, do you invent drama or something? I won't be able to touch you on the leaderboards so you have no worries.


Dibbz said:

Different car models used for when only one car is on the track and when there are 12.



Bravo Turn 10.

Bravo indeed. It's a great way to keep the frame rate locked at 60fps. It is obvious that Turn 10 didn't want to compromise on frame rate at all. It was their number 1 priority.

Personally, I don't care, as I never see my car that way. I don't know how anyone can play racing games in 3rd person.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Definitely not the same corner, right?
Interesting thread to say the least.

When did a perfect 60fps become the end all be all of a racing sim? The fuck? Is this the RAGE thread or a racing game comparison thread? I guarantee the people making the claims that 1/50th of a second compared to 1/60th of a second reaction times when braking are mid level racers on a good day and probably have 2 seconds time they could gain from a better racing line more than perfect braking points (myself included)

Fucking hell. Both games could run at 30 fps 720p and I wouldn't give a fuck. So much more to both these games than frame rates. Jesus.


obviously whats most important in a racing sim is the physics, i have both games but i cant give a fair comparison as i dont have a wheel compatible with the 360. i will say forza 4 is way better than 3 was though in terms of physics. GT5 spec II is very good

but neither of the games are close to iracing yet


Snubbers said:
Can you explain more? I have a fanatec wheel, and I can set it to 900, and when I turn my wheel through 900 degrees, it affects the steering input in the game throughout it's travel (bar a bit of non-linearity)..

Have a fanatec myself and i ll try... The little wheel in the telemetry should do full circles and not just move from 9 to 3. All whats being done is that your 900° movement get translated to the 270° Fm4 understands. For example, in a game that nativly only supports 900° you could half you wheel movement by setting the wheel to 450°. The wheel upscales your movement ( degree of wheel rotation) to the native 900° of the game, so 45° wheel movement translates to 90° wheel movement in game.

As FM4 seems to be nativly 270°, setting your wheel to 450° increases your actual wheel movement and makes it less responsive. Try the Nordschleife Radical Top Gear challenge with the wheel set to 900°....

Idealy FM4 would have full 900° support with at least a diffrent steering lock for race/street cars..as it is there is really not need for a 900° degree wheel.


Marco1 said:
I really enjoyed GT5 but it was the framerate and screen tearing that ruined it for me.
As much as you bash forza4, at least it keeps it's 60FPS all the time.
That's why I prefer T10 and forza, they never let that 60FPS drop.
GT5 is a beautiful game but it comes with a price.

That should be 60 FPS*

*Rear view mirrors and reflections drop to 30 FPS on load.
gutterboy44 said:
Interesting thread to say the least.

When did a perfect 60fps become the end all be all of a racing sim? The fuck? Is this the RAGE thread or a racing game comparison thread? I guarantee the people making the claims that 1/50th of a second compared to 1/60th of a second reaction times when braking are mid level racers on a good day and probably have 2 seconds time they could gain from a better racing line more than perfect braking points (myself included)

Fucking hell. Both games could run at 30 fps 720p and I wouldn't give a fuck. So much more to both these games than frame rates. Jesus.

Comes down to each person. I for one can't notice 50-60 drops. I just can't. But I do notice when GT5 is nearning the 40 fps marks, which is VERY VERY rare.

If I had to choose between GT5 framerate and Forza graphics, I'd go with GT5 framerate any time.

But hey, that's just me.


Xanadu said:
i can only have internet on one thing so i had to go by memory, but it doesnt really matter

also made this


Just at a glance.
*Mirror's are too large horizontally.
*Re-headlights are not square
*Front windshield too large vertically.
*No fuel door?
*rims are wrong.
*Front bumper too large vertically.
*Incorrect seats.
*Incorrect windshield wiper (Ha! Polyphony Digital's modelers are insane.)


jabuseika said:
Just at a glance.
*Mirror's are too large horizontally.
*Re-headlights are not square
*Front windshield too large vertically.
*No fuel door?
*rims are wrong.
*Front bumper too large vertically.
*Incorrect seats.

We already know that the F40 is wrong in F4.

It's probably why certain people keep asking for a comparison with that car and track here. People love to shit on FM as much as they can in here.

It still wont change the fact that FM 4 is the greatest console sim ever produced.


jabuseika said:
Just at a glance.
*Mirror's are too large horizontally.
*Re-headlights are not square
*Front windshield too large vertically.
*No fuel door?
*rims are wrong.
*Front bumper too large vertically.
*Incorrect seats.

ferrari badge is too large

grill is shaped slightly wrong, with horrible white chicken wire. also missing small detail

front instakes arent deep enough

indicators slope too much

Slayer-33 said:
We already know that the F40 is wrong in F4.

It's probably why certain people keep asking for a comparison with that car and track here. People love to shit on FM as much as they can in here.
i'm not shitting on it lol, you know i like the game but i like to discuss car models
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