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Forza 3 vs Gran Turismo 5 Comparison Thread of John, Chapter 11, Verse 35


mentalfloss said:
As someone who loves Forza 3 (I haven't bought F4 yet), I have to say, GT5 is the prettier game. I can't speak for gameplay, but it's clear that GT5's beauty comes from the time the developer took to craft these environments and car models.

It's not even a matter of whether the PS3 or 360 is more powerful. There is no doubt in my mind, that that the 360 is more powerful hardware than PS3. This is a testament to extensive software development, and the advantages one can bring despite programming on inferior hardware.

So what you're saying essentially is that T10 couldn't produce a superior game on the 'superior' 360 hardware.


Metalmurphy said:
It has a marginally better GPU, PS3 has a vastly better CPU that can be used to offset load off the GPU.

vastly? They're different architectures but each has its advantages for gaming. Sure the peak processing power of the CPU is higher in the PS3 but using it in a gaming context isn't easy at all. Not everyone is naughty dog.

PS3s biggest advantage is disk space, not its CPU.
360 has a significantly stronger GPU, more RAM, and basically equal or better CPU. And it's easier to program for. You'd think people would have figured it out by now but I guess the PS3 myth still continues. It's only advantage is Bluray, which is only a convenience and doesn't affect how games look.

Fun fact: all Sony first party games would look even better if they were made for 360 and GT5 would embarrass Forza 4 even more.


eso76 said:
those tracks were made with wet road in mind, and they kept detail low.
More complex stages are pushing hardware to its limits in dry conditions already, adding reflections, however cheap, would have killed the framerate. Though they should at least have headlights reflecting on wet road in that case, it looks so wrong without.

Which leads to the same old conclusion.
GT5 vs FM4, who wins ?
For one we are not sure how the reflections were created, so we can't assume. Two, are we talking about PGR with the "screen saver" rain effect on the windshield? y'know, the repeating rain pattern? That game? The game the runs at 30 FPS and pre-bakes almost all SF's? And to boot, poor lighting and not-so-high texture res?


Truespeed said:
So what you're saying essentially is that T10 couldn't produce a superior game on the 'superior' 360 hardware.

They've definitely produced a superior game. Every aspect that makes it a "game" is much much better than GT5.


ADD New Gen Gamer
H_Prestige said:
360 has a significantly stronger GPU, more RAM, and basically equal or better CPU. And it's easier to program for. You'd think people would have figured it out by now but I guess the PS3 myth still continues. It's only advantage is Bluray, which is only a convenience and doesn't affect how games look.

Fun fact: all Sony first party games would look even better if they were made for 360 and GT5 would embarrass Forza 4 even more.

Hello there. A wonderful addition to my growing ignore list.
bobbytkc said:
Hello there. A wonderful addition to my growing ignore list.
Thinking it was a bit a sarcasm unless you don't like that sort of thing, which would be odd since you are in this thread. I lol'd at it...


H_Prestige said:
360 has a significantly stronger GPU, more RAM, and basically equal or better CPU. And it's easier to program for. You'd think people would have figured it out by now but I guess the PS3 myth still continues. It's only advantage is Bluray, which is only a convenience and doesn't affect how games look.

Fun fact: all Sony first party games would look even better if they were made for 360 and GT5 would embarrass Forza 4 even more.
Not sure if serious. (edit)
H_Prestige said:
360 has a significantly stronger GPU, more RAM, and basically equal or better CPU. And it's easier to program for. You'd think people would have figured it out by now but I guess the PS3 myth still continues. It's only advantage is Bluray, which is only a convenience and doesn't affect how games look.

Fun fact: all Sony first party games would look even better if they were made for 360 and GT5 would embarrass Forza 4 even more.

What is this fact you speak off?


Yoritomo said:
vastly? They're different architectures but each has its advantages for gaming. Sure the peak processing power of the CPU is higher in the PS3 but using it in a gaming context isn't easy at all. Not everyone is naughty dog.

PS3s biggest advantage is disk space, not its CPU.
Actually CPU is what saved PS3. HDD just erased some constrains X0 has.

CELL is vastly superior to xenon, yes its harder to write too, but with current advanced tools and libraries from phyre engine and engines that are coded to use jobs, cell is great tool and its scary fast.
Xenon is basically 3 PPUs taped together, so it has 3 cores and 6 threads, and one thread is almost completely dedicated to XMB [like 70% from what i remember]. Because X0 dont have HDD, it uses more CPU for texture decoding [for exampled Bizarre in PGR 4 used one whole core just for decoding textures].
CELL is two times faster than i7 920 in single precision calculations and it has really low latency.
Basically CELL in pure SP flops is almost equal to RSX.

RSX is worse than Xenos, by quite a bit, but because PS3 can use SPU culling, they are almost equal in many cases and RSX is worse for probably max 20% in other ones, its all depends of code of course ;p

Yoritomo said:
They've definitely produced a superior game. Every aspect that makes it a "game" is much much better than GT5.
Less options, worse driving model, less cars and tracks, less different types of racing makes it 'much much better game than GT 5'? 'every aspect' seriously?


Yoritomo said:
They've definitely produced a superior game. Every aspect that makes it a "game" is much much better than GT5.

Dan also agrees with you.

So, props to Kazunori Yamauchi-san and the PS1 team," said Greenwalt. "That said," he continued, "I feel that he's passed us the baton. Perhaps he hasn't meant to, but we have taken the genre to new levels and they've stopped evolving the genre. So again, tremendous respect to him, but I'd say the differentiator is they're old school." He concluded, "The emperor's naked, and I don't want to, you know, I don't want to slap him around, but no game competes [with] us right now."


H_Prestige said:
360 has a significantly stronger GPU, more RAM, and basically equal or better CPU. And it's easier to program for. You'd think people would have figured it out by now but I guess the PS3 myth still continues. It's only advantage is Bluray, which is only a convenience and doesn't affect how games look.

Fun fact: all Sony first party games would look even better if they were made for 360 and GT5 would embarrass Forza 4 even more.

AND, studies have shown that comsumers of the more powerful console are more typically more successful in both careers and wealth, are far more attractive, and have healthier sex lives too. In fact, they're just better people living better lives in every way.

Now, I can't remember if that was the ps3 or the 360, maybe it was PC. Oh where's that study...
Anyway, whichever it was, people are far more superior.



KKRT00 said:
Less options, worse driving model, less cars and tracks, less different types of racing makes it 'much much better game than GT 5'? 'every aspect' seriously?

Also, it's always sunny and dry in F4 and the Sun is also in geosynchronous orbit with the world.


KKRT00 said:
Actually CPU is what saved PS3. HDD just erased some constrains X0 has.

CELL is vastly superior to xenon, yes its harder to write too, but with current advanced tools and libraries from phyre engine and engines that are coded to use jobs, cell is great tool and its scary fast.
Xenon is basically 3 PPUs taped together, so it has 3 cores and 6 threads, and one thread is almost completely dedicated to XMB [like 70% from what i remember]. Because X0 dont have HDD, it uses more CPU for texture decoding [for exampled Bizarre in PGR 4 used one whole core just for decoding textures].
CELL is two times faster than i7 920 in single precision calculations and it has really low latency.
Basically CELL in pure SP flops is almost equal to RSX.

RSX is worse than Xenos, by quite a bit, but because PS3 can use SPU culling, they are almost equal in many cases and RSX is worse for probably max 20% in other ones, its all depends of code of course ;p

The SPU's are largely number crunchers, they are vastly different to a PPU, and obviously any SPU resource used to bolster RSX is then not available for other things..

It's surprising that if you take the strengths/weaknesses of each as a system that they relatively matched..

And looking at games as ultimate proof isn't always fair, since the game/developer focus is often different.

Just take FM/GT, and on spot graphics, GT is the clear winner..

But when you look at all the things the game has to do, you start to see that hardware resource doesn't seem overly 1 sided

GT - Night
GT - Wet tracks
GT - 1280*1080
GT - Some better lighting shaders
GT - Some nicer spot texture
GT - Long dev cycle (could start engine from scratch)

FM - Liveries on car
FM - Audio
FM - Head tracking in all modes
FM - Depth of physics (not how realistic, but collisions, known tyre modelling depth)
FM - locked 60fps
FM - Arguably more geometry on tracks

I'm not trying to make that a definitive list to argue over, but you can see that if you where to notionally assign some resource penalties for each feature, there is an element of obviously playing to the hardware strengths, but also the total hardware resource spent doesn't seem as unbalanced as many people seem to think IMO!


KKRT00 said:
Less options, worse driving model, less cars and tracks, less different types of racing makes it 'much much better game than GT 5'? 'every aspect' seriously?

Driving model is up to debate. And unless someone has sunk actual time into both games with a wheel their opinion on one game vs the other means jack shit in that respect.

Multiplayer, tuning, interface, rivals mode, blah blah. the stuff that makes it a game and not a just a sim are all better in FM4.


Junior Member
chubigans said:
oh my god what are we doing

what are we DOING
Proving what the sim community has known for quite some time: that GT fanboys are the worst.

Still I think a healthy comparison can and should be made between both games but this thread reflects that fir many this is about system wars and not about 2 great games that complement each other.
Infamous Chris said:

Lol, thread keeps delivering. Serves it's purpose well ;)
Ok maybe vastly is a bit too much, better is enough.

Btw I love how you keep trying to sell this unbiased view of yourself, do you keep forgetting the thread you're in and your past posts in it?

Hey look Iknos is back. How come we didn't see you on the GT5 NRL race? You'd said you'd show up...
Iknos said:
Proving what the sim community has known for quite some time: that GT fanboys are the worst.

Still I think a healthy comparison can and should be made between both games but this thread reflects that fir many this is about system wars and not about 2 great games that complement each other.

The games are the just weapon of choice. The real battle you're seeing is Sony vs MS diehards.

I'll never understand romanticizing corporations who see you nothing more than a revenue stream.


Yoritomo said:
Driving model is up to debate. And unless someone has sunk actual time into both games with a wheel their opinion on one game vs the other means jack shit in that respect.

Multiplayer, tuning, interface, rivals mode, blah blah. the stuff that makes it a game and not a just a sim are all better in FM4.
Driving model includes suspension and track recreation and those are better in GT 5 without an doubt.

Multiplayer isnt better, interface is hurting only haters, tuning i agree, rivals mode - havent You seen seasonal events?

Snubbers said:
But when you look at all the things the game has to do, you start to see that hardware resource doesn't seem overly 1 sided

GT - Night
GT - Wet tracks
GT - 1280*1080
GT - Some better lighting shaders
GT - Some nicer spot texture
GT - Long dev cycle (could start engine from scratch)

FM - Liveries on car
FM - Audio
FM - Head tracking in all modes
FM - Depth of physics (not how realistic, but collisions, known tyre modelling depth)
FM - locked 60fps
FM - Arguably more geometry on tracks
60fps damn stop with that 99.9999999% people cant notice difference between 50 and 60fps.
And stop with dev cycle, look at Crysis, look at BF 3. FM 4 is third Turn10 game on X0, so they had 7 years to change the engine, more than GT 5 was in development. And look how GT 5: Prologue looked in 2007.
Collisions are bad in both games, dont really understand why it was even an argument, maybe for GT 4 could be.
Tyre modelling is awesome in GT too.

And about tech side.
Physics are much more complex in GT, just observe how suspension reacts, how physics move drivers inside the car.
Audio is more complex in GT if You're talking about hardware resources.
Collisions are based on the same things and actually GT is better because it has realtime deformations, not model swapping.
Some tracks has more geometry, some has similar in GT, so its really hard too compare.
And now things You havent mentions.
HDR in GT 5, higher lod on cars, real-time shadows, more post-processing lighting effects, volumetric particles, anisotropic filtering, much better animations.


KKRT00 said:
60fps damn stop with that 99.9999999% people cant notice difference between 50 and 60fps.
The problem is tearing and it's technically really impressive that Forza is 60fps all the time.

Tearing usually doesn't affect me (play without v-sync on PC), but I still think windscreen wipers look pretty bad in GT5 with all the tearing. For people who have a problem with tearing it's a huge issue as they can't play a race with multiple cars at 60 fps all the time.


KKRT00 said:
Driving model includes suspension and track recreation and those are better in GT 5 without an doubt.

Multiplayer isnt better, interface is hurting only haters, tuning i agree, rivals mode - havent You seen seasonal events?

What's your gamertag? For more of your opinion I need some evidence that you've played a significant amount of FM4.

Suspension modeling is great in FM4. It was piss poor in 3 but vastly improved in 4. The number of options available to someone making a multiplayer game in FM4 destroys GT5. Track recreation depends on the track. GT5 has the definitive ring, that's for sure.


Nobody will ever convince anybody that game X is better than game Y in this thread.

But the condescendence of certain posters is quite funny. Give your heads a shake if you think that a certain fanbase is better than another. A quarrel is quickly settled when deserted by one party, but there is no battle unless there be two.

Anyway, resume!


Ty4on said:
The problem is tearing and it's technically really impressive that Forza is 60fps all the time.

Tearing usually doesn't affect me (play without v-sync on PC), but I still think windscreen wipers look pretty bad in GT5 with all the tearing. For people who have a problem with tearing it's a huge issue as they can't play a race with multiple cars at 60 fps all the time.

Well, F4 is 60 FPS* with a lot of compromises. Also, can you technically be called a 60 FPS game when the rear view mirror and reflections can dip to 30 FPS?
Iknos said:
Proving what the sim community has known for quite some time: that GT fanboys are the worst.

Still I think a healthy comparison can and should be made between both games but this thread reflects that fir many this is about system wars and not about 2 great games that complement each other.

Hold your horses son, no fanboy is better than the other. Thats why they are called 'Fanboys".


Funny that I'm not finding Gamertags on anyone who seems to be filling the role of "GT fanboy".

So for the sake of the argument.

Forza defenders resorting to attacking the fans and not the game. Typical, but I guess that's what you have to do when the game you're repping is a self-driving arcade racer.


Loaded up both games last night at the same time, played the nurb GT track with the bmw z4.

Forza feels and sounds better, GT5 looks too dark but looks great in photomode. GT's nurb is superior and their shaders are insane. The interesting thing is that I had FUN playing both. I suggest some of you do the same. You'll come back to a thread like this and realize how childish it is to argue over two games.
Red Blaster said:
Forza defenders resorting to attacking the fans and not the game. Typical, but I guess that's what you have to do when the game you're repping is a self-driving arcade racer.

You keep reposting the same gamefaqs level "attacks" over and over like you're a teenager (or lack a mature mindset). The ironic thing is, there is noone "attacking fans" the way you speak of, and when it has happened in this thread, it happens on BOTH sides. But of course your tinted shades blind you. If you think calling people fanboys, which many outrightingly admit they are in this thread (or obvious is obvious) is a personal insult ... I have no words.

And how many times are you going to say "self driving arcade racer?" Are you making things up to ease the pain of Forza 3/4 averaging much higher ratings than your holy grail? The pain must be unbearable. In before fanboy brethren come to your rescue.


Truespeed said:
Don't make me post my limited edition Forza key chain and Forza USB drive. Because I swear I will.

Heh, I still have my keychain somewhere around here. My usb key has something on it but I hesitate to check it out. I wrote some automated data grabbing device I think. If I plug it in it'll rip all my info while pretending to lock up the computer.


Snubbers said:
But when you look at all the things the game has to do, you start to see that hardware resource doesn't seem overly 1 sided

GT - Night
GT - Wet tracks
GT - 1280*1080
GT - Some better lighting shaders (Some?)
GT - Some nicer spot texture
GT - Long dev cycle (could start engine from scratch)
GT - 24 h real time cycles
GT - Datta Loguer
GT - Night cockpits
GT - Working wipers
GT - Low and high beams (Dynamic track lighting)
GT - Real time rain particles in cockpit view affected by physics
GT - Volumetric smoke/dust affected by shadows and environment light
GT - Grass physics
GT - Car and tyre dirt
GT - Horns
GT - Real time damage

FM - Liveries on car (a backed low resolution texture)
FM - Audio (less Q, poor channel separation, not 7.1)
FM - Head tracking in all modes
FM - Depth of physics (not how realistic, but collisions, known tyre modelling depth) click me
FM - locked 60fps
FM - Arguably more geometry on tracks (only in some race tracks, none comparable to GT5 Nur 24 h or most of the GT5 city tracks)
FM - Very cheap effects (sparks, smoke, dust, etc)
FM - External view low framerate reflections (15 fps?), only realtime in the players car and very simplified in car glass
FM - 30 fps rear view mirror
FM - Less detailed cars with low quality interior lighting
FM - LOD swap at shorter distances
FM - Less AA
FM - 12 cars offline
FM - Less shadow complexity (simplified self shadows, pre backed shadows on track , etc)
FM - Simplified pits
FM - No modeled rear view in cockpit view
FM - Simplified driver animations
FM - Simplified lighting (black cars in tunnels not affected by lights)

I'm not trying to make that a definitive list to argue over, but you can see that if you where to notionally assign some resource penalties for each feature, there is an element of obviously playing to the hardware strengths, but also the total hardware resource spent doesn't seem as unbalanced as many people seem to think IMO!


Iknos said:
Proving what the sim community has known for quite some time: that GT fanboys are the worst.
I think they're worst on the losing/struggling side, especially if it has dominated. Forza isn't struggling yet like the GT series was after GT5, but it lost a bit of the lead after spec 2 and FM4 and IMO the forza fanboys have gotten worse.

This thread is just running in circles: graphics -> standard cars -> graphics -> frame rate -> graphics -> physics -> graphics -> consistency -> etc...

For some time we've known that GT5 has the best graphics, most cars, most race conditions and most realistic physics, forza the best career mode, best multiplayer, best framerate and most cockpits. We've ran out of stuff to discuss and are basically using one game's advantage to counter the other game's advantage.
*bails out, after a couple of posts*


There should be a pop up dialog box that's displayed to people entering versus/comparison threads for the first time so that they understand the purpose of these threads and the serious repercussions for posting messages instructing people to just have fun.


pixelbox said:
Oh dear...So i guess those 4 extra processors means shit then. More is less.
Lol, you think SPU's are comparable to the 360's actual cores. That's cute.

Apex said:
It's a factual technical comparisson, there is no need to be so defensive.
If it's so factual, how come you didn't mention the 1/16th size particle buffers in Gran Turismo 5, or the extremely noticeable alpha-to-coverage dithering for transparencies?


TUROK said:
If it's so factual, how come you didn't mention the 1/16th size particle buffers in Gran Turismo 5, or the extremely noticeable alpha-to-coverage dithering for transparencies?
I don't know what you mean by 1/16th size but maybe because the particles effects in GT5 even not perfect are miles away more advanced than in FM.

Truespeed: 12 offline and 16 multiplayer
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