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Forza 3 vs Gran Turismo 5 Comparison Thread of John, Chapter 11, Verse 35

Metalic Sand

who is Emo-Beas?
chubigans said:
Holy crap, watch this video starting at 6:50


The transition to F3 to GT is crazy...and it's mostly thanks to the lighting engine that powers GT.

I dont really see it? Fm3 colors pop alot more. And to me GT5 looks somewhat washed out in the color "IMO"

It could just be that track for GT5. Other pics/vids ive seen make GT5 look better than whats in that vid but im directly going off that video.


Also this thread reminds me:

Console peasants ruined my TOCA


Junior Member
Wax Free Vanilla said:
The three black holes:


Playing "dumb" this often runs the risk of people considering that you actually are...


Come to think of it I am falling into the trap of responding to these crazies.


Valru said:
yes actually i've played it and if definitely did look like SHIT, the textures are worse than launch 360 games and the entire game looks so damn bland.

akachan ningen mentioned 60fps funny at that low resolution i'd hope any game ran that great, why not try bumping it up a notch because frankly i struggled to keep the game above 30fps at 1680x1050 with 4890 and 3.6ghz q6600

lol. 1680x1050 is not a huge step up from 1280x1024. 1280x1024 is still more demanding than 720p.

It sounds like you've got some kind of driver issue. I hear the game has performance problems with ATi cards at the moment. I have a 3.2 ghz Q6600 and a GeForce GTX 260 and I've heard it can average around 50 fps at 1080p with that card. The game NEVER drops under 60 fps for me (because of the lower resolution) and I highly doubt the framerate would be cut in half should I go up to 1680x1050.


chubigans said:
Holy crap, watch this video starting at 6:50


The transition to F3 to GT is crazy...and it's mostly thanks to the lighting engine that powers GT.
Holy shit :D Prologue looks better than F3 and has amazing lighting effects. That video says GT5 will look even better than Prologue; why are you guys still having screenshots comparisons?

evolution said:
Actually the best racing game last gen was RSC2, GT4 is tied with PGR2 for a close second
Sorry but what is RSC2? Is it a PC game like GTR/GT Legends? And is it really as amazing as you say? I've recently started playing a lot of racing sims on PC (old ones as my rig is kind of old) but i wasn't really impressed so far... :( A great racing sim would be welcomed :D
Iknos said:
Playing "dumb" this often runs the risk of people considering that you actually are...


Come to think of it I am falling into the trap of responding to these crazies.

NOT IN THE REPLAYS go play the fucking game this has been said before. now after you do that i dont expect to see a reply
shuyin_ said:
Holy shit :D Prologue looks better than F3 and has amazing lighting effects. That video says GT5 will look even better than Prologue; why are you guys still having screenshots comparisons?

Sorry but what is RSC2? Is it a PC game like GTR/GT Legends? And is it really as amazing as you say? I've recently started playing a lot of racing sims on PC (old ones as my rig is kind of old) but i wasn't really impressed so far... :( A great racing sim would be welcomed :D

Rallisport Challenge 2 (Xbox only)


Iknos said:
Responding to the craaayzaaayzz...

He means in the external view....seriously...


You can still vaguely see through, but hardly at all in comparison to pre-race, photo mode and replay.

Anyway, they need to change the windscreen in the cockpit view. Just looks like a hole has been cut through the car. No glare, reflections, sponsor tags or anything.


I'm so fed up with ppl complaining about the squealing sound in GT (or so called lack of "sense of speed"). Go find some real racing footage shot with in-car cams. When a car turns or breaks in a race, it just makes that noise. It's unpleasant. But that how it is. And that's how GT makes it. You don't like it? Then complain to God and ask him change the reality...

Same thing for the lack of "sense of speed," go find vids of side by side comparison of GT and real world races. Some shows that GT almost match the real in-car cam frame by frame. That's how it should be for a sim racer, not to simulate the "Hollywood reality."


Why do Forza fans feel the need to elevate it to GT5P's level?

There is no shame coming up short to one of the best first party developers in the field who have a huge amount of resources behind them for the PS3's flagship game coupled with absolutely massive support from the car industry to sell the product.

No shame in coming second to that. Not everyone is equally talented. Sony/PD have a very high incentive to make GT5 the standout console sim from a graphical point of view and they already achieved that 2 years ago.

Look at what PS3 first party is doing with the budgets they have been given, Polyphony who have got a proven record when it comes to graphical wizardry have made others look pedestrian on hardware that is just about equal. There is no shame in losing out to them.

In the end this thread is a funny distraction and I hope no one is taking it seriously, though I doubt it.
avaya said:
Why do Forza fans feel the need to elevate it to GT5P's level?

There is no shame coming up short to one of the best first party developers in the field who have a huge amount of resources behind them for the PS3's flagship game coupled with absolutely massive support from the car industry to sell the product.

No shame in coming second to that. Not everyone is equally talented. Sony/PD have a very high incentive to make GT5 the standout console sim from a graphical point of view and they already achieved that 2 years ago.

Look at what PS3 first party is doing with the budgets they have been given, Polyphony who have got a proven record when it comes to graphical wizardry have made others look pedestrian on hardware that is just about equal. There is no shame in losing out to them.

In the end this thread is a funny distraction and I hope no one is taking it seriously, though I doubt it.

Well said. And for most people with realistic expectations regarding the graphics of Forza, T10's results should be more than good enough.
LordPhoque said:
About this spectators trolling attempt :


Dude, I'm not trying to prove anything in this thread. Couldn't care less about console warriors, I like both games a lot. Being overly defensive much?

I very well know that the game usually has pretty good spectators, I was just amazed to see those cardboxes in a replay. Why did they even bother to put that crap in?

AZ Greg

Why are people complaining about trolling in a glorified trolling thread? That's when you know one side has conceded.
Melfice7 said:
so you cant see the detailed interior of cars while racing? :|
In the demo (and I expect in the full game too) the only time you see more then the driver, steering wheel and general shape of the cockpit and seats is only in the high poly models or cockpit camera, any others where the car LOD is not the super high ones you get black mass.

I doubt the final game will be any different.


Piggus said:
lol. 1680x1050 is not a huge step up from 1280x1024. 1280x1024 is still more demanding than 720p.

It sounds like you've got some kind of driver issue. I hear the game has performance problems with ATi cards at the moment. I have a 3.2 ghz Q6600 and a GeForce GTX 260 and I've heard it can average around 50 fps at 1080p with that card. The game NEVER drops under 60 fps for me (because of the lower resolution) and I highly doubt the framerate would be cut in half should I go up to 1680x1050.
most games the differences btwn gpu perfomance starts to show with at 1680regardless of performance that game looks like ass (see screenshot few posts later)

and frankly its unacceptable for a game to launch and not run well on a huge part of a customer base, eitherway i found the game to be poor so meh.


Still Alive
Parapraxis said:

First, I find it funny this site is comparing FM3 to a 2 year old partial game, but what really gets me is people are saying it's not even GT5:p being compared to FM3, it's GT:HD.
Wow, that was a pretty strong transition/difference there.. and to think you're comparing a year and a half old game to one that isn't even out yet.

I don't get all the rage with these comparisons/debates, isn't it blatantly obvious enough? (don't kill me)


Junior Member
nib95 said:
You can still vaguely see through, but hardly at all in comparison to pre-race, photo mode and replay.

That has more to do with the angle you are viewing it at. Look at the other cars while racing at a driver's eye height.

avaya said:
Why do Forza fans feel the need to elevate it to GT5P's level?

There is no shame coming up short to one of the best first party developers in the field who have a huge amount of resources behind them for the PS3's flagship game coupled with absolutely massive support from the car industry to sell the product.

No shame in coming second to that. Not everyone is equally talented. Sony/PD have a very high incentive to make GT5 the standout console sim from a graphical point of view and they already achieved that 2 years ago.

Look at what PS3 first party is doing with the budgets they have been given, Polyphony who have got a proven record when it comes to graphical wizardry have made others look pedestrian on hardware that is just about equal. There is no shame in losing out to them.

In the end this thread is a funny distraction and I hope no one is taking it seriously, though I doubt it.

Are you saying that you don't think Forza 2 is better than Prologue?


theignoramus said:
This comparison seems fucking biased, but whatever, here's a user submitted ( Flanker22) comparison from gameswire.net



Biased as all hell, to the point of being wrong, which is hilarious, because some of the stuff he's wrong on is either advantageous to GT5, or underselling/overselling Forza.

For instance, the backdrop he points to is not 2D in Forza, it's 3D.

Forza DOES have 2D backdrops, additionally, but they're definitely not as good as GT5's. And I don't think anyone will argue that GT5's skyboxes are superior to Forza's more than the other way around.

He does make one good point though --- the shadows in GT5, which I had never noticed before. Both character shadows and lack of soft shadowing on the cars. Maybe *this* is one of the reasons that I and so many other people on here feel that GT5 is so sterile/clinical all the time.


Junior Member
avaya said:

Graphically? No contest.

Of course. I'm talking about the game itself.

I think you'll agree that it compares very favorably against GT. Hence the comparisons between the games overall.

I compare sims because I want one that has it all. But it looks like that day will never come.

Forza will be better in some areas. GT will be better in some areas. SimBin's Race series will be better in some areas. Now we have System 3 and SMS who have brought new things to the table.

There will never be a "definitive" racer. There will never be one racer that will satisfy me to the point where I would play no other.
schennmu said:
Took these during a replay yesterday. Is this a joke from the devs?????



So I went back to the game to check again and noticed that these models are only in use during replays. In actual gameplay, spectators are fully modeled, replays use some cardboxes to save performance. (Or a bug?) Most replay spectators are 3d though.
Honestly, I don't think even bishoptl knew the depths of absurdity that this thread would plumb with the crazy apples to oranges comparisons and CSI-like anal retentive fucking analyzation over the smallest possible shit. Kudos to you, sir, for giving the car game insane a playground to wage their battles upon and the rest of us a raw, unfettered look into the minds of those specifically-branded sort of crazy people. I guess I'll just never fully understand the hardcore racing sim-style game fan crossbred with the realistic graphic whore. It's certainly saved the readability of both the GT5 and F3 threads, I'm sure. Never mind the ease of policing those threads as all of the weird shit stays here...a low point in the virtual floor of the forum for all of the weird shit to settle in. Some truly spectacular stuff.


Comics, serious business!
avaya said:
There is no shame coming up short to one of the best first party developers in the field who have a huge amount of resources behind them for the PS3's flagship game coupled with absolutely massive support from the car industry to sell the product.

Thank you for this post. I agree that graphically the Forza series has a ways to go. Unfortunately, Forza's graphics are used as a springboard for GT loyalists to trounce on the entire series with a viciousness I've not seen on GAF before (here we are almost 3,000 posts later). I don't understand it.

I would rather look at all the great things that Turn 10 has done in its brief history. Forza 3 is a huge leap over Forza 2. Forza 2 was a huge leap over Forza 1. Every entry is exponentially better than its predecessor.

Polyphony released GT in 1997. Forza was launched in 2005. The Polyphony team has an 8 year head start. What's amazing is that in just 4 years (between F1 and F3) Turn 10 has created a series that can be mentioned in the same breath as the GT series. In fact, many hardcore sim sites, journalists, etc., praise the Forza series for doing many things better than the GT series. This is an incredible feat in such a short time. And I haven't even talked about the disparity of resources and development flexibility.

But this is GAF. Most posters in this thread would rather hate than praise. Life's much easier that way.


theignoramus said:
This comparison seems fucking biased, but whatever, here's a user submitted ( Flanker22) comparison from gameswire.net

extremely detailed textures... :lol :lol :lol
One of the three textures he's pointing at is grass... a flat texture for grass. Amazing details there :lol
Another one is a crack on the road. Am i missing something? What does he see so extraordinary? You can paint anything on a texture... I mean, if it would've been a massive texture like id tech 4's megatextures (32,768×32,768 pixels) it would've been a great achievement. But it's just a texture man...
The same with the wall texture.. it even repeats itself if you look carefully.

I think he's trying way too hard :lol I'd like to see more comparisons from the guy that did this one. I can imagine the next one:
- extremely rare feature for a racing game: Forza has actual cars racing on a circuit. Amazing :p


RSTEIN said:
What's amazing is that in just 4 years (between F1 and F3) Turn 10 has created a series that can be mentioned in the same breath as the GT series.

The king has always been compared to other racers each gen - it's no achievement at all to be 'mentioned in the same breath' as GT when everyone is doing it.

The same was said of various N64, Saturn, XBox and Dreamcast racers.

Still remember the absurd comparisons with PGR, Sega GT and MSR :lol

Well after the Forza has gone the way of those series we'll no doubt have another pretender to compare the GT series to.


I could swear the Eiger mountains are 3D, all except the one that's is all the way in the background.

Either way, it's easily the worst looking stage on Prologue.


Don't know what it is, but one looks like a game and one looks real.

Maybe it's the lighting. In fact, it's prob a mix of lighting and shaders. Not many games (games in general) have lighting as realistic as GT5's.


RefigeKru said:
I could swear the Eiger mountains are 3D, all except the one that's is all the way in the background.

Either way, it's easily the worst looking stage on Prologue.
Tis my fave actually (best spectators in the game). And yeah, they're 3D.
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