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Forza 3 vs Gran Turismo 5 Comparison Thread of John, Chapter 11, Verse 35


theignoramus said:
That quote is one of the major reasons why I dont care for Che as a CM. Look at the CMs from Bungie or Insomniac....they used to invite the "competition" onto their podcasts. What does Che do? He smack talks them on internet forums.
Who from PD would he invite? I don't even know if PD has a community manager...


Neo Member
GSG Flash said:
I think a lot of it actually has to do with both the director's and the local community manager/troll's arrogance when it comes to Forza 3 and their general disdain for GT5. When you have official employees, which includes the director, of the competition trolling GT5, I don't think it's unreasonable to expect GT fans to get riled up and attack the competition, which in this case is Forza 3.

So, let me get this right..... Because some people who make/promote videogames have stated - falsely or not - that their product is superior to that of another videogame company's product, a group of people loosely associated by their choice of internet forum have become so outraged at this travesty that they have, incensed, gathered as an ethereal force to defend the honour of their chosen videogame product?

If that's not the epitome of decadence in our cloistered first-world existence, then I don't know what is.

Considering this, I would like to take this opportunity to thank all those who have worked tirelessly throughout the centuries to get us to this state where we really don't have anything of importance to worry about. Seriously, thank you, clearly we are but a single step from Utopia.
chris0701 said:
Digitalized shadow. Fuck Yeah!

They're just sporting the new digital camo look that's all the rage in the military these days.
Czeer0 said:
So, let me get this right..... Because some people who make/promote videogames have stated - falsely or not - that their product is superior to that of another videogame company's product, a group of people loosely associated by their choice of internet forum have become so outraged at this travesty that they have, incensed, gathered as an ethereal force to defend the honour of their chosen videogame product?

If that's not the epitome of decadence in our cloistered first-world existence, then I don't know what is.

Considering this, I would like to take this opportunity to thank all those who have worked tirelessly throughout the centuries to get us to this state where we really don't have anything of importance to worry about. Seriously, thank you, clearly we are but a single step from Utopia.

I said the same thing and I was told it's 11th grade psychology and that that's a completely normal thing to do.


Wax Free Vanilla said:


did it really happen? che's credibility is shot to pieces after he lied for months to his own community.

Wow where does one start

- all the while taking careful notes

- examining our UI systems

- shooting photos

and my favorite

GT franchise has been so stagnant in the racing genre since GT3

Wonder what PD were taking careful notes on - magic carpet physics, blacked out interiors, cardboard cutout spectators or how to deceive your fanbase for 2 years about the quality of your in-game models.
evolution said:
Oh so Forza and GT are in some kind of bubble where no other racing games exist. :lol

Are we comparing GT to PGR4 or DIRT or GRID? No we are not because only one game competes directly with GT and thats Forza.

Between the two, one is leading and one is playing catchup in terms of features. Racing line, damage, livery, customization, AI, online etc...

Lets face it. Without this "one" the other would be a stale, sterile iteration of its previous self.


Interfectum said:
Wonder what PD were taking careful notes on - magic carpet physics, blacked out interiors, cardboard cutout spectators or how to deceive your fanbase for 2 years about the quality of your in-game models.

pretty spot-on.


D'ultimate said:
I KNOW!! Like OMG!! Its not, like, totally favoring GT. Like, WTF!! :lol

Am I doing it right?

Yeah well the pain problem is that there are things flat out wrong in there, that some of FM's "highlights" are not even mentioned for GT, that he's comparing a screen where you have one tree extremely close to the track vs dozens of treens in the background, etc, etc, etc.
I also notice that the author forgot to mention the number of cars, top left corner.


D'ultimate said:
Its just fuel to the fools who are so invested in their favorite series emotionally that they make it seem as if a family member was attacked and they need to retaliate.

Its sad really.
See, i disagree with you here. I think the problem is habit. Some of the people you're referring to are a bit too used to flaming on message boards (no to say i'm calling anyone a flamer; i just mean some people are used to frequenting threads in which there's a lot of flaming) ergo when someone expresses his actual opinion, they only see flame bait. Where you see fools emotionally invested in their fav series that need to retaliate, i see people expressing opinions.
I mean, based on the media i've seen so far, i think Prologue and GT5 look better than F3. Someone like you might say i'm emotionally invested and i'm trolling and whatever, instead of seeing it simply as my opinion. What if you found out i'm not even going to buy GT5 as unfortunately, i don't have a PS3? Would you still consider me emotionally attached to GT or whatever?..or would you feel a bit stupid? ;)

As for the bashing, my take is that it's not started by people expressing opinions. It's started by those retarded comparisons. I mean look at what Mr. Durden posted. That comparison was made by a retard. That is trolling. I posted a comment above about how i actually loled at the 'extremely detailed textures'. Also, apparently, the 'low quality 2d backdrop' in the GT pic, is actually a 3d mountain. And i'm sure there are many other inaccuracies, but i'm not going to spend my time analyzing some stupid comparison.
I remarked a certain need of Forza fans to prove (by means of <retarded> comparisons or pictures) that F3 is better than GT from a graphical pov. Which is clearly not the case in the opinion of this poster.
As a conclusion, it's my personal opinion that these people that are desperately trying to prove something that (i for one consider) is not true, are the ones that add fuel to the fire.

But i agree with you that it's sad. I'm sure people won't change and saying something like 'from that video, GT looks better than Forza' will be seen as people trying to desconsider the other game, instead of being seen as an opinion. Just look at this guy's reply[edit: this is another situation that made me lol :lol It's you that made this comment... nice going, you try to sound conciliable in one post and in your next post, you're doing everything you blamed other people of doing]:
D'ultimate said:
I KNOW!! Like OMG!! Its not, like, totally favoring GT. Like, WTF!! :lol

Am I doing it right?
That comparison is retarded, inaccurate, but you still have this kind of replys. So don't worry, personal opinions (even from people that may not be buying GT or even Forza for that matter) will continue to be seen as trolling.


D'ultimate said:
Are we comparing GT to PGR4 or DIRT or GRID? No we are not because only one game competes directly with GT and thats Forza.

Between the two one is leading and one is playing catchup in terms of features. Racing line, damage, livery, customization, AI, online etc...

Lets face it. Without this "one" the other would be a stale, sterile iteration of its previous self.
Actually we were discussing damage. Plus none of the features you mention are exclusive to just racing sims.

Lets face it. Without this "one" the other would be a stale, sterile iteration of its previous self.
Racing in GT5:p is so much better than GT4. They added a cockpit view, larger field of cars, much better driving model and finally online play/leaderboards.


Interfectum said:
Wonder what PD were taking careful notes on - magic carpet physics, blacked out interiors, cardboard cutout spectators or how to deceive your fanbase for 2 years about the quality of your in-game models.

Why would they take notes on those? They've had those mastered for years. Hell, that's where Turn 10 picked it up from :lol
I mean, based on the media i've seen so far, i think Prologue and GT5 look better than F3. Someone like you might say i'm emotionally invested and i'm trolling and whatever, instead of seeing it simply as my opinion. What if you found out i'm not even going to buy GT5 as unfortunately, i don't have a PS3? Would you still consider me emotionally attached to GT or whatever?..or would you feel a bit stupid? ;)

Since I'm expressing my opinion on this matter I clearly do not believe that all who do so is an emotionally invested fool. But, since my response you quoted was in response to someone who said people got so butthurt because of what Dan/Che said that its their motivation to bash Forza, I would say you're stupid for thinking that I would feel stupid if you did or did not want to buy GT.


D'ultimate said:
Since I'm expressing my opinion on this matter I clearly do not believe that all who do so is an emotionally invested fool. But, since my response you quoted was in response to someone who said people got so butthurt because of what Dan/Che said that its their motivation to bash Forza, I would say you're stupid for thinking that I would feel stupid if you did or did not want to buy GT.
Look at the edit in my above post. In the light of your recent posts i'd say you're one of the
D'ultimate said:
fools who are so invested in their favorite series emotionally that they make it seem as if a family member was attacked and they need to retaliate.

So spare us of posts in which you analyze why this topic is as it is. You're part of the problem.


MoeB said:
That is not a fact. It's a matter of preference.

So is your environment vs cockpit comment, hypocrite.

EDIT : My take on this thread is that if GT5 doesn't improve it's career mode to the point that playing through it is fun for me (I really enjoyed the career mode in Forza 2) then it loses automatically and I won't bother getting it. Key point is making it have a good range of ways I can make it as easy or hard as I like so I don't get stuck and don't have to grind if I don't want to.


Chrange said:
Why would they take notes on those? They've had those mastered for years. Hell, that's where Turn 10 picked it up from :lol

So it is true. They were aiming to beat GT4. Now it's all making sense.
So spare us of posts in which you analyze why this topic is as it is. You're part of the problem

Whatever dude. You just wanted to espouse some shit. I commented on a specific thing. You turned what I said into a broad stroke which you included yourself in.

I was not "analyzing why this topic is as it is". It seems you have nothing to contribute so "you're part of the problem".


D'ultimate said:
Whatever dude. You just wanted to espouse some shit. I commented on a specific thing. You turned what I said into a broad stroke which you included yourself in.

I was not "analyzing why this topic is as it is". It seems you have nothing to contribute so "you're part of the problem".
Oh man, you got me. I'm actually a GT fanboy and i was trying to support the other GT fanboys in this thread. :lol
Nevermind i don't own a PS3 (and probably not going to own one for some time) and won't play GT5. Nevermind i don't care whether you believe my opinion (or should i say personal preference) of liking the graphics of GT more than those of Forza from the videos i saw. Nevermind i didn't initially notice you were the one who posted the 2nd comment i quoted (which shows what a man of strong character you are). And nevermind i'm not going to play GT or Forza in the near future as i'm too busy playing a copy of GT Legends on my PC.
Yeah, you saw right through me...i just wanted to espouse some shit. You're just too smart. :p
shuyin_ said:
Oh man, you got me. I'm actually a GT fanboy and i was trying to support the other GT fanboys in this thread.
Nevermind i don't own a PS3 (and probably not going to own one for some time) and won't play GT5. Nevermind i don't care whether you believe my opinion (or should i say personal preference) of liking the graphics of GT more than those of Forza from the videos i saw. Nevermind i didn't initially notice you were the one who posted the 2nd comment i quoted (which shows what a man of strong character you are). And nevermind i'm not going to play GT or Forza in the near future as i'm too busy playing a copy of GT Legends on my PC.
Yeah, you saw right through me...i just wanted to espouse some shit. You're just too smart. :p

I think you just proved my point :D


Neo Member
Turn 10 did the same thing with Forza 2:

What Forza 2 supposedly looked like:

What It looked like in reality:

What Forza 3 supposedly looked like:

What it look like in reality:
AZ Greg said:
That stuff does lead to some of the insanity, but you must not have been around last generation. Before Turn10 was making "definitive" comments, before Che was hired, etc..., the hate was just as strong.

Hate was strong but those comments from Turn 10, which I think was stupid, added extra fuel to it.

GSG Flash

Nobody ruins my family vacation but me...and maybe the boy!
elrechazao said:
I think it's funny that you're basically whining that someone said things you don't like, so it therefore justified all sorts of nerdy rage. None of which negates the points made by the guy who pointed out that T10 has done incredible things in a short time, and made things better for all gamers because now we have two awesome racing games.

Literally though, you seem to be saying that if someone from turn 10 says their game is the best ever, then the fanboy hordes should flip out and act irrationally.

Sticks and stones friend, we're not 6 years old. Well, most of us anyway.

Who says I was whining? Your post seems like whining about my post more than anything. A short summary of what my posts are basically saying is that Turn10 has brought the hate upon themselves by commenting negatively and declaring their triumph over the competitor's game before a release date for the competitor's game has even been announced.

Sure T10 has made great strides with Forza in a short amount of time, but that really has nothing to do with what my post was implying.

Physically most of use aren't 6 years old anymore, but a lot of posters on both sides, and even Dan Greenawalt, seem to have never matured mentally past the age of 6.

Czeer0 said:
So, let me get this right..... Because some people who make/promote videogames have stated - falsely or not - that their product is superior to that of another videogame company's product, a group of people loosely associated by their choice of internet forum have become so outraged at this travesty that they have, incensed, gathered as an ethereal force to defend the honour of their chosen videogame product?

If that's not the epitome of decadence in our cloistered first-world existence, then I don't know what is.

Considering this, I would like to take this opportunity to thank all those who have worked tirelessly throughout the centuries to get us to this state where we really don't have anything of importance to worry about. Seriously, thank you, clearly we are but a single step from Utopia.

What the hell are you talking about? Read my above post, and the defending of a bunch of 1s and 0s is happening on both sides. Don't try to act like it's only GT fanboys attacking Forza and being defensive, some Forza fanboys here, I won't name any names, are defending Forza like it's their first born.


Tyl3n0L said:
Turn 10 did the same thing with Forza 2:

What Forza 2 supposedly looked like:

What It looked like in reality:

What Forza 3 supposedly looked like:

What it look like in reality:

Wow so I guess we can't blame Che for the deception.


GSG Flash said:
Don't try to act like it's only GT fanboys attacking Forza and being defensive, some Forza fanboys here, I won't name any names, are defending Forza like it's their first born.

Can't you see the difference though? Only one side has pure, absolute trolls on it.
ShapeGSX said:

Why are the windows tinted?
You can see some of the detail of the interior through the window.
As is the case with just about every vehicle in Prologue. From an overhead view, you can see the interior and the driver animations while you drive.
I really dont care, the fact is that you clearly see the interior of nearly every vehicle in Prologue. There is no blacked out interior at any point in time.
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