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Forza 3 vs Gran Turismo 5 Comparison Thread of John, Chapter 11, Verse 35


Junior Member
Zaptruder said:
Everything else Forza 3 is better than GT5, without qualification or detail, and somehow that's not a troll to you?

Actually I should edit my post to say that I don't totally agree with it. Personally I prefer the Prologue experience to the FM2 experience mainly because of the superior wheel.

But that is not considered a troll to me because this is what most critics and sim racing fans generally think.

There's no need to discuss the details because at this point the FM2 and Prologue comparisons occurred years ago.

Well, at least we know where you're coming from now.
From the legions of brainwashed xbox fuckwits who can't even tell that they're been shills. Obnoxious enough to feign objectivity all while glowing bright fucking green

So you think this because you disagree with me? Why shoe me into a catagory just because you disagree with me on a particular topic?

GSG Flash said:
No, it's more of your unequivocal defending of Forza mixed with potshots at GT5 that make me feel this way, I thought that would've been obvious.

Potshots? :lol

This thread has finally seen it all...

I'm not going around claiming "GT5>F3 in every possible category" for a reason, I have yet to play either game.

I took his comment to reflect on the series comparisons on the whole and not the actual 2 games.

Of course we don't know about the 2 games in detail enough to make a comment.

[Nintex] said:
Guys it's Forza 3 vs. Gran Turismo 5.

Sony fans vs. Microsoft fans vs. Pacifists battle Royale extravaganza

Oh but it is. The very basis of this whole GT vs. Forza thing is the whole system wars thing.

GT vs. FM is like a proxy war for the whole console war.

It has nothing to do with the actual games themselves...because if it did we would be talking about Race Pro and Ferrari Challenge as much as these games. rFactor and LFS would be part of the discussion as well.

GSG Flash

Nobody ruins my family vacation but me...and maybe the boy!
XiaNaphryz said:
Iknos has been one of the few posters here trying to be objective. He's simply trying to respond to inaccurate information, which in this thread so far has been overwhelmingly been one-sided. He has cleared up GT inaccuracies as well, but those haven't been nearly as bad in comparison.

As for the potshots, it seems he's done this more on the posters than on the game itself, which is understandable given the complete cesspool this thread is. To the crazy contingent here, if you make any attempt at "defending" Forza even if it's just correcting a simple inaccuracy you're instantly branded as being on that "side" and are clearly a fanboy. It's absurd.

I'm sorry, but thinking that Forza>GT5 in everything but graphics is not being objective, it is a clear biasness towards F3 seeing as he hasn't even played GT5 yet.

The worse part is, he has convinced people like you, and possibly himself as well, that he is objective.
IMO Iknos and especially kharvey are just as bad as the blatant trolls, because the trolls atleast do not hide their preference or convince themselves of their neutrality.

As for the potshots, some of them may be subtle but he's taken them on everything GT related, including the fanboys and the console the game is on.
Zaptruder said:
Anyone care to give us a run down as to what part of the driving physics are done well and not well in GT(5P) and Forza (3 demo)?

I mean, I really hate to see the meme Forza has better physics perpetuated without been properly challenged.

We can clearly see GT graphics are nicer, even while Forza still has very nice graphics... but physics...

All I know is that GT has a fair number of options for physics, and that it seems fairly realistic to me. I know I have an easier time driving in Forza 2 as well, but it was also pretty easy in GT4. GT5P pro mode is significantly harder for me though... although difficulty in handling is really no measure of physics engine accuracy.

So with that much hashed out, is anyone willing to explain what is so great or not great about the physics engine of both games in order to either reinforce or dispel the meme?

Because honestly, it seems like the meme is just repeated because its difficult to challenge and is the only significant notch Forza fanboys have over GT fanboys.

I haven't played GT:p since my roommate was into it and that was ages ago. What I will say is that, speaking from games like GT3, without proper collision mechanics the games can be exploited pretty hard. A common tactic in a lot of older racers is to accelerate into a car already in a turn, "bounce" off them wind up ahead of them. You lose less speed that way. A lot of games don't punish hitting other cars enough.

I would hope GT5 is adding better physics for this reason, because a big part of racing is avoiding hitting other cars. Its dangerous for both of you and will throw your own car off balance.

I don't know a lot about racing sims, but I do know a bit about racing. Defending your position is a big part of any race and learning to break through those defenses without crashing into the other car is a big part of the finesse involved.

In F3 what I can say is that touching other cars rarely works out well for you. I don't know how realistic it is but hitting another car side on, for example, hurts you more than it hurts the other guy. Coming in from behind and tapping another car can throw you into a loss of grip so ideally you want to overtake without actually touching said person. From what i've seen the person being hit is less likely to lose control than you are, and again I have no idea if thats how the real physics of racing actually pans out. But it is encouraging how real racing works.

Speaking of GT5:p it played like older racers in that bumping into other cars didn't do a hell of a lot, there's a "bouncing" effect and thats about it. Obviously that isn't representative of the final product.



what's this all about?

The BitBag: I got this tip from Bitbag fan Pixelsword. If you haven't heard, someone from Microsoft was posting on Neogaf about Forza 3. A Neogaf admin pointed out that the poster had a Microsoft email address (I didn't agree with this tactic as information on users is supposed to remain private). Pixelsword posted in his N4G blog some info that leads back to this poster actually being a Turn 10 employee. You can follow the email after the jump. I find it funny that devs are using shills in forums. Nothing wrong with that.

blog itself


Ok, I'm not going to buy either game, racing, be it sim or arcade, is just not the kind of game I want to play. However, I do know which studio deserve the most sales, and that's the studio who has yet to brag their heads off being the definitive racer, not bribed their userbase to win a poll, not lied about the LoD on their cars during races, and who does not have a producer that trolls threads about the other game.

Stay classy PD, because your competition sure can't -_-

EDIT: Forgot to add:
Who really thinks there is any difference between n4g and neogaf now, thank the gods for the mods at this place. Neogaf could so easily become the same decrepit spawnpit of stupidity as n4g where it not for them.


Junior Member
GSG Flash said:
I'm sorry, but thinking that Forza>GT5 in everything but graphics is not being objective, it is a clear biasness towards F3 seeing as he hasn't even played GT5 yet.

Read my post in reply to yours...we can't make any comparisons between FM3 and GT5 at this point.

The worse part is, he has convinced people like you, and possibly himself as well, that he is objective.

That might have to do a lot with the fact that I'm hypnotizing them with the power of unpreferential critical analysis.

Maybe they read my posts in the GT and FM threads and saw that I criticize both games regularly.

IMO Iknos and especially kharvey are just as bad as the blatant trolls, because the trolls atleast do not hide their preference or convince themselves of their neutrality.

If you want to know my preferences and have me share them explicitly I'm happy to do so.

I'm pretty sure that it's clear that I prefer racing games over other genres and I prefer sim racers over arcade racers.

It should also be clear that I am eagerly anticipating GT5 and Forza 3 with my excitement for FM3 being at an all time high now and my GT5 excitement wavering over the last few months because we didn't have any details on it but now getting higher as we are getting more details. I'm also interestedin Supercar Challenge and Shift but will pick them up after I pick up a Fanatec wheel hopefully early next year. I also want to make a cockpit for it. By that time I also want to build a gaming PC to have in my home theatre so I can finally get an iRacing subscription and use a wheel for it.

How about yourself?


KHarvey16 said:
Compared to what's happening in here it certainly isn't. At least you can have a discussion with the guy.
What the heck does that even mean? If i say Diablo 3 is worse than [insert hack'n'slash rpg here] without having played Diablo 3, i'm trolling. You don't have to compare it to anything else to know it's trolling. ;)

KHarvey16 said:
shuyin_ said:
Oh, and the least thing we need is a preacher that is first when it comes to 'who used the world <troll> more'. If i were you, i would have thought twice before posting. ;)

Right back at ya there, mumbles.
:lol what? I don't think i've used to word 'troll' in any other context than explaining how guys like you keep using it. And if i said someone comes off as a troll i brought argument to the table. Do you want me to quote every instance you used the 'GT troll' expression free of context, just as a free insult?

KHarvey16 said:
Oh, and I'm sure I'll regret this, but please, show me a completely biased reply by myself not in response to some stupid bullshit posted by one of the aforementioned trolls.
KHarvey16 said:
I'll give you the same answer I gave someone else: forgive me for focusing on the huge gaping chasm letting the water flood in and ignoring the tiny drip in the corner. This thread is Sony/GT troll central and denying that requires some kind of strange delusion.

And you accusing Iknos is fucking hilarious.
KHarvey16 said:
I have the most posts in this thread thanks to defending against BS from one side. I do have to sleep some time. I think the army of GT/PS3 fanboys can handle the meager contribution from the other side.
KHarvey16 said:
How is this not making sense to you? If the tables were turned and FM trolls outnumbered GT trolls 10 to 1 I'd be defending GT.
KHarvey16 said:
Against blatant trolling and untruths? Yes, you're absolutely right.
KHarvey16 said:
Can't you see the difference though? Only one side has pure, absolute trolls on it.
KHarvey16 said:
I really don't have a bias. I don't give a shit about XBox vs. PS3 and when GT5 comes out it will be the reason I buy a new slim. I want both games to be great and I have every confidence they will be.

The simple fact remains there is an absolute imbalance in this trollfest.

I'd continue to quote you but what the hell man?...you have so many posts where you call people trolls that i'm afraid it might take a whole page :lol :lol :lol

Given your track record of free insults, i don't understand why you don't have the decency to stop? :)

PS: you say you have no bias, yet you admit not having a PS3, not having played GT5P, you use words like 'GT troll central', and you've posted in the GT official thread to pick a fight over who's trolling more(not to show interest in the game). Yeah, no bias...i bet you can't wait to play GT5 :lol
I can see your point now. In no way are you actually one of the people inflaming this thread. You're actually an unbiased man that simply wants to protect the poor and innocent Forza fans from the terrible GT trolls. :D


Noshino said:
You mean just like how people defending GT are being treated as delusional or just blind fanboys and whatever else?
The rational ones aren't being treated as such. The problem is, there aren't that many in comparison to the crazies unfortunately.

If you can't see that, then we're at an impasse obviously.


GSG Flash said:
I'm sorry, but thinking that Forza>GT5 in everything but graphics is not being objective, it is a clear biasness towards F3 seeing as he hasn't even played GT5 yet.

The worse part is, he has convinced people like you, and possibly himself as well, that he is objective.
IMO Iknos and especially kharvey are just as bad as the blatant trolls, because the trolls atleast do not hide their preference or convince themselves of their neutrality.

As for the potshots, some of them may be subtle but he's taken them on everything GT related, including the fanboys and the console the game is on.

Seriously... I'm not going to pretend objectivity, even though I'm generally pretty fair minded and a fan of both games.

GT got me into racing games, and it still holds a special place in my heart. Plus I don't drive without ABS, so a niggling issue like that is of little concern to me.


Cheeto said:
Its not about seeing damage...its more about crashing having an impact on your performance and preventing people from using other cars as a means to take a turn.
Most people wanting damage want visible damage, and not for the reason that you stated above, just for the fun of it (races become destruction derbies).

I agree that collision/damage should impact performance, but that stuff can be accomplished without any visible features as well.
shuyin_ said:
What the heck does that even mean? If i say Diablo 3 is worse than [insert hack'n'slash rpg here] without having played Diablo 3, i'm trolling. You don't have to compare it to anything else to know it's trolling. ;)

By that token, isn't saying Diablo 3 is better than another RPG not having played it also trolling?


-x.Red.x- said:

this is better than Columbo... damn that blog writer is a little "Closet-detective". He must have gone through lots of dirty underwear to dig this up.. It´s funny that Turn10 makes these anti-GT forum posts, but I think it´s even funnier reading about a guy that has gone through hell and back to dig up this info.. that poor blog writer.. :lol


this thread was an amazing idea :lol im laughing so much at the amount of petty retardation going on, keep going, lets hit 100 pages


GSG Flash said:
I'm sorry, but thinking that Forza>GT5 in everything but graphics is not being objective, it is a clear biasness towards F3 seeing as he hasn't even played GT5 yet.

The worse part is, he has convinced people like you, and possibly himself as well, that he is objective.
IMO Iknos and especially kharvey are just as bad as the blatant trolls, because the trolls atleast do not hide their preference or convince themselves of their neutrality.

As for the potshots, some of them may be subtle but he's taken them on everything GT related, including the fanboys and the console the game is on.

Wow, now I've seen it all.. Iknos is a troll huh..? Now that's proper irony for you right there, bear in mind that Iknos has been Forza 3's biggest and most active critic in the Forza Motorsport 3 thread.


XiaNaphryz said:
The rational ones aren't being treated as such. The problem is, there aren't that many in comparison to the crazies unfortunately.

If you can't see that, then we're at an impasse obviously.

But that's the thing, its the same for both camps. You defend Forza and you are called an Xbot, you defend GT and you are called SDF or whatever. Both sides are full of crazies, both of the sides have very small groups actually giving constructive criticism.

I know you are level headed based on your record (right? RIGHT? :lol ) but simply by putting one group of crazies over the other one you are being included as well. You want to call them out? then call them BOTH out, that's the reason as to why many are also jumping at Iknos right now


Noshino said:
[...]then call them BOTH out, that's the reason as to why many are also jumping at Iknos right now
Really? And here i was thinking people are jumping at Iknos because he said he doesn't consider trolling if you say one game is better than the other without having played both games.

I don't know Iknos and after looking through KHarvey16's posts i'm really too tired to search through dozens of posts from another user. But i'm just going to say this: i certainly don't agree with his view and i can understand why people are jumping at him.


Junior Member
Noshino said:
I know you are level headed based on your record (right? RIGHT? :lol ) but simply by putting one group of crazies over the other one you are being included as well. You want to call them out? then call them BOTH out, that's the reason as to why many are also jumping at Iknos right now

Show me an Xbox fanboy who posted an early development shot of Prologue and said that the final game looked like that. Show it to me and I will happily correct that person.

Show me a post that said you couldn't look into the cockpits of cars from the external view in GT5 because the windows are black and I will happily quote them and correct them.

Do it.
Zaptruder said:
Seriously... I'm not going to pretend objectivity, even though I'm generally pretty fair minded and a fan of both games.

GT got me into racing games, and it still holds a special place in my heart. Plus I don't drive without ABS, so a niggling issue like that is of little concern to me.

An issue like being able to turn during a brake lock isn't niggling, its either a glitch or a flaw in the driving mechanics. Whilst you drive with ABS plenty of people don't, I don't drive with it anymore after being told real race car drivers aren't allowed to use it. And for someone who genuinely wanted to know how the physics affected gameplay you haven't really bothered to comment on my post that specifically tried to answer that question.

GSG Flash

Nobody ruins my family vacation but me...and maybe the boy!
Iknos said:
Read my post in reply to yours...we can't make any comparisons between FM3 and GT5 at this point.

And yet a few pages back you posted

At the same time FM3 takes it a step further and looks not only at the surface tire temperature but also the internal gas temperature of the tire which affects tire pressure as it heats up. Indications are that FM3 will remain one step ahead.

in response to fortunateson saying that GT5:p physics being equal to F3 physics, when indications clearly tell us to wait until both games are out because PD are adding new features to the game everyday, and that is something that you do know about.

If you want to know my preferences and have me share them explicitly I'm happy to do so.

I'm pretty sure that it's clear that I prefer racing games over other genres and I prefer sim racers over arcade racers.

It should also be clear that I am eagerly anticipating GT5 and Forza 3 with my excitement for FM3 being at an all time high now and my GT5 excitement wavering over the last few months because we didn't have any details on it but now getting higher as we are getting more details. I'm also interestedin Supercar Challenge and Shift but will pick them up after I pick up a Fanatec wheel hopefully early next year. I also want to make a cockpit for it. By that time I also want to build a gaming PC to have in my home theatre so I can finally get an iRacing subscription and use a wheel for it.

How about yourself?

Good to know, that still doesn't clear the fact that you are taking potshots and are being a catalyst for the Forza trolling by posting things like

Eh...go easy on them.

It's been really rough for these guys. Not only is their favorite console in 3rd place...but they are getting shafted with inferior looking versions of multiplatform games.

As for my preferences, I'm not gonna try to pretend and say that I'm neutral and objective. I'm a pretty big GT fanboy and have been since GT2. GT5 was one of the many reasons why I bought a PS3 and not the 360, although I do think Forza 3 looks fun, but since I don't even have a 360, I have no vested interest in or against it.

bj00rn_ said:
Wow, now I've seen it all.. Iknos is a troll huh..? Now that's proper irony for you right there :lol

Not necessarily a troll, but definitely not as objective, atleast in this thread, as he's making himself out to be. Just because one side is seemingly getting attacked more than the other, which I don't believe it is since both sides have an equal amount of idiots, doesn't mean you have to take a side.


GSG Flash said:
And yet a few pages back you posted

in response to fortunateson saying that GT5:p physics being equal to F3 physics, when indications clearly tell us to wait until both games are out because PD are adding new features to the game everyday, and that is something that you do know about.

Good to know, that still doesn't clear the fact that you are taking potshots and are being a catalyst for the Forza trolling by posting things like

As for my preferences, I'm not gonna try to pretend and say that I'm neutral and objective. I'm a pretty big GT fanboy and have been since GT2. GT5 was one of the many reasons why I bought a PS3 and not the 360, although I do think Forza 3 looks fun, but since I don't even have a 360, I have no vested interest in or against it.

Not necessarily a troll, but definitely not as objective, atleast in this thread, as he's making himself out to be. Just because one side is seemingly getting attacked more than the other, which I don't believe it is since both sides have an equal amount of idiots, doesn't mean you have to take a side.

And how do you feel you're doing when it comes to following your own advice?

GSG Flash

Nobody ruins my family vacation but me...and maybe the boy!
bj00rn_ said:
And how do you feel you're doing when it comes to following your own advice?

Since when was I claiming that I was objective? In fact, I'm claiming the opposite. Obviously my post was meant for people like iknos and kharvey who are claiming to be objective, yet they've chosen a side.


Gold Member


Iknos said:
Show me an Xbox fanboy who posted an early development shot of Prologue and said that the final game looked like that. Show it to me and I will happily correct that person.

Show me a post that said you couldn't look into the cockpits of cars from the external view in GT5 because the windows are black and I will happily quote them and correct them.

Do it.

I wasn't exactly referring to criticism towards the game, but rather ...well, them :lol


After those 2 comments, were you really expecting to not be called out? regardless of your criticism/information/comments (which are always welcome, specially when it comes to racing games), that puts you right up there with the crazies :C


Noshino said:
But that's the thing, its the same for both camps. You defend Forza and you are called an Xbot, you defend GT and you are called SDF or whatever. Both sides are full of crazies, both of the sides have very small groups actually giving constructive criticism.

I know you are level headed based on your record (right? RIGHT? :lol ) but simply by putting one group of crazies over the other one you are being included as well. You want to call them out? then call them BOTH out, that's the reason as to why many are also jumping at Iknos right now
I'm not putting one group over another outside of the sheer volume of posts. That's what I was commenting on.


aka andydumi
Yoritomo said:
This thread started out fun but now it's all angsty and filled with rage.

I think everyone was shy at first, fearing the Bishop's wrath, then when they realized everything goes, it went nuts. Then most moved on after having copious luls at various gifs, only to return for more gifs and meltdowns occasionally, and only the hardcore remained around constantly.


For me the Mountain backdrops in GT5P have always looked terrible and those shots just confirm it. They look like a photo stretched over a few poly,s it looks so flat and out of place. Its obvious where they are saving on the poly load, The cars look great though.

Doc Evils

So out of curiosity, when did Greenwalt drive or race an actual race car and come first?



n August 29, in the 8th round of the VLN series at Germany's Nurburgring circuit, "Gran Turismo" series producer, Kazunori Yamauchi achieved a Class win in SP8 (engine "close to production" class / Lexus IS F). Mr Yamauchi had only experienced 2 races prior to this in normal cars. In his first racing car, in his first international race, and competing on the Nurburgring for the first time, this achievement proves above all else that training within Gran Turismo is truly effective.

The VLN race is a touring car race series that is held over 10 times a year at the Nurburgring circuit. Also at the wheel of the car on the team with Mr. Yamauchi, was Motor Journalist Peter Lyon, and racing driver Hideshi Matsuda. All three are judges in the "World Car Awards (World Car of the Year (WCOTY))" judging committee, and this racing project was initiated as the juror racing team from the awards.
The machine was the Lexus IS F that successfully completed this years Nurburgring 24 hour race. This is an almost stock condition car, aside from the minimum required safety equipment installed such as the roll cage.

The race itself was not a smooth ride. In the official practice of the previous day, the bumper of the BMW Z4 running just ahead fell off and smashed into the front window of the IS F. Mr. Yamauchi was unable to complete a single lap before leaving the circuit that day.
Even during the qualifying round in the morning of the race, Mr. Yamauchi only had a single chance, just one lap. But he placed his trust in his experience gained from over 1000 laps he has driven virtually and went for it; recording a lap time that is only 7 seconds less than Mr. Hideshi Matsuda, a veteran driver who even has experience racing in the Le Mans.

In the final 4 hour endurance competition, each driver was responsible for driving 7 laps, changing at refueling intervals. When the baton was just about to be handed to Mr. Yamauchi who was driving the 3rd stint, there was news that the BMW M3 that was leading their class slowed down due to trouble. Mr. Yamauchi persisted under the unexpected pressure of a possible class win, and jumped into the driver's seat, raising his pace carefully.
In the final lap of his stint, He recorded a laptime of 10 minutes, 9 seconds. This was the team's fastest lap, and is a time that is even 1 minute faster than the best time recorded by this car when it was driven in the 24 hours of Nurburgring this May. The combined efforts of Mr. Yamauchi and the other drivers brought fortune, and the team achieved the highest possible honor they could have hoped for.

On the reason for competing in the event, Mr. Yamauchi stated that "I wanted to confirm just how effective the experience in the virtual world is, by competing in a race on the Nurburgring. And that includes not just the driving aspects, but on a wider range of things including the building of the car, communication, and much more. And of course, this will all be fed back into future renditions of Gran Turismo. "


I'm sure Mr. Greenwalt would do better since he knows about physics and cars, right?

Infact, I dare him to do the same.


Interfectum said:
Wow talk about getting desperate :lol

I wonder how many of the Forza fanatics in this thread are Turn 10 employees.
I actually wonder if you work for Sony.

Oh and do you have a life outside of this thread and playing Prologue?
Pug said:
Its obvious where they are saving on the poly load, The cars look great though.

This can't be said enough. This should really be the determining factor for whether you should purchase GT5 or Forza 3 if you have access to both consoles. I'd get both if I had more money to spend on a PS3/GT - but if I had to choose right now between the two, I would choose Forza just based on the greater authenticity of vehicle collisions and physics and the 60fps gameplay.

Playing both demos, it's clear that these are definitive advantages that Forza has over GT. If PD can fix these issues by launch, that would be great - but I highly doubt GT will be able to match the gameplay realism by then. Here's hoping though, as I will save up some cash until then just in case!


AndyD said:
I think everyone was shy at first, fearing the Bishop's wrath, then when they realized everything goes, it went nuts. Then most moved on after having copious luls at various gifs, only to return for more gifs and meltdowns occasionally, and only the hardcore remained around constantly.
Oh, I'm sure the mods have more plans in mind for what happens in this thread. :lol
GSG Flash said:
Since when was I claiming that I was objective? In fact, I'm claiming the opposite. Obviously my post was meant for people like iknos and kharvey who are claiming to be objective, yet they've chosen a side.

Do you really think being objective means not making final conclusions or judgments?

If so, I don't think you know what the word means, so you should probably stop using it.
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