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Forza 3 vs Gran Turismo 5 Comparison Thread of John, Chapter 11, Verse 35


Junior Butler
BruceLeeRoy said:
Damn I didn't know Yamauchi accomplished that. Pretty damn impressive

Wow, do I feel like an ass now. I had seen trophies and plaques in various interviews of Yamauchi and thought they were just PR things given to him by various auto manufacturers or circuits. To know he earned the record and trophy mentioned above, plus all of the others, is fucking awesome.

He truly is, the man.
Doc Evils said:
So out of curiosity, when did Greenwalt drive or race an actual race car and come first?

I'm sure Mr. Greenwalt would do better since he knows about physics and cars, right?

Infact, I dare him to do the same.

Since this is now your standard, I guess the first 4 GT games before this upcoming one were shit then, right?


TheHeretic said:
An issue like being able to turn during a brake lock isn't niggling, its either a glitch or a flaw in the driving mechanics. Whilst you drive with ABS plenty of people don't, I don't drive with it anymore after being told real race car drivers aren't allowed to use it. And for someone who genuinely wanted to know how the physics affected gameplay you haven't really bothered to comment on my post that specifically tried to answer that question.

Collision physics does affect gameplay, that much is a given. My feeling is that both games simply don't go far enough with it. GT5P is bumper cars, while Forza 2 (similarly F3) are more bumper cars than realistic collision simulators.

Personally, both implementations are flawed, and while I think Forza does have the better flawed implementation, they could both use improvements that I think won't happen in the near future due to issues (marketing, design philosophy, etc) that lie beyond recreating the most accurate physical simulations possible.

But you know... those collision physics can be simulated in gameplay terms (i.e. makes you want to avoid hitting other cars) through non-physics simulation methods. I do think they should take that choice, or at least provide that choice to players...

Similarly, ABS... well, I can understand that it's an egregious oversight to the people that care. But I honestly thinking that the people that do are the overly vocal minority. I think it's something that they should correct, but the lack thereof doesn't turn an otherwise highly accurate driving simulator into the arcade game that some of you guys are trying to paint it as.


Xun said:
I actually wonder if you work for Sony.

Stop wondering.

There's no precedence of PD employees trolling forums or trying to rig online polls with bribes.

I guess you don't have to resort to such tactics when your game is the most popular racing series of all time and considered the creme de la creme by the likes of Top Gear and Jeremy Clarkson.


This thread is hilarious :lol

GAF should definitely have more mod sanctioned troll threads. It keeps other threads free of console war bs, group the trolls in one thread and it provide loads of entertainment. I see no downside!!
neojubei said:
Not sure how that is newsworthy. Whomever that person was he isn't a repersentative of microsoft or turn 10.

Can anyone educate me on this forza/GT rivalry? When did it start?

One is on a sony console, one is on an MS console. Do you need to know more?

GSG Flash

Nobody ruins my family vacation but me...and maybe the boy!
elrechazao said:
Do you really think being objective means not making final conclusions or judgments?

If so, I don't think you know what the word means, so you should probably stop using it.

This is probably not the best thing for you to be commenting on :lol

(adj) objective, nonsubjective (undistorted by emotion or personal bias; based on observable phenomena)

a. Uninfluenced by emotions or personal prejudices: an objective critic. See Synonyms at fair1.

not influenced by personal feelings, interpretations, or prejudice; based on facts; unbiased: an objective opinion.

I don't think you can say, with a straight face, that those definitions apply to either iknos or kharvey.


neojubei said:
Not sure how that is newsworthy. Whomever that person was he isn't a repersentative of microsoft or turn 10.

Can anyone educate me on this forza/GT rivalry? When did it start?
well... since the xbox.. but even more since
E3 08



Junior Butler
elrechazao said:
Since this is now your standard, I guess the first 4 GT games before this upcoming one were shit then, right?

This man eats, sleeps and breathes racing. His development studio produced the multifunction display for the GT-R.

The GT-R.

Doc Evils

elrechazao said:
Since this is now your standard, I guess the first 4 GT games before this upcoming one were shit then, right?

Kazunori Yamauchi has real exprience with driving, he always has. He knows more about car handling than most people in this forum.

What's funny is for a game developer to claim he's seen the best simulators, but hasn't actually driven the real things himself.

I trust Yamauchi when it comes to car handling because he's actually driven and owns them.

belvedere said:
This man eats, sleeps and breathes racing. His development studio produced the multifunction display for the GT-R.

The GT-R.



Doc Evils said:
So out of curiosity, when did Greenwalt drive or race an actual race car and come first?




I'm sure Mr. Greenwalt would do better since he knows about physics and cars, right?

Infact, I dare him to do the same.

pffft Greenwalt's got that beaten

GSG Flash said:
This is probably not the best thing for you to be commenting on :lol

(adj) objective, nonsubjective (undistorted by emotion or personal bias; based on observable phenomena)

a. Uninfluenced by emotions or personal prejudices: an objective critic. See Synonyms at fair1.

not influenced by personal feelings, interpretations, or prejudice; based on facts; unbiased: an objective opinion.

I don't think you can say, with a straight face, that those definitions apply to either iknos or kharvey.

No, I was commenting on the words you actually wrote. Which make it obvious that you have some serious cognitive dissonance in the words you type vs the definitions you can look up. Congrats!
Doc Evils said:
Kazunori Yamauchi has real exprience with driving, he always has. He knows more about car handling than most people in this forum.

What's funny is for a game developer to claim he's seen the best simulators, but hasn't actually driven the real things himself.

I trust Yamauchi when it comes to car handling because he's actually driven and owns them.


Pretty hilarious that we've come to "oh yeah, well the head of the studio drove in more racecars" point of discussion. Pathetic.


XiaNaphryz said:
Oh, I'm sure the mods have more plans in mind for what happens in this thread. :lol
Well, in the OP Bishop did specify that he made this thread to keep the official threads clean of all console warriors. So as long as what happens in this thread remains in this thread and doesn't spread in the official Forza 3 and GT5 threads and as long as people behave and don't resort to insulting one another (which didn't really happen with a few exceptions of some people overreacting and shouting 'troll' to anyone that didn't share their point of view) i don't see what's the problem.

Doc Evils

elrechazao said:
Pretty hilarious that we've come to "oh yeah, well the head of the studio drove in more racecars" point of discussion. Pathetic.

Because I'd rather trust a nerdy developer with no driving experience to tell me how a Corvette Z06 drives right? (which Kaz also owns)

GSG Flash

Nobody ruins my family vacation but me...and maybe the boy!
elrechazao said:
No, I was commenting on the words you actually wrote. Which make it obvious that you have some serious cognitive dissonance in the words you type vs the definitions you can look up. Congrats!

Or you're just upset, as a Forza supporter, that I called out Forza supporters who claim to be objective and non biased (in their own words) when their posts in this thread show otherwise.

Anyone with a brain would realize that when I say that those two aren't objective, that I mean they are influenced by a bias, since I said as much in my previous posts. Don't know where you got this whole "not making final conclusions or judgments" schtick.

And I can't believe you're actually arguing the definition of the word "objective" and my use of it :lol

You know you have no credible argument when...


I can no longer tell if the arguments in this thread are purposefully idiotic or if there's a greater sense of ironic detachment that I'm not picking up on.

either way, keep it up, all you console warriors.
Zaptruder said:
Collision physics does affect gameplay, that much is a given. My feeling is that both games simply don't go far enough with it. GT5P is bumper cars, while Forza 2 (similarly F3) are more bumper cars than realistic collision simulators.

Personally, both implementations are flawed, and while I think Forza does have the better flawed implementation, they could both use improvements that I think won't happen in the near future due to issues (marketing, design philosophy, etc) that lie beyond recreating the most accurate physical simulations possible.

But you know... those collision physics can be simulated in gameplay terms (i.e. makes you want to avoid hitting other cars) through non-physics simulation methods. I do think they should take that choice, or at least provide that choice to players...

I haven't played Forza 2, nor do I know why its relevant. Physics is the only real way to make avoiding cars preferable without adding some external system that exists outside of what a simulation is supposed to be.

Calling both games bumper cars just seems to be some sort of scapegoat on your part, like its "ok" to have pretty much no real collision physics as long as the other game trying to do it falls short. Why do you think it falls short by the way? There probably is a compromise but both these games are compromised. "Hardcore" racing sims i've tried are obscenely harder than either game. But for games trying to recreate racing bumping into other cars the way a lot of these games do seems like a hilarious and ridiculous oversight.

Zaptruder said:
Similarly, ABS... well, I can understand that it's an egregious oversight to the people that care. But I honestly thinking that the people that do are the overly vocal minority. I think it's something that they should correct, but the lack thereof doesn't turn an otherwise highly accurate driving simulator into the arcade game that some of you guys are trying to paint it as.

The minority of... people who want realistic driving mechanics in driving simulators? I've never used the words "arcade game" and even if you go on to claim that wasn't directed at me that was a stupid comment to make.
Fender_Uk said:

God I can't unsee it...




Interfectum said:
pffft Greenwalt's got that beaten


GSG Flash said:
This is probably not the best thing for you to be commenting on :lol

(adj) objective, nonsubjective (undistorted by emotion or personal bias; based on observable phenomena)

a. Uninfluenced by emotions or personal prejudices: an objective critic. See Synonyms at fair1.

not influenced by personal feelings, interpretations, or prejudice; based on facts; unbiased: an objective opinion.

I don't think you can say, with a straight face, that those definitions apply to either iknos or kharvey.


Zaptruder said:
I think it's something that they should correct, but the lack thereof doesn't turn an otherwise highly accurate driving simulator into the arcade game that some of you guys are trying to paint it as.
Not what I'm trying to paint...just giving you detailed points since you said the discussion was approaching a meme or something.


Interfectum said:
I guess you don't have to resort to such tactics when your game is the most popular racing series of all time and considered the creme de la creme by the likes of Top Gear and Jeremy Clarkson.

Do you live in the UK. Because if you did you'd realise that a great many people think Clarkson is one of the biggest twats in the UK and more importantly Top Gear is seen as an comic type entertainment programme based around cars. It carrys no clout with regards to cars people buy and more importantly the games people are into.


Junior Butler
elrechazao said:
Pretty hilarious that we've come to "oh yeah, well the head of the studio drove in more racecars" point of discussion. Pathetic.

No. What's pathetic is the conveniently timed memory lapse where people like yourself forget the history, success and impact both in the videogame industry and the racing industry that the Gran Turismo series has had.

The point was that PD takes their games very seriously. To say the man running the show is just a simple car freak would be a great understatement.


Pug said:
Do you live in the UK. Because if you did you'd realise that a great many people think Clarkson is one of the biggest twats in the UK and more importantly Top Gear is seen as an comic type entertainment programme based around cars. It carrys no clout with regards to cars people buy and more importantly the games people are into.

Yep Top Gear is considered 'comic type entertainment' while a bunch of Forza fanatics on a gaming forum are considered the utmost authority on car handling and physics :lol


Interfectum said:
Yep Top Gear is considered 'comic type entertainment' while a bunch of Forza fanatics on a gaming forum are considered the utmost authority on car handling and physics :lol
You're consistent, I'll give you that much


It's not actually trolling if you don't admit it
Interfectum said:
Yep Top Gear is considered 'comic type entertainment' while a bunch of Forza fanatics on a gaming forum are considered the utmost authority on car handling and physics :lol

I'm about to bribe the community again soon. Keep your eyes peeled and get your lulz ready!

Stop It

Perfectly able to grasp the inherent value of the fishing game.
Interfectum said:
Yep Top Gear is considered 'comic type entertainment' while a bunch of Forza fanatics on a gaming forum are considered the utmost authority on car handling and physics :lol
Oh dear god, I love Top gear, but the last 3 series has shown that they have totally detached themselves from reality (Which isn't a bad thing).

Honestly, this thread has effectively marked the shite posters in big bright poster paint, bish must be loving this.

Anyway, one thing I will say is this: I have enjoyed the GT series quite a bit more than the Forza series, mainly due to GT2, but the fact that Turn10 have established a series so quickly and has been able to get within spitting distance of Polyphonys series while (without a doubt) not having the infinite budget of the latter studio is incredible.

I'm sure by the time we reach Forza 4 and GT6 (It will happen obviously) the differences will be pretty much down to which console you support, and it's pretty close now.

Oh, as for handling and physics, GTR2 (And evolution), Race 07, Live For Speed and rFactor would like a word with you.
chespace said:
I'm about to bribe the community again soon. Keep your eyes peeled and get your lulz ready!
I'll open my kitten hatch.

Make it a ginger tabby, short hair, gogogogo


Interfectum said:
Yep Top Gear is considered 'comic type entertainment' while a bunch of Forza fanatics on a gaming forum are considered the utmost authority on car handling and physics :lol

Seriously now don't you ever get tired of this shit? Every single post is the same I mean ok we know you think Forza 3 isn't as good as GT and your perfectly entitled to think that but why oh why would you act such a twat and be so immature about it?

Everybody has there preferences but your agenda here is getting unhealthy. If your anything over 15 colour me surprised.


Pug said:
Do you live in the UK. Because if you did you'd realise that a great many people think Clarkson is one of the biggest twats in the UK and more importantly Top Gear is seen as an comic type entertainment programme based around cars. It carrys no clout with regards to cars people buy and more importantly the games people are into.

Clarkson considered a twat? Since when?:lol Are you a truck driver? Lesbian, Green Peace activist? Are you from Norfolk? If it's a yes to any of the above...I understand. ;)

But yeah Top Gear is suppose to induce a sort of comical entertainment on a Sunday evening...


Interfectum said:
Yep Top Gear is considered 'comic type entertainment' while a bunch of Forza fanatics on a gaming forum are considered the utmost authority on car handling and physics :lol
daaaymn...forza peeps just got pwnt yo

Stop It

Perfectly able to grasp the inherent value of the fishing game.
F#A#Oo said:
Clarkson considered a twat? Since when?:lol Are you a truck driver? Lesbian, Green Peace activist? Are you from Norfolk? If it's a yes to any of the above...I understand. ;)

But yeah Top Gear is suppose to induce a sort of comical entertainment on a Sunday evening...
Clarkson is a twat, especially outside of Top Gear, but he is entertaining too so I let him get away with it.

Anyway, if you want to take a car show seriously in the UK, it has to be Fifth Gear. A BTCC Champion (Jason Plato) and 2 other racing drivers (Tiff Needell and Vicki Butler-Henderson). Alas I haven't seen if they have tried either Forza or Gran Turismo but if they did, I would trust them far more than the great TV presenters but non racers that Hammond, Clarkson and May are.


Hopsiah the Kanga-Jew
Oh My God... What happened? I'm afraid to browse the last 10 pages!

I fear this thread will soon end in a singularity of stupidity.


Interfectum said:
Yep Top Gear is considered 'comic type entertainment' while a bunch of Forza fanatics on a gaming forum are considered the utmost authority on car handling and physics :lol

Your attitude; it's like watching a rectum explode over and over again. ..At least it's entertaining.


Neo Member
elrechazao said:
Pretty hilarious that we've come to "oh yeah, well the head of the studio drove in more racecars" point of discussion. Pathetic.
I don't see why not.
I think I'd prefer that the guy designing the driving simulator actually knew how the cars drove.


Cheeto said:
Its not about seeing damage...its more about crashing having an impact on your performance and preventing people from using other cars as a means to take a turn.

To be fair, this tactic in GT5P is not so simple anymore.


bj00rn_ said:
Your attitude; it's like watching a rectum explode over and over again. ..At least it's entertaining.

I don't find rectums exploding the least bit entertaining.

do you have a link?
lol at people shitting on clarkson and top gear.

is tiff needell a twat for saying gran turismo has realistic car physics? or is he biased? he was after all racing against yamauchi while gushing about gt.

forza is an arcade game, the sooner the fan base realize this the better.



Are those FM3 demo shots from an old build or something? I thought the game looked miles better than that at E3.


Woz said:
To be fair, this tactic in GT5P is not so simple anymore.
Did something change? There are all these "how-to win" videos on youtube that show people sliding into turns and hitting the opponents to avoid braking in the corner.
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