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Forza 4 |OT| Where Porsche Are Driven


@Bernbaum, speculation at this point but if FM3 is any indication the "ultimate" platinum edition was released around the end of October.

Forgot to wish FM4 a Happy Birthday! can't believe it's been one year already.


Junior Member
The good thing about CARS is that it's being structured in a way that is familiar with most racing game fans. This will appeal to a wider spectrum..

I fucking LOVED SHIFT. I was disappointed to see EA/SMS part. The adrenaline filled racing, the customization and car culture was fantastic.
I believe SMS can deliver yet again, at least with regards to adrenaline filled racing, which let's face it, is absolutely integral for a racing game. Add in some great audio, structured career and a shitload of tracks to race on, and you have a potential winner on your hands.

What's important for SMS, is marketing. They need to emphasize on the racing elements of the game as they did with SHIFT. To this day, I've never had my heart beat so much in a racing game as it did when racing through Bathurst, at night in SHIFT 2..amazing!

Yes, it'll be hard to compete with the AAA stuff. But if other devs don't try and offer their visions of motorsport, we will be left with only 2 main racing franchises which would be a very sad state of affairs indeed...


The good thing about CARS is that it's being structured in a way that is familiar with most racing game fans. This will appeal to a wider spectrum..

I fucking LOVED SHIFT. I was disappointed to see EA/SMS part. The adrenaline filled racing, the customization and car culture was fantastic.
I believe SMS can deliver yet again, at least with regards to adrenaline filled racing, which let's face it, is absolutely integral for a racing game. Add in some great audio, structured career and a shitload of tracks to race on, and you have a potential winner on your hands.

What's important for SMS, is marketing. They need to emphasize on the racing elements of the game as they did with SHIFT. To this day, I've never had my heart beat so much in a racing game as it did when racing through Bathurst, at night in SHIFT 2..amazing!

Yes, it'll be hard to compete with the AAA stuff. But if other devs don't try and offer their visions of motorsport, we will be left with only 2 main racing franchises which would be a very sad state of affairs indeed...

Were any user created PC patches ever created to address the god awful handling/physics?


SarBear- Yeah, plenty of mods for both games on Race Department still.

I still love the Shift series. It's totally a guilty pleasure for me to this day. Wonky handling on consoles aside, you nailed it Saladine, it's the intensity of the racing. I love the look of 'em, I love the track lists, the selection of race cars, the jostling and bumps, and I even really dig the cockpit cam in 2.
Such immersive racing. There were so many stand out races that get your heart rate up and your palms sweaty. I just beat the GT1 series in 2 last night as a matter of fact (had to start over and get that Nissan back after losing my gamesaves). And I found some different tunings that make this feel a bit different than when I played it the first time around.

One of the best memories in all the racing games I've played- holding off Tommy Milner for several laps in the 5 lap race on the Ring at night. Talk about stressful, intense, and frickin' awesome.

I can't fucking wait to play pCARS. I'm plenty jealous of you guys with hefty PCs right now. It sounds like it's really turning into a fantastic experience. Hopefully we get a good dose of that on console, and not a completely watered down version. Regardless, I'm glad it's still coming.

I love me some Forza, but it's great to have options in racing games IMO.
Just in case you guys aren't following the other Horizon threads:

(Credit to zorbsie for the awesome flyer!)

If all goes as planned, the |OT| should be up by next Tues/Wed.
Rubberband AI????

No, just no. And I will NOT be buying VIP for this.

I am desperately hoping it is not that bad. Either way though, the online free roam mode is gonna be awesome. Plus we can set up some wicked Cannonball Run / Gumball Rally type of races. Would make for some great ForzaGAF weekend races.

Brandon F

Well congratulations! You got yourself caught!
Been playing a lot of Forza 4 to gear up for Horizon.

Really enjoying it, but I am disliking how much the campaign languishes in the A/S class events in the mid-game. I actually really dug how the first few years gave a lot of choice in the different class events, often you can do an A or a D, an F or an S.

I really dug swapping around and doing a fast event only to follow up with a slow F or E race for variety and to relax a bit. Also the A and S cars just get really squirrely on the course and I miss having the campaign give me a fun event like Multi-race challenges dodging fast cars in a tinny F-class.

Nearing level 30 and the end of year 5 its just constant A,A,S or S,S,A. Meh. Class D,C, and B had like zero representation in the early career! It was this instant jump from F and E to A and S! I want a smoother progression!


The campaign in FM4 and 3 as well is disappointing. After all of these years I returned to PGR4 and the campaign I feel is much more rewarding compared to the last two Forza's.

Granted now with community rivals mode in FM4 I can care less about the campaign for FM5. I would rather T10 put the resources into tracks/track variation/weather day/night cycle etc.

The Stig

just like to echo the rubberband thing. cannot stand it. it completely ruined the motorstorm games for me.

you can drive a real hard, fast and daring race and on the last lap, last straight.......... theyre all there right up your exhaust.
Nearing level 30 and the end of year 5 its just constant A,A,S or S,S,A. Meh. Class D,C, and B had like zero representation in the early career! It was this instant jump from F and E to A and S! I want a smoother progression!

Why don't you just pick a D, C, or B car? Sometimes you have to pick a different car to trigger a non-brand/model specific event at a higher class for the first car.


Is there an optimal way to hire a driver to play while I'm asleep or working? I'm very unfamiliar with the game outside of the World Tour.

G Rom

Got a new Xbox 360 recently and finally got my Forza 4 disc shipped to me. I don't have my save so I'm broke in the game but I've done some catch up and bought the last two DLCs.
Took some pictures of course :







I guarantee you look at my Forza 4 play time and it will probably coincide with pics G Rom put up in the Forza thread. I just cant help myself but to fire up Forza 4 after seeing those.


Junior Member
Got a new Xbox 360 recently and finally got my Forza 4 disc shipped to me. I don't have my save so I'm broke in the game but I've done some catch up and bought the last two DLCs.
Took some pictures of course :


Wow, great pics man.

Where have you been mate?

On another note, who's doing FM5 OT.................... .........?
In my quest to complete the event list before Horizon launches, I've decided to throw caution to the wind-- the sissy class limiter has been switched off, and it's full speed ahead. An LMP vs. a grid of shitboxes in the F-Class World Tour? Better believe it.

After 200 hours of playtime I'm sitting at 81%. I'm getting too old for this.


In my quest to complete the event list before Horizon launches, I've decided to throw caution to the wind-- the sissy class limiter has been switched off, and it's full speed ahead. An LMP vs. a grid of shitboxes in the F-Class World Tour? Better believe it.

After 200 hours of playtime I'm sitting at 81%. I'm getting too old for this.

Wait, you can turn on/off the class limitations?
Wait, you can turn on/off the class limitations?

You can indeed, (it's at the bottom of the event list difficulty options).

Opening up the class restriction helps alleviate the tedium of the lower-class races. Playing against Forza AI invariably descends into hotlapping, and this way you can just cut to the chase.


You can indeed, (it's at the bottom of the event list difficulty options).

Opening up the class restriction helps alleviate the tedium of the lower-class races. Playing against Forza AI invariably descends into hotlapping, and this way you can just cut to the chase.

I had no idea. Not much use for me, but interesting nonetheless!

G Rom

Wow, great pics man.

Where have you been mate?

On another note, who's doing FM5 OT.................... .........?

Thanks for the comments guys. :)

I've moved to another country for work so I didn't really have to time to post NeoGAF until now.
I had not played FM4 in months, felt like I was playing it for the first time again, great feeling.
The last two DLCs have been amazing as well, finally driving a 205 in Forza is great. :)

Anyway more :









And a Big Shot as the Forza logo was too big in normal shot:



Hipster Princess
I am desperately hoping it is not that bad. Either way though, the online free roam mode is gonna be awesome. Plus we can set up some wicked Cannonball Run / Gumball Rally type of races. Would make for some great ForzaGAF weekend races.

While playing the demo intro sequence, you can come to a complete stop and wait a while before taking off and still beat flint handily.

However when I started playing the career races in the demo on professional difficulty the A.I didn't seem to rubber band at all. So, maybe it's tied to difficulty.


While playing the demo intro sequence, you can come to a complete stop and wait a while before taking off and still beat flint handily.

However when I started playing the career races in the demo on professional difficulty the A.I didn't seem to rubber band at all. So, maybe it's tied to difficulty.

I've spoke to the guys at Playground Games about this, and apart from the intro race with Darius, there is no rubberbanding present in the other races in the game.


I've just started playing 4 (children make time difficult lol). Also have Horizon pre-ordered. If anyone wants to be my friend on XBL for Horizon my gamertag is XsYn1cX
Just a quick bump on this. I bought this today with Best Buy's B2G1 Free deal and I was looking at all the DLC. Should I just buy the Season Pass or both it and the VIP Pack? What do each offer? I wanted to play it after I finish Horizon between DLC stuff and get more practice in. Thanks for letting me know!


Hipster Princess
Season pass offers the first 6 DLCs at a discount.

VIP gives things like exclusive cars, special gift cars from T10 on occasion and stuff like that.

So, IMO go with both.

The Porsche Pack is also discounted for VIPs I'm 90% sure.


Junior Member
So, we all know what we want from FM5.
The question is, how will Turn 10 balance that out in order to keep the casual audience interested especially after the reception that Horizon got?

And please, Turn 10, if I'm going to upgrade my gearbox to a racing sequential manual in say, my Ford Focus, can you please make it feel and behave like a sequential gearbox?

At the moment, all a racing gearbox upgrade does (in most cars) is make the shifts a little faster but it still feels like H pattern shifting. It should 'bang' in and out of gears much,much quicker....just something to think about for the future..
Clutchless up shifts with the sequential would be nice. Also wouldn't mind a vintage racing gearbox that made all the straight cut gear sounds and adjustable ratios, but in H-pattern 4-speed.


lil smoke

So, we all know what we want from FM5.
The question is, how will Turn 10 balance that out in order to keep the casual audience interested especially after the reception that Horizon got?
Probably by releasing Horizon II. Both bases covered, hopefully. I'd like to see Forza 5 take a more serious approach, but that's just me.
So, we all know what we want from FM5.
The question is, how will Turn 10 balance that out in order to keep the casual audience interested especially after the reception that Horizon got?

And please, Turn 10, if I'm going to upgrade my gearbox to a racing sequential manual in say, my Ford Focus, can you please make it feel and behave like a sequential gearbox?

At the moment, all a racing gearbox upgrade does (in most cars) is make the shifts a little faster but it still feels like H pattern shifting. It should 'bang' in and out of gears much,much quicker....just something to think about for the future..

Lets not speak before time, Forza Horizon got a great reception from the press and the people who got it but at this momment i´ll say the sales are quite shy, there 325k players in the leaderboards, so probably the sales are around that and its not much, all depends how the game sells in these months.

If it sells atleast a million i think we can have another Horizon for the new console.

EA had those great plans for Shift, i remember reading interviews after Shift one with them talking how they will be compiting againts Forza/GT, then Shift 2 was released and it floped in sales, now the franchise is dead.
Yo Crude, how come you aren't in Horizon?

1. I bought a new camera (first pic), and I'm taking a stab at being fiscally responsible by letting the shits & giggles account I drew the funds from recover. Snicker snicker. Last week I ordered three SSDs for two of the Macs in the house too.

2. Have been busting my ass on a freelance project and have not played many video games at all lately.

3. Have to leave something for Christmas/secret satans.

4. Halo 4 in a week, and my partner will not be stopped.

So, I will be joining the Forza Horizon fun, just not yet.
1. I bought a new camera, and I'm taking a stab at being fiscally responsible by letting the shits & giggles account I drew the funds from recover. Snicker snicker.

2. Have been busting my ass on a freelance project and have not played many video games at all lately.

3. Have to leave something for Christmas/secret satans.

4. Halo 4 in a week, and my partner will not be stopped.

So, I will be joining the Forza Horizon fun, just not yet.

Right on dude, all salient reasons. Well, we will make sure to leave you a spot in the club. The Free Roaming and Playground games are fuckin awesome!

Bucket List

Finish 1st in every single race in the Event List in Career play mode.

80G UNLOCKED ON 11/1/2012

I'll never know what it's like to stand atop Everest, but in terms of the trials and tribulations suffered to reach the summit, I can't imagine them being that much worse than this. :p

I've gone through this ordeal with each release since Forza 1 because I'm a completionist glutton for punishment, but this was the hardest grind of all, and by a healthy margin. Not that it isn't already horribly out of date, but being adrift in a sea of events will simply not cut it in terms of a career mode for FM5. There needs to be a proper sense of progression from being a grassroots enthusiast to a seasoned Le Mans veteran, all conveyed through-- despite how much I've resisted the idea in the past-- some sort of narrative structure.

We'll see how that all goes next-gen, but for now, it's back to the open roads of pseudo-Colorado...


Is there a wiki somewhere that tells you which car are usable with each event.. using the event list I have always felt this was needed in the menu, just press x to get a car from your garage or buy one, it just shows all the available possibilities in there before start racing.

I want to go back to it eventually but trying to figure out what cars work for what is a pain in the ass.

Fox Mulder


I'll never know what it's like to stand atop Everest, but in terms of the trials and tribulations suffered to reach the summit, I can't imagine them being that much worse than this. :p

I've gone through this ordeal with each release since Forza 1 because I'm a completionist glutton for punishment, but this was the hardest grind of all, and by a healthy margin. Not that it isn't already horribly out of date, but being adrift in a sea of events will simply not cut it in terms of a career mode for FM5. There needs to be a proper sense of progression from being a grassroots enthusiast to a seasoned Le Mans veteran, all conveyed through-- despite how much I've resisted the idea in the past-- some sort of narrative structure.

We'll see how that all goes next-gen, but for now, it's back to the open roads of pseudo-Colorado...


I finished the campaign stuff, but got burned out on the grind to finishing everything. I agree that they need to package all of it in a more appealing way, but that may not be the forza way.
2013 Hawk Performance 370Z Continental Tires Series

All done (except the numbers) and sent to Hawk Performance for submission, let's hope for the best ;)




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