I finally managed to download a demo yesterday (no Gold for me anymore for some time, probably until next-gen - and even then I'll reconsider) and just few observations:
- game plays great with the wheel from initial boot (no need to 270-900 override)
- force feedback is very convincing IMO, especially on gravel (CSRE here)
- congratulations to Playground games on overall feel of the game, especially the lightning and camera for car models in the "Paddock" section
- I agree with comments about the engine sounds because, as it is now, the game just *demands* for car to be upgraded to be heard properly - which is a small slap to the face for all that would love to leave their cars in stock-condition, but nevermind
- graphics are amazing for an 30fps game (so smooth and eye-candy)
I did not like the fact how actual *street race* (one with the Viper) is ongoing with the real traffic present on the course. It is plain wrong way IMO to promote the virtual street race culture with passenger's (civilian) cars on the road in the same time while some *race* is going on (I had same objection for the first TDU). I understand the concept during the free-ride or one-car challenges, but for actual multicar race... I see it as a part of some 100% arcade title, but for a Forza game - authenticity, real-life, etc.. - I don't know, mixed feelings there.
Also, I really do not like how AI is behaving among themselves and towards you. For a Forza game - "The Forza DNA" and such claims - this kind of AI is just too aggressive and reckless in what they do. The pileups and crashes I've witnessed in Viper race (I played on highest AI level) is something I really didn't expect from a Horizon. Not even a TDU had such craziness in other cars behaviour. IMO something like that really do not belong in Forza game. AI routines we had in FM for point-to-point races are something that should be endorsed here, not Need For Speed/Burnout mentality. It is not something I would ever consider to be a "Forza DNA", not even in the casual Forza title. It is my subjective greatest turn-off in the overall concept IMO
Another field is also my purely subjective opinion regarding execution of the gameplay when upper two things are combined into one. While I absolutely congratulate on overall presentation and technical achievements (can't wait to experience day/night transitions, mornings, dusk, nature-to-city transitions, etc..), I can't help my personal feel how Horizon should have been focused less on being Action Racing Game and more a sophisticated experiment into exporting best parts of Forza into the open world concept.
I will definitely wait to grab a full-game before making further comments, but I have to admit I was really turned-off by actual execution of both racing and AI routines during gameplay.
However, music is great. And again, really congratulations for guys who optimised the wheel-support, top-job there.