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Forza Horizon |OT| A Whole New Playground


I'm glad FH was never a day one purchase for me. All the season pass bullshit, exclusive very desirable preorder cars, and now announcing exactly WHAT content has been held back for reselling later seriously pisses me off. If I had a preorder I'd be cancelling it on principle

I'm not buying either ... maybe I'll get a used copy later on (however, planned the same for Forza 4 because the dlc/preorder stuff pissed me off and then I ended up never getting the game. I just was over it at some point and I never regretted not getting the game).

There are other games coming out that don't make me feel like I'm missing half of the game unless I preorder and pay like 120 euros for it.


You would feel a touch miffed if you were a hardcore fan who had bought both LE and Season Pass...

I'm surprised we haven't heard about the Day One Pack, though, if it is indeed a separate entity...
I bought both the LE and season pass of FM4 and don't ever remember getting the compensation (in-game) for getting doubled-up cars that were in both :/

As for this rally thing... if it's meaty and isn't too pricey, I might be in. But if the download is 200kb and is an unlock code, I'll be pissed. If it has a shitload of cars and it allows them to be driven over the whole game, I'll be happy. But if it's removing invisible walls that were blocked off in the vanilla game and calls that "extra content", then I'll be pissed again.

I'm guessing it'll be the latter.

I'm glad FH was never a day one purchase for me. All the season pass bullshit, exclusive very desirable preorder cars, and now announcing exactly WHAT content has been held back for reselling later seriously pisses me off. If I had a preorder I'd be cancelling it on principle. Yeah, I know, I'd be cutting my nose off to spite my face, but after my experiences with the lacklustre FM4 LE and now all this cash cow udder squeezing... sometimes you just have to say enough is enough. I really don't like the direction the games industry is heading in.

Have a guess..!
Just do what I'm doing. I'm buying the game, but not going to be tricked into "enhancing" it and will enjoy the game for what it is. If I don't enjoy it and find that the reason why is because of pulled content, then I sure as shit won't be buying it. $75AU for a game is enough without having to spend an extra $20. There are better experiences that don't nickel-and-dime you.
Just do what I'm doing. I'm buying the game, but not going to be tricked into "enhancing" it and will enjoy the game for what it is. If I don't enjoy it and find that the reason why is because of pulled content, then I sure as shit won't be buying it. $75AU for a game is enough without having to spend an extra $20. There are better experiences that don't nickel-and-dime you.

Yep I'm doing this too. I might get that Rally expansion though.


Just do what I'm doing. I'm buying the game, but not going to be tricked into "enhancing" it and will enjoy the game for what it is. If I don't enjoy it and find that the reason why is because of pulled content, then I sure as shit won't be buying it. $75AU for a game is enough without having to spend an extra $20.
Smart move. You buying from MightyApe?

There are better experiences that don't nickel-and-dime you.
Indeed. Reiza's Game Stock Car for example where developers provides new cars and tracks for free. Bought it yet?


Smart move. You buying from MightyApe?
Yup. Seems to be the cheapest... $75 shipped, you get that first month DLC that they're including in the season pass, the LCE cars, bonus cars and the other LCE worthless b/s.

I'm looking a little forward to it, though... mostly because I'm picking up an MS FF wheel on Saturday for $100 :) Only thing I'm frustrated with is that I only have one wheelstand and the G27's already bolted on :/

Indeed. Reiza's Game Stock Car for example where developers provides new cars and tracks for free. Bought it yet?
Shush you.
So the season pass is only one big expansion then car packs? I have little interest for car only packs so I guess I don't need to worry about it.


By how much? I've only ever seen it for $69.95 (plus a fiver for shipping).
Only a couple of dollars. I was set to buy the LE version when my Xbox red-ringed for the 2nd time in two weeks, so I cancelled my order as I'm not buying another Xbox this late into the current generation.
Daily set of rally pics, time for Audi Quattro ;)







H3rtz as always, you're killing it! Is that a livery you made? Looks great. Seeing pics like that seriously makes me forget about being sour toward the DLC. Can't wait to play this.


The Rallisport we wanted is actually WRC3. At least, going by the demo and the impressions of most punters out there :)

But that will be quite nice for a diversion. Shame it wasn't included in the final game.
Didn't give a fuck about this game...

...Until I tried the demo, so much fun!
I finally played the demo yesterday myself. Wow, this game looks good. it plays good too. Nice and Arcady from the get go and more simmy if you want.
But i must admit i wanted to do all this stuff that basicly made me realise that what i really wanted was NFS: MW...

I was surprised that the race against the airplane was actually fun and exciting. at first i though it would be lame as hell but it was awesome.

It's different from NFS:MW and maybe i can get both. For now, i think i'll have more fun with NFS though.

Great demo and probably a great game.


I finally managed to download a demo yesterday (no Gold for me anymore for some time, probably until next-gen - and even then I'll reconsider) and just few observations:

- game plays great with the wheel from initial boot (no need to 270-900 override)
- force feedback is very convincing IMO, especially on gravel (CSRE here)
- congratulations to Playground games on overall feel of the game, especially the lightning and camera for car models in the "Paddock" section
- I agree with comments about the engine sounds because, as it is now, the game just *demands* for car to be upgraded to be heard properly - which is a small slap to the face for all that would love to leave their cars in stock-condition, but nevermind
- graphics are amazing for an 30fps game (so smooth and eye-candy)


I did not like the fact how actual *street race* (one with the Viper) is ongoing with the real traffic present on the course. It is plain wrong way IMO to promote the virtual street race culture with passenger's (civilian) cars on the road in the same time while some *race* is going on (I had same objection for the first TDU). I understand the concept during the free-ride or one-car challenges, but for actual multicar race... I see it as a part of some 100% arcade title, but for a Forza game - authenticity, real-life, etc.. - I don't know, mixed feelings there.

Also, I really do not like how AI is behaving among themselves and towards you. For a Forza game - "The Forza DNA" and such claims - this kind of AI is just too aggressive and reckless in what they do. The pileups and crashes I've witnessed in Viper race (I played on highest AI level) is something I really didn't expect from a Horizon. Not even a TDU had such craziness in other cars behaviour. IMO something like that really do not belong in Forza game. AI routines we had in FM for point-to-point races are something that should be endorsed here, not Need For Speed/Burnout mentality. It is not something I would ever consider to be a "Forza DNA", not even in the casual Forza title. It is my subjective greatest turn-off in the overall concept IMO

Another field is also my purely subjective opinion regarding execution of the gameplay when upper two things are combined into one. While I absolutely congratulate on overall presentation and technical achievements (can't wait to experience day/night transitions, mornings, dusk, nature-to-city transitions, etc..), I can't help my personal feel how Horizon should have been focused less on being Action Racing Game™ and more a sophisticated experiment into exporting best parts of Forza into the open world concept.

I will definitely wait to grab a full-game before making further comments, but I have to admit I was really turned-off by actual execution of both racing and AI routines during gameplay.

However, music is great. And again, really congratulations for guys who optimised the wheel-support, top-job there.


did you try roam around with the Lancer? The day-night transition is really neat (but night is too short imo), I love driving down those dirt tracks in the dark, the headlights and the lighting is very neat in bumper-cam.

And I think only a few street races or events have the traffic, not sure though.

Glad to hear another sim guy saying that wheel feels great, I guess I will get me some nice christmas present this year :)
I'm glad FH was never a day one purchase for me. All the season pass bullshit, exclusive very desirable preorder cars, and now announcing exactly WHAT content has been held back for reselling later seriously pisses me off. If I had a preorder I'd be cancelling it on principle. Yeah, I know, I'd be cutting my nose off to spite my face, but after my experiences with the lacklustre FM4 LE and now all this cash cow udder squeezing... sometimes you just have to say enough is enough. I really don't like the direction the games industry is heading in.

is there anything to indicate that the rally expansion was supposed to be in the retail release?

I think it's standard for developers to now do this. gearbox did it with borderlands 2, a fully featured expansion pack is coming out within weeks of the game coming out, this is taking a lot longer, which at least to me indicates it was started very late into development or when the game went gold.

or maybe I'm being naive?


does the pass still represent a discount of 17% on 1x expansion and 6x car packs, or has it been refined to offer more?

I'm not buying either ... maybe I'll get a used copy later on (however, planned the same for Forza 4 because the dlc/preorder stuff pissed me off and then I ended up never getting the game. I just was over it at some point and I never regretted not getting the game).

There are other games coming out that don't make me feel like I'm missing half of the game unless I preorder and pay like 120 euros for it.

I thought we were done whining about DLC. I suggest you change hobby ... every games coming out in the near future have DLC. There are 4 DLCs for Borderlands 2, did you play that? because if you did you are missing so much. Oh then how about Darksider 2, there are DLC for that. I hope you skip that also.

All the past Need for Speed have DLC so I hope you didn't play any of those either because you know you got rip off royally and missing like half of the game.

Please...get off my lawn if you have no interest in this game. I already skip the entire of Forza Horizon previews thread and left Forza 4 thread because the constant post like this.


I thought we were done whining about DLC. I suggest you change hobby ... every games coming out in the near future have DLC. There are 4 DLCs for Borderlands 2, did you play that? because if you did you are missing so much. Oh then how about Darksider 2, there are DLC for that. I hope you skip that also.

All the past Need for Speed have DLC so I hope you didn't play any of those either because you know you got rip off royally and missing like half of the game.

Please...get off my lawn if you have no interest in this game. I already skip the entire of Forza Horizon previews thread and left Forza 4 thread because the constant post like this.
Dude, I can post whatever I want as long as it's not against the forum rules. Seems like you'll just have to get used to opinions that aren't exactly to your liking.

And no, I played neither Darksiders 2 nor Borderlands 2.

The problem is developers/publishers are still testing out how far they can push it and as long as naive people like you keep spending more and more they'll push it further and further.


Since this game is getting so much DLC's, I can safely assume, that every copy will have some sort of special code for those people that bought this game new, like Top Gear Soccer from FM4.

Do we know something about it? Someone in this topic earlier said, that it's probably month one car pack, but I guess it's an LCE only. Or was it Day 1 Addon Pack? I'm seriously confused to be honest...


Since this game is getting so much DLC's, I can safely assume, that every copy will have some sort of special code for those people that bought this game new, like Top Gear Soccer from FM4.

Do we know something about it? Someone in this topic earlier said, that it's probably month one car pack, but I guess it's an LCE only. Or was it Day 1 Addon Pack? I'm seriously confused to be honest...

Does this help at all?

Forza Horizon LCE:

Month 1 Car Pack
VIP Car Pack
LCE Livery Car Pack

Season Pass:

Rally Expansion Pack
Month 1 Car Pack
Six Monthly DLC (November – April)
Five Season Pass Bonus Cars (one per month, November -- March)

The Month 1 Car Pack was the one revealed yesterday and contains the following cars:

2012 Ferrari 599XX Evoluzione

2012 Gumpert Apollo Enraged

2012 Alfa Romeo 8C Spider

2012 Ford Mustang Boss 302

2012 Lamborghini Aventador J

1957 Chevrolet Bel Air

Details for the VIP car pack and other extras you get for ordering the limited collector's edition can be found in the link below:



So, except preorder bonuses, there's nothing more for the standard version buyers? I think I'm okay with that. It's better, than having an online pass in every new copy...

I really can't wait for this game, I don't think I've been this excited for any racing game since Gran Turismo 5. 26th can't come soon enough...


lol wtf? One of the AI is named the same as a guy I work with... This is gonna be weiiiirdd hahaha..

Speaking of AI names. I think that Playground missed an BIG occasion of naming the Horizon champion (aka the "last boss" of the game) M. Rossi.... come on! You have to respect the tradition!

Hehe :) M.Rossi might not be the Horizon champ, but he's still there tearing up the roads at the festival ;)
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