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Forza Motorsport 3 - October 2009 release (ignore the OP at your peril)


m0dus said:
Oh god, give it a rest already, seriously. The demo kicks the living shit out of Forza 2 visually, and the final game is going to be as complete a package as anyone could dream of in a console racer.
give it a rest? so you dont care turn 10 lied to us?
Zel3 said:
Che, if you can answer my question I would appreciate it.

How long do you think it would take me to unlock this car in career mode?

I want to race it so bad. :D

I think I remember them(Turn 10) saying in an interview that all cars will be unlocked from the get go. You just need the ingame credits to buy the car.

Reventon = $1.5 million(iirc) so 1.5 million credits

Ferrari 250 TR is in the game...


That should be the most expensive car of the known cars so far. probably followed by the Shelby Daytona coupe or possibly the LMP1 cars. If they include the 1962 250 GTO then it'll be upwards of 25 million credits


It's not actually trolling if you don't admit it
Zel3 said:
Che, if you can answer my question I would appreciate it.

How long do you think it would take me to unlock this car in career mode?

I want to race it so bad. :D

Heh, it's such a sweet car to own in the game once you tweak the settings to get rid of some of the understeer and customize it visually.

I won't spoil for you when you get the car, but let's just say you do get it at some point. Otherwise, you can go see if you can find it cheap on the auction house. :D
Fender_Uk said:
yes i care forza is my baby

You really need a new hobby...

Anyway, all game devs exagerated, proclaiming their game is the best etc... I am not sure why suddenly this is such a big deal for some of you (oh wait I know why). There are plenty of thing you can quote from all type of devs such as this is the best shooter ever, graphics only capable on X console of choice, the best multi-players etc. You know it's just PR talk and advertisement right? I think you are confusing PR person with preacher promising you salvation and everlasting life.
Fender_Uk said:
dan said they built every car from scratch again
Now ask yourself this:

"Do I think they're going to use that model on the car selection screen or in photomode? I know they swap models, I've complained about it a lot."

Assuming the answer is what it probably should be... ask yourself this one:

"Will they have built every car from scratch with that in mind?"

...and bingo, you have some closure. For now at least.


m0dus said:
Well, it's time to grow up, Timmy.
That could be said about a lot of posters on this forum. ;P

Anyhoo, quick question for bish. When the actual official FM3 thread goes up before retail launch, are the same ban rules in effect for that thread like this one?


Comics, serious business!
Fender_Uk said:
give it a rest? so you dont care turn 10 lied to us?

Santa Claus doesn't exist. Like Modus said, it's time to grow Timmy.

There are far worse things than this. What am I supposed to think of Sony releasing their mock up of the PS3 with dual HDMI, etc? What I am I supposed to think of Peter Moore who said the new generation would mean "the end of jaggies?" What I am supposed to think of CliffyB who said that Epic fixed the networking/host advantage in Gears 2? What am I supposed to think of Nintendo when they promised AAA games?

Let's examine what has happened here. Turn 10 releases shots from photomode and says the shots represent gameplay minus the AA, etc. The only thing that Che mispoke about was the player car model (a high poly model is indeed swapped in to represent the player's car for photomode). That means the opponent cars, environment, etc., are directly from the game. Who the hell cares, really? They even released direct feed video! How can you say they lied to us when they provided a direct feed 720p/60fps video before the demo released? Plus they allowed other sites to capture direct feed footage, too. It's all out there for your consumption.

Here's another shocker: governments, corporations, your church, and your parents have all intentionally or unintentionally hidden the truth from you. We're talking about a $60 piece of entertainment and an in game car model that has slightly lower detail than was originally thought. Give it a rest.
The fact that this is a game with a surprising amount of new features and innovation is so freaking exciting.

I can't remember the last time I played a game where I didn't say "It's good, but my only problem with it is..." So awesome that I don't expect to have one of those moments with FM3.


XiaNaphryz said:
That could be said about a lot of posters on this forum. ;P

Anyhoo, quick question for bish. When the actual official FM3 thread goes up before retail launch, are the same ban rules in effect for that thread like this one?

Doesn't seem like it's in effect anymore as it is. This "they LIED" bullshit is worse than comparisons between Forza and GT ever was.


Chrange said:
Doesn't seem like it's in effect anymore as it is. This "they LIED" bullshit is worse than comparisons between Forza and GT ever was.
Even the troll thread is getting out of hand. :lol It's gone beyond trolling each others games to personal attacks on occasion.
Fender_Uk said:
i dont go to church, i like satan

i honestly cannot figure out your agenda. you seem to have laser focused on trying to stir up controversy when there is none. the only ones you're succeeding to rile up are the GT fanboys who don't need any more fuel, frankly.

you know most people who will buy this game will not have heard or read a single damn quote from turn 10 prior to their purchase. they play the game, the demo whatever, and if they like it they buy it. they don't care what was said while the game was in development.

if you don't like the way the game looks when it's released, you have the right not to buy it. it's not like they took your money first by "selling" you and then refused to give it back once "the truth" was found out. give me a freakin' break.

tell you what: next time you watch your favorite movie, think about how much you know about the production of that movie before it comes out. there's plenty of info about that stuff out there if you care to read it. but most people could care less. they see the trailer, they go to the movie. they don't care what "lies" about the final cut of the movie were told while it was in production.


Reposted from the demo impressions thread (with graphics nitpicks omitted, as i've had my say). I consider myself a pretty casual sim racer. I know there *is* a racing line, I never cared to follow it. I head for the corner at full speed, brake like hell at the last minute before the turn, make the turn and hit the accel out. I did this NOT to maintain a line or to shave that extra millisecond from my lap time, but to get the fuck off that corner in any way possible. I liked using other cars as bumper cars..etc etc. With that said, here are my impressions:

Ok, got back from having a 3 hour session with Forza 3. I have never, NEVER, enjoyed a sim racer as much as I enjoyed this game. Among other reasons, rewind is the main feature that reeled me in. I've never practiced the same corner, so hard, so long, just to perfect it. I've never played sim racers beyond "normal" and without the assists. In past games, it just wasnt worth it. You start, first corner, you spin out and you get discouraged. Want to restart? Loading takes too damn long. Forza 3 has turned me into a lover of the technicalities of a turn and the affects it has on your tires, how slow you enter and how fast you exit. I've never cared about these things before. All I know was, brake before a turn, and get out.

Now, Im paying attention to the speed and the line. Why? Because the rewind features eases my mind and lets me know that if I fuck up this corner, Im one button away from trying it again and again until I get it right. The time it saves you makes the investment to experiment worth it.

m0dus said:
Honestly, the fact is, you can take pics like this in photomode:

And the demo has already shown us how sweet the racing will be. Why _EXACTLY_ are people fucking complaining?

Really, m0dus? You REALLY dont understand why people are complaining?


m0dus said:
Honestly, the fact is, you can take pics like this in photomode:


And the demo has already shown us how sweet the racing will be. Why _EXACTLY_ are people fucking complaining?

Well duh - it's because you can't race from that angle and with those effects like they obviously said you could :p It's totally unfair for Turn10 to do it, even though it's become the standard prior to a game's release.
RSTEIN said:
Santa Claus doesn't exist. Like Modus said, it's time to grow Timmy.

There are far worse things than this. What am I supposed to think of Sony releasing their mock up of the PS3 with dual HDMI, etc? What I am I supposed to think of Peter Moore who said the new generation would mean "the end of jaggies?" What I am supposed to think of CliffyB who said that Epic fixed the networking/host advantage in Gears 2? What am I supposed to think of Nintendo when they promised AAA games?

Let's examine what has happened here. Turn 10 releases shots from photomode and says the shots represent gameplay minus the AA, etc. The only thing that Che mispoke about was the player car model (a high poly model is indeed swapped in to represent the player's car for photomode). That means the opponent cars, environment, etc., are directly from the game. Who the hell cares, really? They even released direct feed video! How can you say they lied to us when they provided a direct feed 720p/60fps video before the demo released? Plus they allowed other sites to capture direct feed footage, too. It's all out there for your consumption.

Here's another shocker: governments, corporations, your church, and your parents have all intentionally or unintentionally hidden the truth from you. We're talking about a $60 piece of entertainment and an in game car model that has slightly lower detail than was originally thought. Give it a rest.


Couldn't resist.. Carry on.


Sleeker said:
anyone know when the demo becomes available to us silver peasants?
Wondering also.

Downloaded and burnt off a disc, but it is horrifically slow. Very hard to play for extended time because of all the pop-ins and loading times.


Mawio Gawaxy iz da Wheeson hee pways games
I think the game looks sweet, but I would never support a developer lying. It has nothing to do with growing up, it has to do with your morals. If you accept lying then that's your choice. I personally don't like getting lied to.

Either way, the game looks great and I am sure people are going to be happy with the experience. It's not a title I am going to pick up, but as far as racing sims go this is definitely great quality even though I would have personally liked to see geometry deformation and some other features.
Thunderbear said:
I think the game looks sweet, but I would never support a developer lying. It has nothing to do with growing up, it has to do with your morals. If you accept lying then that's your choice. I personally don't like getting lied to.

Either way, the game looks great and I am sure people are going to be happy with the experience. It's not a title I am going to pick up, but as far as racing sims go this is definitely great quality even though I would have personally liked to see geometry deformation and some other features.

You must have a very limited games selection...

Oh don't forget to throw out PS3 if you own that because it definitely not what was promise to us, along with the 360.


Thunderbear said:
I think the game looks sweet, but I would never support a developer lying. It has nothing to do with growing up, it has to do with your morals. If you accept lying then that's your choice. I personally don't like getting lied to.

Either way, the game looks great and I am sure people are going to be happy with the experience. It's not a title I am going to pick up, but as far as racing sims go this is definitely great quality even though I would have personally liked to see geometry deformation and some other features.
its called PR deal wit it. :lol
your morals must be preventing you from living on this earth, because frankly everyone tells lies even the government GASP :lol

how can Recovery.gov cost the us government 18 million dollars?, where are the WMD's in iraq? mmh a weapons inspector with a upcoming book commiting sucide ? UH HUH LOL cmon its fucking PR get real get your fucking priorities straight PLZ


Sleeker said:
anyone know when the demo becomes available to us silver peasants?

Demos are gold exclusive for one week then becomes available to all.

So, this thursday.

And awesome effin demo, so happy i preordered it and seriously pondering if I should buy the MS Wheel to go with the game now.


I'm a purely casual level racer, but I love this demo! The rewind feature is like some Prometheus bringing fire to the masses shit. Ive never been able to be successful at real driving sims with all the assists turned off before.

My "moment" though, came on the last turn on my first run with the Cooper. Long story short, I was in third place on the final hairpin, and made a desperation lunge at the leaders by getting into both lead cars going into the turn...not all reckless and whatnot...just bumped them enough tho make them loose. All three of us were fishtailing at an almost identical angle coming out of the turn, all three of us trying to get some grip and bring it home. My Cooper was the one that tightened up first, and I blasted out of the turn to snatch the flag.

Playing that 5 seconds in slow motion was the best shit Ive ever seen in a racer. It looked like some synchronized drifting for an ad or something. Smoke flying, wheels digging...You could have put that scene to some classical music and you had a pretty good commercial.

Forza def has me by the sack.


m0dus said:
Well, it's time to grow up, Timmy. Take old yeller out to the yard, tie him to the tree, and put a bullet between his eyes, because no amount of finger pointing, bitching, or circling shit in MS PAINT is going to change anything. That trailer looked pretty fucking sweet to me, and something tells me that Trueno's showroom and photomode model is going to be a sight to see.

But hey, I'm a reasonble guy. Let's talk about the visuals. The fact that the game is able to what it does, regardless of ridiculous nitpicks re; tinted windows and tessellated curves on extreme closeups, is excellent. The cars demonstrate dynamic shadow and lighting, realtime refmaps that reflect other racers on both the hood view and in rearview mirrors, realtime tire deformation, a fully functioning cockpit view, visible car damage, all in addition to the ability to fully customize how your car looks, all at 60 fps.

So no, I don't give a good goddamn about people going on about their sore butts because they thought somebody was 'lying' about model swaps to maintain a playable framerate without tearing, with supersampled antialiasing. Certainly not to the point where I'd waste my time trying to point out PR inconsistencies on a message board. The game looks fucking boss on my TVs, to the point my WIFE was playing the demo because she loves the look of Audi.

Forza's your baby? great. Post your best lap time and your 2WD drift score and we'll all go at it like a bunch of fucking race car drivers.

This probably has been mentioned before, but how do I race in just time trials and not with any cars?.I've done it before but I'm not sure how.

I'm really enjoying the demo so far.I love the car physics and the handling is the best ever.If only the loading times were a bit better.The range of camera angles is excellent, more camera angles than anyone could want.
flipswitch said:
This probably has been mentioned before, but how do I race in just time trials and not with any cars?.I've done it before but I'm not sure how.

Select your car, when you get the track screen you'll be presented with "A = RACE Y = Leaderboards"

Select Y to go the leaderboards. Pressing A begins the time trial mode, or you can select the top driver and race their ghost (pretty handy).
ShapeGSX said:
More detail = longer loading times, unfortunately. Not much to do about that.
Usually I don't care too much about loading times but they just seemed to drag for so long. In the context of playing the game for hours as I'm likely to do, I can see it really getting on my nerves. Bleh.

Though if you asked me whether I'd trade in the visuals for it I'd have a hard time saying yes. :lol Maybe it's just because I'm not a total obsessive, but I'm shocked by the complaints in this thread. Game looks sexy as to me.


So I remember Che saying that after TGS and all that huzzah we'd be getting a one car, or something in that area, revealed every day until the release. Is that still on, can we expect the first today?


Junior Member
Fender_Uk said:
give it a rest? so you dont care turn 10 lied to us?

Both you and I watched the HD feeds of Forza 3 released a few weeks before the demo release right?

We saw T10's Sedona vid and we saw GamerSyde vids of FK and Amalfi.

HD 60fps. Yes Gamersyde's videos were off screen but still very good quality.

Why didn't we notice the models being lower LOD in gameplay?

Someone did notice an LOD swap at the beginning of one race but when the race was going we didn't notice anything.

If Che says he didn't know...I'm inclined to believe him because you and I didn't notice it either.

The model they have now is for the most part fine for the distance we see it at. I still think the Mini's model is too low poly to the point where it affects lighting ie. take a look at the license plate area you can see triangles being lit and shaded...even from the current distance. But all the other models look great.

It isn't very suitable for replays since you can get very close to the cars.

But for gameplay it is very comparable to other racers. Replay it isn't. In terms of graphics of course. In terms of features the onscreen telemetry is heavenly and should be a standard for racing sims. I digress...

Maybe we are dissappointed because Forza 3 could have been the best in every area...ie. graphics/sounds/physics/online/livery/etc.

So it fell short in one area compared to one other racing sim out of many. And that racing sim has a lot of issues that need to be addressed and I am pretty confident they will be.

If we listed all the console racing sims available we'll only see a few are 60fps. With all this in mind I am happy with what we have.

I do wish a higher LOD model is used for the car you drive and for replays...sure. I'm a graphics whore too. But that also means that I really dig 60fps with no drops and no tearing.


The coolest thing about the carlist so far in my opinion is how up to date it is with the ALMS and ELMS series! Pretty much every car driving there is in the game except for a few notable new ones (r15, amr) and this beauty C6.r GT2. Kinda makes the 8 places on the grid a little tougher to swallow since it limits the possiblity of a lemans kind of race. I hope some of the new ones make it into retail though, or atleast dlc. More interested in those than most factory cars to be honest.
Iknos said:
Why didn't we notice the models being lower LOD in gameplay?

This really sums up, to me, the ridiculousness of this kind of rampant screenshottery. Whatever imperfections are revealed have no impact on the gameplay experience 99.8% of the time. Now, thanks to this particular circumstance, we have proof. None of this LOD model stuff hit until people started poring over screencaps.


RSTEIN said:
Santa Claus doesn't exist. Like Modus said, it's time to grow Timmy.

There are far worse things than this. What am I supposed to think of Sony releasing their mock up of the PS3 with dual HDMI, etc? What I am I supposed to think of Peter Moore who said the new generation would mean "the end of jaggies?" What I am supposed to think of CliffyB who said that Epic fixed the networking/host advantage in Gears 2? What am I supposed to think of Nintendo when they promised AAA games?

Let's examine what has happened here. Turn 10 releases shots from photomode and says the shots represent gameplay minus the AA, etc. The only thing that Che mispoke about was the player car model (a high poly model is indeed swapped in to represent the player's car for photomode). That means the opponent cars, environment, etc., are directly from the game. Who the hell cares, really? They even released direct feed video! How can you say they lied to us when they provided a direct feed 720p/60fps video before the demo released? Plus they allowed other sites to capture direct feed footage, too. It's all out there for your consumption.

Here's another shocker: governments, corporations, your church, and your parents have all intentionally or unintentionally hidden the truth from you. We're talking about a $60 piece of entertainment and an in game car model that has slightly lower detail than was originally thought. Give it a rest.
You defended every single one of them like you're doing for T10 now ?

What mispoke are you talking about? He lied to you for months and you accept that and now defending the liar?
First of all, at Turn 10, we don't bullshot -- which means everything you see here is real-time taken from in-game gameplay.Naturally, the game will actually look better by the time it comes out later this fall.
Read the quote as much as you can and then you supposed to understand how we can say they lied to you , for months.

Stop defending & encouraging that liar.

I can't believe some of you guys, I really can't. You have no respect for yourself?


JardeL said:
You defended every single one of them like you're doing for T10 now ?

What mispoke are you talking about? He lied to you for months and you accept that and now defending the liar?

Read the quote as much as you can and then you supposed to understand how we can say they lied to you , for months.

Stop defending & encouraging that liar.

I can't believe some of you guys, I really can't. You have no respect for yourself?
hey i think you're in the wrong thread


JardeL said:
Stop defending & encouraging that liar.

I can't believe some of you guys, I really can't. You have no respect for yourself?

I played the demo and is good, and thats all I care about.. why are you so worried anyway? all pr for all games are the same way... I take it you never played any games ever then.


Iknos said:
Both you and I watched the HD feeds of Forza 3 released a few weeks before the demo release right?

We saw T10's Sedona vid and we saw GamerSyde vids of FK and Amalfi.

HD 60fps. Yes Gamersyde's videos were off screen but still very good quality.

Why didn't we notice the models being lower LOD in gameplay?

Someone did notice an LOD swap at the beginning of one race but when the race was going we didn't notice anything.

If Che says he didn't know...I'm inclined to believe him because you and I didn't notice it either.

The model they have now is for the most part fine for the distance we see it at. I still think the Mini's model is too low poly to the point where it affects lighting ie. take a look at the license plate area you can see triangles being lit and shaded...even from the current distance. But all the other models look great.

It isn't very suitable for replays since you can get very close to the cars.

Everyone noticed. Some people (haters) mocked. But it was blamed by fans and others to be because of video compression and artifacting, not a lesser LOD.

Turns out it wasn't the compression after all.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Pretty excited for this game. :) Forza 2 was wonderful, and this looks to take it to the next level! :)
nib95 said:
Everyone noticed. Some people (haters) mocked. But it was blamed by fans and others to be because of video compression and artifacting, not a lesser LOD.

Turns out it wasn't the compression after all.
It was said about some of the early vids, sure wasn't said about some of the later high quality vids (especially the Gamersyde ones).
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