I'm the one that wrote that old post that Che "WRONG!"-ed so memorably. So, I find it humorous that, unlike yourself,
I don't care that lower-poly models are used outside the showroom and photo modes. In fact, I think it's kinda neat that Turn 10 implemented a car-porn mode using settings that would be impossible to support during 60FPS gameplay. Kudos. They should portray it as such, accept their accolades, and move on. (Actually I'm pretty sure the better-informed members of Turn 10 have been doing just that. I'm almost positive I read about that those high-poly model "modes" in an interview way back when.) I mean, think about it. It bugs you (nib95) that the photo-mode is
better than Che would have had you believe. How weird is that?
The sad irony is that I was just expressing my interest/curiosity about the eye-candy modes, when Che decided to set me straight. He certainly won that day. But it's kinda come around to bite him in the ass now. He's managed to turn a positive into a negative. Now, instead of photo-mode being awesome, gameplay-mode is somehow disappointing. (I don't agree with that.) Imagine how much smoother things would have gone if he had just accepted the photo-mode compliments, given those developers their due, and stuck to the facts.
IMO, Che is a bit of a fanboy. And not in the good, support-the-team sense either. Things can fall by the wayside when he's in a rush to defend or attack. He chose to interpret my post as an insult, and in his haste to "zing" me in front of his fans, claimed something that wasn't actually true. I really doubt it was even a lie, in his eyes. He's just not particularly well informed. Or observant. Or tactful.
The game still looks fun, though. And I'm sure the photo-mode will be gorgeous. (That's not a backhanded compliment, either.)