me and diablos mom went shopping for a butt plug at toys r us, but instead we bought these little lego men. chika-chika-chika-ZOOM. we drove home with the bag in da back while we smoked dat angel dust. when we got home dem little lego men were gone! dun dun beat dun dun the next night i was getting a blowjob from the bitch that works a krogers and what did i see? those lego man working underneath my feet. they were building some sort of device
a device to control the world. BIOTCH!
but they shouldve known, they shouldve known that nuCUlARE waste is not safe, there is no escape! they were melting all over da place. the plastic was ruining down to their legs, like your moms bad make up job. i tried to save up them but then i found a joint in the seat. SMOKE DAT SHIT