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Fox News: General Keane says US needs to consider a preemptive strike on North Korea

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Thia is the dumbest thing I've ever read, No one in the USA wants another war after a decade + in Iraq.

there is an entire class of people that tend to make lots and lots of money when we even act like we're going to war. And Trump's entire deal is making those dudes money. If he's going to be good for business, its going to be for those people called corporations who can vote with their dollars instead of the useless and casual vote that takes place in November.




there is an entire class of people that tend to make lots and lots of money when we even act like we're going to war. And Trump's entire deal is making those dudes money. If he's going to be good for business, its going to be for those people called corporations who can vote with their dollars instead of the useless and casual vote that takes place in November.

Stop badmouthing job creators.

They're are civil defenses and that would obviously be SK number one priority to take out. It's very hard to level a city. And on defense NK would be much more concerned with taking out military assests than indiscriminately bombing.

They're a reason the US and SK do war games every year.

Lots of damage, yes. End of Seoul? Not unless NK nukes it

And China would never back NK with their nuclear power unless the Chinese mainland was threatened. That's part of the reason behind deterrence, it limits actions.

Yeah, couldn't they easily blow Seoul to shit with an artillery-fired nuke?


Now whether or not they would, is a different question. But this is also North fucking Korea we're talking about, so I would expect the worst if a war actually broke out.


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
All the Trump fans in my life told me that Hillary was going to start WWIII.


Stop badmouthing job creators.

see, that's the thing. A lot of those jobs they create are about paying poor and unsuspecting people to do their dirty work. Which just so happens to result in lots of people in another country getting thrown into the foreign policy machine, which once upon a time only functioned to stop the Soviets at the expense of everything else. Now it just prints money for American oligarchy and sets up goalposts for despots and authoritarian regimes worldwide.
Yeah, couldn't they easily blow Seoul to shit with an artillery-fired nuke?


Now whether or not they would, is a different question. But this is also North fucking Korea we're talking about, so I would expect the worst if a war actually broke out.

They don't have nuclear artillery.

They might have missiles with nuclear tips, if they don't they will within a few years.


They don't have nuclear artillery.

They might have missiles with nuclear tips, if they don't they will within a few years.

My worry would be that NK has a nuke inside Seoul already. We know they have nukes. We also know they have tunnels under the DMZ into SK.

I mean.....it's what I'd do!


Yeah, couldn't they easily blow Seoul to shit with an artillery-fired nuke?


Now whether or not they would, is a different question. But this is also North fucking Korea we're talking about, so I would expect the worst if a war actually broke out.

That would maybe blow to dust a block of the city. Seoul is damn big.


Daily checklist item for "repeating history instead of learning from it" from the Republicans and Trump administration m
Daily checklist item for "repeating history instead of learning from it" from the Republicans and Trump administration m

Last time they did this they got re-elected.

The question is more if the American people will learn... probably not.
Yeah, couldn't they easily blow Seoul to shit with an artillery-fired nuke?


Now whether or not they would, is a different question. But this is also North fucking Korea we're talking about, so I would expect the worst if a war actually broke out.

They don't have nukes small enough. Strategically it also makes sense to have their large scale decentralized conventional artillery pointed at Seoul. They could level the city in one night.
Edit: thought was a new thread, opened in tab and forgot about it.

China would benefit more from a united, prosperous Korea that was friendly to them, as opposed to an embarrassing pariah state begging for aide constantly and frustrating them diplomatically. For America's part, it would be best to come to an agreement with China whereby America agrees to have no military presence in Korea, and China agrees to let go of it's buffer state.

The issue is how you go from A to B. For the North, it currently seems impossible for a peaceful reunification to occur. They're thoroughly entrenched up their own arses and are locked into a siege mentality. They have been this way for generations at this point. Even if China agreed to not back the North Koreans up anymore, and America agreed to leave SK, you would still need to fight a war to reunify. If China, the United States and South Korea all worked together to attack the North, it would be over extremely fast, but still result in a large number of civilian deaths (that are not acceptable to the South Koreans), a large number of refugees (that are not acceptable to the Chinese) and a large economic disruption (that is not acceptable to the Chinese, Americans, or Koreans). And now thakns to the fact that this situation has been allowed to become an ulcer for 70 years, there's the nuclear question to contend with. It's just not an option.


That would maybe blow to dust a block of the city. Seoul is damn big.

A "small" 25kt airburst would kill 100K-250K people in Seoul easily, assuming the city wasn't evacuated first. That doesn't include injuries and a much larger radius of lesser damage, plus some degree of fallout. Also doesn't account for the general chaos it would cause.

Not sure if they can - or how - they'd deliver the weapon, but it is to be avoided.


We joke about Trump attacking China/North Korea but I actually think this could be a serious threat to Democrats.

Remember how Obama had to deal with the Iraq mess that the bush admin started?

What's going to happen if a Democrat gets elected and they're forced to inherit the mess of a post-war Asia? All the time that could be used to fix healthcare, the economy, civil rights etc would be wasted on cleaning up a mess Trump started.


Is there a general consensus on how far NK's ICBMs can reach at the moment? I know all of SK and Japan would be in danger...just wondering if we have a good handle on what they're actually capable of.

I have a military buddy that used to be stationed at the DMZ...told me it was the most nervous and fearful time of all his military service. I can see why.
Military nerds:

Correct me if I'm wrong but wouldn't a war on North Korea be literally one of the worst possible ideas in the world?

The variable is China. The Korean War ended the way it did because of Chinese intervention.

And while China certainly enjoys NK has a proxy and has paid lip service to honoring old treaties, it has become frustrated with the country's leadership.


Trump trying the Bush strategy - start a war to lock in a second term, no matter how many people hate you.

Wouldn't work. Iraq as big of a fuck up as it was had minimal US casualties in the broad picture of war. Starting a conflict with North Korea would escalate quickly and casualties have the potential to be huge


How would liberating North Korea even work?

I'd love to see them free of their current regime but Its like the world's biggest cult. Don't know how the hell you could deprogram that many people.

With Iraq, theres a good amount of people that knew they were living under a dictatorship but North Korea's populace has been through serious mind fuckery over the years.
Military nerds:

Correct me if I'm wrong but wouldn't a war on North Korea be literally one of the worst possible ideas in the world?

The problems with warring North Korea are more political and socio-economic.

Assuming China doesn't get involved--again, a political consideration rather than a distinctly military one--the US could pretty trivially smash the fighting force of North Korea. The problem is--as is often the case--the simple question: what does that accomplish?

Unless you engage in wholesale genocide, there's simply no way to deal with the fallout from the destruction of the North Korean state that doesn't cost neighboring countries hundreds of billions of dollars in terms of dealing with the damage and refugees. There's no clean, easy road to the re-unification of North and South Korea. There's no way to prevent hundreds of thousands of brainwashed-loyal guerrilla fighters from emerging out of the (presumably) disbanded North Korean military. There's certainly no practical way to maintain an occupation force over a population that size.

Even assuming--a large assumption--that China doesn't get involved in any way, there's simply too much cost associated with winning a war with North Korea to bother. Nation-building in Iraq is a joke compared to the enormous cost of trying to bring North Korea up to par with their South Korean and Chinese neighbors.


Knowing this administration would created massive terrorist attack just start war with north Korea or iran i'm counting on that.


How would liberating North Korea even work?

Its like the world's biggest cult. Don't know how the hell you could deprogram that many people.

With Iraq, theres a good amount of people that knew they were living under a dictatorship but North Korea's populace has been through serious mind fuckery over the years.

Japan was in a similar position during WW2. They considered their emperor a god. He eventually renounced his divinity when the allies won.

All tyrants rule with fear until they're exposed to be human like everyone else. No need to worship Kim Jong anymore when you're no longer starving.

But with Trump at the helm, I wouldn't trust him to know how to deal with this. Especially if he bombs the country and then decides "our job here is done. About those refugees? Lol let them starve, we're just here for the oil".
Starting a war with North Korea would be one hell of a distraction from the Russia investigation

This is exactly what Bill Maher said he'd eventually try to do. The only real way to get people to shut up about Russia is to blind them with a new war, that way they can start preaching about how you're un-American for not supporting your country and president in a time of war. Even though we're in multiple war right now, but it doesn't seem that the general public realizes that since there's zero media coverage of it like there would be if we were to attack another country.
Japan was in a similar position during WW2. They considered their emperor a god. He eventually renounced his divinity when the allies won.

All tyrants rule with fear until they're exposed to be human like everyone else. No need to worship Kim Jong anymore when you're no longer starving.

This is... not a particularly good comparison. The "divinity" of Hirohito had nothing to do with Japan's wartime posture in WW2. Most decent records actually maintain that he tried to find a diplomatic solution while the nominally-elected officials were pushing for war, which is the main reason why he was not tried as a war criminal. The vilification of the man was almost entirely a jingoist comic-book trope, and he certainly didn't wield any sort of tyrannical power over the run-away nationalist government of the time.

I mean, just so you know.


Japan was in a similar position during WW2. They considered their emperor a god. He eventually renounced his divinity when the allies won.

All tyrants rule with fear until they're exposed to be human like everyone else. No need to worship Kim Jong anymore when you're no longer starving.

But with Trump at the helm, I wouldn't trust him to know how to deal with this. Especially if he bombs the country and then decides "our job here is done. About those refugees? Lol let them starve, we're just here for the oil".

It's interesting you say that, because there are cases of defectors in S Korea who still think that Kim Jong Un can see what they are doing/thinking or things like that, even though they have been through the process of integrating them into life. It's a hell of a drug, and the North is damn good at it as awful as it is.



Once again GOP wants war only a buffoon is leading and even worse than the last one.


Part of me is like: this is so stupid it will never happen, and another is like: Trump is a sociopath/liar who knows what he'll do.

North Korea is a problem but a self contained problem.. let South Korea advise and take the lead on this one.


I guess the world just wasn't interesting enough as-is. Nuclear war should surely spice things up.
If there's one person in the whole world I know I can count on to deftly navigate a tense geopolitical situation, walking a tightrope where the tiniest slip will result in nuclear war, I know in my heart or hearts that that person is President Donald J Trump.




We're all going to die.
I said it in the other thread similar to this, but we would be essentially be screwing over our allies South Korea and quite possibly Japan if we did something so stupid as to attack North Korea.


Even if we succeed and defang the NK military, the refugee crisis that would occur, would make syria civil war + iraq war + ISIS expansion look like walk through the park, and these are refugees that have been taught from birth that everyone out of their country wants to kill them all and are savages.
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