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Fox News: General Keane says US needs to consider a preemptive strike on North Korea

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Mark L

Horrible suggestion. You're basically handing North Korea the power to end the world. North Korea isn't a Chinese puppet or even much of a proxy, they're a lesser evil that's constantly a thorn in China's side almost as much as they're one in the side of the US. China can influence North Korea, true, but only to a degree. They've already expressed their opposition to North Korea's nuclear tests without any real impact.

The reason they haven't "dealt" with the problem is the same reason as for why the us hasn't either - as long as the current regime stands, it can't really be done without massive loss of life and without a major humanitarian disaster on China's doorstep.

Exactly. In spite of their traditional military alliance, N. Korea just represents a huge problem for China. The idea that they are just a pawn or satrap of China is totally wrong.
I refuse to believe that this is even close to the first time it's being considered by the USA. I wouldn't be surprised if there's already a detailed plan waiting for the okay that was set up the moment North Korea started to publicly threaten nuclear war.
whats the alternative? do nothing and have North Korea continue to develop stronger nuclear weapons? it should have been done years ago.


whats the alternative? do nothing and have North Korea continue to develop stronger nuclear weapons? it should have been done years ago.

At some point the US/China/somebody has to bite the bullet and go in there.

Yes it will be a giant shit show however you slice it. But just leaving them there waiting for the inevitable disaster is far worse in my opinion.


It's a very tricky situation.

War brings death and destruction to innocent people, but millions of innocent people are already suffering greatly within the regime even without direct conflict.
I don't think even China wants an unpredictable crazy neighbor with ICBMs. I assume they are already devising their own plan to deal with the situation. I wouldn't be surprised if China and the US actually end up cooperating very closely on this particular matter. Each keeping the two Koreas in check.
Make a grand bargain, US troops pull out or stationed only below 48th in exchange for regime change and eventual reunification.That's supposedly why china considers NK the lesser evil.


Iran's Islam is mostly Shiah, and terrorist is mainly composed of Sunnite extremist groups. It does not make sense for Iran to fund terrorism.
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