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France bans English gaming tech jargon in push to preserve language purity


From google:
I weep for humanity.


Paris is an African sub continent now its a literal shithole. I tried to be polite and speak French but still got the cunt attitude so just reverted to full Bogan cockhead and answered anything with shut up up dickhead remember WW2 when they thought I wasn’t bilingual trying to mouth off.

No idea why that shit language was taught in high school, hopefully it’s changed to Spanish or Chinese anything actually useful.

Enjoyed the South of France far more than the north even though I heard worse things, didn’t come across any of them besides the insane road tolls.

It’s alright but our new lease Renault for the 6 months had French plates, and they don’t seem anymore liked elsewhere in Europe. At least the Italians and Greeks stop yelling and start laughing once they realise your Australian down a street to small for the car.

French, Spanish , Italian and even Hebrew options here in secondary school.

I picked French, was just shit at it.

Later learned some Catalan as lived in the area. I'm not one for languages, can barely speak Irish.

My English though, got awards for my writings in poetry and short-stories. Wish I kept them, think they're in a box somewhere.

Some bitch English teacher downgraded me from an A+ for a B, was an original story. She thought I copied something.

Same bitch flirted with any obviously good looking guy in the room. She hated me as I showed her up.

Studying Hamlet was useless whens she's talking about getting twisted and curling her hair at the boys she liked. Pretty damn sure she banged a few.


Ahhh, oui, oui, c'est bon. C'est très bon!

I do love the vitriol this thread has spawned. C'est très amusant. I do hope it doesn't get locked though, so please practice some restraint.

And hey, French food is very good, even if it mainly achieves it by adding le beurre in copious quantities.


France just shot themselves in the foot.
I don't know how much the rest of you know about French culture (I'm an expert), but honor and shame are huge parts of it. It's not like it is in America where you can become successful by not being an asshole. If you arent an asshole in France, you bring shame to yourself, and the only way to get rid of that shame is is being an asshole.


Ahhh, oui, oui, c'est bon. C'est très bon!

I do love the vitriol this thread has spawned. C'est très amusant. I do hope it doesn't get locked though, so please practice some restraint.

And hey, French food is very good, even if it mainly achieves it by adding le beurre in copious quantities.

Always wanted to try the onion soup.

Place i picked was vile and a complete rip-off. Was like the dude sweated on my soup and the bread was moldy.

Still ate it, Paris ain't cheap. Just had a sweet price-point at the time. Regretted digesting that! Think I ended up with food poisoning.

Then another bar was selling Guinesss for 10 pounds! I don't even drink Guinness, just couldn't believe the cost. haha. Pre-euro days.


And hey, French food is very good, even if it mainly achieves it by adding le beurre in copious quantities.

Nothing wrong with that.

Place i picked was vile and a complete rip-off. Was like the dude sweated on my soup and the bread was moldy.

Restaurant targetted toward tourists are usually shit, especially the ones serving "traditionnal" French meals.
In Paris, they are a scourge.


Gold Member
Americans and French should just kiss and make out
It was the French who helped America to become independent!
France got a revolution because of that!

Heck France even made and gifted a huge statue to Americans - the liberty statue!
I agree with you and did my part when i was in north america :)
In the US, all good things (democracy, freedom, fraternity, huge ass / huge tits girls, bick dicked studs, etc) comes from their relation with french, all things bad (imperialism, horrendous cooking, pasty ass wasps, religious fundamentalism, etc) come from their relation with uk.

Fucking French and their "apple of the ground" nonsense
If you had an ounce of poetry in you you'll understand...

I’ve seen french laughing or commenting, when foreigners were trying that type of effort! Yeah I lived there for a few months.

I also took English and French classes since 5th grade in Portugal! The English classes were all about the language, the French classes was the language and the culture like wtf, it was history lessons but in French!

Also when trying to hook up with a French guy the majority will spit on your mouth after kissing you!!!

Not the romantic idea we all learn from movies :(

You must have met temendous douchebags if they laughed at your attemps to speak french. For all i know, we are just the same as others and feel flattered when someone is trying even badly to speak our langage. The fact that every guy you hooked up with spat on you after kissing (which is not a tradition for homos or heteros or anyone really in France) makes me think you might have found yourself in a strange pocket dimension where all the worst french people find themselves for some reason... Come back we'll show you a good time ;)

Me too although I stayed most of the time on my sugar daddy's ( papa gâteau) big yacht
Papa gâteau really doesn't mean the same in French, a papa gâteau is some who cannot say no to his child and gives him anything he asks for. Emphasis on "child". If you're not in an incestuous relation with your sugar daddy he is not your "papa gâteau". I know wikipedia says otherwise but they're wrong (trust me i'm an vagineer - an engineer for all things sexual-), the french word with the closest meaning to sugar daddy would be "souteneur" (as in pimp).

I thought i could find arguments for every criticism one can make toward french people, but even i cannot defend this dummy. We have the worst comics in France, dudes like gad that you cannot possibly find funny after 14 year old. But we also have (very) few of the best, like Blanche Gardin



Cretinously credulous
Had a submachine-gun pulled on me in Paris, to simply check if I had a ticket for the metro. Fucking crazy shit. Of course I had a ticket. French people aren't friendly to non-French people unless there is a benefit. Was only there with my missus for Disney-land.

I dropped a joint in Barcelona when I saw the civil police, they picked it up and handed it back to me.

Couldn't believe it.

Barcelona police caught me with parking ticket in a rental car (I didnt even know it was on the windshield). They asked if I was a tourist and when I answered Yes, they just let me go :)

They also asked me if I was drunk. I said no and thats it, no further questions.

The French on the other hand, gave me so much grief to get a train ticket, which I had paid extra to be delivered to my home before I started my trip but wasnt delivered! I wasted half a day just running around in stations in Paris.
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not tag worthy
I thought i could find arguments for every criticism one can make toward french people, but even i cannot defend this dummy. We have the worst comics in France, dudes like gad that you cannot possibly find funny after 14 year old. But we also have (very) few of the best, like Blanche Gardin

I don't know enough about the french language, so had to turn the subs on. yeah that was funny.


You must have met temendous douchebags if they laughed at your attemps to speak french. For all i know, we are just the same as others and feel flattered when someone is trying even badly to speak our langage. The fact that every guy you hooked up with spat on you after kissing (which is not a tradition for homos or heteros or anyone really in France) makes me think you might have found yourself in a strange pocket dimension where all the worst french people find themselves for some reason... Come back we'll show you a good time ;)

Papa gâteau really doesn't mean the same in French, a papa gâteau is some who cannot say no to his child and gives him anything he asks for. Emphasis on "child". If you're not in an incestuous relation with your sugar daddy he is not your "papa gâteau". I know wikipedia says otherwise but they're wrong (trust me i'm an vagineer - an engineer for all things sexual-), the french word with the closest meaning to sugar daddy would be "souteneur" (as in pimp).
I was joking about the guys spitting on my mouth after kissing and the papa gâteau.
And no I was not joking about my experiences seeing french being douchebags towards tourists. To be fair, I've lived in several countries an I had my shares of weird experiences.


Barcelona police caught me with parking ticket in a rental car (I didnt even know it was on the windshield). They asked if I was a tourist and when I answered Yes, they just let me go :)

They also asked me if I was drunk. I said no and thats it, no further questions.

The French on the other hand, gave me so much grief to get a train ticket, which I had paid extra to be delivered to my home before I started my trip but wasnt delivered! I wasted half a day just running around in stations in Paris.

Trick is you say you're Irish, they hate Brits.

Easy for me, have red hair.

They always let me away.

Had to go to police station once, Catalan women went with me, wife of a friend. They nearly arrested her as she matched some wanted person. Was weird to say the least.

Father owned the biggest whore bar in Barcelona though. So dunno.

We both got out, never spoke about it again.

Naturally her husband was furious.
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Gold Member
At least it's only in government docs.

In Quebec, their language are set so everything has to be bilingual and French language has to be the predominant presence on packaging. If a company doesnt do it and someone tells the gov, the company gets fined.

The rest of the country requires bilingual packaging but no custom dominant thing like Quebec. The farther west you go, the less French speaking people you get where vitually none speak it as their native language, yet federal laws require bilingual packaging. In lots of big cities, Chinese and Indian will have 10x more people than French, yet there's zero laws saying if you wanna do some bilingual stuff add Chinese/Indian to the box.

For those if you who dont know, video game cases could get extra manuals or bonus books in French shrinkwrapped to the box.

On the plus side, Quebeckers love smoking, drinking and prime time TV have tits and swearing.
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Gold Member
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That's Quebec for ya. Check out this beauty law passed. The only province who makes a giant stink when it comes to Muslims or Sikhs wearing headscarves or turbans.

And that garbage law


Gold Member
And this one. Bill 21 involving headscarves/turbans. I can understand a workplace being cautious over these things if they work in a manufacturing environment where something might come loose and get caught in machinery. But for most jobs, it's pretty safe to wear whatever you want even if it's a bathrobe with a giant string on it.

Who gives a shit if someone wears head apparel? You'd think this would come from discriminatory KKK kinds of business owners who dont like minorities. Yet, its politicians pushing it. Amazing.

Always leave it to Quebec being the most insecure and racist province out there. I've never heard of someone being pigeon holed for repercussions for wearing a cross around their neck.

And they wonder why everyone avoids living there. Then again, looks like they want it that way as outsiders are a no-no.

(Edit: I replaced the link with a better one not behind a paywall/login. This article is even better as it shows how discriminatory the government is. The Quebec Superior Judge even ruled that English schools should be exempt from the policy so there is an avenue to promote diversity. So it's like splitting the pie so each side can have a place for people with headscarves. The Quebec government appealed it wanting it to be a blanket policy. Crazy.)

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That's fucking crazy and my partner keeps pestering me about going to Paris but I keep hearing about how cold french are to foreigners. Fuck that.

They're not cold, they're assholes. Paris is alright. Stick to the historical stuff and don't expect the yellow movie filter. The Louvre more than makes up for all the assholes.
People tend to be quite protective of changes in their own language even in cases that don't involve loan words. Look at all the millenials getting mad at zoomers' vocabulary. The truth probably is that these kids remind us of how old we've gotten and that we're not part of the youth any longer and that hurts a bit.

As for the article, it's whatever. If they want to mandate certain language prescriptions in their official documents, they're free to do so and I think there's nothing wrong with that. I don't think official document have to necessarily include the latest slang. They should just be comprehensible by as many people as possible and if that change helps, so be it.

K' Dash

I went to Paris for a few days in 2017 and I loved it, the people were very welcoming. Didn't see a lot of africans but there were LOTS of chinese tourists, like hundreds of them everywhere I went.

I noticed people really understood and preferred talking in Spanish instead of English, so I obliged.


I see nothing wrong with this. Its a nice language. If anything we should encourage more learning of different languages.


Paris is the same as pretty much any tourist heavy place in the world. You go to see the dumb tourist shit with all the other tourists, expect to be treated by the locals like dog shit on a shoe, and then you get the hell out of there and go somewhere where all the tourists don't go and have and a much more enjoyable time. Travelled all over France, and it is generally super nice and French people are pretty chill.
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This sounds very nationalist and discriminatory. I hope France isn't going to halt open-ness and diversity just to protect the french language. Europe really is going back to the 1930's isnt it? What's next? a fire in Germany that's blamed on the commies?


Exposing the sinister cartel of retailers who allow companies to pay for advertising space.
If ever a city is living off past glories, Paris is it.

If you've been any time in the last 5yrs, you'll know what a run down, dirty crap hole it now is at street level.

The touristy center of Paris is nice, but everything else .... dilapidated districts where you only see Arabs and Africans ... homless people and illegal immigrants ...pickpockets and fake designer bags salesmen at all the popular tourist spots ... a subway system that seems on the brink of collapse. You wouldn't t feel safe walking by yourself at night in so many of those neighborhoods.

In contrast, I visited Moscow in 2019 and that was a beautiful, clean and safe city where you could go anywhere. Moscow should have been a much bigger tourist destination than Paris. Not much chance of that happening anytime soon with the current war on of course.


Gold Member
This is perfectly normal and not in any way controversial even though the narrative uses words like "banned". It used to annoy me here in Norway when they made Norwegian versions of words I was getting used to, but I understand the logic now so I'm fine with it . It's not compelled speech, so while official channels kinda has to use the native alternative words, everyone else is of course still free to say or write whatever word they like.
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