Jedeye Sniv said:
Depressingly it seems that western culture has (for the time being) solidified into this bland, monolithic beast. In the past there were many valid ideologies being explored by passionate people, today it seems those battles have all been fought, we just have to live here now.
It only seems that way to you since you have no battles to fight. I'm sure you'd be on the streets in no time if a governmental decision severely impacted something you depend on or want. Well, unless you're, again, slave material.
The latter is certainly possible; nowadays, slave labour is pretty much the norm, and people are properly conditioned to 'deal with it'. I'm not disputing that it's hard to break out of this condition, but as history tells us, it's not impossible; there's a switch to flip for everyone out there.
What you're dismissing is the grade of the severity of outcomes. Meaning that as soon as an outcome is so severe that a government breaks down because of it unless things are re-negotiated, public protest is successful.
And that, in turn, is a matter of methods and numbers. There is a point where every government will break down. The latest point where this happens is acts of violence against the state, just like history shows. A reenactment of the storming of the Bastille is imaginable, given enough people and a substantial disagreement. You can't black-ops 30k people storming the White House, for instance. You can't block them with police. You can't not negotiate at that point, or get replaced.
Of course I'm doubtful that this is such a hot topic. But that doesn't mean you're right in general.