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Frasier (2023) | Teaser | Paramount+


Gentlemen, we can rebuild it. We have the capability to make the world's first enhanced store. Steam will be that store. Better than it was before.
This looks terrible, but it's good to see Kelsey Grammer getting work I guess. I watched him in some Hallmark Christmas movie my wife made me sit through last year. He's still a pretty good actor.



Gold Member
I see your point BUT we have to give them credit for resisting the temptation to "reboot" the character into a black woman.
I'm curious about the psych department chair character. Just looking at the photo, she seems far too young to be able to go toe to toe with Frasier, which is why I fear she will be lecturing him more than debating him. I think I'd rather Frasier be the Chair and have to deal with 'modern' academics in a sloppy field like psychology, because I can tell you that there is INFINITE hilarity to be had mocking that field.


Does anyone expect a Hollywood comedy to be good in 2023? Comedy has been dead for at least 6-7 years.


' Pierce told Vulture, “I don’t have a strong feeling that there’s anything more that I can think of that I need to say about the character. … I love those characters, but I don’t miss them.” That said, he left the door open to potentially appear on the show: “I would never disrespect that in such a way as to say just offhandedly, ‘Oh, no, thanks. I’m not going to do that again.’ It’s too valuable to me. But by the same token, because it’s so valuable to me, I also wouldn’t do it just to do it. And I believe it can be done without me, too — finding new stories to tell, in the same way that Frasier did after Cheers. They didn’t bring along the Cheers gang to make a new show.” '

There could be a guest appearance at some point but nothing more than that.

But that's the problem then. Frasier wasn't called Cheers. It was a complete new show, new names and new characters besides one and that's exactly what this frasier show is going to be.

This is why nobody really as faith on this at all. Because if u make a show called seinfield, i expect to see seinfield and not 1 cast member in a complete new setting. Make it a new show.

As this show has little to do with frasier it seems like as the main setting and cast are all gone from what it looks like only 1 character is left. It's going to be dissapointing unless it can find its own unique nitch. But then again it will be hard to difference 2 same named shows.

Honestly in my option frasier had class, was fun and well done. However it was a product of its time a time that no longer really exists or people care for. When i watched it when i was a kid it was interesting to see a comedy with people in a higher tier life with a bit more serious content then prince of bell air for example. It kinda did make u want to study and move forwards. This however doesn't relate in anyway towards me. But maybe this is not ment for me but for people that are in the stage of "older kids that study" phase. So maybe it can scratch a nich out from there.

Melon Husk


What's up with all the remakes? This was greenlit "before" writers' strike, right?
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Mr Reasonable

Completely Unreasonable
This is why nobody really as faith on this at all. Because if u make a show called seinfield, i expect to see seinfield and not 1 cast member in a complete new setting. Make it a new show

Well, there's more than one recurrent cast member but the main cast member is the titular one.

I think that most people's skepticism isn't based around not giving the show a different name, but we shall see.

I do agree with you that the wider cast of characters, from Frasier's immediate family to regular characters like the caricature sports presenter and restaurant critic will be hard to miss.

Frasier was very much an ensemble cast, I agree, but the writing and that the whole show plays out and feels like a stage play is easily as much a part of the show's identity.

I think that's something that if the casual observer can appreciate, hopefully the people running and agreeing to star in the show will be fully onboard with that being an essential part of the show.

Why do these remakes always have douchey looking youngins as main characters.

Alas, because without the douchey youngins, the fear is that what advertisers consider the most lucrative market (douchey youngin viewers) won't be watching. How that works with streaming platforms that don't carry ads, I'm not sure. I do kinda wonder why Frasier needs any young cast members, however, when the show was around originally it rarely seemed to feature anyone who wasn't pushing 40.


Just like the new Night Court series, this was completely unnecessary and will be forgotten about. Funny how the creator of Cheers completely shut down the idea of a new series happening.

Sucks because I liked Fraiser more than Cheers. It was up there for me with Seinfeld as one of the best sitcoms or at least the first 7 seasons or so.

Winter John

Funny how the creator of Cheers completely shut down the idea of a new series happening.

Sucks because I liked Fraiser more than Cheers. It was up there for me with Seinfeld as one of the best sitcoms or at least the first 7 seasons or so.
Burrows came back and directed a couple of episodes. Can't really ask for more than that considering he's in his 80s. Personally I think the show went downhill real fast after Niles and Daphne got together. It really should've ended there.
So, I have high hopes for this. I was doubting it as well. This is true though. CBS execs watched the new shows’ first two episodes and they are also going to be played on CBS. Makes me think with the writers and actors strike, if the show could be both on Paramount+ and CBS.

Having a streaming show having some of the episodes on prime time conventional TV, I don’t think has been done yet. I’m hopeful this is a good sign.

Roz has agreed to be a reoccurring character. I believe Jane Levee also said, she would end up on the show in some manner. Assuming this is true, I would think they will keep Niles a secret for as long as possible. Probably not in the first season.

My only question, will this show be “woke” and try to deal with modem issues. Or will it steer clear of modem issues and try to deal with traditional and classic issues?

Frasier is my second favorite sitcom behind Seinfeld. Truly funny. I’m hoping for the best.
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Sunny is an old show that managed to keep its identity kind of intact because its showrunners not only write but also act in it so the Hollywood fucks can't do shit to them other than cancel the show which would be stupid given its great word of mouth. You pretty much mentioned the only comedy show on TV that still dares to take risks in this current climate and even they play it safer nowadays.
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My only question, will this show be “woke” and try to deal with modem issues. Or will it steer clear of modem issues and try to deal with traditional and classic issues?

Frasier is my second favorite sitcom behind Seinfeld. Truly funny. I’m hoping for the best.

Night Court remake tried to be woke but not too woke, and I think likely just ended up pissing off both groups. From wikipedia:

Gurgs' 12-year-old nephew Xavier and some classmates visit the court. Gurgs is hoping to bond with her nephew, but realizes the children only want to protest the arrest of a social justice activist who was arrested for vandalizing a statue of Christopher Columbus. Abby asks Gurgs to convince the children to stop their protest chants; instead, Gurgs joins them. In the end, Abby conspires with Dan to allow the children to legally protest, and Xavier decides the justice system isn't totally flawed, especially with Gurgs as a part of it.

The BAILIFF joins a protest in a courtroom and faces no consequences whatsoever. The children give up after not getting what they wanted, and are basically manipulated into shutting up and going away. And I came away thinking that if I sided with the kids or not, I would not have liked the conclusion either way. There's nothing clever that manages to appeal to everyone or find some common ground, and it instead just made everyone look bad.

As for the show itself and other episodes, it had one or two that were a fair bit more clever and humorous than the others, but it didn't come close to the quality of the original.


Frasier is great but you can't have that humor in 2023... so I'm almost definitely expecting a "message" which is a shame because Frasiers legacy was great
Im betting his son comes out as gay in the first episode. I mean it wouldnt be a stretch.


Good grief, just those stills you posted make this seem all but inevitable!

My cynicism about this stuff is at an all time high.
The only hope is that Kelsey is a staunch conservative and he probably wouldnt be involed if it was just staight propoganda.


Im betting his son comes out as gay in the first episode. I mean it wouldnt be a stretch.
i don't think you will be too far off, or at least some sort of weird they/them or some modern ideology that makes everyone in the show have to completely change their personality... that's the biggest issue, Frasier was a sarcastic ass 99% of the time, he didn't handle everything with kid gloves, but with modern humor he would have to become a soft cuddly teddy bear that says nothing wrong.
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Gold Member
I don't recall Frasier being particularly political. It DID set up a lot of situations where the "high living" standards of Crane and his brother clashed with the more working class values of the dad and others. IIRC Giles was often at risk of getting beaten up for his snobbery. So I think a new Frasier could pivot to some generational based humor, stuff like Frasier not responding well to emails or texts because he prefers talking or calling. Hijinks over him mis-routing emails or the infamous "reply all" faux pah, but in the end he learns to accept emails and his younger colleagues learn that face-to-face or phone calls have value as well. It's gotta be balanced, which is the aspect often missed today.


I don't recall Frasier being particularly political. It DID set up a lot of situations where the "high living" standards of Crane and his brother clashed with the more working class values of the dad and others. IIRC Giles was often at risk of getting beaten up for his snobbery. So I think a new Frasier could pivot to some generational based humor, stuff like Frasier not responding well to emails or texts because he prefers talking or calling. Hijinks over him mis-routing emails or the infamous "reply all" faux pah, but in the end he learns to accept emails and his younger colleagues learn that face-to-face or phone calls have value as well. It's gotta be balanced, which is the aspect often missed today.
We had email back then.

Frasier was always about him taking something too far. Obsessing over the perfect party, dinner, woman, etc. Obsessing over his public image. Meeting the perceived standards of a wealthy educated professional.... and it all blowing up in his face because he's just a man.

There's a lot of meat on such bones. It's OK if he's a little wiser... maybe his son is going through the same types of things and he's trying to balance his desire to join in that with preventing his son from being the dufus he was in middle age.


Hands down the best TV show ever created and I'll punch a baby if anyone disagrees
I prefer watching Porridge these days, but maybe that's because I've seen all the episodes of OFAH so many times. I haven't seen the later ones often though, because it's unfortunate that they exist at all.


Gold Member
Yeah, the humor they are showing is more my style, will give it a whirl. The son doesn't really feel like the product of Lilith though, she wasn't some working class type, so I'd expect the son to be more cultured if only from her (and probably in therapy).


It's not terrible but I don't know about the comedy between the son and his girlfriend. That just seemed very Gen Z humour to me.
I think him being a college lecturer opens up a lot of comedy opportunities though, he's never done that before.
Also being in Boston you'd have to have a lot of Lillth and that's a plus.

I'm just afraid that it'll be a comedy where old meets new whereas as in Frasier they were mostly in their bubble with Martin as an old man to point out their faults and that's what was hilarious about it

Mr Reasonable

Completely Unreasonable
Obviously impossible to say based on that trailer, but my earlier optimism for the show has subsided somewhat.

Fingers crossed though..


Yeah, the humor they are showing is more my style, will give it a whirl. The son doesn't really feel like the product of Lilith though, she wasn't some working class type, so I'd expect the son to be more cultured if only from her (and probably in therapy).
Yeah, at like 10 years old he was already observing other kids' play patterns and writing dissertations on the historical inaccuracies of Pocahontas ffs.


It's not terrible but I don't know about the comedy between the son and his girlfriend. That just seemed very Gen Z humour to me.
Which is weird, because Frederick was 15 at the end of Frasier. So, he'd be 34 years old now - a millenial.
I'm just afraid that it'll be a comedy where old meets new whereas as in Frasier they were mostly in their bubble with Martin as an old man to point out their faults and that's what was hilarious about it
Sadly, it's turning out to be just as predictable as we'd feared. This generation of writers are just creatively bankrupt.


Gold Member
Yeah, at like 10 years old he was already observing other kids' play patterns and writing dissertations on the historical inaccuracies of Pocahontas ffs.
I'm curious if he will have made an active break from that life, this is some sort of over reaction from being under Liliths thumb, or they just needed more of a generational foil for Crane, canon be damned. I can certainly see an uptight WASP intellectual being bewitched by a sultry latina, getting into ayahausca and "hippy shit", and in a few years ending up like this guy seems to be. Or maybe he's a vet, dealing with some TBI/PTSD, and a bit of personal life looseness is therapy. Lots of interesting ways they could go about it, we'll see. These kindas of shows always worked best when there were lots of jokes but a core serious thread deftly woven in to ground the show.


Kelsey Grammer carrying this entire thing by himself, it seems.
Nicholas Lyndhurst was great in one of the best and most successful UK comedies ever (only fools and horses) and starred in his own succesful series.

This and the prior quality of Frasier warrants the benefit of the doubt until it airs imo.
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