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Freddie Gray case: Charges against three remaining officers dropped - WOW

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So if I'm reading the article correctly, the whole thing comes down to there being no regulations or training for the police to put a suspect in a seatbelt, so no foul? What about everything that happened after the injury?

That's their bullshit reason, the real reason is that they're not going to convict police of killing a black man. That's all it really comes down to.
A little context for non Yanks?

The article doesnt mention much aside from his injuries. Did they beat him to death for some reason?
They arrested a guy for nothing, dragged him to the police van, and didn't follow any protocol in keeping him safe in transport.

Was in the van severely injured after he and (I believe) another person told officers that he was hurt and needed medical attention. Officers did nothing and were accused of giving Gray a "Rough Ride". He was later taken to the hospital and eventually died.

It's pretty obvious that at the very least the police officers didn't do their job correctly and were negligent towards a gravely injured man. At worst they bounced him around the back of a police van until he ended up with life threatening injuries.


"I have some more good news..."



Not really sure why they bother going through the facade of the legal system. Just announce they are not guilty as soon as it happens because they are officers and fuck minorities.

could have saved money by just saying " fuck you niggers"

AYF 001

I wonder how many of the people that will laud this as proof of their innocence will, at the same time, demand another 8 hearings about Benghazi and email servers?

Surely no one could be that tone deaf, hypocritical, or hold such double standards, right?
lol ya right
Not really sure why they bother going through the facade of the legal system. Just announce they are not guilty as soon as it happens because they are officers and fuck minorities.

To make it look fair to the mainstream who doesn't want to believe there's a problem. "Hey they went through the justice system and came out the other end not guilty. You blacks are just overreacting to everything./Everyone's on the same playing field." As long as you keep up the appearance of being fair, people who want to believe it will believe it without a struggle.
I always think the best of cops and officers. They've got a difficult job and one I certainly wouldn't do nor could imagine.

However. In this situation. The Judge, the Police Officers, the Justice System of Baltimore are saying, is that we have witnessed an act of god. That without any input from the officers, his throat was crushed and his injuries were caused by God.. God himself chose that man to die and the Police officers involved are just witnesses to an act of God.

Somehow I don't think people will buy the same story, if it was a woman beaten to death. Her Boyfriend in the apartment completely unaware that God was beating his Girlfriend to death.

Seriously! We should praise this as a joyful occasion. They just proved in the existence of the almighty!
I'm so pissed right now because of this shit. Fuck that smug bastard in the pic and this shitty system that is suppose to deal out "justice", because it doesn't even exist for us.


This is just fucked up on all sides man.

Like they need a totally separate legal system in place for these cops like judges work with them every day, prosecutors like how can you even prosecute people who are that deep in the same system.

At minimum these shouldn't be tried at a state level anymore but at a federal level.
Not really sure why they bother going through the facade of the legal system. Just announce they are not guilty as soon as it happens because they are officers and fuck minorities.
Yeah, it's become crystal clear that these investigations and trials are utterly pointless farces, so why bother? How about we just skip 'em entirely, and save all that time and money. Maybe those resources can be spent fixing up impoverished areas, increase the quality of police training, or at the very least hosting 'Sorry
for the Murder' barbecues.
I hope the residents take to the streets.

I also don't blame anyone planning on staying home in the face of hopelessness. By the time the first boot hits the streets, the only thing on the mind of the mainstream is "Get off the highways/this is not the way" bs that they have to deal with each and every time.

dave is ok

aztek is ok
White People > Anyone Else

Good thing white people won't do anything to address this issue.
Two of the three officers who had their charges dropped today weren't white.

It's hard enough to convict a cop blatantly killing someone on camera in this country, trying to get them with no smoking gun video evidence is probably impossible.


Considering that the earlier guys got off with bench trials, I guess we need to focus on actual new laws as well? I find it mind blowing that this was apparently legal to do...


Considering that the earlier guys got off with bench trials, I guess we need to focus on actual new laws as well? I find it mind blowing that this was apparently legal to do...

Yep, Only way to fix this shit is have laws that are specific to cops and how to prosecute them because clearly they dont follow the laws of the land.
...and people seriously still question BLM

Of course. Because they only pay attention to the results of oppression rather than the cause. They see people yelling, fed up, rioting, crying and protesting and they see upheaval and disorder but they never see that same disorder in the system they live comfortably in.


wishes it were bannable to say mean things about Marvel
Wow, just...I don't even know what to say about this. I can't even fathom the "justice" of this.

Something needs to be done, their needs to be repercussions for this kind of behavior. :(

I'm extremely pissed by this!! I know this isn't an outlier when it somes to officers facing any punishment especailly with black people but fuck!! how can someone die in your custody(dies in result of being in your custody and NO ONE faces any justice!?!?!?


and people want to lash out at BLM like it's a hate group!!!


Homeland Security Fail
I also don't blame anyone planning on staying home in the face of hopelessness. By the time the first boot hits the streets, the only thing on the mind of the mainstream is "Get off the highways/this is not the way" bs that they have to deal with each and every time.

Honestly, fuck those people.
Inciting injury to property, stay classy

I'll play this game.

I fully support black people and minorities of other ethnicities in whatever stepping up of their protests they want. Because it's not working. I'll lay 5 dollars down that you think the civil rights movement was completely successful with non-violent marches and pretty speeches because that's the safe and not scary history that White America likes to pretend happened while they cleaned up Martin Luther King and avoided the uncomfortable things he actually said.

Appealing to the good of these people and trying to start a dialogue is not fucking working. So if appeals to reason and charity and love do not work then you need to try something else. The only reason we have gun control in this country is because whites started getting afraid of black people having the same right to own a gun as them.

I fully support black people starting to open carry and police their own communities while protecting themselves from tyranny which was the whole point of citizens owning guns in the first place. I fully support black people interrupting and fucking up the day of white people so they have to actually pay a-fucking-ttention to what is actually going on. I am not going to bemoan or look down on a person's reaction being extreme in extreme situations where a person can be fucking murdered without any sort of consequences in broad daylight with witnesses just for the color of their skin.

I'm not advocating black people start going out and shooting cops and white people, I'm saying if a black person sees this shit day in and day out after years of saying "Please treat us like any of you without killing us or keeping us down" and nothing fucking changes I'm not going to wag my finger at them for blocking traffic or flipping a fucking car.

Who fucking gives the barest of fucks about staying classy when "Classy while black" is one of the hundred things on the list of "Shit That Will Get You Killed Because You're Black"


Of course. Because they only pay attention to the results of oppression rather than the cause. They see people yelling, fed up, rioting, crying and protesting and they see upheaval and disorder but they never see that same disorder in the system they live comfortably in.

"When you’re accustomed to privilege, equality feels like oppression."

These words will continue to ring true.
Typical big government, backed by union power, being unaccountable to the people when they mess up. I am sure the conservatives will be up in arms over this.


"playing" dumb? unpossible
USA is just one big fucking joke right? Best democracy in the world my ass
Does anyone outside of America actually believe that?

I really don't understand how not a single person was responsible for what happened to Freddie Grey.


On the topic of upping the protests with property violence, I'm not sure I see that as being necessary to get the word across. I still think it would only stall or regress things.

Maybe it's that I spend a lot of time on GAF, but as a white person, my awareness to continued minority oppression and systemic racism has never been higher. I'm spreading the word wherever I can to my family and friends. No doubt many others are as well. The BLM movement is still pretty young and I don't believe there's reason to think it won't continue to grow and gain influence. As it does, isn't there a good chance we'll see government intervention in the next few years?
Really so a guy goes into a van alive with a few cops comes out dead and the cop's aren't responsible. And then there shocked when people start to fight back Wtf do you expect this straight up some mafia shit
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