Good article on why it was never likely they were going to be convicted of the crimes as charged
The district attorney rushed to prosecute after a quick internal investigation instead of using the grand jury system. Which allows more time for evidence to be gathered, witnesses to be gathered, defendants to turn, and a better sense of what charges are likely to hold up. The officers could and would have been convicted of lesser crimes, but once you are tried for the higher crimes you cannot be tried for the same crime under a lesser charge in criminal cases. Civil cases against the officers can still continue, although likely the city will settle out of court with the family.
That was probably the biggest mistake in the entire prosecution and is likely to cause the DA, Marilyn Mosby, her career.
Which is pretty ironic - mistakes by the six officers result in a man's death. Mistake by the DA results in all six doing zero jail time.
and Rioting has never shown itself to work.
They put on some good theater early, but we all knew how this would end.
Guess he somehow broke his own neck. Fuck this "justice" system.
As I recall, at least part of this is because city prosecutors fucked up and over-reached.
(obviously that's not the only issue!)
At this point I feel Prosecutors are over reaching on purpose since it allows them to say "look we tried" when they never wanted to get a conviction to begin with. One of the few times a conviction occured was in NYC for when the officer shot the man in the stairwell and performed no CPR as he watched him die. The prosecutor then immediately wrote the judge after the conviction asking that the officer be given 10 years of probation instead of jail time and the judge gave it the officer. If the corruption runs that deep in a liberal city like NYC imagine it elsewhere. Its literally that complex. Its often overlooked but the prosecutors involved in these cases are accomplishes after the fact when it comes to maintaining the blue shield.
History has shown that the situations like this usually require the federal government to intervene because the discrimination is to far reaching on the state and local level for any change to potentially occur. The best case scenario in my opinion for officers to be both convicted and serve any jail time is if the Federal Government intervened and prosecuted them for violating civil rights of the victims and/or some sort of manslaughter.
This really says it all. Its as ridiculous that we are expected to believe this, as it is that we are supposed to accept the fact that none of the police officers involved are responsible for the HOMICIDE of Gray.What lesson am I supposed to take from these cases? Don't let a black man into your car or else they'll kill themselves?
Remember this? Guy shot himself in the head in the back of a car while handcuffed after being searched twice for weapons. Black men really like killing themselves in impressive fashion in police cars.
Does anyone have a link to the original neogaf thread pn freddie gray? Curious to see how many guessed the cops would get off. I predict a high number.
Translator's Note: All means White OnlyFunny how people who don't understand Black Lives Matter are silent. If "All Lives Mattered" then you would be just as angry at this outcome as Black Lives Matter.
The only way it would scare anyone of note is if you go after Government buildings or something like that. No one that runs the city of Baltimore gives a shit if you go flip over some random persons car or light a random building on fire.
Good...the whole thing has been a unjust showtrial from the beginning
I posted this in the other thread, but there really needs to be some sort of penalty against the system. Freddie Gray's death was ruled a homicide, which means someone caused his death. In cases where no officer can be successfully prosecuted, then it should automatically sanction the chief of police.
That'll solve the problem of missing vehicle/body camera footage real quick.
They called his death a homicide. I don't understand this outcome.
It was a homicide. And it sure as hell wasn't justifiable. Yet... no convictions for anyone.
Freddie Gray death ruled a homicide.
Everyone who had anything to do with his severed spinal cord and subsequent death will NOT be held accountable.
Typical 'Murica.
I just don't understand. His death was ruled a homicide. By definition, that means that another human was responsible for killing him. He was alive and well when he got into the van. So... one of officers in that van is responsible for his death. Or all of them.
How can charges by dropped now? If this is a homicide, are they trying to say that an invisible phantom ghost snuck into the van and killed him without the officers realizing? This makes no sense.
I saw your edit, but I still wanted to reply to this. An ME ruling a death a homicide is simply stating that the death was caused (most likely) by something another person did. This does not imply malice, or intent. That's the burden of the state to prove,which they could not do. I mean shit. Mosby charged murder. The legal definition of murder is the premeditated killing of another. Are you, as a member of the jury or a judge, going to believe that on the day this happened, these officers woke up and said "you know what? I'm going to find Freddy Gray today and kill him." That is murder.
Who do you think killed Freddie Gray?
Good article on why it was never likely they were going to be convicted of the crimes as charged
The district attorney rushed to prosecute after a quick internal investigation instead of using the grand jury system. Which allows more time for evidence to be gathered, witnesses to be gathered, defendants to turn, and a better sense of what charges are likely to hold up. The officers could and would have been convicted of lesser crimes, but once you are tried for the higher crimes you cannot be tried for the same crime under a lesser charge in criminal cases. Civil cases against the officers can still continue, although likely the city will settle out of court with the family.
That was probably the biggest mistake in the entire prosecution and is likely to cause the DA, Marilyn Mosby, her career.
Which is pretty ironic - mistakes by the six officers result in a man's death. Mistake by the DA results in all six doing zero jail time.