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Free Steam copy of Sequence ($4.99) for every single member of GAF [Last chance!]


I bought Sequence when it first came out on the XBox because it was a GAF member that made it. I am a bit ashamed I have not played it yet, but I will definitely have a better chance of playing it on Steam. Thanks for the copy!


Was interesting. I can't imagine what fun (read: nightmares and cramps) one could have with an actual dance pad trying to play it.

Makes me look forward to whatever zany hijinks (and odd combination of game mechanics) you intend to fit into the next game.


this game wasn't even on my radar before i saw this thread, but a little browse on steam and im now quite interested. love games that try something different.
Thanks man, this is really cool. It's especially awesome that your game is actually on the front page of Steam.

Anyway, doing a little math on the rate I'm acquiring games and the rate I'm actually able to play them, I plan to enjoy Sequence thoroughly sometime in April of 2019. This is assuming that the entire industry crashes again and ceases to produce new games starting in 2016.

Sweet art, btw.
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