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Freedom Wars |OT| Vita's imprisonment for million years


Someone on /r/FreedomWars translated linked some translated stuff from the official material book, with info about various things in the game (like what do sinners eat, what are accessories made of, and other small stuff). Pretty neat: http://thepianofairy.tumblr.com/post/107851978183
It has some spoilers, of course.

The part about
physical remodeling
is... quite something.

Would buy the book if I could japanese :/

Interesting... because the
modified human part can explain why the other citizens are so tiny compared to the sinners

Oh wow and the
accessory part is something, the part about affection and love... and the fact that they are cyborgs rather than robots is quite errrr.....


How important is the rarity stat on weapons? Can I modify a weapon to get rarer? What does the rarity indicate exactly?


How important is the rarity stat on weapons? Can I modify a weapon to get rarer? What does the rarity indicate exactly?

The higher the rarity, the more module slots it has, and there's no way to make it rarer.

There's a lot more to it too, like being an early or late bloomer (which decides if the weapon will get bigger damage boosts at low or high levels - late bloomer is optimal), as well as growth rate (how much the damage improves per level). /r/FreedomWars wiki has a ton of info on it, and is the better organized one about it too. Sorry to just throw it here, but I have no idea on how to make a short explanation for it.


Fuck those capture and hold points missions. They are worse than the capture the citizen missions. And of course, the games UI fuck ups include a no restart button if you fail a mission. Thanks for the 1000 loading screens.

Yup. You can have all four elements on the same weapon, to a max of 100 points across them (before elemental boosting properties iirc).

The higher the rarity, the more module slots it has, and there's no way to make it rarer.

There's a lot more to it too, like being an early or late bloomer (which decides if the weapon will get bigger damage boosts at low or high levels - late bloomer is optimal), as well as growth rate (how much the damage improves per level). /r/FreedomWars wiki has a ton of info on it, and is the better organized one about it too. Sorry to just throw it here, but I have no idea on how to make a short explanation for it.

Thank you.


Finally got both contribution +% items. At the point where I'm basically just grinding because the code 8 missions are nuts. Should play online but I'm terrible at organizing such things.

So Easy Blaster is the best gun, is there a best knife? When not being knocked off, I find cutting more fun than shooting even. I read some disagreement on whether damascus knife or hawkshadow is the best. I have a level 3 rarity 6 Ea's Knife but should probably make a rarity 8 something instead of bothering with it I guess.

Someone on /r/FreedomWars translated linked some translated stuff from the official material book, with info about various things in the game (like what do sinners eat, what are accessories made of, and other small stuff). Pretty neat: http://thepianofairy.tumblr.com/post/107851978183
It has some spoilers, of course.

Man, the lore is amazing, deserves a bit better story.

When choosing outfits you can press [square] to cycle through alternate versions of a costume.

Though they're not always what you expect. Sometimes the one thing you want to get rid of is the one thing they don't, and also one of the "ghillie suit" alts is just a ratty shirt and short shorts (for women anyway). Currently using the cat hoodie because it's cute despite it not matching my avatar at all.


help me gaf.... i really want to like this game, but the text just keeps getting in the way.

I tried to join online, but the loading times seem to hang to long, and i get pretty good connection and have played other games like Killzone and Toukiden, etc.

Maybe i should read a recap on the story and see if i can get excited for that, to spark my interest in trying to go through it.

Is it really worth sticking with the game?


help me gaf.... i really want to like this game, but the text just keeps getting in the way.

I tried to join online, but the loading times seem to hang to long, and i get pretty good connection and have played other games like Killzone and Toukiden, etc.

Maybe i should read a recap on the story and see if i can get excited for that, to spark my interest in trying to go through it.

Is it really worth sticking with the game?

You can skip text and just play missions if you want. Co op is not a requirement for the main story, and it takes until the very last missions before it's even significantly difficult so that you might even want co op for help. Can't comment on online, haven't tried it. But I'm 95% of the way through the campaign and I've really enjoyed it. As far as story, IMO the lore is amazing but the story itself is just okay.

If you're not enjoying combat, especially against abductors, that's the big problem. Personally I love a light melee weapon plus an EZ Katze for most situations, an accessory armed with a light rocket launcher, Binding Thorn, and 3 party members with healing or binding thorn (they don't seem to use shielding thorn often enough to be worth it)


You can skip text and just play missions if you want. Co op is not a requirement for the main story, and it takes until the very last missions before it's even significantly difficult so that you might even want co op for help. Can't comment on online, haven't tried it. But I'm 95% of the way through the campaign and I've really enjoyed it. As far as story, IMO the lore is amazing but the story itself is just okay.

If you're not enjoying combat, especially against abductors, that's the big problem. Personally I love a light melee weapon plus an EZ Katze for most situations, an accessory armed with a light rocket launcher, Binding Thorn, and 3 party members with healing or binding thorn (they don't seem to use shielding thorn often enough to be worth it)

the game is a little cryptic... with lots of menus and stats without anything being streamlined and helping you manage it easier. I guess its just a matter of getting more acquainted with the game.

I really want to like the game haha but since i got the game on release i play a few missions and then loose interest with their attempt to engage me on the story side.

I'll try to read some more about the game... since there is literally nothing else on the vita to play atm... or that i would like to play.


the game is a little cryptic... with lots of menus and stats without anything being streamlined and helping you manage it easier. I guess its just a matter of getting more acquainted with the game.

I really want to like the game haha but since i got the game on release i play a few missions and then loose interest with their attempt to engage me on the story side.

I'll try to read some more about the game... since there is literally nothing else on the vita to play atm... or that i would like to play.

Oh, yeah, it's a bit complicated, but there's not too much to worry about to start with, not that really matters anyway. You don't really need to worry about making, modding or even upgrading your weapons before say Code 7. As far as augmentations, I just make every new one I can and figure I'll find a use for them later.

For elements, I like freeze, but honestly elements don't seem to come into play as often as they do in most games. I have a shock gun that never seems to stun, but my just-barely-ice gun has fairly visible effects. Try out different weapons, but I find heavy melee pretty useless, and most of the non-assault weapons too. Being able to cut abductors is a huge plus for light melee, and being able to shoot while clinging is a huge plus for assault weapons (plus they don't slow you down.)


I'll try that. I'll ignore the story for the most part and try to get to a point where there are more missions than stories.

If i don't have to worry about those things then it might make it easier to skip text.


I'll try that. I'll ignore the story for the most part and try to get to a point where there are more missions than stories.

If i don't have to worry about those things then it might make it easier to skip text.

You can re-watch stories at a later point if you really want to skip 'em all (it's quite expensive though, like 50k entitlement points total I'd estimate). IMO once you get the fast travel entitlement the story doesn't get in the way too much, I hated the walking around much more than I hated reading text, but maybe that's just me


Oh, yeah, it's a bit complicated, but there's not too much to worry about to start with, not that really matters anyway. You don't really need to worry about making, modding or even upgrading your weapons before say Code 7. As far as augmentations, I just make every new one I can and figure I'll find a use for them later.

For elements, I like freeze, but honestly elements don't seem to come into play as often as they do in most games. I have a shock gun that never seems to stun, but my just-barely-ice gun has fairly visible effects. Try out different weapons, but I find heavy melee pretty useless, and most of the non-assault weapons too. Being able to cut abductors is a huge plus for light melee, and being able to shoot while clinging is a huge plus for assault weapons (plus they don't slow you down.)

hmm so it's better to just level up a weapon like the Katze to lvl 6 instead of bringing it back down to lvl 1 with elemental effects?


You can re-watch stories at a later point if you really want to skip 'em all (it's quite expensive though, like 50k entitlement points total I'd estimate). IMO once you get the fast travel entitlement the story doesn't get in the way too much, I hated the walking around much more than I hated reading text, but maybe that's just me

oh trust me.. its both having to walk around... without being able to run. at least now i can run for 5 seconds without being penalized. Then figuring out where to go. The place is pretty big, and then having to go to different places instead of picking a menu or a smaller hub.

The story is just imposed imo. Its not necessary and it takes itself way too seriously for the type of game this is.

The game in the mission is fun, and its great. But i feel the game doesn't let me play the game.


oh trust me.. its both having to walk around... without being able to run. at least now i can run for 5 seconds without being penalized. Then figuring out where to go. The place is pretty big, and then having to go to different places instead of picking a menu or a smaller hub.

The story is just imposed imo. Its not necessary and it takes itself way too seriously for the type of game this is.

The game in the mission is fun, and its great. But i feel the game doesn't let me play the game.

You can pick from a menu pretty quick. I forget which code level. Should have been sooner though, the run-around-fetch-quest in the beginning is a big turn off, dunno what they were thinking.

I kind of enjoyed that it had a story unlike most hunting games, though it's not handled as well as Soul Sacrifice. The lore's suitable for a good story, but the story plays out more like a fairly standard JRPG plot but with the forced service thing laid on top, with occasional exceptions.

hmm so it's better to just level up a weapon like the Katze to lvl 6 instead of bringing it back down to lvl 1 with elemental effects?

Not quite--if you check out the elemental upgrades, they tend to have a higher base damage too. For instance, I think I recall upgrading my lvl 5 Damascus Knife to a lvl 1 Ea's Knife and getting higher damage despite being level 1. I think the Katze was slightly lower base damage for lvl 5 compared to lvl 1 elemental, but it should still outpace it when leveled up. However, the elemental variants are more difficult to upgrade to their max. You can see the stats of the gun before you commit to changing it to an advanced version BTW. There's also a non-elemental "stagger" sort of element.

I could be wrong about elements too BTW. I haven't really had a good Will'O or Fire weapon to test out, and I'm pretty bad at estimating how much damage I'm dealing relative to other guns. I just know I have a 25 Shock Katze and I've never seen the alleged "stunned" state it's supposed to inflict. I do see Ice effects though, and it seems like Ice weakens the frozen part so it seems like a solid choice. Fire and Will'O are just more straight damage and seem boring, but maybe they're effective.
Someone on /r/FreedomWars translated linked some translated stuff from the official material book, with info about various things in the game (like what do sinners eat, what are accessories made of, and other small stuff). Pretty neat: http://thepianofairy.tumblr.com/post/107851978183
It has some spoilers, of course.

The part about
physical remodeling
is... quite something.

Would buy the book if I could japanese :/

Thanks for sharing this.

Man, this game needs a sequel or updated rerelease to flesh out the world and explore all these cool concepts and to work out the clunkier gameplay aspects.

Also I kinda love how the developers pretty much knew this was going to be Robot Waifu Simulator 2000 and actually gave it an in-universe explanation.


The higher the rarity, the more module slots it has, and there's no way to make it rarer.

There's a lot more to it too, like being an early or late bloomer (which decides if the weapon will get bigger damage boosts at low or high levels - late bloomer is optimal), as well as growth rate (how much the damage improves per level). /r/FreedomWars wiki has a ton of info on it, and is the better organized one about it too. Sorry to just throw it here, but I have no idea on how to make a short explanation for it.

Holy shit. Damn the lore is such a wasted opportunity.
Beat the game, or at least got to the first credits roll.

Things I don't want in Freedom Wars 2:

1. Having to babysit your accessory all the time or else it will get kidnapped.
Why is your accessory being kidnapped even a thing? To build some relationship between you and it? It has zero personality. And each time your accessory gets knocked out your screen flashes blindingly yellow saying "REVIVE YOUR ACCESSORY." I don't mind AI companions in games, but mine is made of fucking wet paper and goes down every 30 seconds because...

2. Hyper Accurate, super powerful, infinitely respawning enemies that respawn a few meters from the boss enemy.
Whether they're hostile sinners or mini-abductors, they can go fuck themselves. Sinners are assholes that will hit you with laser-precision even if you're rolling. If you shoot at them, they roll out of the way and by the time you've realigned your sights on them, they'd have poured about 10 bullets in you already. If you leap attack them, when you land behind them, by the time you turn around to slice at them, they'd have moved back and turned 180 degrees and poured 10 bullets in you already. The mini abductors that charge you are also just the absolute worst and find the most inconvenient times to knock you down out of a thorn/weapon charge or off an abductor.

3. Overly complicated abductor classifications/recycled abductor types.
These two exist because of each other. There's only about 6 different abductor types in the game recycled over and over. As a result you get names like "All Purpose Houraian Special Heat Resistant Bi-Ped Red Glow Mk3." Stick to something simple like "Rathian and Rathian X" Complicated boss names leads to...

4. Complicated crafting material names.
I don't want to have to crossreference a wiki page or google doc just to know what I need to get to upgrade my weapon to level 8. Or anytime I need to craft or upgrade anything. This can't be remedied until they come up with sensible abductor names, and that can't be remedied until they have enough varied abductors that they don't need 20 different prefixes and suffixes for their recycled bosses.

5. Unnecessary RNG and F2P mechanics.
I said this before, but throwing in random negative traits into my fused weapon that was non-existent in the two weapons I fused is just needless bullshit that encourages farming. Yes I can go all the way to that cell garden and pay 5000 to remove a trait, but why. Why do I have to do this? Why is there a mechanic that undoes your bullshit filler RNG mechanic? Why do I have to wait 13 minutes to finish fusing my gun? Why do you make crafting in general a straight pain in the ass?

I want to like Freedom Wars, and I did at first. But the more I played, the more the flaws unraveled. I generally play when I'm away from home, but I'll try to play online more often and see if it will click with me. I hated Monster Hunter when I first played it, but it clicked with me when I played some sessions online. So maybe the same will happen here. But it just seems like there's a lot more standing in my way here than when I first started MH.


No one wants a throne you've been sitting on!
what kind of thorn are you guys using?

When I used to play mostly ran with defense, since healing was pointless if you were going to get 1 shotted anyways and being able to buff yourself and allies makes a difference with staying alive for a little while longer. Esp when it comes to missions where you and your team would be taking small arms fire constantly.


No one wants a throne you've been sitting on!
Right? Everyone knows that after FW 1.5 it'll go back being called Panopticon, since the war won't involve "freedom" anymore.

Im not even sure if there will be a 1.5 considering they skipped a pretty big chance to announce it at that last event they had.

With all the problems the first game has too and that they have already released the game in the West / Asia do not think they would be doing a 1.5 and if anything will go straight to a number 2 in order to redesign the game.

Since if the new area is going to be what is talked about during the story / ending, most def would fit better in a whole new title that wont have the prisoner system any more on top of totally new areas / equipment etc.

To get rid of the stigma of the first title do think they will most def need to do that instead. As domestically anyways can see an expansion bombing hard. Not so sure on the West / Asia since the title was generally more well received there, but since its Sony Japan behind the project they most def would be taking into consideration the domestic sales first.

I kinda wonder why they still try to promote the title so hard with events and such, when they know how much negativity surrounds it here. Seems like wasting $$$ considering.


Ah indeed, the much needed changes wouldn't fit on a 1.5 release.

Also Parakeetman, any reports on how was the attendance for that event? Maybe it could show if people still care for the franchise - I mean, here on GAF and other US forums people complain about the flaws of the game, but most seemto care to the franchise for beyond what the gameplay has to offer (lore, potential etc), so maybe that's the case in Japan too?


No one wants a throne you've been sitting on!
Ah indeed, the much needed changes wouldn't fit on a 1.5 release.

Also Parakeetman, any reports on how was the attendance for that event? Maybe it could show if people still care for the franchise - I mean, here on GAF and other US forums people complain about the flaws of the game, but most seemto care to the franchise for beyond what the gameplay has to offer (lore, potential etc), so maybe that's the case in Japan too?

Id have to ask someone I know if they attended it. One of the top players, but do not think they did. Due to location / plus they already got what they wanted from the Winter Comiket with the Propaganda Idol goods lol.

Do not think magazines and such publish the numbers either.

Im sure folks who enjoyed the art / design and bought the art book and such saw all of the information left out from the title which makes it a huge shame, but for the most part complaints is about the general game design and the fact that end game is not all that interesting since you are more forced into using specific weapons just to keep up with damage output vs those special mission enemies.

Though yeah for the main plot people were not too amused with how it ended.

People do say it was unfortunate how things turned out as the game really did have a lot of potential that was wasted by an obvious sign of too many chefs in the kitchen. Which is why there was a lack of focus on various design aspects with the title.

I personally think that its unfortunate too as they could have had a killer new series if they had refined it more and added more content from the start. Possibly the project was rushed. But we will never know.

My guess is that if the title was received well / decent they would have announced an expansion by now.

But there is still the 50/50 chance that they will do it anyways just because a budget had already been set up and they need to push it out or else risk losing a bunch of extended effort into the content that did not make it into the main game itself.

Then again thats where seeing how the game was received makes me think that they would be pushing that content into a 2nd title instead.

One thing most def is whatever the next title (if there is one) will be that they would be adding in the propaganda idols seeing how popular they are with the remaining fans.


3. Overly complicated abductor classifications/recycled abductor types.
These two exist because of each other. There's only about 6 different abductor types in the game recycled over and over. As a result you get names like "All Purpose Houraian Special Heat Resistant Bi-Ped Red Glow Mk3." Stick to something simple like "Rathian and Rathian X" Complicated boss names leads to...

4. Complicated crafting material names.
I don't want to have to crossreference a wiki page or google doc just to know what I need to get to upgrade my weapon to level 8. Or anytime I need to craft or upgrade anything. This can't be remedied until they come up with sensible abductor names, and that can't be remedied until they have enough varied abductors that they don't need 20 different prefixes and suffixes for their recycled bosses.

This is so true. The crafting part is so unenjoyable for me because all the different things have such cryptic names I am not even inclined to learn more about it.


No one wants a throne you've been sitting on!
This is so true. The crafting part is so unenjoyable for me because all the different things have such cryptic names I am not even inclined to learn more about it.

You think that shit is confusing the Japanese names were worse since it was just a single character that differentiated some parts if I recall correctly. Irritated the shit out of me to no end when I needed to look up a specific part.



When I used to play mostly ran with defense, since healing was pointless if you were going to get 1 shotted anyways and being able to buff yourself and allies makes a difference with staying alive for a little while longer. Esp when it comes to missions where you and your team would be taking small arms fire constantly.

ohhhh this makes sense, better level up the defense thorn


I keep hearing defense thorn is best, but I can never remember to use it myself, the AI never uses it (I set them all to healing as it's the only one they use, but it's not so good later on). I use Binding as I actually use it.

Beat the game, or at least got to the first credits roll.

Things I don't want in Freedom Wars 2:

I agree with all of these, also the endgame is a bit silly with how long monsters take to take down even when playing close to perfectly. It's really annoying to waste 20 minutes only to realize there's zero chance of you finishing this mission in the 45 minute time limit, so you can either risk wasting another 25 minutes or abandon 20 minutes of work with absolutely no reward. If we could at least keep our crap with no sentence reduction that'd be a huge improvement, but also I'd really love a way to know how unreasonable a mission is. The difficulty bar is pretty meaningless because it's always max at endgame.

Also, for a game with zero level progressions/etc, there are way too many things that one or two shot you, and the endgame is way too focused on super high powered weapons. A gun that fairly handily defeats the "final boss" of the story (code 7) is almost completely useless in code 8 missions and the special operations.

The core gameplay is still great though, but they need a lot of things overhauled. I still want to play, but I really don't want to bother crafting for a thousand years so I'm not sure what to do. I wanted to at least finish the story.


what does the rarity on a weapon mean btw?

How many mod slots it gets. I think that's it, actually. But the difference can be drastic between a no/bad mod gun and a rarity 8 fully loaded with the best mods. Not that it's easy to load up a gun with all them mods. You get a ton of slots at max.


Neo Member
Beat the game, or at least got to the first credits roll.

Things I don't want in Freedom Wars 2:

1. Having to babysit your accessory all the time or else it will get kidnapped.
Why is your accessory being kidnapped even a thing? To build some relationship between you and it? It has zero personality. And each time your accessory gets knocked out your screen flashes blindingly yellow saying "REVIVE YOUR ACCESSORY." I don't mind AI companions in games, but mine is made of fucking wet paper and goes down every 30 seconds because...

I agree with this. I'm in code 7 now and it becomes so clear how retarded the Accessories are. Mine is equipped with a AAW-M3/ET that has over 4000 damage and a range of 100m but insists on using it while standing 2 feet in front of Abductors. Even using the "follow me" command and running as far as possible away from abductors, it chooses to retreat by taking 2 steps and turning to shoot the abductor and repeats this until it goes down.
Ha, you say that like there's going to be a FW2.

lol, I don't know how this game was received generally. All I saw was this thread and assumed it was generally liked with some flaws.

I don't regret spending 15 on it. Everything pre-code 7 is okay with me.The core gameplay when you're fighting one or two abductors is fine with me. I enjoyed it enough. But it loses me when they toss in the smaller mobs that hit like a truck or toss in anything with the spider enemy. Although, even still with the least stressful enemy combinations it feels like I'm still constantly reviving my accessory or waiting to be revived. Probably wouldn't be as bad if I had leveled up weapons, but again it feels like the crafting system is working against me.


No one wants a throne you've been sitting on!
lol, I don't know how this game was received generally. All I saw was this thread and assumed it was generally liked with some flaws.

I don't regret spending 15 on it. Everything pre-code 7 is okay with me.The core gameplay when you're fighting one or two abductors is fine with me. I enjoyed it enough. But it loses me when they toss in the smaller mobs that hit like a truck or toss in anything with the spider enemy. Although, even still with the least stressful enemy combinations it feels like I'm still constantly reviving my accessory or waiting to be revived. Probably wouldn't be as bad if I had leveled up weapons, but again it feels like the crafting system is working against me.

It will be a hard call for Sony considering its panned domestically, yet seems that quite well received for the most part in the West / Asia.

Would be highly unusual for them to make a version of the game just for the West with that taken into consideration. Even more so considering how much they are spending currently with still trying to promote the game domestically to remove that stigma behind the title.

As much as I rail the game for its issues, at the same time know that they do have something special here and the game most def does deserve to get overhauled with a second installment. Really do think this title needs a 2 announced over an "expansion" version, reason being is that they will not be able to address all the issues that currently plague the title with an expansion alone.

A full new PR about a 2nd game that addresses most of the concerns with the current title will have a lot higher of a chance in bringing people back to the series. Rather than trying to get people to buy an expansion of the first title.

The groundwork for a good title is there, but focus needs to be done on the problematic areas with the existing design / balancing. As the original title shotgunned in way too many directions hence the various issues. Too many chefs in the kitchen so to speak.
It will be a hard call for Sony considering its panned domestically, yet seems that quite well received for the most part in the West / Asia.

Would be highly unusual for them to make a version of the game just for the West with that taken into consideration. Even more so considering how much they are spending currently with still trying to promote the game domestically to remove that stigma behind the title.

As much as I rail the game for its issues, at the same time know that they do have something special here and the game most def does deserve to get overhauled with a second installment. Really do think this title needs a 2 announced over an "expansion" version, reason being is that they will not be able to address all the issues that currently plague the title with an expansion alone.

A full new PR about a 2nd game that addresses most of the concerns with the current title will have a lot higher of a chance in bringing people back to the series. Rather than trying to get people to buy an expansion of the first title.

The groundwork for a good title is there, but focus needs to be done on the problematic areas with the existing design / balancing. As the original title shotgunned in way too many directions hence the various issues. Too many chefs in the kitchen so to speak.

Exactly how panned was this game in Japan? You make it sound as if the brand has been damaged to the point that the Freedom Wars name would hurt the chances of a subsequent game. I'm just curious since I seem to recall reading that the game sold very well in Japan.


No one wants a throne you've been sitting on!
Exactly how panned was this game in Japan? You make it sound as if the brand has been damaged to the point that the Freedom Wars name would hurt the chances of a subsequent game. I'm just curious since I seem to recall reading that the game sold very well in Japan.

initially yes but the reactions after as people progressed got worse and worse.

there is a core group that still play but the average users seemed to have dropped off.

not sure why sony is using so much money to keep doing the promotional events.

due to this it is why i see it as a hard read in regards to the future of the series as japan was not favorable and has a stigma against the series yet asia and the west was received far better


Beat the game, or at least got to the first credits roll.

Things I don't want in Freedom Wars 2:

1. Having to babysit your accessory all the time or else it will get kidnapped.
Why is your accessory being kidnapped even a thing? To build some relationship between you and it? It has zero personality. And each time your accessory gets knocked out your screen flashes blindingly yellow saying "REVIVE YOUR ACCESSORY." I don't mind AI companions in games, but mine is made of fucking wet paper and goes down every 30 seconds because...

2. Hyper Accurate, super powerful, infinitely respawning enemies that respawn a few meters from the boss enemy.
Whether they're hostile sinners or mini-abductors, they can go fuck themselves. Sinners are assholes that will hit you with laser-precision even if you're rolling. If you shoot at them, they roll out of the way and by the time you've realigned your sights on them, they'd have poured about 10 bullets in you already. If you leap attack them, when you land behind them, by the time you turn around to slice at them, they'd have moved back and turned 180 degrees and poured 10 bullets in you already. The mini abductors that charge you are also just the absolute worst and find the most inconvenient times to knock you down out of a thorn/weapon charge or off an abductor.

3. Overly complicated abductor classifications/recycled abductor types.
These two exist because of each other. There's only about 6 different abductor types in the game recycled over and over. As a result you get names like "All Purpose Houraian Special Heat Resistant Bi-Ped Red Glow Mk3." Stick to something simple like "Rathian and Rathian X" Complicated boss names leads to...

4. Complicated crafting material names.
I don't want to have to crossreference a wiki page or google doc just to know what I need to get to upgrade my weapon to level 8. Or anytime I need to craft or upgrade anything. This can't be remedied until they come up with sensible abductor names, and that can't be remedied until they have enough varied abductors that they don't need 20 different prefixes and suffixes for their recycled bosses.

5. Unnecessary RNG and F2P mechanics.
I said this before, but throwing in random negative traits into my fused weapon that was non-existent in the two weapons I fused is just needless bullshit that encourages farming. Yes I can go all the way to that cell garden and pay 5000 to remove a trait, but why. Why do I have to do this? Why is there a mechanic that undoes your bullshit filler RNG mechanic? Why do I have to wait 13 minutes to finish fusing my gun? Why do you make crafting in general a straight pain in the ass?

I want to like Freedom Wars, and I did at first. But the more I played, the more the flaws unraveled. I generally play when I'm away from home, but I'll try to play online more often and see if it will click with me. I hated Monster Hunter when I first played it, but it clicked with me when I played some sessions online. So maybe the same will happen here. But it just seems like there's a lot more standing in my way here than when I first started MH.

If there are plans for a Freedom Wars 2, I hope the devs read your post.
Especially the crafting part. I've grown fed up with it I'm really tempted to farm the rest of my sentence armed with a potatogun and a butterknife.
initially yes but the reactions after as people progressed got worse and worse.

there is a core group that still play but the average users seemed to have dropped off.

not sure why sony is using so much money to keep doing the promotional events.

due to this it is why i see it as a hard read in regards to the future of the series as japan was not favorable and has a stigma against the series yet asia and the west was received far better

How are the promotional events fairing? Are they well attended? Also I think there's been some merchandise (I seem to recall a Beatrice Nendoroid), do you know how those have been received?

Also, what's the general feel amongst the Japanese fanbase? I get that they've been soured, but do they generally feel there's a good game hampered by poor design choices or do they think it's fundamentally bad?
got the plat. knocked off the last 200k. with a good team in 1-2 hours. was a little lucky with the weapon as well.

good game. for the next fix the loading screens, make crafting more fun, improve netcode, offer fast travel from start or make areas more interesting. the first 3-4 hours werent so pleasant, but once you get rolling it'll become very enjoyable.


I really hope future Freedom Wars games go the route of Toukiden and gets a PS4 release. This game desperately needs additional shoulder buttons.

Try the Sprint control scheme, I've heard good things but keep forgetting to try it. Prevents the "X + right stick" problem. I'd still love a full controller control scheme, disappointed the PSTV doesn't let you do just that
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