You could write 10,000 words if you'd like and a lot of your complaints would still be anecdotal.
I'd say 90% of the matches I've played, people have mics. Why? Because I do private matches and either only have people in who use mics or join games with majority of the people talking. Plenty of people here on gaf to choose from or find communities and friend them.
As for dying in 30 seconds and waiting a possible full twenty minutes to play again. How many time has this happened to you?
Escaping or surviving is very possible and sometimes too frequent. Obviously, all dependent on the skill/knowledge of the person playing as Jason. Some Jason's are really damn good.
As for someone dying with a car part and not knowing where they are. That's where the communication comes into play. If I'm about to die, I yell out, car keys by in Higgins Camp. There have been a few scenarios where my teammates find my body and the item I left behind.
Other times people will say where they're about to die and they get murdered before they can finish haha. Which makes the situation more dire and intense. You still can survive, escape by finding the Police or finding an extra car/boat part.
I think the game is pretty well balanced, all things considering. I'm sure they'll tweak it in the coming months. The big thing is correcting all the bugs and reducing those damn disconnects.
As for matchmaking, I hope it's fixed soon for those that use it. I probably will stick with private matches as I want to play with people who communicate.
I don't know, I'm on the side that feels the game is very unbalanced too, leaning way too much towards Jason. Sure, the game let's you play as an rampaging serial killer so he should have a slight edge, but not as much as he currently has now.
From what I've seen and experienced so far, the spawing system isn't very random so if you play enough, you can tell where people are more than likely to spawn. Add in that Jason gets the morph ability right out of the gate and it can lead to someone dying in literally 10-15 seconds if someone is really unlucky (I've seen it happen before). I think his ability unlocks are a bit out of order, since I think stalk should be the first one, then sense, and then finally morph and shift. That way no one dies literally right of the gate and it gives councilors a few minutes to get they're barings instead of potentially dying right out of the gate.
As far as players escaping too often, that's definitely not my experience. Most games I've played (On both sides), Jason will usually take out everyone. Most times, the only reason people escape is because they got a super lucky spawn with parts very close together. Otherwise, if Jason sees you, 8/10 you're usually screwed since escaping from him is almost impossible unless he ignores you in favor of someone else.
With the part dropping situation, communication can be helpful but it's not foolproof. The biggest problem is that the map doesn't name other characters on the map, it just shows a white dot. The other person can tell you where they may have died at, but if more than one person is in that area at the time, it can complicate things. And that's assuming everyone else has a map at all, so it's easy to see how dropped parts can cause major problems. I think if the parts have been found and then are dropped for whatever reason, they should be marked on the map, it would be a small adjustment which would help to balance things out more.
Personally, I think one of the most inbalanced things in the game so far is the fear system. I like the idea of it, but it's execution is makes other mechanics like hiding wholely pointless. Basically, as long as Jason has his sense, he'll almost always know when you're in a house, since characters 'fear' seems to be visible if Jason is even near (but not visible) so hiding is made useless. This bums me out since the idea of sneaking around to various cabins and hiding from Jason just can't work with this fear system the way it is now. I'm ok with fear still staying, but it should only make you visible after seeing bodies or being chased by Jason, not when you haven't even come in to contact with him yet.