I've had the game since launch only once saw an active party in the gaf community. But could be a time zone issue since I'm in the UK.
Which group is that?
So did you or this person leave or did it turn into an escalated battle of betrayals and such?
Patch 1.03 - Exploit Fixes, Boosted Security Update, Changes
Hey all!
So we've been paying a lot of attention to the feedback we're getting on the forums and we've done a lot to curb the exploits that have become fairly well-known to users that are playing. This update is a quick stopgag to a content update we'll have very shortly, but we wanted to get this security patch out that handles the perk selling issue that users have been running into, as well as close off various spots on the maps where users are hiding. Most of these, especially the common ones, should be resolved at this time. However, we will continue to monitor.
Please update your builds and let us know what's up!
Steam matchmaking searches longer for lower pinged games. Various minor matchmaking optimizations made.
Lobby countdown timer closes menus at the 3 second mark instead of when it starts. Warning beeps can now be heard from sub-menus.
Added lots more environmental kill locations to all of the maps.
Leaving a match while a party leader now prompts you to disband or take the party with you.
Security updates to prevent account spoofing.
Dynamic camera and character animation improvements.
Added an option for controlling the PTT sound.
Increased XP penalty of team killing fellow counselors to -1,000XP from-200XP
Fixed several exploit locations on all maps.
Fixed Steam party members not following the party leader.
Fixed Steam party main menu voice stuttering.
Fixed Jason getting stuck in the grab pose if a grabbed counselor disconnects while being pulled out of a car.
Fixed an issue with block detection on boat seats.
Fixed some counselor vehicle interactions not being blocked while in a context kill.
Fixed some floating items on item swap and with traps.
Fixed the Shotgun sometimes floating after use.
Fixed an issue with tracking total Jason kills.
Fixed multiple achievement related bugs.
Fixed windows sometimes displaying the wrong open/close position on listen servers.
Fixed an issue where sprint was canceling fear animations & some stances.
Fixed some dynamic camera issues when interpolating from a kill back to the player.
Fixed Jason being able to morph into the boat and get shoved out of the map.
Fixed a case where spectators would not hear alive players.
Fixed session presence not always updating immediately to point at your game session (for invites) after you leave a party session.
Fixed some game server specific crashes.
Fixed the game sitting for the duration of the outro when no outro is played.
Fixed the scoreboard staying on the screen when the end match menu opens. Locking the end match scoreboard on-screen.
Fixed defaults not always functioning in Video Settings. Made the Gamma slider easier to use with a gamepad.
Fixed a case where a player's mute state may not be sent to the server after loading the map.
Fixed character placement issue when getting out of a tent.
Fixed character placement issue when ejected from a car and your door is blocked.
Fixed being able to use other items while using the sweater.
Fixed some exploits with trap placement.
Fixed multiple crouch exploits.
Fixed multiple fireplace kill interaction distances.
Fixed multiple cases of Jason being struck and flying off the map.
Fixed multiple interaction lock bugs.
Optimized Steam P2P lobby tag updates, dedicated server tag space usage.
What's it like having the red perks? I must know. Because RNGesus has been cruel to me.
WTF? You now get escape points for escaping as Tommy Jarvis.
As if we needed more shit Jarvis players who only care about self preservation.
Is he at all useful after you fire his one bullet? Seems like just another character to me.
Yeah hes never seemed like a super awesome character to me to be honest.
Some Jarvis players don't even use the gun though. I've seen many that will just continue where they left off and escape the way they were trying before.Is he at all useful after you fire his one bullet? Seems like just another character to me.
WTF? You now get escape points for escaping as Tommy Jarvis.
As if we needed more shit Jarvis players who only care about self preservation.
Strange, didn't have any trouble last night. Although I did see a couple Jasons leave/disconnect in the middle of a match.Ehhh this got worst on the PC after the patch. Constant crashes and hangs. Like the game will close itself and freeze my entire desktop. I can't even control alt delete the task. Come on guys.I don't even see anything that looks like it's fixed here.
I still haven't figured it out or had a clear answer. If your character has high stealth, isn't moving, low fear, etc inside the cabins does the cabin glow red???
Could've swore I've seen cabins not glow but people are inside.
Some Jarvis players don't even use the gun though. I've seen many that will just continue where they left off and escape the way they were trying before.
Also, his maxed out stats allow him to stun lock Jason with even the weakest melee weapons.
Were you the last one to escape (or in the last group)? I got the reward one time, but not the next time when escaping as Tommy, and the only different thing I can think is the first time I escaped using the police exit after others were already out.
EDIT: Ok, that theory was proved false, as I just got rewarded for escaping before someone else in another match.
Strange, didn't have any trouble last night. Although I did see a couple Jasons leave/disconnect in the middle of a match.
That reminds me what I heard someone say before: that Tommy should have the ability to see objective items highlight on his screen. Sort of a red outline that he can see from a certain distance.The thing is though he still dies just as easy as any other councilor so i can understand why players of him dont want to work interference against Jason.
Maybe if they make it so Tommy can break out of Jasons grab super easily (or give him 2 pen knifes), take alot more hits before Tommy goes into an injured stance and give him some sort of ability to see where the phone fuse and cabin is or something to help ad other councilors i thing it would make the character a lot more useful like he should be
So this guy was trolling me the game before, almost killed me twice and was glitching. I just shrugged it off and started the next game. Cops were called early on, so I went to one of the exits to wait for them. I see the same guy strolling my way. I heard the Jason music, so I thought he was bringing him to me, but he never showed. The only counselor also never saw me hiding behind a rock. He goes to the bridge and waits a few seconds before the cops show up and then the magic happens!
So is Jason terrified of the water or not? Because people say the whole Freddy v Jason thing is not canon, yet the Pamela tapes in the game she says he had a fear of the water lol...but swim speed Jason is ridiculous haha
Really want to pick this up, but everyone seems to only talk about PC. How is the PS4 version? Does it feel like a 'waste' to pick it up on console? Thanks guys and gals!
If you play public matches, most people do not use a mic. It is getting more difficult to find a full match.
The host quitting is also an issue.
I think buying it now on PS4 is risky. To me, it seems like the games best days are behind it.
If you play private matches, everything I have said can be discarded.
I wonder if Jason can sense the fear I now have from your reply
Sadly, I don't think my computer can run the game, so I'm stuck...maybe it'll get better in time?
If you play public matches, most people do not use a mic. It is getting more difficult to find a full match.
The host quitting is also an issue.
I think buying it now on PS4 is risky. To me, it seems like the games best days are behind it.
If you play private matches, everything I have said can be discarded.
So this guy was trolling me the game before, almost killed me twice and was glitching. I just shrugged it off and started the next game. Cops were called early on, so I went to one of the exits to wait for them. I see the same guy strolling my way. I heard the Jason music, so I thought he was bringing him to me, but he never showed. The only counselor also never saw me hiding behind a rock. He goes to the bridge and waits a few seconds before the cops show up and then the magic happens!
I feel like they should up the spawn rate of pocket knifes. Seems only maybe 3 or 4 spawn on the whole map and with like every Jason now trapping the objectives at the start of the game it's imo more crucial that we need more pocket knifes.
And that pocket knifes are like the best good defense against shiftgrab Jasons.
3 matches in a row that never got off the ground because the host didn't get to be Jason. Getting old now.
Agreed. Since about last Friday I've struggled to play a whole game. Between it just seeming to take an age to get a complete 8 players in a lobby, to getting connection timed out or hosts quitting it's just really been souring my view on the game.
SAME. And I'm a fucking Jenny main and pro masher, and I'll still get grabbed and gutted with zero fear. And I have a rare Escape Artist perk too!No they need to fix actually being able to escape Jason's grab. If you are a completely healthy counselor and have good composure you should be able to escape his grab.
I've been playing since launch(well like a day and a half after 😬on Xbox One and before the first major patch I had no problems button mashing "A" and escaping Jason after that first patch and even using a character with higher composure and a perk that ups your odds of escaping the grab, I can't escape a Jason's grab even the weak grab Jason's too.
That's my only real gripe with the game
Game is pretty dead on PS4, I can't find games and when I do it's full of trolls and dickheads. I can't believe I paid for this garbage.
Game is hardly garbage..