lol I'm glad people are finally seeing that spawning at the main cabin, and the shift+grab needs work.
The games a lot of fun but to think it doesn't need a little more balancing is weird
To be fair right at the start of the match Jason only has his map teleport move, so you should be able to evade him with ease
Tommy should be a savior gameplay wise, but he isn't implemented as one and that's the problem.
The game is very good and I agree with many people on many parts to not blame the game but this is the exception. Tommy is wrong implemented.
He gets scared from dead body's and even have the voice line "I have to get outta here". The developers have to change a few things and make it clear to play him differently.
Little idea, the game should automatically end if everyone but Tommy is either dead or got out. That would implement that you are here to help. If you got the last one out, you automatically get the win too.
Well to be honest, he is implemented fine, He literally has 10/10 in every stat. However 99% of players play him as a second chance instead of a helper and just try to escape.
Thats the thing though Tommy doesn't stand anymore of a chance against Jason than any other councilor that has a shotgun, yeah he has great speed and stamina but if Jason grabs Tommy he dies just as easy, so i can understand why players of Tommy play just the same as when their the councilor.
An idea would be to maybe make Tommy:
Get out of grabs a lot quicker
Take more hits from Jason before he goes into an injured stance
Have 3 shots with the Shotgun
Get experience points for help councilors out (stop Jason from killing them or helping them escape etc)
Have Tommy able to fix 1 car/boat part instantly
Able to see Jason's location on the map (sense ability like Jason)
See the location of the Phone fuse and phone location
Not to have fear
Boost councilors stats who are nearby Tommy
I think if he had these stats then players would use him a lot more as a hero character, he should be on par with Jason but at least be able to be a hindrance to Jason